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Star Wars TK: Smuggler's Rumble
(This story takes place between Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V The Empire Strikes Back).
“Ahhh, Nar Shaddaa, it’s been too long,” Han Solo chuckled, as he disembarked from the Millennium Falcon and took a step on the rusted landing pad. They had landed the ship at one of Han’s hidey holes on the planet. Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia at his heels. “The smuggler’s moon – there’s no better place to lay low.”
Chewie grunted in agreement, slamming a fist into an open palm. Han laughed.
“And we have a few friends here, so even if we run into a bit of trouble, we should be fine.”
“But why do I get the sense that this is place where going down one back-alley means you disappear forever?” Leia said, looking sceptical as she stepped of the Millennium Falcon. She walked across the rusted and corroded metal of the gateway, her high heeled boots clacking loudly.
Han shrugged. “I’d be lying if I said it was the safest place around. But you’ll be fine, Princess. He gestured down to the buildings that stretched down as far as the eye could go. “Just watch your step, or you’ll fall for hours.”
“Your friend is reliable, right? I hope we didn’t come all the way here for nothing,” Leia said, referring to the fact that they had come to Nar Shaddaa to meet an old smuggling contact of Han’s to purchase supplies for the Alliance.
“Don’t worry about it. Riley and I go way back. And Nar Shaddaa is the perfect place to keep a low profile.”
Leia looked down from their makeshift landing pad and was taken aback by the sheer scale of the sprawling city. It was as far from the gleaming pristine cleanliness of Alderaan or Coruscant as she could imagine. Miles and miles of buildings clumped together and built over and on top of each other till this gross collage of architecture was created. The planet was an Ecumenopolis – there was not enough space to build on the ground, so the whole city just grew higher and higher, with the older, lower buildings falling into disarray. It was a rather apt symbol of the smuggler moon’s ethos – you aimed for the top or you would fall through the cracks and plummet to the moon. Leia sniffed disapprovingly.
“What’s that smell?”
“The smell of hard-living, liquor, and opportunity,” Han smirked.
“Funny, I thought it smelled like excrement,” Leia said drily.
“Anyway, how about we head out,” Luke said, sliding in between Han and Leia who were shooting daggers at each other. “Where did you say your contact was meeting us?”
“A shady bar near the Swoop tracks called The Umo’s Jar,” Han answered.
“Are there non-shady bars here? I’d be surprised if there were a dozen honest establishments on this entire planet,” Leia said, crossing her arms.
“Well, they’re honestly dishonest, for what it’s worth,” Han said, rolling his eyes. “Come on, let’s go, it’s a long walk from here.”
As the group trekked through the crowded streets of Nar Shaddaa, Leia could not shake the feeling that she was being followed, and she had a mini-heart attack whenever she felt eyes staring at her. Had the Empire somehow followed them here? Her doubts grew with every creature she caught leering or staring at her, as her heart pounded harder and harder in her chest.
“I think we’ve been recognized,” Leia whispered urgently, after a tattooed human male gave her an especially long look. Han gave a little laugh.
“I don’t know. I think we’re fine,” Luke said casually, shrugging.
“Even the kid knows!” Han guffawed. “You’re in Nar Shaddaa, female, humanoid, and you’re easy on the eyes. They’re wondering if you’re a working girl.”
“They’re wondering if I am a what?” Leia said hotly. She suddenly became significantly more self-conscious of how her lustrous brown ponytail, body-hugging white jumpsuit, white nylons, and high-heeled boots combo might send someone the wrong message.
“Oh, don’t be like that. Treat it like a compliment,” Han said dismissively, waving a hand. “Chewie will scare ‘em off if they get too eager.”
Chewie growled and nodded in agreement, but all Leia could do was shake her head.
“What have I got myself into?”
“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy,” Luke repeated. “Those were Ben Kenobi’s exact words. He was such a liar,” Luke said, shaking his head as they entered The Umo’s Jar. The bar looked like standard fare for the most part, booths, a bar counter, and some free-standing tables, filled with uncouth-looking patrons of all species, most of which bore arms or spice openly.
A shriek of laughter caught the group’s attention. At the end of the bar, where one might expect to see a group of Bith musicians playing jazz instruments, there was instead of a large metal stockade, with holes enough for three people and their feet. All three of those holes were currently filled by a trio of women, two of which were giggling and cursing up a storm. The sign in front of them, written in the languages of Basic, Huttese, and Durese said: “These three thieves decided not to pay for their drinks – help them pay off their debt.” There was a price listing and a box of ‘tools’ in front of the stockade. A Gammorean bodyguard hovered over the stockade imposingly to ensure everyone who wanted a taste would have to pay.
“Well, it was true from a certain point of view. The old man probably never went to Nar Shaddaa,” Han shrugged. “I’ll talk to the bartender to see if my contact has showed up”, he said, as he strolled over to the bartender, who was a tall, dark-skinned human.
“What do you want?” the bartender said, looking over his glass.
“I’m looking for Riley,” Han said. “I’m expected.”
“This Riley fellow better be trustworthy,” Leia whispered to Luke as they watched with distaste the ‘entertainment’ in the corner of room. “How do we know those girls weren’t just forced into it? What’s to say that sign isn’t just some lie? I hope we aren’t stuck in one of those things by the end of the night. Or worse.” Just the sight of another woman in ticklish distress was bringing up all manner of uncomfortable memories. The senate debate on Czerka. The after-party on Yavin 4. She tried to push it from her mind.
Luke shrugged. “I don’t know. I just don’t get those kind of vibes from them. They look kinda like the type to try to leave without paying, don’t they?” Luke said, gesturing at the three stocked females.
One was a tanned human, with black hair, black-eyeliner, black nails, and black thigh-high nylons who wore fairly skin-revealing attire. Her squirming nylon-clad soles were being scratched eagerly by an armoured man donning a blue Mandalorian helmet. Her painted-black toes twisted and turned in a desperate dance, to avoid the Mandalorian’s deft, gloved hands. Her protests were drowned out by giggles when he began digging two fingers deep into her quivering arches, and her eyeliner was running down her face from the tears of laughter.
The second girl was an orange-skinned Togruta who wore worn battle armour. She was cursing up a storm as a pair of green-skinned Twileks played with a bare foot each. The Twileks appeared to be on a date, and they seemed to be much more focused on each than the cussing Togruta, but nonetheless their hands made constant contact with the Togruta’s orange soles. It was clear that the Togruta was frustrated with being ignored in such a way, as the two Twileks seemed to be completely disregarding her, not even looking at her much of the time, yet they still effortlessly teased the clearly-ticklish feet in their grasp.
The third girl was a Zabrak, her pale skin, horns and facial tattoos making it easy to determine her race at a glance. She looked defiant, and clearly seemed to be acting as if she was oblivious to the ticklish torment that was happening to her friends. There was something about her defiance and her prominent racial traits that gave her a type of exotic beauty.
“Uh, maybe one of us should go over there,” Luke stuttered, a blush creeping on his cheeks. Leia glanced over and saw that his eyes kept going to the Zabrak’s bare feet. She appeared to have some elegant foot tattoos on her ankles and the tops of her feet. “You know, to help us blend in,” Luke added, tugging at his collar.
Leia mentally rolled her eyes. Boys. “And that someone would be you, I take it?” Leia asked.
Luke did not deny it, he only scratched the back of his head shyly. “Well, it’s just an idea,” he mumbled.
“Go knock yourself out, Luke,” Leia chuckled, patting him brotherly on the shoulder. “We’ll come get you later. Thanks for helping us…” Leia coughed meaningfully. “Keep a low profile.”
Luke fixed her with a bright smile, nodded, and strolled his way towards the stocked Zabrak. He paid the Gammorean bouncer a small amount of credits, pulled himself a stool, and sat in front of the Zabrak’s bare, wiggling feet. The Zabrak female glowered at him and scrunched up her toes immediately, the very act of which only emphasized her foot tattoos and made them a more intriguing target. For a brief, ludicrous moment, Leia realized why there might be those who had such great fun tickling her own exquisitely sensitive feet – it was just so cute the way they looked all scrunched up! The way the feet flinched when Luke dragged a fingernail down her arch and the Zabrak squeaked. Leia was possessed by a psychotic urge to join Luke in tormenting the tattooed Zabrak soles, before dismissing the whim.
I’ve been tickled too much… I guess I want to know what it’s like to be on the other end of the feather. Leia’s brown eyes watched Luke in action for a few moments. He dug into the Zabrak’s pale soles quickly, smirking at the way her tattooed feet would flap and wiggle, one crossing over the other to protect its ally. This only had the amusing effect of leaving the protector vulnerable, forcing the roles to reverse in desperation, repeating an endless cycle of ticklish agony, as Luke tickled right and left. The Zabrak bit her lip at first and refused to give in, but as Luke quickly discovered more and more of her ticklish spots, such as the spot between her toes right where her foot tattoos began, boyish laughter quickly came burbling out of her.
Leia was mulling over joining Luke when she spotted her companions sitting at a nearby booth. She walked right up to a laughing Han and Chewie who were now sitting at a table with a long-haired stranger.
“Luke’s having fun, what do you think of-” Leia began, stopping mid-sentence as she realized that the long-haired stranger was talking quite animatedly to Han. They stopped to look at her.
“Ahhh, so you’re Princess Leia!” the long-haired stranger said. “Han’s been telling me all about you!” she giggled coquettishly. Leia did not fail to notice the way she said Han’s name with such ardour.
“You must be Riley, I presume,” Leia said icily.
“Rifle Riley, they call me here,” Riley said pompously. She mimed shooting a pistol at Han. “Because if there’s something I want, I don’t miss,” she said, winking at him outrageously.
There was an awkward silence as no one seemed to know what to say. Leia felt her cheeks burn as she remembered hearing how Han and this woman had all been till she had come. She used to be a senator, she could handle a casual conversation and a brat like her, Leia told herself. She searched desperately for something to say.
“That’s a nice outfit,” she eventually managed lamely, commenting on Riley’s Corellian casual clothes. Casual was definitely the word for them. Too casual, perhaps. Riley wore brown high-heels boots, a pair of tight green trousers with a blaster slung across her hip, a white button-up shirt that exposed more than a bit of cleavage and a dark green vest that cut off high and exposed several inches of bare midriff. The entire look went rather well with her narrow face and long honey-blonde hair. She definitely looked the part of an immoral, conscienceless, black-hearted smuggler, Leia decided.
“Thanks,” Riley said, without gratitude. “I could never imagine myself wearing some stuffy jumpsuit,” she said. “You have to let yourself breathe, you know?” she giggled, as she tugged at the collar of her shirt, flashing Han her bra and cleavage again.
Leia grit her teeth and tried to ignore the thinly-veiled insult Riley had just sent her way and tried to steer the conversation back into more productive waters.
“So how goes the negotiations? Are you willing to sell the Alliance supplies?” Leia asked.
“Well…” Riley paused, fluttering her long eyelashes at Han. “Han’s been trying to sweet-talk me into a lower price.”
“If the Alliance defeats the Empire, we can put a lot more contacts your way. You might even be able to go legit,” Han said, trying to persuade her. “Think about it.”
“You would be helping destroy an evil empire too!” Leia added.
“A pretty big if. And don’t get me wrong, Han, you’re a sweetie, and we go way back, but I’m not running a friggin’ charity here,” Riley said, shaking her head. “The Hutts have a better offer for my services… but maybe if we could work out other arrangements…” Riley said teasingly, licking her lips. “I could consider it.”
As Leia watched Riley throw Han a fiery look that spoke of passionate nights and Han give her his cheeky smirk in response, Leia turned away and her eyes went back to watching the stockade. Luke seemed to be really enjoying himself, a grin on his face that mirrored the forced-grin on the Zabrak whose feet he was tickling. Luke appeared to have discovered a secret ticklish spot the pretty Zabrak had been hiding around the ball of the foot on her left foot, and was eagerly searching the right foot to see if a similarly-sensitive spot could be found there as the Zabrak threw her head back and roared with rumbling laughter. Leia saw Luke pout cutely as he was disappointed to determine that the exotic Zabrak’s right sole did not also harbour an intense ticklish weak point as did her left.
An idea popped into Leia’s head as she realized a way to help the Alliance secure a better price as well as teach the amorous Riley some manners.
She walked over to the dark-skinned bartender, who was fixing a drink for another customer.
“Do you have another set of those?” Leia asked him, thumbing towards the stockade where the three females were howling with laughter. The Twileks had departed in the place of a grim looking Trandoshan who immediately picked up a hairbrush and began scrubbing it over the Togruta’s soles with gusto.
“I keep an extra set in the back.” The bartender flashed Leia a smile, showing his golden teeth. “You intendin’ to rent it?”
The bartended then asked for a ridiculous price for the ‘privilege’ of using his storeroom and stockade for an hour, Leia considered bartering with him, but decided she wanted to put her plans into motion as quickly as possible. She paid him, and he gave her a keycard and directed her to the storeroom besides the bathroom.
Leia opened the door with the keycard and took a quick peek instead. It was a dusty storeroom, with boxes of liquor and chairs piled high, with a similar metal stockade inside. Leia saw a box beside the stocks and was delighted to find all manner of devices designed to wreak havoc on ticklish flesh inside. Perfect, just perfect, Leia grinned.
She walked back outside to her table just in time to see Riley run a hand down Han’s muscular bicep. Leia cleared her throat and Riley quickly retracted her hand.
“May I have a word, Riley?” Leia asked, crossing her arms.
Riley smirked at her. “Sounds like someone’s a little jealous,” she chuckled. “I’ll be right back. Think about that offer I just made you… I promise you won’t regret it,” she said, looking at Han suggestively.
“Yeah, I, uh, got it,” Han said, scratching the back of his head,
“We might be a while,” Leia said, as the two of them worked towards the storeroom.
Han watched the two females walk off together, Leia in her white outfit and Riley in her green and brown smuggler’s clothes; they looked like two polar ends of the spectrum. “This will not end well,” Han sighed, as Chewie grunted his agreement.
“Oh, well, let the ladies have their girl talk,” Han shrugged. “Bartender! Another round!”
“So what do you want?” Riley asked, arms crossed, after the two of them were alone in the dusty storeroom.
“Well, a lot of things,” Leia began cryptically. ‘One of them is-”
“Han Solo,” Riley interrupted, with a cocky laugh. “It was funny watching the steam come out of your ears when you saw me talking to Han.”
As Leia trembled with rage, Riley continued, utterly unafraid of the Princess’s wrath. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“Stay away from Han,” Leia said sternly.
“Or what? What are you gonna do about it?” Riley said, her hands at her hip, right next to where her blaster was holstered. She put her hand on her blaster and laughed. “But I guess a spoilt princess like you is used to always getting her way. Well, guess what? Not today. This is Nar Shaddaa, not whatever fancy-pants planet you came from.”
As Leia continued to fume, clenching her fists furiously, Riley continued again, unabashed by Leia’s outrage.
“Besides, why would Han want a stuffy, snooty bore like you, anyway? Especially when he can have this instead…” Riley sniggered, pointing to her well-endowed figure. “I feel sorry for you, Princess, I do. Maybe if Han is up for it you can be our third for a few nights. Just don’t forget your place,” Riley chuckled, flicking her honey-blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Speaking of place, I think I know where yours is,” Leia said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a metal handle. She pointed it at Riley and pressed a button. A beam of light as blue as the seas of Manaan burst from the hilt to form a sharp blade. Riley flinched as Leia brought the lightsaber against the smuggler’s neck.
“No quick movements, now,” Leia whispered, enjoying the sudden look of fear on the arrogant smuggler’s face as she stared at the brilliant blue blade. “Now as I was saying,” Leia continued. “I think I know your place. It’s in those stocks. Now get in there and strap yourself in. Don’t make me cut you in half.”
“You need me alive to sell you supplies,” Riley hissed, not moving a step towards the metal stocks which were open invitingly.
“Who says we don’t have other options?” Leia bluffed, lightly prodding her with the lightsaber, lightly sizzling the shoulder of Riley’s outfit. “But in any case, you reach for that blaster and you lose a hand.”
Riley glared at Leia, and for a moment she looked like she might reach for her holstered blaster and call Leia's bluff but after a tense moment where the two women stared each other hard in the eye, Riley reluctantly seated herself in the stocks. Upon Leia’s command, Riley shut the stocks around her own ankles so now her ankles were trapped in the stockade.
The stockade was the same as the one outside, for it had holes for the volunteer’s wrists and head to go through as well. Pressing the lightsaber near Riley’s shoulder was enough to coax her to cooperate and put her wrists through the armholes in the stocks as well, so her body was contorted uncomfortably. Leia clicked off Luke’s lightsaber and put it aside, as she quickly leaned down to unzip Riley’s high-heeled boots and slip them off, though it took a while due to Riley’s ankles already being bound in the stocks.
Leia stepped back to admire her prize. Riley was grunting and trying to slip her ankles and wrists free, but they fit too snugly in the stocks to allow her to escape. Leia grinned as she knew the headstrong smuggler was now entirely at her mercy, as she appraised Riley with an eye for tickle torment. Riley wore nylons under her dark-green smuggler’s trousers, and Leia was eager to get at her feet, knowing how unbearably ticklish her own royal tootsies were. Riley’s stomach was another tempting target, as the smuggler had a toned and taut torso with muscular abs that were visible due to her immodest attire. The way the smuggler’s arms were forced forward also meant her underarms were easily accessible.
“I’m going to make you pay for this,” Riley spat, as she thrashed in her bonds. “And give me back my boots!”
Leia smiled. The fool still didn’t realize what was going to happen to her. Leia decided it was time to begin her… negotiations.
“You’ll get your boots back later… maybe,” Leia said, as she pulled a chair in front of Riley’s wiggling nylon-clad feet. Riley’s feet were longer than hers, but they looked dryer and had more calluses especially around the heels. Nylons didn’t seem to match Riley’s look, and Leia wondered if she wore them to retain a sense of femininity in the male dominated smuggler’s world, or if perhaps maybe a past incident with Han had revealed that he liked them and wearing them was all part of her plan to entice him back. Leia was quick to push the thought from her head. Riley’s nylons were black and looked to be on their last legs, as there was a small hole along the arch of her left foot. Leia went for the hole immediately, circling around the hole teasingly. Leia was delighted to see Riley flinch and begin struggling again with a renewed vigour.
“What… are you… doing?” Riley asked through clenched teeth.
“Well, this is a little thing I call negotiations,” Leia said in her best stern senator voice, though she spoiled the effect by grinning. “Aggressive, ticklish negotiations,” she added, with a giggle.
“You think you can convince me with a little tickling?” Riley scoffed, with exaggerated disdain towards Leia’s modus operandi. “You must be on spice.”
“I find your lack of faith in tickle torture disturbing, but I look forward to showing you how potent it can be,” Leia said, chuckling to herself. It was clear Riley was trying to hide the effect Leia’s fingers were having on her nylon-clad soles. It was so adorable! Leia wondered for a moment if this is what her own tormentors had thought when they were tickling her, and she suddenly felt a stab of empathy. There was a certain thrill to be had being able to dominant another person like this, to make them laugh or giggle or squeal with a flick of your fingers, a fact Leia demonstrated by running her nails down both Riley’s nyloned soles at once, making the loud-mouthed smuggler giggle lightly.
“So here are my terms,” Leia said, as she focused her ticklish attention to the arches of Riley’s feet and moved her hands a bit to get at the sides as well. “You’ll offer us a better price, and you’ll stay away from Han.”
Riley laughed, though this one wasn’t the tickle-induced variety. “You are on spice. Guhhhh,” Riley bit her lip and refused to laugh as Leia tried to tickle her feet even harder. “You can’t break me,” Riley said, scrunching her toes defiantly, grinning confidently as Leia stepped up her scratching.
Leia had to admit, Riley was putting up a surprisingly good fight. Aside from a few minor giggles she had yet to laugh outrageously the way Leia knew she would if her own feet were teased in such a manner. Perhaps she wasn’t as proficient at tickling as she hoped, having always been on the receiving end of things, Leia considered, pouting.
“Giving up already? Well, you had a good go at it,” Riley said mockingly, with a derisive bark of laughter. “You let me out of here and I’ll consider letting this go.”
It was at this point, Leia had a brainwave. She had always been so ticklish on her own feet, especially in nylons, that she had jumped to the conclusion that Riley’s feet would be extraordinarily ticklish as well. Riley was probably every bit as ticklish as Leia was, but merely in different locations, and Leia just had to seek them out. With any luck, stimulation in those other areas would lead to increased sensitivity elsewhere, so when Leia returned to Riley’s feet she would have more success. Leia had a good feeling that once Leia she had eroded Riley’s resistance, those obviously-sensitive feet (based on the way they would scrunch and wiggle in response to every touch) would be a lot more receptive. Riley was just holding it in, Leia realized. It made sense that a smuggler would know how to keep a dignified front even when things were getting hairy. They were rather like senators in that regard, Leia thought, the idea putting a smile on her lips.
“I’ll let you go after we’re done talking,” Leia said, with venomous sweetness as she picked up a feather. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep things civilized. I was a senator once, you know. We follow a strict code of debate,” Leia said, as she picked up a stiff feather from the box.
This one always drives me mad, so let’s see how the tough smuggler likes it, Leia thought gleefully as she made her way to Riley’s torso, twirling the feather between her fingers.
“What are you on about?” Riley asked, before suddenly shuddering and flinching as Leia lightly danced the feather against her neck and collarbones, both fully exposed by her risqué outfit.
“Well, in our debates we always start from the top,” Leia said, dusting the feather happily along the nape of Riley’s neck and along her prominent collarbones. The princess was delighted to see how the smuggler was tossing her head from side to side to try to avoid the soft touch of the feather, biting her lip and snickering as she did so.
“You’re hehehehe out of your mind!” Riley said, as giggles continued to burble out of her as her sensitive neck was teased.
“Usually, we would then delve into one of the big matters that are screaming for attention,” Leia said calmly, as she continued to teasing all the skin she could see with her feather – she continue to dust around the neck, down towards the base of it, and finally, down around and in her top, right when she was emphasizing the words “screaming for attention.” Riley burst into indignant laughter, as Leia twirled the feather in Riley's ample cleavage, not failing to notice how Riley’s nipples were visible through the fabric as the sensitive area was titillated. Leia certainly didn’t intend for Riley to enjoy herself too much, so she stopped just when a few moans were becoming audible in Riley’s frantic laughter, to keep her in ticklish frustration.
“You’re… mad…" Riley panted, gasping as if she had been running for hours as sweat began trickling down her face.
“You must remember not to show too much emotion, for it can get the better of you,” Leia said calmly, utterly ignoring Riley’s comments. She was speaking as if she were addressing a class of eager would-be diplomats in the art of negotiation. While she was monologuing, her feather dipped down to tease Riley’s taut stomach. “If you let your passion take over, it can expose weaknesses in your argument.”
On that note, Leia leaned down to begin probing the feather along Riley’s muscular torso. She struck gold when she twirled the feather into Riley’s belly button, and the tough-as-nails smuggler let loose a squeal that made Leia snort with laughter. Leia marvelled at how the ticklish sensations in Riley’s sensitive stomach were rapidly heightening the pitch of her giggles, as she began to reach pitches she would not have expected the muscular smuggler to be capable of mustering.
As Riley desperate tried to thrust her body from side to side, in an attempt to escape the feather, Leia continued her monologue. “The last thing you want to know is to reveal a hole in your argument, I assure you,” Leia tittered, as she spun the feather in Riley’s belly button one last time before setting it aside.
“Remember, there is always more than one avenue one can approach. There are always multiple angles you can take, often simultaneously,” Leia said, as she gave Riley’s toned stomach one last parting tickle and reached up to settle her manicured nails on Riley’s underarms. Leia wiggled her fingers lightly as first, delighting in how distressed these light touches were flustering the smuggler who had been so cool only minutes before. Giggles were pouring freely from her now, and Leia wasn’t even scratching that hard! Leia marvelled at how her teasing comments about relating the tickling to the senate were making Riley respond. And the fact it made her feel like she was teaching the basics of oratory to an uninitiated disciple made her feel all the more powerful.
“The beauty of attacking from two different perspectives is that, as your debating opponent may struggle to… rebuff both arguments at once,” Leia said, as she began scratching more insistently with her nails. She alternated her strokes, sometimes scratching the left armpit, then the right, then the left, and then the left again to keep Riley guessing. It was such fun!
“Gehehehehehet out of therehehehehe!” Riley said, howling and trying to swing her arms free but the way her wrists were bound in the stockade she had no chance.
“Of course, sometimes it is prudent on focus on one point of attack at once,” Leia said, delighted in the way Riley’s pretty hazel eyes grew wide when she realized what Leia’s words entailed. Leia waited for this moment of realization before she sent all ten fingers burrowing into the hollow of one armpit. She spent time using all ten of her sharp fingers to spider-tickle each one, sometimes teasing the edges before burying back into the centre, only swapping to dive into the other armpit when Riley’s frantic laughter diminished somewhat.
“Sometimes when a foe is willing to give concessions, bartering becomes a key skill,” Leia said, as she stepped back from Riley’s underarms and pulled a pair of electric toothbrushes from the box. The toothbrush was one of the latest models that were perfect for preventing plaque build-up. It was also perfect for wreaking havoc on ticklish flesh. “I’ll give you a choice… I’ll ever put stick this in your armpits, or use it on your feet. What’ll it be?”
Riley glared at her for a moment, only reacting when Leia feinted with the brush towards her. “Damn you, woman. Fine! Underarms then. I don’t want brushes near my feet,” Riley spat.
Leia gave Riley a smile that showed more teeth than warmth. “Another important part of negotiations is to never concede to your opposition exactly what they want. Thanks for letting me know you don’t like the brush on your feet though. I’ll be sure to bear that in mind.”
Riley was practically foaming at the mouth with pure rage till Leia started to scrub the bottoms of her nyloned feet with the two toothbrushes, in which case the rage was quickly dissipated and converted into roaring laughter. Leia was delighted by the smuggler’s receptiveness to the brush, as she swept up and down the soles, giggling at the way the soles scrunched and wiggled as if they were doing a frenetic dance. It seemed Riley had not been lying about the brushes, as she howled with laughter as the brushes invaded every inch of her sensitive soles.
“Now where was I?” Leia said, casually continuing to brush up and down Riley’s soles as she spoke. “Now I remember! Another thing to bear in mind is the usefulness of a precise rebuttal,” Leia said, clicking off one toothbrush as she pulled back the toes of Riley’s right foot, leaving the sole taut and immobile.
“It is important to cover all available ground. You must be all encompassing in your points,” Leia said, as Riley’s foot waggled and jerked about trying to shake Leia’s fingers free as she began to scrub enthusiastically at the base of the toes. With the sole held firmly in place, Leia delved around and along the toes eagerly with the toothbrush, discovering a depository of sensitive spots as she meticulously teased in every little sensitive fold and niche of flesh on Riley’s right foot.
Leia was delighted to hear defeat in Riley’s voice for the first time, right when Leia was teasing the pads of her toes.
“Plehehehease nohohoho more! Stahap! Stahahahap!”
“You know how to make this stop, Riley. You’ve known from the beginning. 30% off your original price, a neural implant in your neck in case you decide to betray us, and your word you’ll stay away from Han.”
“A neural implant in my neck! Not even the Hutts would do that,” Riley snarled.
“Only because its expensive. A neural implant just gives you a bit more incentive not to change your mind the second we’re off the planet,” Leia said. “Though I like to think the prospect of being here again,” Leia said, tapping the stockade with her finger. “Is incentive enough.”
Riley looked away, clearly mulling her choices.
“I can see you need some time to think. Don’t worry, I’ll entertain myself,” Leia said, as she reached for Riley’s left foot and pulled the toes back.
“Wait, wait, no, no, nohohohohoho!” Riley begged, but soon her protests were drowned out by a torrent of frantic laughter Leia brushed and brushed all over the smuggler’s soles. Curiously, the toes of Riley’s left foot weren’t nearly as sensitive, though the ticklishness of the arch more than made up for it. Leia was so curious about this peculiar discrepancy that she spent some time alternating soles for a moment, though all the while Riley was screeching about something or another. Leia would tickle the toes on Riley’s left foot, and then the toes of the right for reference, noting the difference between a squeak and a slight giggle. Leia would then stroke the arch of Riley’s left foot, and then the arch of the right for reference, also noting the difference between a harsh belly-laugh and a brief snort.
“Apologies, but it is important to test different approaches when one can,” Leia said, clicking off the toothbrush as the smuggler huffed and puffed, her outfit now stained with sweat from her struggles. “Anyway, at this point in the debate they begin to see things from your point of view, and they consider that your suggestion may have merit” Leia said, crossing her arms and waiting for Riley’s answer.
“You drive a hard bargain, Princess,” Riley said, still panting. ”You have my word. I just hope you’ll show the Empire the same determination you showed me.”
Leia was wary about letting her out so quickly, but Riley gave her the information on the next ship for supplies, which she immediately sent on to Han and the others.
“Can I trust you, Riley?” Leia asked, as she began to open the stocks.
“You can ask Han about this, I’m many things, but I’ve never broken my word.” Riley said with a sort of grim conviction that Leia had to respect.
Leia opened the stocks and Riley climbed out, rubbing her ankles and wrists. “Nothing personal, right?” Leia said.
“Nothing personal,” Riley nodded, as she pulled out her blaster and fired at tranquilizer shot at her, stunning the Princess and dropping her to the ground immediately
When Leia came to, she was in the stockade, exactly where Riley had been moments ago. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was the sight of her white stocking clad feet sticking out of the stocks. She realized she was still in the store room of the Umo's Jar, only now with her ankles and wrists were bound in the stockade, her nylon-clad soles wiggling in the stocks helplessly. Leia saw Riley hovering over her, a grin on her face.
“Now it is my turn for a bit of aggressive negotiations,” Riley purred, turning the electric toothbrush around in her slender smuggler’s hands. “I’m still going to give your the Alliance the supplies at your price. I’ll stick to my word on that one, but I think we can discuss some personal favours you can do for me… ”
(This story takes place between Episode IV: A New Hope and Episode V The Empire Strikes Back).
“Ahhh, Nar Shaddaa, it’s been too long,” Han Solo chuckled, as he disembarked from the Millennium Falcon and took a step on the rusted landing pad. They had landed the ship at one of Han’s hidey holes on the planet. Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia at his heels. “The smuggler’s moon – there’s no better place to lay low.”
Chewie grunted in agreement, slamming a fist into an open palm. Han laughed.
“And we have a few friends here, so even if we run into a bit of trouble, we should be fine.”
“But why do I get the sense that this is place where going down one back-alley means you disappear forever?” Leia said, looking sceptical as she stepped of the Millennium Falcon. She walked across the rusted and corroded metal of the gateway, her high heeled boots clacking loudly.
Han shrugged. “I’d be lying if I said it was the safest place around. But you’ll be fine, Princess. He gestured down to the buildings that stretched down as far as the eye could go. “Just watch your step, or you’ll fall for hours.”
“Your friend is reliable, right? I hope we didn’t come all the way here for nothing,” Leia said, referring to the fact that they had come to Nar Shaddaa to meet an old smuggling contact of Han’s to purchase supplies for the Alliance.
“Don’t worry about it. Riley and I go way back. And Nar Shaddaa is the perfect place to keep a low profile.”
Leia looked down from their makeshift landing pad and was taken aback by the sheer scale of the sprawling city. It was as far from the gleaming pristine cleanliness of Alderaan or Coruscant as she could imagine. Miles and miles of buildings clumped together and built over and on top of each other till this gross collage of architecture was created. The planet was an Ecumenopolis – there was not enough space to build on the ground, so the whole city just grew higher and higher, with the older, lower buildings falling into disarray. It was a rather apt symbol of the smuggler moon’s ethos – you aimed for the top or you would fall through the cracks and plummet to the moon. Leia sniffed disapprovingly.
“What’s that smell?”
“The smell of hard-living, liquor, and opportunity,” Han smirked.
“Funny, I thought it smelled like excrement,” Leia said drily.
“Anyway, how about we head out,” Luke said, sliding in between Han and Leia who were shooting daggers at each other. “Where did you say your contact was meeting us?”
“A shady bar near the Swoop tracks called The Umo’s Jar,” Han answered.
“Are there non-shady bars here? I’d be surprised if there were a dozen honest establishments on this entire planet,” Leia said, crossing her arms.
“Well, they’re honestly dishonest, for what it’s worth,” Han said, rolling his eyes. “Come on, let’s go, it’s a long walk from here.”
As the group trekked through the crowded streets of Nar Shaddaa, Leia could not shake the feeling that she was being followed, and she had a mini-heart attack whenever she felt eyes staring at her. Had the Empire somehow followed them here? Her doubts grew with every creature she caught leering or staring at her, as her heart pounded harder and harder in her chest.
“I think we’ve been recognized,” Leia whispered urgently, after a tattooed human male gave her an especially long look. Han gave a little laugh.
“I don’t know. I think we’re fine,” Luke said casually, shrugging.
“Even the kid knows!” Han guffawed. “You’re in Nar Shaddaa, female, humanoid, and you’re easy on the eyes. They’re wondering if you’re a working girl.”
“They’re wondering if I am a what?” Leia said hotly. She suddenly became significantly more self-conscious of how her lustrous brown ponytail, body-hugging white jumpsuit, white nylons, and high-heeled boots combo might send someone the wrong message.
“Oh, don’t be like that. Treat it like a compliment,” Han said dismissively, waving a hand. “Chewie will scare ‘em off if they get too eager.”
Chewie growled and nodded in agreement, but all Leia could do was shake her head.
“What have I got myself into?”
“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy,” Luke repeated. “Those were Ben Kenobi’s exact words. He was such a liar,” Luke said, shaking his head as they entered The Umo’s Jar. The bar looked like standard fare for the most part, booths, a bar counter, and some free-standing tables, filled with uncouth-looking patrons of all species, most of which bore arms or spice openly.
A shriek of laughter caught the group’s attention. At the end of the bar, where one might expect to see a group of Bith musicians playing jazz instruments, there was instead of a large metal stockade, with holes enough for three people and their feet. All three of those holes were currently filled by a trio of women, two of which were giggling and cursing up a storm. The sign in front of them, written in the languages of Basic, Huttese, and Durese said: “These three thieves decided not to pay for their drinks – help them pay off their debt.” There was a price listing and a box of ‘tools’ in front of the stockade. A Gammorean bodyguard hovered over the stockade imposingly to ensure everyone who wanted a taste would have to pay.
“Well, it was true from a certain point of view. The old man probably never went to Nar Shaddaa,” Han shrugged. “I’ll talk to the bartender to see if my contact has showed up”, he said, as he strolled over to the bartender, who was a tall, dark-skinned human.
“What do you want?” the bartender said, looking over his glass.
“I’m looking for Riley,” Han said. “I’m expected.”
“This Riley fellow better be trustworthy,” Leia whispered to Luke as they watched with distaste the ‘entertainment’ in the corner of room. “How do we know those girls weren’t just forced into it? What’s to say that sign isn’t just some lie? I hope we aren’t stuck in one of those things by the end of the night. Or worse.” Just the sight of another woman in ticklish distress was bringing up all manner of uncomfortable memories. The senate debate on Czerka. The after-party on Yavin 4. She tried to push it from her mind.
Luke shrugged. “I don’t know. I just don’t get those kind of vibes from them. They look kinda like the type to try to leave without paying, don’t they?” Luke said, gesturing at the three stocked females.
One was a tanned human, with black hair, black-eyeliner, black nails, and black thigh-high nylons who wore fairly skin-revealing attire. Her squirming nylon-clad soles were being scratched eagerly by an armoured man donning a blue Mandalorian helmet. Her painted-black toes twisted and turned in a desperate dance, to avoid the Mandalorian’s deft, gloved hands. Her protests were drowned out by giggles when he began digging two fingers deep into her quivering arches, and her eyeliner was running down her face from the tears of laughter.
The second girl was an orange-skinned Togruta who wore worn battle armour. She was cursing up a storm as a pair of green-skinned Twileks played with a bare foot each. The Twileks appeared to be on a date, and they seemed to be much more focused on each than the cussing Togruta, but nonetheless their hands made constant contact with the Togruta’s orange soles. It was clear that the Togruta was frustrated with being ignored in such a way, as the two Twileks seemed to be completely disregarding her, not even looking at her much of the time, yet they still effortlessly teased the clearly-ticklish feet in their grasp.
The third girl was a Zabrak, her pale skin, horns and facial tattoos making it easy to determine her race at a glance. She looked defiant, and clearly seemed to be acting as if she was oblivious to the ticklish torment that was happening to her friends. There was something about her defiance and her prominent racial traits that gave her a type of exotic beauty.
“Uh, maybe one of us should go over there,” Luke stuttered, a blush creeping on his cheeks. Leia glanced over and saw that his eyes kept going to the Zabrak’s bare feet. She appeared to have some elegant foot tattoos on her ankles and the tops of her feet. “You know, to help us blend in,” Luke added, tugging at his collar.
Leia mentally rolled her eyes. Boys. “And that someone would be you, I take it?” Leia asked.
Luke did not deny it, he only scratched the back of his head shyly. “Well, it’s just an idea,” he mumbled.
“Go knock yourself out, Luke,” Leia chuckled, patting him brotherly on the shoulder. “We’ll come get you later. Thanks for helping us…” Leia coughed meaningfully. “Keep a low profile.”
Luke fixed her with a bright smile, nodded, and strolled his way towards the stocked Zabrak. He paid the Gammorean bouncer a small amount of credits, pulled himself a stool, and sat in front of the Zabrak’s bare, wiggling feet. The Zabrak female glowered at him and scrunched up her toes immediately, the very act of which only emphasized her foot tattoos and made them a more intriguing target. For a brief, ludicrous moment, Leia realized why there might be those who had such great fun tickling her own exquisitely sensitive feet – it was just so cute the way they looked all scrunched up! The way the feet flinched when Luke dragged a fingernail down her arch and the Zabrak squeaked. Leia was possessed by a psychotic urge to join Luke in tormenting the tattooed Zabrak soles, before dismissing the whim.
I’ve been tickled too much… I guess I want to know what it’s like to be on the other end of the feather. Leia’s brown eyes watched Luke in action for a few moments. He dug into the Zabrak’s pale soles quickly, smirking at the way her tattooed feet would flap and wiggle, one crossing over the other to protect its ally. This only had the amusing effect of leaving the protector vulnerable, forcing the roles to reverse in desperation, repeating an endless cycle of ticklish agony, as Luke tickled right and left. The Zabrak bit her lip at first and refused to give in, but as Luke quickly discovered more and more of her ticklish spots, such as the spot between her toes right where her foot tattoos began, boyish laughter quickly came burbling out of her.
Leia was mulling over joining Luke when she spotted her companions sitting at a nearby booth. She walked right up to a laughing Han and Chewie who were now sitting at a table with a long-haired stranger.
“Luke’s having fun, what do you think of-” Leia began, stopping mid-sentence as she realized that the long-haired stranger was talking quite animatedly to Han. They stopped to look at her.
“Ahhh, so you’re Princess Leia!” the long-haired stranger said. “Han’s been telling me all about you!” she giggled coquettishly. Leia did not fail to notice the way she said Han’s name with such ardour.
“You must be Riley, I presume,” Leia said icily.
“Rifle Riley, they call me here,” Riley said pompously. She mimed shooting a pistol at Han. “Because if there’s something I want, I don’t miss,” she said, winking at him outrageously.
There was an awkward silence as no one seemed to know what to say. Leia felt her cheeks burn as she remembered hearing how Han and this woman had all been till she had come. She used to be a senator, she could handle a casual conversation and a brat like her, Leia told herself. She searched desperately for something to say.
“That’s a nice outfit,” she eventually managed lamely, commenting on Riley’s Corellian casual clothes. Casual was definitely the word for them. Too casual, perhaps. Riley wore brown high-heels boots, a pair of tight green trousers with a blaster slung across her hip, a white button-up shirt that exposed more than a bit of cleavage and a dark green vest that cut off high and exposed several inches of bare midriff. The entire look went rather well with her narrow face and long honey-blonde hair. She definitely looked the part of an immoral, conscienceless, black-hearted smuggler, Leia decided.
“Thanks,” Riley said, without gratitude. “I could never imagine myself wearing some stuffy jumpsuit,” she said. “You have to let yourself breathe, you know?” she giggled, as she tugged at the collar of her shirt, flashing Han her bra and cleavage again.
Leia grit her teeth and tried to ignore the thinly-veiled insult Riley had just sent her way and tried to steer the conversation back into more productive waters.
“So how goes the negotiations? Are you willing to sell the Alliance supplies?” Leia asked.
“Well…” Riley paused, fluttering her long eyelashes at Han. “Han’s been trying to sweet-talk me into a lower price.”
“If the Alliance defeats the Empire, we can put a lot more contacts your way. You might even be able to go legit,” Han said, trying to persuade her. “Think about it.”
“You would be helping destroy an evil empire too!” Leia added.
“A pretty big if. And don’t get me wrong, Han, you’re a sweetie, and we go way back, but I’m not running a friggin’ charity here,” Riley said, shaking her head. “The Hutts have a better offer for my services… but maybe if we could work out other arrangements…” Riley said teasingly, licking her lips. “I could consider it.”
As Leia watched Riley throw Han a fiery look that spoke of passionate nights and Han give her his cheeky smirk in response, Leia turned away and her eyes went back to watching the stockade. Luke seemed to be really enjoying himself, a grin on his face that mirrored the forced-grin on the Zabrak whose feet he was tickling. Luke appeared to have discovered a secret ticklish spot the pretty Zabrak had been hiding around the ball of the foot on her left foot, and was eagerly searching the right foot to see if a similarly-sensitive spot could be found there as the Zabrak threw her head back and roared with rumbling laughter. Leia saw Luke pout cutely as he was disappointed to determine that the exotic Zabrak’s right sole did not also harbour an intense ticklish weak point as did her left.
An idea popped into Leia’s head as she realized a way to help the Alliance secure a better price as well as teach the amorous Riley some manners.
She walked over to the dark-skinned bartender, who was fixing a drink for another customer.
“Do you have another set of those?” Leia asked him, thumbing towards the stockade where the three females were howling with laughter. The Twileks had departed in the place of a grim looking Trandoshan who immediately picked up a hairbrush and began scrubbing it over the Togruta’s soles with gusto.
“I keep an extra set in the back.” The bartender flashed Leia a smile, showing his golden teeth. “You intendin’ to rent it?”
The bartended then asked for a ridiculous price for the ‘privilege’ of using his storeroom and stockade for an hour, Leia considered bartering with him, but decided she wanted to put her plans into motion as quickly as possible. She paid him, and he gave her a keycard and directed her to the storeroom besides the bathroom.
Leia opened the door with the keycard and took a quick peek instead. It was a dusty storeroom, with boxes of liquor and chairs piled high, with a similar metal stockade inside. Leia saw a box beside the stocks and was delighted to find all manner of devices designed to wreak havoc on ticklish flesh inside. Perfect, just perfect, Leia grinned.
She walked back outside to her table just in time to see Riley run a hand down Han’s muscular bicep. Leia cleared her throat and Riley quickly retracted her hand.
“May I have a word, Riley?” Leia asked, crossing her arms.
Riley smirked at her. “Sounds like someone’s a little jealous,” she chuckled. “I’ll be right back. Think about that offer I just made you… I promise you won’t regret it,” she said, looking at Han suggestively.
“Yeah, I, uh, got it,” Han said, scratching the back of his head,
“We might be a while,” Leia said, as the two of them worked towards the storeroom.
Han watched the two females walk off together, Leia in her white outfit and Riley in her green and brown smuggler’s clothes; they looked like two polar ends of the spectrum. “This will not end well,” Han sighed, as Chewie grunted his agreement.
“Oh, well, let the ladies have their girl talk,” Han shrugged. “Bartender! Another round!”
“So what do you want?” Riley asked, arms crossed, after the two of them were alone in the dusty storeroom.
“Well, a lot of things,” Leia began cryptically. ‘One of them is-”
“Han Solo,” Riley interrupted, with a cocky laugh. “It was funny watching the steam come out of your ears when you saw me talking to Han.”
As Leia trembled with rage, Riley continued, utterly unafraid of the Princess’s wrath. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“Stay away from Han,” Leia said sternly.
“Or what? What are you gonna do about it?” Riley said, her hands at her hip, right next to where her blaster was holstered. She put her hand on her blaster and laughed. “But I guess a spoilt princess like you is used to always getting her way. Well, guess what? Not today. This is Nar Shaddaa, not whatever fancy-pants planet you came from.”
As Leia continued to fume, clenching her fists furiously, Riley continued again, unabashed by Leia’s outrage.
“Besides, why would Han want a stuffy, snooty bore like you, anyway? Especially when he can have this instead…” Riley sniggered, pointing to her well-endowed figure. “I feel sorry for you, Princess, I do. Maybe if Han is up for it you can be our third for a few nights. Just don’t forget your place,” Riley chuckled, flicking her honey-blonde hair over her shoulder.
“Speaking of place, I think I know where yours is,” Leia said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a metal handle. She pointed it at Riley and pressed a button. A beam of light as blue as the seas of Manaan burst from the hilt to form a sharp blade. Riley flinched as Leia brought the lightsaber against the smuggler’s neck.
“No quick movements, now,” Leia whispered, enjoying the sudden look of fear on the arrogant smuggler’s face as she stared at the brilliant blue blade. “Now as I was saying,” Leia continued. “I think I know your place. It’s in those stocks. Now get in there and strap yourself in. Don’t make me cut you in half.”
“You need me alive to sell you supplies,” Riley hissed, not moving a step towards the metal stocks which were open invitingly.
“Who says we don’t have other options?” Leia bluffed, lightly prodding her with the lightsaber, lightly sizzling the shoulder of Riley’s outfit. “But in any case, you reach for that blaster and you lose a hand.”
Riley glared at Leia, and for a moment she looked like she might reach for her holstered blaster and call Leia's bluff but after a tense moment where the two women stared each other hard in the eye, Riley reluctantly seated herself in the stocks. Upon Leia’s command, Riley shut the stocks around her own ankles so now her ankles were trapped in the stockade.
The stockade was the same as the one outside, for it had holes for the volunteer’s wrists and head to go through as well. Pressing the lightsaber near Riley’s shoulder was enough to coax her to cooperate and put her wrists through the armholes in the stocks as well, so her body was contorted uncomfortably. Leia clicked off Luke’s lightsaber and put it aside, as she quickly leaned down to unzip Riley’s high-heeled boots and slip them off, though it took a while due to Riley’s ankles already being bound in the stocks.
Leia stepped back to admire her prize. Riley was grunting and trying to slip her ankles and wrists free, but they fit too snugly in the stocks to allow her to escape. Leia grinned as she knew the headstrong smuggler was now entirely at her mercy, as she appraised Riley with an eye for tickle torment. Riley wore nylons under her dark-green smuggler’s trousers, and Leia was eager to get at her feet, knowing how unbearably ticklish her own royal tootsies were. Riley’s stomach was another tempting target, as the smuggler had a toned and taut torso with muscular abs that were visible due to her immodest attire. The way the smuggler’s arms were forced forward also meant her underarms were easily accessible.
“I’m going to make you pay for this,” Riley spat, as she thrashed in her bonds. “And give me back my boots!”
Leia smiled. The fool still didn’t realize what was going to happen to her. Leia decided it was time to begin her… negotiations.
“You’ll get your boots back later… maybe,” Leia said, as she pulled a chair in front of Riley’s wiggling nylon-clad feet. Riley’s feet were longer than hers, but they looked dryer and had more calluses especially around the heels. Nylons didn’t seem to match Riley’s look, and Leia wondered if she wore them to retain a sense of femininity in the male dominated smuggler’s world, or if perhaps maybe a past incident with Han had revealed that he liked them and wearing them was all part of her plan to entice him back. Leia was quick to push the thought from her head. Riley’s nylons were black and looked to be on their last legs, as there was a small hole along the arch of her left foot. Leia went for the hole immediately, circling around the hole teasingly. Leia was delighted to see Riley flinch and begin struggling again with a renewed vigour.
“What… are you… doing?” Riley asked through clenched teeth.
“Well, this is a little thing I call negotiations,” Leia said in her best stern senator voice, though she spoiled the effect by grinning. “Aggressive, ticklish negotiations,” she added, with a giggle.
“You think you can convince me with a little tickling?” Riley scoffed, with exaggerated disdain towards Leia’s modus operandi. “You must be on spice.”
“I find your lack of faith in tickle torture disturbing, but I look forward to showing you how potent it can be,” Leia said, chuckling to herself. It was clear Riley was trying to hide the effect Leia’s fingers were having on her nylon-clad soles. It was so adorable! Leia wondered for a moment if this is what her own tormentors had thought when they were tickling her, and she suddenly felt a stab of empathy. There was a certain thrill to be had being able to dominant another person like this, to make them laugh or giggle or squeal with a flick of your fingers, a fact Leia demonstrated by running her nails down both Riley’s nyloned soles at once, making the loud-mouthed smuggler giggle lightly.
“So here are my terms,” Leia said, as she focused her ticklish attention to the arches of Riley’s feet and moved her hands a bit to get at the sides as well. “You’ll offer us a better price, and you’ll stay away from Han.”
Riley laughed, though this one wasn’t the tickle-induced variety. “You are on spice. Guhhhh,” Riley bit her lip and refused to laugh as Leia tried to tickle her feet even harder. “You can’t break me,” Riley said, scrunching her toes defiantly, grinning confidently as Leia stepped up her scratching.
Leia had to admit, Riley was putting up a surprisingly good fight. Aside from a few minor giggles she had yet to laugh outrageously the way Leia knew she would if her own feet were teased in such a manner. Perhaps she wasn’t as proficient at tickling as she hoped, having always been on the receiving end of things, Leia considered, pouting.
“Giving up already? Well, you had a good go at it,” Riley said mockingly, with a derisive bark of laughter. “You let me out of here and I’ll consider letting this go.”
It was at this point, Leia had a brainwave. She had always been so ticklish on her own feet, especially in nylons, that she had jumped to the conclusion that Riley’s feet would be extraordinarily ticklish as well. Riley was probably every bit as ticklish as Leia was, but merely in different locations, and Leia just had to seek them out. With any luck, stimulation in those other areas would lead to increased sensitivity elsewhere, so when Leia returned to Riley’s feet she would have more success. Leia had a good feeling that once Leia she had eroded Riley’s resistance, those obviously-sensitive feet (based on the way they would scrunch and wiggle in response to every touch) would be a lot more receptive. Riley was just holding it in, Leia realized. It made sense that a smuggler would know how to keep a dignified front even when things were getting hairy. They were rather like senators in that regard, Leia thought, the idea putting a smile on her lips.
“I’ll let you go after we’re done talking,” Leia said, with venomous sweetness as she picked up a feather. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep things civilized. I was a senator once, you know. We follow a strict code of debate,” Leia said, as she picked up a stiff feather from the box.
This one always drives me mad, so let’s see how the tough smuggler likes it, Leia thought gleefully as she made her way to Riley’s torso, twirling the feather between her fingers.
“What are you on about?” Riley asked, before suddenly shuddering and flinching as Leia lightly danced the feather against her neck and collarbones, both fully exposed by her risqué outfit.
“Well, in our debates we always start from the top,” Leia said, dusting the feather happily along the nape of Riley’s neck and along her prominent collarbones. The princess was delighted to see how the smuggler was tossing her head from side to side to try to avoid the soft touch of the feather, biting her lip and snickering as she did so.
“You’re hehehehe out of your mind!” Riley said, as giggles continued to burble out of her as her sensitive neck was teased.
“Usually, we would then delve into one of the big matters that are screaming for attention,” Leia said calmly, as she continued to teasing all the skin she could see with her feather – she continue to dust around the neck, down towards the base of it, and finally, down around and in her top, right when she was emphasizing the words “screaming for attention.” Riley burst into indignant laughter, as Leia twirled the feather in Riley's ample cleavage, not failing to notice how Riley’s nipples were visible through the fabric as the sensitive area was titillated. Leia certainly didn’t intend for Riley to enjoy herself too much, so she stopped just when a few moans were becoming audible in Riley’s frantic laughter, to keep her in ticklish frustration.
“You’re… mad…" Riley panted, gasping as if she had been running for hours as sweat began trickling down her face.
“You must remember not to show too much emotion, for it can get the better of you,” Leia said calmly, utterly ignoring Riley’s comments. She was speaking as if she were addressing a class of eager would-be diplomats in the art of negotiation. While she was monologuing, her feather dipped down to tease Riley’s taut stomach. “If you let your passion take over, it can expose weaknesses in your argument.”
On that note, Leia leaned down to begin probing the feather along Riley’s muscular torso. She struck gold when she twirled the feather into Riley’s belly button, and the tough-as-nails smuggler let loose a squeal that made Leia snort with laughter. Leia marvelled at how the ticklish sensations in Riley’s sensitive stomach were rapidly heightening the pitch of her giggles, as she began to reach pitches she would not have expected the muscular smuggler to be capable of mustering.
As Riley desperate tried to thrust her body from side to side, in an attempt to escape the feather, Leia continued her monologue. “The last thing you want to know is to reveal a hole in your argument, I assure you,” Leia tittered, as she spun the feather in Riley’s belly button one last time before setting it aside.
“Remember, there is always more than one avenue one can approach. There are always multiple angles you can take, often simultaneously,” Leia said, as she gave Riley’s toned stomach one last parting tickle and reached up to settle her manicured nails on Riley’s underarms. Leia wiggled her fingers lightly as first, delighting in how distressed these light touches were flustering the smuggler who had been so cool only minutes before. Giggles were pouring freely from her now, and Leia wasn’t even scratching that hard! Leia marvelled at how her teasing comments about relating the tickling to the senate were making Riley respond. And the fact it made her feel like she was teaching the basics of oratory to an uninitiated disciple made her feel all the more powerful.
“The beauty of attacking from two different perspectives is that, as your debating opponent may struggle to… rebuff both arguments at once,” Leia said, as she began scratching more insistently with her nails. She alternated her strokes, sometimes scratching the left armpit, then the right, then the left, and then the left again to keep Riley guessing. It was such fun!
“Gehehehehehet out of therehehehehe!” Riley said, howling and trying to swing her arms free but the way her wrists were bound in the stockade she had no chance.
“Of course, sometimes it is prudent on focus on one point of attack at once,” Leia said, delighted in the way Riley’s pretty hazel eyes grew wide when she realized what Leia’s words entailed. Leia waited for this moment of realization before she sent all ten fingers burrowing into the hollow of one armpit. She spent time using all ten of her sharp fingers to spider-tickle each one, sometimes teasing the edges before burying back into the centre, only swapping to dive into the other armpit when Riley’s frantic laughter diminished somewhat.
“Sometimes when a foe is willing to give concessions, bartering becomes a key skill,” Leia said, as she stepped back from Riley’s underarms and pulled a pair of electric toothbrushes from the box. The toothbrush was one of the latest models that were perfect for preventing plaque build-up. It was also perfect for wreaking havoc on ticklish flesh. “I’ll give you a choice… I’ll ever put stick this in your armpits, or use it on your feet. What’ll it be?”
Riley glared at her for a moment, only reacting when Leia feinted with the brush towards her. “Damn you, woman. Fine! Underarms then. I don’t want brushes near my feet,” Riley spat.
Leia gave Riley a smile that showed more teeth than warmth. “Another important part of negotiations is to never concede to your opposition exactly what they want. Thanks for letting me know you don’t like the brush on your feet though. I’ll be sure to bear that in mind.”
Riley was practically foaming at the mouth with pure rage till Leia started to scrub the bottoms of her nyloned feet with the two toothbrushes, in which case the rage was quickly dissipated and converted into roaring laughter. Leia was delighted by the smuggler’s receptiveness to the brush, as she swept up and down the soles, giggling at the way the soles scrunched and wiggled as if they were doing a frenetic dance. It seemed Riley had not been lying about the brushes, as she howled with laughter as the brushes invaded every inch of her sensitive soles.
“Now where was I?” Leia said, casually continuing to brush up and down Riley’s soles as she spoke. “Now I remember! Another thing to bear in mind is the usefulness of a precise rebuttal,” Leia said, clicking off one toothbrush as she pulled back the toes of Riley’s right foot, leaving the sole taut and immobile.
“It is important to cover all available ground. You must be all encompassing in your points,” Leia said, as Riley’s foot waggled and jerked about trying to shake Leia’s fingers free as she began to scrub enthusiastically at the base of the toes. With the sole held firmly in place, Leia delved around and along the toes eagerly with the toothbrush, discovering a depository of sensitive spots as she meticulously teased in every little sensitive fold and niche of flesh on Riley’s right foot.
Leia was delighted to hear defeat in Riley’s voice for the first time, right when Leia was teasing the pads of her toes.
“Plehehehease nohohoho more! Stahap! Stahahahap!”
“You know how to make this stop, Riley. You’ve known from the beginning. 30% off your original price, a neural implant in your neck in case you decide to betray us, and your word you’ll stay away from Han.”
“A neural implant in my neck! Not even the Hutts would do that,” Riley snarled.
“Only because its expensive. A neural implant just gives you a bit more incentive not to change your mind the second we’re off the planet,” Leia said. “Though I like to think the prospect of being here again,” Leia said, tapping the stockade with her finger. “Is incentive enough.”
Riley looked away, clearly mulling her choices.
“I can see you need some time to think. Don’t worry, I’ll entertain myself,” Leia said, as she reached for Riley’s left foot and pulled the toes back.
“Wait, wait, no, no, nohohohohoho!” Riley begged, but soon her protests were drowned out by a torrent of frantic laughter Leia brushed and brushed all over the smuggler’s soles. Curiously, the toes of Riley’s left foot weren’t nearly as sensitive, though the ticklishness of the arch more than made up for it. Leia was so curious about this peculiar discrepancy that she spent some time alternating soles for a moment, though all the while Riley was screeching about something or another. Leia would tickle the toes on Riley’s left foot, and then the toes of the right for reference, noting the difference between a squeak and a slight giggle. Leia would then stroke the arch of Riley’s left foot, and then the arch of the right for reference, also noting the difference between a harsh belly-laugh and a brief snort.
“Apologies, but it is important to test different approaches when one can,” Leia said, clicking off the toothbrush as the smuggler huffed and puffed, her outfit now stained with sweat from her struggles. “Anyway, at this point in the debate they begin to see things from your point of view, and they consider that your suggestion may have merit” Leia said, crossing her arms and waiting for Riley’s answer.
“You drive a hard bargain, Princess,” Riley said, still panting. ”You have my word. I just hope you’ll show the Empire the same determination you showed me.”
Leia was wary about letting her out so quickly, but Riley gave her the information on the next ship for supplies, which she immediately sent on to Han and the others.
“Can I trust you, Riley?” Leia asked, as she began to open the stocks.
“You can ask Han about this, I’m many things, but I’ve never broken my word.” Riley said with a sort of grim conviction that Leia had to respect.
Leia opened the stocks and Riley climbed out, rubbing her ankles and wrists. “Nothing personal, right?” Leia said.
“Nothing personal,” Riley nodded, as she pulled out her blaster and fired at tranquilizer shot at her, stunning the Princess and dropping her to the ground immediately
When Leia came to, she was in the stockade, exactly where Riley had been moments ago. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was the sight of her white stocking clad feet sticking out of the stocks. She realized she was still in the store room of the Umo's Jar, only now with her ankles and wrists were bound in the stockade, her nylon-clad soles wiggling in the stocks helplessly. Leia saw Riley hovering over her, a grin on her face.
“Now it is my turn for a bit of aggressive negotiations,” Riley purred, turning the electric toothbrush around in her slender smuggler’s hands. “I’m still going to give your the Alliance the supplies at your price. I’ll stick to my word on that one, but I think we can discuss some personal favours you can do for me… ”