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Star Wars Tickling Forum (RESPOND ASAP)


3rd Level Red Feather
Apr 30, 2001
dunno if i'm posting this in the right place or not, but here goes:

ok, here's the thing. i run the Star Wars Tickling Forum. However, in 3 days, my payment on the site expires. Now, i don't have money i can spare to renew the subscription, and last time i asked my father to pay for sumthing, he said he was running low as well.

So, then. it's up to you, folks: Should i or should i not simply let the forum die? No one goes there anyway, no matter HOW much i beg and plead (believe me, i beg and plead a LOT for this), so let me know what i should do.

IMO, it's a great site, but Star Wars Tickling is a narrow subject to create a forum for. i really like your pics you draw and visit there whenever it comes to mind, but it was kinda doomed from the start, you see what i'm saying?

i know you spent money and hard work on it, but if it costs too much to keep up, then don't have it anymore, unless you can get someone to sponser you.

not to mention deleting all the pictures in the forum really kills it for new members.
As you know, I had drawn a couple Star Wars tickling pictures, which I then shared with your forum, but because the site was dead there was no one to really appriciate them, so I removed them as it was just wasting my bandwidth for them to be there.

Unless you can get other artists and writers to join your cause, you won't have any content.

I didn't know you were actually paying for the site, I thought it was a free one. In either case, I think you've answered your own question as to whether or not it's worth it. It most certainly seems that it is not.

Not to rub it in, but the site never really even got off the ground. I'm surprized you stuck with it as long as you did. It's probably better at this point to scrap it and save your money for something else.
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EmSeeSquared said:
i don't care about adult content. i just wanted MEMBERS.

Sigh....you are a broken record.

I've seen you whine and complain about this for YEARS. I see you post here and there, and whereever, and even doing so much as to beg.

I'm going to be brutally honest with you, as I've never seen anyone else confront you like this.

Your site is a FAILURE.

It was then and it is now. You are reduced to spamming between yourself and a couple people on that site, that I can see. You think things are magically going to turn around if you keep promoting it more?

This has become pathetic, and people forget all about it until you bring it up again.

After years of having that forum, you're still complaining as if it was only yesterday. It's been quite some time.

You need to learn when to quit, let it go, and take NO for an answer.

I've seen you on the ATF, doing this same thing, and they didn't take very well to your persistant.

I'm saying this for you own good. LET IT GO.

Obviously not enough people were EVER interested in your forum and possibly never will be. Star Wars is fine. Tickling is fine. Together they are not good enough a combination to have a dedicated forum in anyone's mind but possibly your own.

Why do you continually bring this issue up when you had your answer a LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY?

LOL, you know? Come on man, give it a rest. It's getting annoying seeing you pop up again and again and trying to push that site on us and everyone else when it's clear no one will have it.

Leave it be. It's dead. Move on and save your money for something else.

You can always draw pictures and write stories without the site. You don't actually need it. You do realize that, right?

If you don't, then you're obsessed.

I'm truely sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you need to come to terms with this once and for all.
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To be slightly less blunt ( 🙂 ), I think a big obstacle has been that it's a little too focused, and that there is a kibosh on nudity/adult material in an area which is frequently associated with adult themes. There's nothing wrong with those choices, but as Chasing Amy says, you're a minority in a minority in a minority. 😀

If I was in your position, I would allow the board to briefly go away, then bring it back with an expanded theme, and allow more adult material to be posted with an "ADULT" label in the header (people will often forget, so you'll have to go in and fix it for them). Say a Science Fiction board, or even a SF&Fantasy board, even if those aren't things you're interested in, because it will increase the amount of contributions, thus giving people more of a reason to stay, so that the areas of the board that *do* interest you can thrive.
If I do recall, I (and others) did suggest that to him already a long time ago (expanding the site) on more than one occasion. He didn't seem up to it, and he prefered it be specialized to Star Wars, which has been nearly the entirety of the problem this whole time. Not because it's Star Wars, mind you, but because it's Star Wars AND tickling, which just hasn't blended well. Star Wars alone is fine and may have worked.

At the time, I understood where he was coming from- created a specifically themed site and then allowing other genres, themes, or series to change that would be contrary to it being focused on Star Wars.

However, given the knowledge that just hasn't worked out for him, there seems to be no other way than to expand or just try out another interest and see if that suceeds as a site. Maybe if he's willing to be more open with his and other people's ideas this time, he'll succeed.

Perhaps the answer is it not being a fetish website at all, but in there being a fetish section. That way, if it doesn't work out, it's just one section that's not working out, but the rest of the non-fetish content and themes should do fine and would make up for it, since it's not taboo at all and more people, in general, will like it.

Sci-fi tickling is a pretty obscure and underdeveloped idea as it is, regardless of series, so dedicating a section to it, and not a whole site, would remove some of the sting should the majority not go for it.

Of course, this requires it's not a fetish site, which is, I take it, contrary to the goal. If he's willing to compromise on that, then the odds are more in his favor.
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Vladislaus Dracula said:
Sigh....you are a broken record.

I've seen you whine and complain about this for YEARS. I see you post here and there, and whereever, and even doing so much as to beg.

I'm going to be brutally honest with you, as I've never seen anyone else confront you like this.

Your site is a FAILURE.

It was then and it is now. You are reduced to spamming between yourself and a couple people on that site, that I can see. You think things are magically going to turn around if you keep promoting it more?

This has become pathetic, and people forget all about it until you bring it up again.

After years of having that forum, you're still complaining as if it was only yesterday. It's been quite some time.

You need to learn when to quit, let it go, and take NO for an answer.

I've seen you on the ATF, doing this same thing, and they didn't take very well to your persistant.

I'm saying this for you own good. LET IT GO.

Obviously not enough people were EVER interested in your forum and possibly never will be. Star Wars is fine. Tickling is fine. Together they are not good enough a combination to have a dedicated forum in anyone's mind but possibly your own.

Why do you continually bring this issue up when you had your answer a LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY?

LOL, you know? Come on man, give it a rest. It's getting annoying seeing you pop up again and again and trying to push that site on us and everyone else when it's clear no one will have it.

Leave it be. It's dead. Move on and save your money for something else.

You can always draw pictures and write stories without the site. You don't actually need it. You do realize that, right?

If you don't, then you're obsessed.

I'm truely sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you need to come to terms with this once and for all.

i think you may have hurt his feelings.
darthvader05 said:
i think you may have hurt his feelings.
damn right he hurt my feelings. didn't have to be an ASSHOLE about it. "your site is a failure"? That's like saying "your site SUCKS!!!!", which not only insults the site, it insults me. But perhaps he's right. Perhaps it's time to let the site go.
i don't want to get on Vlad's bad side today, but he was being to harsh. i say let the site die, and save your money for better endeavors.

and vlad, don't go all ballistic on me, but that was too harsh. it's his money and if he wants to keep the forum, let it be, just ignore him if you must.
EmSeeSquared said:
damn right he hurt my feelings. didn't have to be an ASSHOLE about it. "your site is a failure"? That's like saying "your site SUCKS!!!!", which not only insults the site, it insults me. But perhaps he's right. Perhaps it's time to let the site go.

You say I'm asshole only because your feelings were hurt. I can understand that, which is why I apologized in advance.

And, I'm sorry, but "your site is a failure" is not the same as saying "your site sucks".

Those are two completely different things. At no point in time was it ever impied the site sucked, only that it failed.

I am a Star Wars fan myself, so it's not as if the site wouldn't have had merit. It was a worthy idea, premise, and theme, but it cannot be stated any more clearly that it just hasn't worked out.

Content was not flowing in, and it's all because of the tickling.

Had it been a regular Star Wars site, with a tickling section, I don't see why the site will have not suceeded, simply because it's Star Wars and there are a considerable ammount of fans out there.

Because your target audiance was the fetish community, that narrowed your chances even further.

As I, and Tarr suggested earlier, it would be a better idea, next time, to create a site with either more diversity, or one that has a tickling section in it, but is itself not a tickling website.

Your chances are far more considerable that way.
BigNorm said:
i don't want to get on Vlad's bad side today, but he was being to harsh. i say let the site die, and save your money for better endeavors.

and vlad, don't go all ballistic on me, but that was too harsh. it's his money and if he wants to keep the forum, let it be, just ignore him if you must.

Why would I go ballistic on you? You haven't said anything to antagonize me, so theres no problem here. Your opinion is very valid and so is mine, especially based on how long this has been prolonged and how I've watched this play out over time, which is why I'm being stern with him.
Vladislaus Dracula said:
Why would I go ballistic on you? You haven't said anything to antagonize me, so theres no problem here. Your opinion is very valid and so is mine, especially based on how long this has been prolonged and how I've watched this play out over time, which is why I'm being stern with him.

well, i guess now he'll have more money to buy greater things.

btw, how much were you paying each month for the forum, may i ask?
it think it was like 30-sumthing for every 3 months.

and Vladislaus, instead of "your site is a failure", you could have said sumthing like "your site isn't very good" or "your site has faults"
EmSeeSquared said:
it think it was like 30-sumthing for every 3 months.

and Vladislaus, instead of "your site is a failure", you could have said sumthing like "your site isn't very good" or "your site has faults"

Nope. Sorry. That's what YOU want to hear so your pride isn't wounded. I will not mince or sugarcoat words. I stated exactly what it is, how it happened, and where it is now. In short, I've stated the truth. Pretending it was any less than a failure when everyone knows it wasn't would be lying, and I simply will not do that to give you a false sense of security, hope, or to make you feel better.

You've been given suggestions to turn this around, however, and you can either take them and use them, come up with your own, use a combination of the both, ignore it all and keep trying with that site, or try something other than Star Wars and sci-fi and see if that works. And I hope you would, given how long you've allowed yourself to have an unsuccessful site.

You owe it to yourself to try harder. Everybody wants to taste success, but everyone has to do something to get it. In your case, you need to make a better site people want to go to and contribute to and it may be within your ability and means to do so. You won't know unless you try harder.
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I still recommend getting a free site somewhere like Worldgroups and building it into a community before moving up to paid hosting.
personally, i do think Vlad was a bit harsh in his post, but i do see what he's saying and i can understand it. Let me share a little story.

Now, i've never set up a website, perse, but i did set up an RPG on an RPG site. It was kind'a like the RPG we have here, except there were things like hit points, magic points, spells, etc. All focussed around tickling and sex, but i didn't borrow any system, i created my own loosly based on the Fighting Fantasy combat system. It took me probably four to six monthes to figure out a system, write it all down, set the game up, and then wait for enough players to start.

And when we did start, we didn't even finish the first mission. now, this wasn't so much because of my system, as so much because several players had to leave as they simply didn't have time to play anymore, while a few others just disapeared without a word. This, of course, pretty much killed the game, as it was extremely disheartening to see my first attempt to be a DM and run a game fall appart.

However, the brightside is that i found one particuler player who fell in love with my system. It was something she enjoyed a great deal, a system based around sex and tickling, but still flexible. She was around my age, but was also an experienced AD&D player and GM, and she was able to take my system, find the various flaws, and add/rework things until we had a beta version 2. She even started a game using the new system, something i was greatly flattered for, and i played this time as a player while she was the GM.

This game did better then my game, both because the system was more deverse and effective, and also because she was a much more experienced, and greatly skilled, GM. Sadly, the game came to an end before it's time do to both the GM's hard drive crashing, and because the RPG site that we used got new guidlines for adult content where our game would no longer be playable. To make matters worse, i lost contact with this girl and have not managed to get back in contact with her, something that i hope i can do.

Now, while one could call these games failors, because of there abrupt ends, i prefer to think of them as learning experiences. I learned three valuable lessions through these games.

One, the smaller number of players you get, the better. The more players you have, the longer a wait time there is for players to post, as one player not being able to post can hold back the entire group.

two, a system always has flaws, so it's better to agressively seek them out before players find them while your playing a game.

three, just because a person signs up for your game, it doesn't always mean they like the same things you do.

So, what did i do with this new information? I made more games. However, these games were never intended to go anywhere. They were simple, short games, that allowed me to both test out any changes i made to the system, and filter through players. I learned what players actuelly had tickling fetishes and liked the same things i did, and who were just casual players. the games never finished, but they were successes because i got the test data i wanted.

Eventually, i took this test data, and compiled it. I looked over my previous players, reading there application sheets and seeing how they played, and then hand picked which players i thought would suit me best. I then proceeded to take my current game system, gut it, and built it up into something stronger(With some help from another female gamer). I'm now on the third beta version, and with the people i hand picked, and trying a serious game, which so far is going well, and i think has the capabilities of succeeding where my first game failed.

So, in a nutshell, what i'm saying is don't think of this site as a failor. think of it as a beta test. Learn from your shortcommings and problems, and figure out how to address them. Find where your strengths are, and build on them. But most importantly, sit down and really think about what your objectives are. Don't say "I want a thousand members" and aim for that. say "I want ten members" and aim for that. And after you get those ten members, say "Ok, now a want another ten members" and go from there. Set realistic goals for yourself. I'd love to have 8 players and a Co-GM or two, but i know from experience that it's a very unlikely scenario to have all that and a game that runs smoothly, so right now i have just 3 other players. If the game goes well, i might grab a forth player, and so forth and so on.

Being successful isn't always about hard work, it's about setting goals you can achieve. Well, i hope my words have helped a bit, and remember, so long as you learn something, then it's not a failor. 😉
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Cosmo_ac said:
personally, i do think Vlad was a bit harsh in his post
i've observed that he seems to be harsh in every post he makes towards me
EmSeeSquared said:
i've observed that he seems to be harsh in every post he makes towards me

Disagreements in another thread, or any thread, do not make one harsh. If you can't handle people being blunt and having an opinion contrary or different to your own, then I suggest you don't socialize.

If you somehow think I'm singling you out, then you're paranoid.
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EmSeeSquared said:
i've observed that he seems to be harsh in every post he makes towards me

he does that alot, you just gotta ignore it like i do.

not saying vlad's harsh all the time, just when we get in a conersation together, it turns out to be negative.
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