wow nice stocks some one bare feet are sure gonna get tickled real bad bring out the oil tickle tools and friends to help out is gonna lot laughing and fun.
Fyi, yoy made the same mistake i did first time i made stocks. The holes are too high. It will cause discomfort, eventually. You want to go for a lower hole, so its easy for the lee to just be flat on her back or tummy and no angle at the ankles.
Ive been building stocks since i was 15, holes arent too high, this was impromptu and i usuallyhave the set up different based off of where i am. This was an empty room and she literally loved them and asked to keep them for herself. If i have her laying on bed i have a way to set the stocks at the end of the bedthe where the holes line up with the top of the mattress. Sitting on floor i have them sit on a stool that keeps them at same level. So these are actually built just the way i like.
Well i have to go on are the photos you just posted. Im glad to hear you have been building stocks since you were 15 in shop class. Post up some photos of those stocks from when you were 15, id love to see the early works.