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Stephanie Get Tickled (Part 3: The Feet)


Registered User
Jun 25, 2001
16 of you voted this time(WOO-HOO!)and the majority of you (7 to be exact) voted to have Princess Stephanie's feet tickled. So I'm giving you what you want. Enjoy and make sure participate in my next poll!!

Stephanie Gets Tickled
By Hardyboyzlita28
Disclaimer: I don't own the WWF or any of its employees or owners. This is a work of pure fiction. Don't sue me.

Part 2

Stephanie awoke from her slumber to find Trish and Lita starring down on her. All the memories of the following night came flooding back to her and she let out an involuntary shudder.

"Morning sleepyhead" said Trish "Did you have a nice rest?".

Stephanie said nothing. Too afraid that she would get tickled if she said the wrong thing.

"We sure had fun last night. You are one ticklish little girl" said Lita as she began tickling Stephanie's foot.

Stephanie tittered and giggled and tried in vain to move her foot away from Lita's tickling fingers.

"Well, we're not going to tickle you like we did yesterday" said Trish.

Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief.

'Maybe they've taken pity on me' thought Steph.

"We're just going to tickle your feet today" said Lita.

"What?!?! NOOO! That's not fair!!"

"Well, neither is the way you treat people!!" shouted Trish.

Stephanie quieted down and just prayed that she would be able to survive the tickling.

Lita walked into a corner of the room and came back pushing a tray. Stephanie got a good look at what was on the table and nearly fainted.

There were many different varieties of feathers, paintbrushes, and ball point pens.

Lita picked up two feathers one soft and one stiff. While Trish picked up two paintbrushes.

"I'm not gonna laugh this time" said Stephanie "I don't care what you do."

"Yeah sure sweetie" said Lita "We believe you."

Lita slowly dragged the stiff turkey feather up and down Stephanie's sole from the heel to the tips of her toes while Trish used the paintbrushes in between and underneath her toes.

Stephanie's shook her feet in hopes lessening the tickling sensations but it was no use.
Trish and Lita followed her every move. Stephanie clamped her mouth shut and tried her best to shut out the tickling of her soft soles.

"You can fight as hard as you want to, but your soft pampered skin will eventually betray you" said Trish.

Trish and Lita kept up the tickling and a grin broke out onto Stephanie's beautiful face. Her body shook and her breasts jiggled within the confines of her bra.

'Oh my God' thought Steph 'I'm going to burst. But if I give in and laugh I'll be weak. Mcmahons are not weak. We are strong, we determined, we are---'.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE" laughed Stephanie as Trish had found a particularly ticklish spot under Steph's big toe. Stephanie's laughter flooded the room.


Lita used the soft feather in between Stephanie's toes. Trish concentrated on the high arch of Stephanie's foot sending Stephanie into more hysterics.


Tears were streaming down her face. Her mouth was gaped open and she began to drool a little bit.

The Divas stopped tickling and gave Stephanie her break after 30 minutes. Stephanie sat their gasping and gulping fresh air into her lungs. She had prayed that she passed out but the divas had stopped tickling her to avoid that.

"Please stop!! no more!! I can't take it!!".

"You really don't have a choice princess!!"

The girls began tickling again because they knew that if Stephanie was able to beg she had gotten her breath back and was ready for another tickling session.

Trish and Lita used their nails this time to explore every ticklish inch of their captives foot. Everytime they found a spot that was really ticklish, they would mark it with a pen causing Steph to squeal and giggle.

After marking all of the extremely ticklish spots on Steph's feet, Lita and Trish used their fingernails, feathers, and paintbrushes to torture those areas.

Stephanie froze for a few seconds and then let out a torturous scream followed by a steady stream of laughter.


Trish and Lita laughed along with their captive, but not for the same reasons. They couldn't believe that they had turned the 'Billion Dollar Princess' into a babbling incoherent fool.

'Good thing we're getting this on video' thought Lita.

The divas continued their actions for an hour giving Stephanie little breaks every now and then to keep her from passing out.

Lita looked at her watch and whispered something to Trish. She nodded and then spoke to Stephanie.

"Well Steph we gotta go take care of a few things so we won't be tickling you for a while".

'Thank god' thought Steph.

"But don't worry Steph" said Lita "You won't be alone".

'What does she mean by that'.

"We'll be right back Stephy".

They ran upstairs leaving Stephanie to her own thoughts.

Trish came back down a few minutes later with a pot in her hands. She set the pot down. She then went over to a corner of the room and reappeared with some string. She tied Steph's toes back and attached the strings to the stocks. Trish then picked up a brush and dipped it into the pot. The pot was full of a thick gravy substance. Trish heavily coated Stephanie's soles and in between her toes. Stephanie giggled and shook her feet. Once she was done, Trish called up to Lita.

"She ready now!!"

"OK" said Lita.

Lita came bounding down the stairs but she wasn't alone. She came around into Steph's view with her dog Toby.

"Steph this is my dog Toby. He's going to be keeping you company while Trish and I are out".


"Aaaaw. You won't die. You might pass out but you won't die" said Trish.

"We'll be gone for a few hours and that's how long It'll take him to get that gravy off one of your feet. Then it'll take him a few more hours to get the gravy off of the other foot".

Lita unhooked Toby's leash and he went towards Stephanie's left foot and sniffed it.
He then snaked out his raspy tongue and began to lick Stephanie's foot.

Stephanie laughed instantly.


The relentless licking of Toby's tongue drove Stephanie insane and the fact that her toes had been tied back made the tickling much much worse. She screamed, begged, and cackled, but was given no relief.

"See ya later Steph" said Lita.

"I hope you and Toby have a good time" said Trish.

Stephanie didn't hear them. All she could comprehend tickling. She couldn't believe was Toby's tongue did to her and this was just on one foot.

The girls went upstairs hearing Stephanie's tortured laughter and pleas for mercy. They closed the basement door thankful that their basement was soundproofed. The way Steph had been screaming before they would have gotten caught a long time ago.

****A few hours later****

Trish and Lita returned and went downstairs to check on Stephanie. She had passed out about an hour ago, but Toby was still licking at Stephanie's feet making her giggle in her sleep.

Lita grabbed Toby and took him upstairs.

Trish had gotten some smelling salt and decided to give sleeping beauty a wake up call.

Stephanie was startled awake by the pungent smell and nearly had a heart attack when she saw Trish's smiling face.

"Did you have fun with Toby?"

Stephanie just looked at her and started sobbing hysterically. Trished laughed at her and Lita made her way downstairs.

"Why is she crying?" asked Lita.

"I think she had a little too much fun with Toby".

"Don't cry Steph" said Lita.

Stephanie ignored her and cried even more.

Lita sighed and took a look at Stephanie's feet. They were red due to the overstimulation that they recieved over the last few hours, but they were also dirty due to the ink from the other tickling session and the dogs raspy tongue.

"Stephanie!" exclaimed Lita "Your feet are all dirty. I guess we'll just have to clean them".

"I'll go get everything" said Trish "I'll be right back".

Trish ran upstairs and returned a few minutes later with a bucket of warm water and two toothbrushes. By this time Stephanie had finally stopped crying and started to scream when she realized what they had planned for her.

"Oh calm down Steph" said Trish "We're just gonna clean your feet".

Trish had placed the bucket between Steph's feet. The girls took their positions in front of Stephanie's bound feet, dipped their toothbrushes into the warm soapy water and went to work.

Both divas alternated between light and hard scrubs of the toothbrush on Stephanie's feet to keep her off balance and to prolong the tickling for as long as possible. They scrubbed inbetween her toes, on the balls and along the high arches of her feet.


Stephanie was lost in the tickling sensations that came from the endless stimualtion of her soles.

After nearly more than an hour of scrubbing and brushing, Trish and Lita finally stopped 'cleaning' Stephanie's feet.

Stephanie was completely disoriented. She didn't know where she was....hell, she barely even knew who she was. It took her nearly 15 minutes to to stop giggling and get herself together.

Stephanie's body was tingling from the excessive foot tickling. Her nipples were hard and her crotch was extremely wet.

Trish and Lita got up from their positions at Stephanie's feet and stood on either side of her. Trish leaned down and whispered in Stephanie's ear.

"Did you enjoy yourself?".

"No. You know that I didn't" said Stephanie.

"I think you did. Or else you wouldn't so turned on right now".

"I can't help that. I didn't like it. My body betrayed me".

"Mmmhmm, sure".

Both Lita and Trish walked around and stood between Stephanie's widespread legs.

"What are you doing?" asked Stephanie.

"You'll see" said Lita.

The divas then began to lightly tickle Stephanie's feet and massage and tickle her inner thighs.

Stephanie had braced herself for the attack, but found that it wasn't torturous like the previous sessions. It actually felt kinda good, but of course she wasn't going to let Trish and Lita know that. She giggled and writhed and tried to stifle a moan.

"See" said Trish "I knew you liked it".

The girls kept tickling Steph's feet and began stroking her through her panties and even stuck their fingers in her panties to play with her clit. Stephanie was beside herself with pleasure. Her head swam and she thought she was going to lose her mind.

Trish and Lita then withdrew their fingers from a very upset Stephanie Mcmahon. She began begging for a release, but the girls just ignored her.

"Goodnight Steph" said Lita "We'll see you in the morning".

Trish waved and they both went upstairs and locked the door.

Stephanie moaned in frustration and sat their until sleep overcame her.

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