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SSK Three: Undress Rehersal (M/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
In Chapter Three of my Scarlet Skull tickling epic, the bi-curious Assistant Pledge Master helps a nervous pledge to prepare for his Ordeal. In the process they discover thaT…But it's all in the story. Enjoy!



Chapter Three: Undress Rehearsal


T.T. Gore​

“You have GOT to be kidding me!” Vince gasped. “No WAY can they do that!”

“Well, I’m afraid they can.” Chris smirked at the incredulous expression on the pledge’s face. “If you want to become an SS brother, you have to pass the Ordeal.”

“Holy SHIT!” Vince shook his head. “That’s about the most PERVERTED thing I ever heard of!”

“I’m not really supposed to tell you about it,” Chris admitted. “But I figured that after what we put you through for spilling SS secrets to your girlfriend, it was the least I could do. So you can back out now. If you want to, that is.”

Vince glanced around the lounge before replying. “I appreciate that. But how can I back out? I HAVE to get in! But holy CRAP! I don’t know if I could DO that!”

“Hmmm, well, plenty of other guys have gone through it.” Chris shrugged. “Anyhow, that’s the price of admission.”

“But…but…I’m not that way, you know?” The pledge winced. “I mean, I don’t think I could…I wouldn’t be able to…you know…get into it.”

“Yeah, Chris agreed. “Some guys have that problem.”

“Shit!” Vice sat down on the ratty old lounge sofa. “I’m screwed! I’ll NEVER fucking make it!”

“So when we tickled you the other night, it don’t do ANYTHING for you?” Chris arched an eyebrow. “Nothing at all?”

“Nada,” Vince replied—but Chris gathered the impression that the pledge wasn’t being entirely candid. His own Ordeal had taught him that the exquisite torments of tickling could produce some surprising effects. He shivered slightly as he recalled how tickle torture had made Vince giggle and wiggle and sweat. It was a sweet memory, and it had given Chris a bright idea. It was rather a rotten idea, and it would surely get him kicked out of Scarlet Skull if anyone found out about it, but he figured that he could get away with it. Vince wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer—and he really, REALLY wanted to get into Scarlet Skull…

He cocked an eyebrow at the pledge and said, “Well, maybe I could help you.”

“Help me?” Vince sighed. “How can you help me? If I can’t even get it up, how can I pass the Ordeal?”

“Practice,” Chris replied. “Practice makes perfect, as they say…”

So it was that two days later, Chris and Vince met in the shadowy basement of the old Administration Building. The place was scheduled to be torn down at some point in the future and the site made into a parking lot. In the meantime, it was deserted and thus an ideal venue for their clandestine assignation. No one would interrupt them—and, more importantly, no one would hear poor Vince’s howling, manic laughter.

“You have to take off your clothes, Chris said. “And kneel down here.”

He indicated a spot where a strip of carpet covered a portion of the concrete floor.

“Oh, man, this is SO fucked UP!” Vince moaned. “I’m not sure I can go THROUGH with it!”

“Look, if you can’t handle this, you’ll never make it through your Ordeal.” Chris shrugged. “But it’s up to you. If you want to back out, I totally understand.”

Vince hesitated for a moment longer. Then, with a scarcely audible moan, he began to take his clothes off.

Meanwhile, Chris closed and bolted the heavy door that led into their secluded corner of the basement. Everything else was ready. A length of rope was thrown across an overhead pipe, with a loop at one end for Vince’s wrists. Two widely spaced ring bolts were fixed in the concrete floor, ready to secure the pledge’s ankles. Chris was in his robe, the feathers lay on a small table—and a long strip of tape on the floor marked the goal for which Vince would be shooting.

With a show of brisk efficiency, Chris secured the naked pledge in place for his practice session: arm stretched high over his head, legs parted, ankles bound to the ring bolts. He stepped back to admire his handiwork, conscious of a warm, loose sensation low in his belly as he gazed avidly at his muscular, helpless victim. Chris himself was modestly attired in his Assistant Pledge Master’s robe. He hadn’t felt it necessary to inform Vince that he was wearing nothing underneath.

It was time to begin. Chris stepped forward and delivered a hard slap to Vince’s bare behind!

“EEEEEEEEK!!!” the naked pledge squealed. “That STINGS!”

“They’ll give you a few paddle pats,” Chris explained. “It’s part of the Ordeal.”

“Oh…I guess I have to get used to it, then,” Vince stammered.

“That’s the spirit,” Chris agreed. And with no more ado he treated the naked pledge to a second, harder slap!

“GAAAAAAAR!!!” Vince yelped.

“Oh, did you LIKE that?” Chris snickered. “Want more?” And he administered a third slap!

“AAAAAARRRGH!!!” Vince shrieked.

Chris kept up the spanking until his victim’s twitching buttocks turned a blushing shade of pink. “You need to be prepared for this,” he explained. “They’ll use the Pledge Paddle on you. It’s part of the ceremony.”

“Oh my GOD!” Vince gulped when the chastisement ceased. “I don’t know if I can go THROUGH with this! It’s so fucking HUMILIATING!”

“If you want to become part of Scarlet Skull, you have to pass through the Ordeal.” Chris patted the naked pledge’s pink posterior. “But don’t worry—I just KNOW you can do it.”

And with that, he knelt behind his victim and dug his well-honed fingernails into Vince’s unprotected ribcage!

“EEEEEEYAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” the naked pledge bellowed. His torso jerked to and fro in a futile attempt to dodge Chris’ busy fingers. “OH-HO-OH-NO-OH-HO-HO-HO!!! IT TICK-HICK-ICK-HICK-EEEEEE-HIIIIEEEE-HICK-HICKLES!!!”

“That’s right, Pledgee-poo. It tickles.” Chris dug his fingers in harder. “And I’m going KEEP tickling until I get you in the mood to SQUIRT for me!”


“Come ON, Pledgee-poo,” Chris urged in a slightly breathless whisper. “You can do it.” He darted his fingers into Vince’s defenseless armpits. “You can get it up for me. I KNOW you can!”

It was just as well that Chris had positioned himself behind the naked pledge, for he himself was setting an example of arousal that might have scared the DAYLIGHTS out of poor Vince! Under his robe, Chris sported a yearning erection. The head of his cock rubbed against the rough fabric, sending thrill after sexy thrill shooting through his slender body.

“What’s WRONG Pledgee-poo?” he whispered. “Don’t you LIKE being tickled? I think you DO! I think it makes you all warm and weak and wishing I’d tickle you in some VERY special places…”


“I know, Pledgee-poo, I know!” Chris snickered. “But what can I do? Until you get it up for me, I can’t help you rehearse for your Ordeal. So I guess I’ll just have to keep tickling and tickling and TICKLING you!”


"Are you?” Chris chuckled. “That’s GOOD, Pledgee-poo—that’s EXACTLY the idea. You NEED to get hard. VERY hard—!”

And indeed, Vince was becoming conscious of a hot, loose sensation low in his belly. Something unthinkable was happening to him—something that he’d never even imagined—something that just might enable him to complete his upcoming Ordeal with TOTAL fucking SUCCESS—!

“Let’s try something a little different,” Chris whispered. “Take a breather, Pledgee-poo. I suspect you could use one…”

Chris gave his gasping, trembling victim an affectionate little slap on the behind and stood up. He went to the table and selected a stiff pointed feather, licking his lips at the prospect of applying it to certain extremely sensitive portions of Vince’s masculine anatomy. He sensed that the naked pledge was on the brink of an erotic epiphany. And if all went as Chris so fervently hoped it would, the Ordeal would be no challenge at all for dear Vince…

With a shiver of anticipation, Chris resumed his previous position. He sighed. He raised the feather. And very gently, he stroked the supersensitive spot just above the cleft of Vince’s curvy derriere!

“BWAAAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” the naked pledge screeched. He wiggled furiously, doing his heartfelt, hysterical best to turn himself inside fucking OUT! Gooseflesh roughened his sweat-streaked skin, causing the dark hairs on his arms and legs to stiffen like tiny wires. His balls jiggled and bounced between his parted thighs. And his cock stirred. Slowly, fitfully, it began to rise…

“Oooo, does it TICKLE, Pledgee-poo?” Chris swirled the feather in slow, maddening circles. “Want me to go LOWER? Want me to tickle your ASSHOLE?”


And the volume of his laughter redoubled when the feather came down to probe the tender space between his quivering butt cheeks! Vince’s muscles spasmed in response to this outrageously intimate caress. A potent, erotic thrill raced through his body. He experienced an irrational desire that Chris should go DEEPER, to probe and PROBE for some hitherto unsuspected SWEET spot! His yearning member grew stiffer still—!

Chris sensed the naked pledge’s rising excitement. He himself was in a high state of arousal. The weight of his robe was leaden; he longed to shrug it off. Tickling poor, helpless Vince this way was without doubt the sexiest, dirtiest, most DELIGHTFUL thrill that he’d ever experienced! And soon, soon, they would both enjoy their reward—!

Vince was fully erect now, and Chris knew that the time had come. Without further ado, therefore, he dipped the feather down between his victim’s thighs—and oh, so gently stroked the tense, delicate sac that cradled Vince’s yearning balls!

“HIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” the naked pledge screeched as an intense, utterly UNBEARABLE ticklish sensation shot from his balls to his cock. A tiny, clear bead of pre-cum appeared at the very tip of his quivering, tumid tool. “EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE!!!”

“Do you LIKE that?” Chris whispered. “Do you like being TICKLED this way? I think you DO like it, Pledgee-poo! I think it makes you all HOT and BOTHERED. I think it makes you want to CUM, doesn’t it, hmmm?”


“Well,” Chris giggled, “Since you say please, I guess you want me to tickle you MORE, hmmm?” Again and again he stroked his victim’s balls, which drew up and tightened as Vice’s cock extended itself to the very LIMIT of quivering rigidity! “Tickle, tickle, TICKLE, Pledgee-poo. Think you can DO it? Think you can SQUIRT for me?”

“UUUURRRREEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Vince squealed. A delirious, utterly JOYOUS sensation gripped his loins and tightened his asshole. His hips jerked back and forth in a mad, desperate quest for the sweet release he so fervently craved! “GGGGUUUUNNNNEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

As for Chris, he was sweating inside his robe, which felt increasingly, irksomely heavy on his shoulders. He longed to shrug it off, and when Vince’s naked proximity finally became irresistible he did so, scooting forward to press against his victim! If Vince was alarmed by this sudden intimacy, he made no protest. On the contrary, he began to plead even more insistently for the climax toward which this exquisite torture was driving him.

Chris’ arms went around the naked pledge’s waist. With one hand he stroked Vince’s balls. In his other hand he still held the feather, and he employed it to tickle the swollen head of Vince’s pulsing PENIS—!

“GAAAAAAAA!!!” the naked pledge gasped. “OH! OH! OH! OH SHHHHIIIIIITTTT—!!!”

“You gonna SQUIRT for me?” Chris whispered hotly into his victim’s ear. “You gonna CUM for me like a WEASEL in fucking HEAT—?

“AAAH…AAAH…AAAH…!” Vince gasped. It sounded like the prelude to a giant’s sneeze.

“I’ll tickle it out of you, Pledgee-poo” Chris promised as he stroked and stroked. “Tickle, tickle TICKLE!”

“AAAH…AAAH…AAAH…AAAAAAH!!!” Vince cried. And then, with a muscular, throaty growl of effort and ecstasy, the naked pledge launched his load!

“UUUUGGGGHHHH!!!” Vince grunted. “UGH!!! UGH!!! UGH-UGH-UGH-UGH-UGH-UUUUGUUGHHHH!!!” His naked, sweat-streaked body tensed and trembled with each orgasmic pulse. The first spurt sailed easily across the taped line. So did the second, and the third.

It took Vince eight straining spasms to empty his balls and by then his brains were so addled that he took no notice of what was going on behind him. Chris could no longer make his hips behave. The feather fell from his fingers, his arms tightened around Vince’s torso and he brought himself to orgasm against the small of his victim’s back. “Oh my,” he whispered. “I think I made a mess back here…”

“Fuck,” Vince panted. “Fucking SHIT! I can’t believe I fucking DID it—!"

“Oh, you did just GREAT, Pledgee-poo!” Chris whispered. He ran his fingers lovingly through Vine’s dark chest hair. “You’re the fucking champ…”

Vince wiggled his hips. “I want to go again!” he gasped. “Please, Chris! I want you to tickle me till I’m fucking GOOFY and then I want you to make me CUM!”

“Well,” Chris whispered, “practice DOES make perfect. On the other hand, maybe we shouldn’t overdo it. I want you to be ready, ready, MORE than ready for your Ordeal, Pledgee-poo.”

“Oh God,” Vince sobbed. “Will I pass?”

“Hmmm, well, I’ll be there, sweetie.” Chris reached down and gave his victim’s balls an affectionate squeeze. “And I promise to do EVERYTHING possible to make sure that you pass with flying colors!”

“How can I ever thank you?” Vince gasped.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll think of SOMETHING,” Chris replied with an evil, anticipatory smile.

And he did!
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