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SSK Seven: You Play, You Pay! (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Vince made a big, BIG mistake when he two-timed Pledge Master Chris. Now it's payback time!



Chapter Seven: You Play, You Pay!


T.T. Gore​

“I just can’t BELIEVE it!” Chris cried. “And after all I’ve DONE for you!”

Vince made no reply to that—primarily because of the orange ball gag that filled his mouth. But he did squirm a bit in his bonds, hoping against hope to thus communicate his most profound apologies to Chris. The Pledge Master was not pacified, however. He glared at his naked prisoner.

“You’re going to, PAY, pussy boy!” Chris promised. “Oh, yes, you are going to pay DEARLY—!”

Vince had no doubt of that! He was suspended by his wrists from a ceiling beam, with his legs spread and his ankles bound to ring bolts. He’d been hoisted just high enough to lift his heels from the floor. They were in a sub-basement of the old, abandoned Administration building—a favorite trysting place. And Vince had been happily anticipating an enjoyable bondage-and-masturbation session. It wasn’t until he was helplessly immobilized that Chris revealed his true agenda. The naked jock strove to protest against this turn of events, but thanks to the gag he could only produce a series of inarticulate grunts.

“Oh, what, you’ve got nothing to SAY for yourself?” Chris gave Vince a cruel smile. “Maybe it’s just as well that I gagged you. Because having to listen to your lame-ass EXCUSES would just make me MADDER!”

Vince cursed himself for his stupidity. What the hell had he been THINKING when he got involved with fucking Gary?! He’d KNOWN that Chris was the jealous type. And he SHOULD have known that eventually, Chris would find out what he’d been up to—!

“Your assignment,” said Chris, “was to help me PUNISH our treacherous former Pledge Master—not to suck his COCK!”

Even if he hadn’t been gagged, Vince wouldn’t have pointed out that the fellatio had been mutual. Chris was obviously in no mood to argue fine distinctions of that kind. Besides, no matter who had done precisely what to whom, the fact remained that Vince had been unfaithful to the friend who’d helped him to pass the Ordeal. He’d never even have made it into Scarlet Skull if it hadn’t been for the tutoring provided by sweet, slender Chris…

“And now I suppose you’d say that you’re SORRY!” Chris flourished the feather in Vince’s face.

“MMMMMMPH!!!” the naked jock grunted. He writhed and wiggled in a desperate attempt to communicate that he was INDEED sorry! But Chris paid no attention.

“Well, it’s too late for THAT, pussy boy! Now you’re going to get what's COMING to you!” Chris promised. And with a sadistic leer, he swept the feather down to stroke Vince’s drum-tight belly!

“UUUURRRRUMMMPH!!!” Vince grunted. He strove mightily to wiggle away from the probing feather—an exercise in futility, of course. But he HAD to get away—oh, he just HAD to—because it TICKLED—it tickled way too MUCH—!

“That’s right, you disloyal ASSHOLE!” Chris sneered. “Get up on your toes and DANCE for me!”

But Vince needed no such verbal encouragement—the delicate, totally UNENDURABLE caress of the feather was quite enough to motivate him! As it swirled relentlessly over his belly, the naked jock went up on the tips of his toes and writhed with hilarious abandon. And then Chris began to concentrate his attack on Vince’s NAVEL—!

“GRRRRRRUUUUUUGH!!!” Vince screamed—or tried to scream. “HUUUUMMMMPH!!!”

“Ah, so you LIKE it when I tickle your BUTTON!” Chris licked his lips. “I thought you might, pussy boy!”

“NNNNGGGGRRRRUUUUMMMM!!!” Vince bellowed into the ball gag, shaking his head in a useless effort to negate his tormentor’s statement. For the truth was that he couldn’t STAND to have his button tickled! On the contrary—it was driving him totally fucking BUGFUCK—!

But Chris obviously didn’t care. Indeed, it was obvious from the Pledge Master’s intent expression that he positively RELISHED the naked jock’s laughable predicament. And Vince had no doubt that beneath his ceremonial robe, slender Chris was in a manly way…

Of course, nothing that had happened so far was new to Vince. They’d played this game before—many times before. But in the past, the game had always culminated in a spasm of orgiastic ecstasy. Vince suspected, however, that things would be very different this time!

And somehow Chris divined what he was thinking. “That’s right, pussy boy,” he whispered. “This time you get to laugh. Oh, yes, you’re going to laugh your handsome HEAD off for me! But you don’t get to CUM!” Then, to emphasize this point, Chris dipped the feather down to stroke the swollen head of Vince’s upright organ!

A potent, almost agonizing thrill of delight shot down Vince’s shaft to explode in his balls! The naked jock made a throaty, yearning sound behind the ball gag as he gyrated his hips in an effort to maintain contact between his yearning member and the teasing feather. Goose bumps roughened his skin, causing the dark hairs on his arms and legs to stiffen like miniature quills. His flexing toes scraped the concrete floor.

“Enjoy it while it lasts, pussy boy,” Chris snickered. “But don’t get your HOPES up!”

Yet despite his tormentor’s taunts, Vince kept hope alive! He was absolutely fucking CERTAIN that if he could just wiggle his naked ass a little HARDER, he could achieve the sweet release that he so fervently craved! Oh, he could FEEL himself getting closer and closer and fucking CLOSER! Oh YES—he could DO it—he fucking KNEW he could do it—!

“Oh, no you don’t!” Chris giggled, quickly withdrawing the feather when he saw that Vince had squeezed out a clear, tiny bead of pre-cum. “Didn’t I tell you that unfaithful pussy boys don’t get to CUM?!”

Vince thrust his hips forward in a forlorn attempt to follow the feather. Oh, FUCK! He was so fucking CLOSE—!

Which was, of course, exactly where Chris wanted him—for when the tickling resumed, Vince knew that the lustful sensations that gripped his balls and churned low in his belly would redouble its unbearable intensity!

“Let’s try back here!” Chris suggested. He strolled around to stand behind the naked jock. Vince trembled with dread anticipation of what was coming next. And when it DID come, it was far, far worse than he could possibly have IMAGINED—!

With sadistic delicacy, Chris stroked the patch of skin just above the cleft of Vince’s ass. And the resulting sensation made the naked jock try his very best to do the anatomically impossible: turn himself inside the fuck OUT—!

“HUUUUMMMMPH!!!” Vince howled as his convulsing muscles sent him into an uncontrollable fit of shivering. “UMMM-UMMM-URRRRMMMM-UGH-UGH!!!”

“Want me to go LOWER?” Chris inquired. “Want me to tickle your ASSHOLE, pussy boy?”

Vince’s ass clenched tight at the very SUGGESTION of such a kinky caress! But he knew that there was nothing—not one fucking THING—he could do to protect himself from the Pledge Master’s excruciating ministrations. All he could do was pray that Chris would take pity on him and terminate this ticklish torment soon—before he went completely fucking CRAZY—!

As if! For Vince had scarcely formulated that vain hope when Chris made good on his threat by inserting the feather between the naked jock’s butt cheeks!

“UUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGGPH!!!” Vince screamed—or tried to scream. His eyes bulged with the effort. Jolt after hilarious jolt of pure ticklish TORMENT shot up his asshole as the feather probed that super-sensitive crevice! Vince squirmed and writhed with an energy born of sheer panic. The feather was driving him INSANE! He had to get away from it—he simply fucking HAD to! But he COULDN’T! No matter which way he wiggled his ass, the fucking feather followed—and tickled—and tickled—and fucking TICKLED—!

Worse was soon to follow. After two or three minutes of probing and stroking, Chris zeroed in on his primary target: Vince’s puckered anal orifice. “Now I wonder,” the Pledge Master whispered, “what will happen if I tickle you right here…?”

What happened was that Vince got the most impressive ERECTION he’d ever managed to achieve in his whole FUCKING life! His already rigid cock extended itself to the absolute fucking MAX in response to this insidious assault on a most delicate portion of his masculine anatomy.

“I think I know what you REALLY want at this point!” Chris whispered.

And poor Vince started to cry.

For it was true, he realized—what Chris had said was completely, shamefully true. Despite all the things they’d done together, Vince had never permitted himself to cross that line. On those occasions when Chris has alluded to rear-entry action, he’d affected not to get it. But all along, Vince had been yearning subconsciously for their relationship to be consummated in that fashion. Yet even now, the very THOUGHT of it made him cringe all OVER with humiliation and terror!

Presumably this was what it meant to feel “conflicted.”

Chris stepped closer—so close that his tumid member touched the small of Vince’s back. Obviously, Chris had discarded his robe of office. Now they were NAKED together, Vince realized!

“Ah, pussy boy!” Chris whispered. “You’ve been SO naughty, but I can’t really stay mad at you! Still, you DO deserve to be punished. Isn’t that right?”

Vince nodded.

“Wait a second,” Chris said. “Let me get rid of that gag. Then we can have a nice chat.”

Vince gave a great gasp of relief when the ball gag was removed from his mouth. He hung in his bonds. But what Chris said next caused the naked jock’s blood to run cold!

“Down here in this nice, cozy basement, no one can hear you.” Chris ran his fingertips lightly down Vince’s sides. “Except me, of course. And though it was fun to make you grunt behind the gag, I’m now going to find out how LOUD you can laugh!”

“Oh PLEASE Chris!” Vince cried. “I’m SORRY! I won’t do it again! I fucking SWEAR that I won’t!”

“Once was enough, pussy boy.” The Pledge Master dug his fingers into Vince’s ribs. This caused the naked jock to squeal and shiver. “You know what?” Chris sneered. “You sound just like a GIRL!”

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA!!!” Vince screamed in response, for now his ribs were being rudely stroked by the slender Pledge Master’s sharp-nailed fingers! He jerked his torso to and fro in a hopeless attempt to dodge this unbearably ticklish caress. His legs trembled. His belly convulsed. And his erect member swayed in time to his frantic struggles—!

“Right about now would be the time when I’d usually permit you to CUM, pussy boy, isn’t that right?” Chris snuggled closer as he tickled, obviously relishing the contact between his stiff cock and the small of Vince’s back. “Which is why you like to be tickled, right? Because you know how it’s always going to end. Except this time it ISN’T going to end that way—!”

And it didn’t—at least, it didn’t for Vince. But after a prolonged bout of shrieking hysterics that left poor Vince pink-faced, oiled with sweat and covered with goose bumps, Chris shivered suddenly and, with a throaty growl, proceeded to SQUIRT all over Vince’s BACK—!

“NOW look what you made me do!” the Pledge Master gasped after he’d emptied his balls. “Oh, pussy boy, you are SO fucking naughty! Well, I guess this means that I’ll have to punish you even MORE—!

“NO!” Vince screamed, struggling furiously in his bonds. “Omygod, Chris, please please PLEASE don’t TICKLE me any more! I’m BEGGING you—!”

“Oh, and how I LOVE to hear you beg!” Chris replied. “But there’s no mercy for a pussy boy who betrays his best FRIEND! I’m going to tickle you SILLY—but I’m NOT going to let you CUM!

And once again, Vince found himself reduced to tears!

“Please, Chris!” he blubbered. “I’m SORRY about Gary. I didn’t…I mean I never…oh, you have to BELIEVE me!”

“Believe what?” Chris sneered. “That it was just an ACCIDENT? A little WHOOPSIE?”

Vince realized that it was no use. He was just going to have to endure his punishment, however long it lasted, and pray that eventually Chris would take pity on him.

"Well, don't you worry, pussy boy—because I'm going to take care of you AND Gary, that fucking SHITBIRD!" Chris grinned. "Oh, I'm going fix HIS little red wagon for him all right!"

The thought of Gary being punished has HE was being punished made Vince shiver with pleasure! But he wasn't given much time to savor that scenario.

“All right, pussy boy. Recess is over.” Chris gave Vince a hard slap on the ass. The naked jock shrieked and squirmed. “Time to get back to YOUR lesson,” the Pledge Master added.

And that lesson turned out to be excruciating in the extreme. Chris went down on his knees, raised the feather, and commenced to stroke the backs of Vince’s legs!

“HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HIIIIIIEEEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Vince shrieked in a veritable paroxysm of hilarious hysteria. He went up on the tips of his toes and wiggled his bare behind—a maneuver which merely attracted another stinging slap!

“Are we having FUN yet, pussy boy?” Chris inquired. He punctuated his question with yet ANOTHER slap!

“EEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAR-HAR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-AR-HAR-HAR-AAR-HAR-HAR-HAR!!!” Vince bellowed. He squirmed and writhed with desperate energy as the feather slid down the back on one leg and up the back of the other, making an occasional detour to stroke his puckered asshole or his tense balls. Oh and his fucking cock had never BEEN this long and stiff—!

“Maybe if you laugh a little LOUDER, I’ll let you CUM!” Chris snickered as he manipulated the feather with sadistic precision. “But then again, maybe NOT!”

“OH-HO-HO-OH-NO-HO-OH-HO-OH-HO-OH-NO-HO-HO!!!” Vince howled. His entire body was covered with goose bumps. Hot little beads of sweat trickled down his torso. Drop after crystal-clear drop of pre-cum flew from the tip of his swaying, bouncing cock…

It was a long time before Chris found it in his heart to forgive his unfaithful friend. Eventually, however, the pain caused by Vince’s betrayal was assuaged by the pleasure that Chris took in tickle torturing the naked jock to the edge of insanity. And, after all, this was a form of torture that Vince did not entirely detest!

As it turned out, Vince’s well-deserved punishment boosted their clandestine relationship to a higher level of intimacy. Vince found to his surprise—and eventual delight—that his few remaining inhibitions had been tickled merrily away. Sweet, slender Chris had always held the key to Vince’s heart. And now…now he also possessed a key to the rear entrance…
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