Something very strange happened to me today....I am in a bowling league at the local bowling alley. I know most of the people in the league. Today, the team I played against had only two players, since two didn't show up. There was a guy and a girl. The girl is someone I really like....if ya know what I mean....I think she knows this too.....and she is Jewish. She was all dressed up today for Hannuka, and had on those really becoming stretchy pants. When she took off her dress shoes to put on her bowling shoes, I noticed that she had on hose underneath the stretchy pants. I immediately was stunned, not because of the nylons, but because I didn't feel the urge to tickle her. I felt as though....well, I don't know what I felt. I talked with her the whole time (we're good friends) but I never spent that much time with her before. After bowling, on the way home, I could think about nothing but her. It never once crossed my mind to find a way to tickle her, but what I felt and still feel towards her is something I've never felt before. Will someone please explain this to me?
Absolutely stunned,
Absolutely stunned,