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Stocksvill Chaptor 4 part 3 (Heavy f/f, light f/m)


TMF Expert
Jul 2, 2003
12:45 PM

“Hi Angela.” Gloria greeted Sister Angela as she entered the room. Gloria pretty much expected Angela to come in alone. No doubt Dawn was having a little talk with Rod. This was probably a first, as Dawn had never had a talk with any of Gloria’s boyfriends before. Of course though, this was Rod. He was different. Knowing Dawn, she was probably welcoming him to the family and teasing the shit out of him. Oh well, little point in thinking about that at the moment.

“Hello Gloria.” Angela gave Gloria a half smile. She still didn’t seem very comfortable, and Gloria didn’t blame her. This was more Rose family business than church business. “Your mother sent me in here to get started on you.” Angela gave Gloria a somewhat apologetic-what-can-I-do shrug.

“Alright, let’s get started then. Sooner it starts the sooner it’s over.” Gloria nodded her head. She wasn’t too worried. Angela was a pretty good tickler, even as far as church standards went, she was above the average, but compared to Dawn, she wasn’t much. It was Dawn that had Gloria sweating bullets, and not because Dawn was such a lethal tickler either. Dawn had years of experience tickling Gloria, which meant she knew how to deliver the most ticklish experience possible. She knew exactly how to read Gloria’s body language, which meant Dawn knew were to tickle, how hard or light of a touch she should use, how long she should tickle, and when to give a break, all for optimal tickle torture. Compared to Dawn, Angela would be a cake walk.

“Very well child.” Angela nodded her head. Walking towards the stocks, Angela took a moment to bind Gloria’s toes back with some of the leather straps almost all of the stocks in the church had. On the bright side, this type of stocks didn’t have anything built into it to spread and bind all of Gloria’s toes, just her big ones. It was small comfort though.

Once Gloria’s big toes were securely bound, and her feet were pulled back nice and tight, Angela reached towards Gloria’s outstretched soles. Turning her hands palms up, Angela pressed her middle fingers of each hand into Gloria’s arches. Slowly, She began to trace a clockwise circle with her right hand, and a counter clockwise circle with her left, lightly twisting her fingers in a never ending circle along the soft, taught arches. Gloria’s body instantly stiffened in response to the touch.

“That’s it dear, don’t fight it. Just let it all out and laugh.” Angela seemed to have become considerably more comfortable once the tickling started. This wasn’t to surprising. After all, Angela was in her element. She was comfortable tickling, as opposed to dealing with the other BS that was going on. This was something she could focus on.

“Eeeeee!” Gloria squealed in response. Angela might not be as good as her mother, Dawn, but she was still good, and Gloria was still very ticklish. That didn’t mean she was going to start laughing without a fight however. In return for her resistance, Angela placed her index fingers beside her middle fingers, adding them to the mix, and increasing the intensity of the ticklish sensations shooting through Gloria’s feet.

“Aehehehhehe!” Gloria burst into titters of laughter, her free toes wiggling as much as they could. Of course, this did nothing more than make them look like an appealing target, but once again, she was a slave of her ticklish sensitivity. Fortunately for Gloria, Angela was currently ignoring her toes and focusing on her high arches.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Angela nodded her head an approving manner. After a few minutes of this particular touch, she changed things up. Still using just her index and middle fingers, Angela began tickling Gloria’s feet in long, slow sweeps. She would begin at Gloria’s heels, touching her nails to the flesh, and then slowly run them up along the feet until they stopped just below where Gloria’s toes started. Angela would then bring them down again, running the backs of her nails along the arches and down the heels of Gloria’s feet, only to slowly sweep them up again.

“Ahahehehehhe oh oh ehehehehehee!” Gloria laughed a bit louder, but not by much. Gloria was actually somewhat familiar with this particular technique as it was a favorite of Alicia’s. It wasn’t too uncommon during sleepovers for Alicia to just casually grab Gloria’s ankles, trap them between her legs and use almost the exact same touch as Angela was currently using. It was a good way to tickle somebody and keep them laughing without wearing them out or wearing yourself out. Granted, Alicia tended to pick up the pace for short bursts, sending Gloria into momentary hysterics, before slowing down her tickling touch again. Of course, it always took Gloria longer to come down from the hysterical laughter than it did for Alicia to change back to a more casual tickling pace, which is why Alicia liked it. Optimal results for minimal effort.

“That’s a girl. Just let the laughter flow out of you.” Angela nodded her head, as though Gloria had much of a choice in the matter. Once again, Angela changed her technique, this to reaching over with her index fingers and lightly scratching the nails along the sides of her feet beneath her big toes.

“NO ahahahahaa not ahahaha!” This got a violent jerk from Gloria, or at least as much of a violent jerk as she could give. It wasn’t so much that those particular spots were horribly ticklish, but Gloria had learned over the years that those two spots, if left alone while her feet were being tickled, would become extremely sensitive for short burst of time when tickled. They would eventually become less sensitive after being tickled for a minute or so, but all one had to do was tickle the other parts of her feet for a few minutes, and the sensitivity would return. Both Alicia and Dawn knew this particular weakness, and Gloria had a feeling that by the end of the hour, Angela would figure it out as well, much to her dismay.

“My, that’s an interesting response.” Angela noted, letting her index fingers scratch up and down the sides of Gloria’s soles while she howled. Gloria knew she would have been bouncing all over the place if she could have moved, but the bondage was so restrictive the only thing that was moving were her tits as they jiggled slightly from the force of her laughter. Angela kept it up until Gloria seemed to respond less to the tickling. By then Gloria had some good tear streaks down her reddening cheeks. Angela, perhaps thinking that this was because Gloria was being worn out, instead of realizing the spot was simply loosing sensitivity, stopped. “I think you’ve earned a bit of a breather.”

“Aheheh OK ahahah thanks thanks…” Gloria breathed deeply and as slowly as best she could. That was the best way to get ones breath back, she had learned, both through fitness exercises and simply having experienced as much tickling as she had. Long, slow, deep breaths. Yeah, that was the ticket.

“Hope I didn’t miss much.” Came the sound of Dawn’s irritatingly chipper voice as she walked into the room. She smiled as she approached Gloria. “Awww, how’s mommy's widdle girl?”
Gloria didn’t answer the taunting question but if Gloria’s eyes could have shot daggers, her mother would have been dead on the spot.

“Aww, don’t look at me like that. You’ll thank me later.” Dawn smiled at Gloria. She then casually sauntered over and began sawing her finger between Gloria’s big toe and middle toe. Gloria burst into laughter, though thankfully her mother only did this for a few seconds before stopping. “You shouldn’t look so angry hon, it’ll give you wrinkles.”

The bitch just loved this. Gloria made a slight growling sound in response.

“I’m giving her a little breather.” Angela pointed out. “How did things go with Rod? Did he tell you what you wanted to know?”

“Naw. One thing can be said about Rod, and that’s the boy has stamina.” Dawn gave Gloria a little wink that Angela wouldn’t have been able to see. “I’m going to call in the big guns for this one. See how he stands up to Victoria’s gentle touch.”

“Are you serious?” Angela looked at Dawn, mouth agape. Gloria herself had to admit that she was surprised. It wasn’t like Dawn to pass up on a chance to tickle Rod into hysterics. She had been at it a while, true, but still, one of Dawn’s greatest joys in life was tickling people into oblivion. There were only three reasons why Dawn would pass on the chance to tickle somebody as intensely as she liked – which, from the sound of things, Rod was giving Dawn all the reason in the world to do.

Reason one, Dawn was getting bored with tickling the person. Not likely at all, particularly in Rod’s case, but possible. Two, Dawn really didn’t think she could get the information from Rod. Possible, but once again, Gloria had her doubts. Dawn enjoyed a challenge when it came to tickling. And reason three, Dawn genuinely felt that there might be a time constraint and really wanted to get the information quick. Gloria did have to admit that when when he really wanted to hold back information, Rod was quite good when faced with tickle torture. Perhaps it was the fact that he had been tickled so much by such a highly skilled tickler like Dawn as he grew up, Gloria didn’t know, but she did know that tickling Rod for information could be a hell of a task, and that was when he only had something semi-important to keep secret.

Like the time Mandy, Rod, Alicia and Gloria had been playing capture the flag when they were younger. Well, Alicia and Gloria had been on one team and Rod and Mandy on the other. Alicia and Gloria had captured Rod, and taken him to the prison. Once he was in the prison, Alicia and Gloria had decided to question him by straddling Rod (Alicia sat on his arms and Gloria straddled his waist) and tickling him until he talked. It had taken the two of them more than thirty minutes of non-stop tickling to get the info out of him, and both girls had given him their worst.

“Yup, completely serious.” Dawn nodded her head. “Why don’t you go get her? I can spend a little time with my girl in the meanwhile.” Dawn grinned at Gloria who scowled back at her.

“OK, though she’s not going to like being interrupted in the middle of testing…” Angela warned.

“That’s ok! Just tell her I sent you if she asks.” Dawn smiled, not fazed at all by the worried tone in Angela’s voice. “Oh, and get down here before she does to tell me. I want to talk to her for a few to brief her before she sees Rod.” Dawn paused, then turned around again. “And Angela?”

“Yes Dawn?” Angela paused, turning her head around.

“Take your time.” Dawn smiled. “I want Rod to sweat a little, and to spend some quality time with my daughter.” She then turned back to Gloria and grinned at her.

“OK…” Dawn’s optimism didn’t seem to be rubbing off on Angela, but she slipped out of the room none-the-less.

“Now, how are you doing hon?” Dawn asked her daughter.

“Having a million laughs, what do you think?” Gloria responded, heavy on the sarcasm.

“Oh, I know you aren’t too happy with me right now, but you’ll understand one day.” Dawn said, reaching over and wiping a bit of the sweat off of Gloria’s brow.

“I have an itch.” Gloria grumbled, not liking the fact that she needed to ask her mothers help, but able to do little else in the situation.

“OK hon, where is it?” Dawn asked.

“Tip of my nose.” It had started a few minutes ago when one of her tears had run across her nose by chance. Dawn reached over and gave it a good, hard scratch. Gloria let go a sigh of relief. “Better. Thanks.”

“My pleasure, dear.” Dawn smiled at her daughter. “So, where has Angela been working on?”

“Just my feet.” There was little point in lying. Dawn would work over whatever part of her body Dawn felt like working over.

“I don’t blame her. You do have such lovely feet.” Dawn walked to the end of the stocks and gently gripped either of Gloria’s feet, her fingers wrapping around the backs, and her thumbs gently pressing into Gloria’s arches. “You get that from my side of the family. High arches and dainty feet.” Dawn explained with pride. All the while she began slowly massaging her thumbs into Gloria’s arches. Gloria gritted her teeth, fighting to not smile and give her mother the enjoyment.

“You….don’t say…” Gloria managed to get out, fighting for control. Oooh, she hated her mother! She took back every nice thing she ever said about her.

“Why, I do say!” Dawn exclaimed. “Let me show you.” Dawn stopped wiggling her thumbs and released Gloria’s feet, much to Gloria’s relief. However, the relief was short lived as Dawn bent over and pressed her index fingernail into Gloria’s arch. It wasn’t pressing too hard, but Gloria definitely knew it was there.

“You see, the Rose women are well known for having soft and well-rounded heels,” Dawn explained, as she traced a never-ending circle around the ball of Gloria’s foot with her nail

“Yeah?” was all Gloria could say.

“Yes indeedy!” Dawn chirped. “You can see the exact same thing on this heel as well.” Dawn explained touching her other fingernail to the until-currently ignored heel of Gloria’s other foot. This pushed Gloria over the edge, and she began to giggle uncontrollably.

“Eheheh ok ok, I get the ehehe point!” Gloria said, wiggling as best she could in the stocks.

“Tsk, but I haven’t even finished my explanation? How can you have gotten the point already?” Dawn asked, emphasizing the word “point” with a particularly vicious dig of her index nails into Gloria’s feet that made Gloria give a sharp shriek of laughter before returning to her giggling state.
“Now, where was i?” Dawn mused for a moment, looking away in thought. Her fingers didn’t let up though as she thought about it for a minute. “Oh, now I remember! We were talking about the Rose heels. Now, those are all good and well, but the Rose arch is something particularly impressive.” Saying that, Dawn’s fingers changed from circling the balls of Gloria’s feet to running up and down Gloria’s arches.

“As you can see, the Rose arch is particularly high. Do you feel that hon?” Dawn asked, using her nails to stroke the center of the arches of Gloria’s feet. Her face and voice were completely neutral, as if she were explaining about the family crest, and not an ounce of emotion or notice of the fact that she was slowly driving her daughter crazy from tickling.

“Yes yes yes! Ahahahaha!” Dawn cried out, laughing now. If she had said “no”, her mother would have just intensified her actions until she did say yes.

“Good. You see, high arches usually indicate both a good bone structure for the feet, and suggest that our ancestors didn’t spend much time on their feet. This means they were probably pampered. I would think perhaps some sort of royalty, like a Princess, or maybe a Duchess.” Dawn sighed. “Shame we didn’t get to see any of that royal treasure, isn’t it?”

“OK OK OK stop ahahahahahaha!” Gloria was in full blown laughing mode, her mother’s incessant tickling pushing her to further and further levels of hysterics as her feet were stroked mercilessly.

“Stop? But I’m only halfway through.” Dawns voice sounded hurt, but that didn’t stop her from letting her index fingers constantly lick at Gloria’s arches. “Really, dear, you should learn to have proper respect for family history.”

“OK OK AHAHAHAHAH TELL IT!” Gloria cried out. She knew her mother, and unless Gloria asked her mother to continue, Dawn would continue to Hmm and hah over her daughters lack of interest, all the while tickling her feet as though she wasn’t.

“I don’t know dear, I’m not sure I want to tell it anymore…” Dawn sighed particularly loudly, as though a great weight had been placed on her shoulders. “I’m just not sure you’re as interested in your family history as I thought you would be.”

Oh, that bitch! That fucking bitch! Gloria would have shouted it at her mother if she had been able to. As things were though, she was laughing too hard to do that. Hell, she was having trouble breathing, let alone trying to make out words. Sadly though, her mother would keep this up until she did the one thing she hated as much as hell to do. Beg.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHA TELL AHAHAH TELL AHAHAHA TELL ME!” Gloria managed to get out after a minute of struggling.

“Hmph, I don’t know…” Dawn looked away, blowing her cheeks up.

Fucking bitch! She was going to wait till her mother was asleep, creep into her room, and smother her with a fucking pillow! “PLEASE! AAHAHAHAAH TELL ME!” Gloria practically screamed the words. She could feel the tears of laughter running down her reddening cheeks as she continued to howl in the stocks.

“Oh, alright.” Dawn smiled sweetly at her daughter. “But just because you asked so nice.” A thoughtful look entered Dawn’s face, her fingers never letting up. “Now, where was I? Where…was…I…? AH right, the arches! Now, I explained those, so we move up to the toes.”

Saying so, Dawn’s finger’s suddenly spread open and her fingers began stroking under Gloria’s toes. Gloria’s poor digits instinctively tried to protect themselves, folding over, but this did little good as it simply allow Dawn to stroke their sensitive underbellies with her wiggling nails. “You see, the Rose toes are perfect examples of toes. They aren’t too long, but they aren’t short either. Neither are they fat, or skinny, and they have just the right maneuverability, don’t you think?”

Gloria was too busy shrieking in laughter to answer her mother. The undersides of Gloria’s toes were on her list of top five tickle spots. She knew it, her mother knew it, anybody who had ever tickled her knew it, and now her mother was using it to torture her up the wall. At this point Gloria had decided to forgo the waiting until her mother fell asleep tonight. No, she was going to get home and gut her like a fish with a carving knife from the kitchen.

“AHAAHAHAHAA NO NO MORE AHAHAAHA STOP!” Gloria wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to keep laughing this hard, though she hoped to God it wasn’t much longer. She was really starting to feel the strain of being tickled at this level for so long and so hard. She could feel the sweat running down her face and soaking her underwear, and her lungs and throat were starting to burn from the sustained effort. This was definitely not the fun tickling she was used to. This was much more intense. This was pushing her past the limits she was used to. This was true tickle torture.

And then it did stop, much to Gloria’s surprise. Of course the tickling might have stopped, but Gloria was still laughing. It took her several minutes to calm down. When she finally did, she found her mother looking at her, a slight smile on her face.

“You’re…a real…bitch…you…know that?” Gloria gasped, trying to get her air back. She knew calling her mother a bitch, particularly in this position, was not a smart idea. She was, after all, at her mothers mercy, and Dawn was known for her merciless tickling. But, she wasn’t going to just grovel and beg. Not yet at any rate.

“Aw, Gloria, you’re going to hurt Mommy's feelings.” Dawn pouted

“If you don’t let me out of these stocks, I’m gonna-Ahahahaha!” Gloria burst into laughter as Dawn gently stroked Gloria’s left arch with her index finger.

“I’m sorry, dear. What was that?” Dawn asked innocently after several seconds of sole stroking.

“I said…I’m gonna-ahahahahaha!” Once again Gloria’s words became jumbled in the stream of laughter that was forced out of her by Dawns tickling fingers.

“Oh, I’m sorry dear. These ears of mine just aren’t as good as they used to be.” Dawn placed her pinky finger in her ear, giving it a few good twists. “Now, what were you going to say?”

Gloria just glowered at her mother.

“Tsk such a angry face. I…oh…” Dawn stopped talking, placing a hand to her forehead, seeming to stumble a little.

“Mom? Mom, are you ok?” Gloria instinctively began to panic. If her mother was going to have a stroke or something, this wasn’t good. Nobody was around, and she sure as shit couldn’t go for help. Shit shit shit!

“I’m fine dear…” Dawn rubbed her forehead for a moment. “I just…I could have sworn…I felt a presence in the room for a moment.” Dawn then clutched her forehead again, moaning softly.

Gloria’s eyes widened. Her mother wasn’t having a stroke. She knew exactly what was happening. “No, mom! No!” Gloria struggled in her bondage. “I am too old for this! I am too old for Countess Von Kitzel!”

“Did zomeone zay my name?” Came the slow response from Dawn as she pulled her hands away from her face.

“Mom, No! Seriously, no!” Gloria glared at her mother. Tickle torturing her was one thing but did she really need to go through this humiliating experience? Countess Von Kitzel was a creation of Dawn’s back when Gloria was eight years old. Her mother would clutch her head, make mention of a mysterious presence in the room, and then be “Possessed” by the spirit of Countess Von Kitzel, a German countess in the 18th century who would have peasants kidnapped by her guards and brought to the dungeon to be tickled by her. Usually when Dawn did this, she’d just chase Gloria and who ever else was in the house around saying “Kitzel Kitzel Kitzel!”, and whomever she caught would get a rather thorough “Kitzelling,” as she put it, before she moved on to the next target. In particular, Gloria remembered when her mother would grab a solid hold of her ankles and plant raspberry after raspberry on her defenseless soles. Even to this day, her soles would tingle when she thought of raspberries.

When she was younger, Gloria had to admit grudgingly, it was kinda fun. Like a game of hide and seek combined with tag, except the only person who was “it” was Dawn, and everybody else was trying to either hide or run away. It was innocent, and fun, and Mother/daughter/friends stuff, and at the time Gloria was cool with it. But, just as she outgrew Barbies, she outgrew Countess Von Kitzel as well. She was eighteen years old now, for Christ’s sake! She was too old for this shit. Apparently though, her mother wasn’t.

“Mother? Who iz zis mother? I am ze Countess Von Kitzel!” Dawn said, spreading her arms out, talking in her fake German/English accent, and putting on the theatrics.

“Mom! I am a grown woman now! I am too old for this shit!” Gloria continued to glare at her mother.

“Tsk, zuch an inzulant girl!” Dawn tsk-tsked as she slowly approached her daughter, holding out her fingers. “I think zis will be good for you, ya?” Dawn slipped around behind Gloria, and after a moment to let the suspense build for Gloria, Dawn began lightly scraping away at Gloria’s ribs.

“Aahahahaha shit no stoppit!” Gloria cried out, wiggling about as best she could as she felt her mother’s fingers lightly scraping along her ribs. Why the hell couldn’t she have been born in a nice place, like Toronto? Sure, they had higher crime rates, and murder rates, but they probably didn’t have crazy nuns and priests who tickled the fuck out of you.

“Kitzel, kitzel, kitzel, mine little Fraulein.” Cooed Dawn, as her finger nails lightly glided over each of Gloria’s ribs. Gloria’s sides spasmed in response, her chest thrusting out and jiggling in a way that some would certainly describe as provocative. Of course, Gloria didn’t care about that at the moment. What she cared about was the horribly ticklish sensations of her mother's nails finding every little ticklish spot her ribs possessed.

“PLEAEHAHAHAHAHAH JUST AHAHAHAHA STOP!” Gloria was in hysterics as her mother continued to tickle her sides. Any fight in her had gone, and as the tears of laughter rolled down her bright, ruby-red cheeks, she knew that Dawn would have little if any mercy on her.

“Zat’s it, little girl. Laugh for ze Countess! Kitzel kitzel kitzel!” Dawn continued to taunt, raising her hands up, and spidering her nails in Gloria’s armpits. Gloria had just freshly shaved her pits this morning, and Dawn was taking full advantage of that weakness by dancing her fingers over the hairless hollows without respite.

"AHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Gloria almost screamed, her chest arching upwards, shaking and struggling against her bonds, her body once again beading with sweat from the heat and physical exertion of the torture she was being put through. Gloria was going to die. Her mother was going to keep tickling her and soon, she would die from laughter. She knew it. How could anybody survive being tickled for this long? Her chest and sides ached, her face hurt from smiling for so long, her throat was beginning to feel sore from having to laugh so much, and she was pretty sure she had cried and sweated a bucket of water by this point. Indeed, this was true tickle torture.

“I think it’z time for zome tootsie razpberriez.” Dawn said, letting up on the tickling of Gloria’s armpits. Dawn walked slowly and deliberately towards the bottom of the stocks, Gloria’s feet her obvious target.

“God…please…no…” Dawn gasped, unable to do much more than struggle to breath. She didn’t even have the energy to wiggle her feet in response to the nervous feeling that entered her belly. All she could do was gasp and watch through tear stained eyes as her mother circled around the stocks and finally came to stop before her helpless feet.

“Oh yez dear.” Dawn said, as she slowly, so very slowly, knelt over, and pressed her full lips to Gloria’s left arch.

Gloria winced, preparing herself for what was about to happen. She had gotten plenty of foot tickles over the year, be it with feathers or nails or brushes, but it had been ages since she had felt a pair of lips pressed to her feet. This was going to be hell.

“PPPHHHHHHT! Was the sound the echoed in the room as Dawn blew a rather loud and long raspberry on her daughters sole.

“AAAAAAAHAHAHA!” Gloria shrieked as she felt her mother’s lips vibrating on her sole. It was an indescribable feeling. It was soft, and moist and it made her entire foot tremble and her toes wiggle.

The raspberry was loud and long, and by the time Dawn stopped, Gloria had been reduced to silent laughter. She choked for air, her mother giving her a momentary reprieve from her torture so that she could get some of her breath back. Gloria doubted it was more than thirty seconds though, and then she felt Dawn’s full lips being pressed against her other foot’s arch.

“AHAHNNAHAHSTAAHAHAH!” Gloria cried out, her words a mixture of screaming laughter and garbled gibberish as she tried in her hysterics to plead with her mother to stop. By the time Dawn pulled her lips away, Gloria had once more been reduced to silence, as she sat in the stocks.

Dawn once again stepped away from the ends of the stocks, letting her daughter get her breath back. This time she waited longer though. Obviously Dawn knew Gloria was on her last legs and needed a bit of a breathier or else she might pass out. This time the break lasted a few minutes, Gloria trying to get in as much air to ease the fire burning in her lungs. Even though longer than the last, the rest period was still much to short for Gloria and she let go a scared whimper as Dawn bent down again, slowly cupping Gloria’s right foot and getting ready to bring her lips up to Gloria’s foot.

“Dawn, she’s coming.” It was the sound of an Angel’s voice. Well, actually it was Angela, but when Dawn’s fingers and lips moved away from Gloria’s feet, Angela might as well have been an angel as far as Gloria was concerned.

“Ah, good.” Dawn turned to look at Angela. “You’ll have to take over for me for a few moments. Try the sides of her feet. It’ll drive her crazy.” Dawn gave her daughter a wink before walking out the door.

“An…Angela…please…I need…a break.” Gloria gasped. She wasn’t actually as out of breath as she was letting on. Gloria had great lungs and the two minutes her mother had given her was enough to get her breath back, but Angela wasn’t as familiar with Gloria as Dawn was, so considering how rough Gloria knew she must have looked, she felt she could probably con herself a few more minutes of breathing time. After being tickled as much as she had during her life, she had learned how to fake exhaustion pretty well, though in all honesty at the moment it wasn’t too far from the truth. She felt half dead after all that tickling.

“Well, I suppose a few minutes would be ok.” Angela said cautiously. Angela obviously didn’t want to piss off Dawn, as Dawn would have no problems giving Angela a good tickling, but Angela was also a softy at heart.

“Th-thank you…Angela…” Gloria continued to pant and gasp. Sucker. But oh well, she did need the break, even if it wasn’t as badly as she made it out to be.

Angela for her part didn’t say anything, but she walked over to the equipment closet and took out a towel and a bottle of water, proceeding to wet the towel and wipe the sweat off Gloria’s body. Gloria giggled a bit as the cloth ran over her sensitized skin, but compared to her previous tickling, this was a pleasant touch. Granted, she did have a giggling fit or two when her underarms and finally the soles of her feet were wiped. Angela took her time, and finally Gloria was sweat free. It was a little strange being towel bathed, but Gloria did feel better for it.

“OK, break's over.” Angela put the towel away and approached Gloria’s feet. Following Dawn’s advice, she began tickling along the sides of Gloria’s feet.

Gloria had hoped that the break would have desensitized her feet, but Angela’s washing of her soles with the wet cloth seemed to keep them sensitive enough that when Angela’s nails began stroking the sides of her feet, she let out a shriek of laughter which quickly descended into a series of laughs and giggles. “AAHAAhahahahahaahahehee!”

“My, your mother was right about these spots, wasn’t she?” Angela observed, letting her fingernails make, long, slow strokes on Gloria’s feet. “It seems though that the sides of your feet are only sensitive for a little while. Not too uncommon really. I just need to change my targets like so…” Angela’s fingers began raking Gloria’s arches, this time using a much harder tickle than before, causing Gloria’s laughter to increase in pitch and intensity. “And work your feet for a while like this, and eventually they’ll become more sensitive again.”

“Ahahahahahahha.” Gloria laughed in response to the new tickling assault. Shit, she figured it out. Not too surprising, but Gloria had hoped she wouldn’t. Oh well, nothing to do but grin and bare it. Or in this case, laugh like a lunatic and bare it.

“Well, Victoria’s going to work on Rod as we speak.” Dawn slipped into the room. “She should have him climbing the wall in a few minutes I’m sure, poor boy. He did it to himself though.”

“Ahahahaha bitch!” Gloria cried out before she burst into frantic laughter as Angela began stroking the sides of her feet again.

“Now, now, I’ll visit him in, say, twenties minutes to make sure he
isn’t dead. Maybe I’ll even lend a hand or nails to help Victoria out. I’ve always wondered what the two of us could do if we combined skills.” Dawn grinned, a wicked look on her face. “I wonder if we could make Rod piss himself? It’s been a while since I’ve done that. Mmm…”

“Mother Aahahahaahaha kill ahahaha you!” Gloria imagined the threat would have been a little more intimidating if she wasn’t almost crying with laughter as Angela changed back to tickling the sides of her feet, causing her to begin to shriek with laughter. “AHAHAHAHHAA STOAHAHAHA STOHAHAHASTOP!”

“Oh, I’m just teasing, sweetie.” Dawn approached Gloria, and reached a hand up, beginning to tickle one of Gloria’s exposed underarms, then slipping around behind her so her other hand could begin probing Gloria’s other defenseless hollow. “Now, kitchy kitchy koo!” Dawn taunted as her daughters laughter became shrieks and gibberish again as she had two of her worst spots tickled at the same time by pros. “Don’t let up until I tell you to, Angela.” Angela gave a slight nod of her head in response.

“Now, whose my gitchy little girl? Hm? Whose mommy's gitchy gitchy gitchy little girl?” Dawn taunted in a sing-song voice as her nails continued to lightly scrape along Gloria’s armpits.

“AHAHHAHA FUCKIN AHAHAHAHA BITCH AHAHAHAHA!” It was bad enough being tickled like this, did her mom have to add humiliation to the mix? Dawn used to use this same damn taunt when she was younger. Of course, Gloria knew this taunting wasn’t so much intended to embarrass Gloria, as it was to make her even more receptive to the tickling. Dawn was not only an expert tickler, but an expert verbal teaser as well. So much that sometimes when Gloria wasn’t paying attention, Dawn would slip up beside Gloria and whisper “Gitchy gitchy.” in her ear, and Gloria would giggle and jump, instinctively covering up while her mother just stood there and gave her a “Gotcha” type of grin before walking away.

“Come on…who's my gitchy girl? Gitchy gitchy gitchy…” Dawn continued taunting, not letting up with her verbal assault and increasing her physical assault as her fingers stepped up the tempo. Angela didn’t increase her speed, but even the little increase in Dawn’s speed was enough to drive Gloria up another level. “Whose Mommy's Gitchy girl? Gitchy gitchy. Gitchy gitchy gitchy.”

“AHAHAHAHA NON NONON STAHAHAPA AHAHAH!” Gloria was starting to fall into the silent hysterics again. Her laughter would come out in explosive burst, eventually falling into strained, gasping silent laughter, only to explode into screaming garbled hysterics again. She knew what her mother wanted, and after ten minutes at this level, as her face turned a bright red and tears ran down her face, she gave it to her. “MEEEEEEEEEHAHAHAAAHAHAHA!”

“That’s my girl…” Dawn whispered approvingly. She motioned for Angela to stop, and stopped her own tickling, gently rubbing her daughters back in a soothing manner.

Gloria wasn’t sure exactly how long she laughed for after the tickling ended, but it seemed like a long time. Dawn was saying words of encouragement, gently telling her to breathe, while Angela seemed to be getting a bottle of water for her to drink.

“How are you feeling hon?” Dawn asked, taking the bottle from Angela and letting Gloria have a sip, then pulling it away. “Not too much now. We don’t have any extra panties for you if you wet these.”

“Your going to tickle me more?!” Gloria thought she was going to start crying.

“Just until Rod cracks dear.” Dawn paused. “Well, at least for the moment. I’m not done with your ticklish ass by a long shot.”

“You’re an evil, sadistic bitch, ya’ know that?” It wasn’t even a question really. Simply a statement of fact.

Dawn raised a finger as though to argue, then paused for a moment, finally shrugging. “Yeah, yeah I guess I am.” Dawn turned to Angela. “Evil, sadistic bitch sound about right to you?”

“Oh yeah.” Angela nodded in agreement.

“OK, guess that’s settled.” Dawn smiled again. “Now, I’ll see you hon. Angela give her a little break and then pull out the brushes. That light tickling will drive her nuts after a while.” Dawn gave Gloria a wicked grin, then turned and left the room.

“You know…this really isn’t a healthy mother/daughter relationship, Angela.” Gloria looked at the blond woman.

“Tell me about it.” Angela frowned. “You don’t even want to know some of the stuff she’s dragged me into. Just be happy you're protected by the young offenders act. I can think of five things off the top of my head that would land me 2-5 in prison that your mother got me involved in. Being her daughter isn’t fun, but being her best friend can be murder.”

“So why do you do it then?” Gloria raised an eyebrow.

“Because if I don’t look out for her, who will?” Angela smiled. “Despite your mother's many, many…many flaws, at heart, she’s a good person.”

“Heh, yeah, I guess so.” Gloria would have nodded her head if she could, but the restraint around her forehead pretty much guaranteed that wasn’t happening. “You’re not going to let me go though, are you?”

“Sorry Gloria. Orders are orders. But I’ll try and take it easy on you and give you a few more minutes break. Our secret.” Angela winked at Gloria.

“Thanks Angela.” Gloria smiled. Well, it was something at least. Gloria did have to wonder though what it exactly was that Rod was holding out on. Was it such a big deal that he would go through all of this torture? She supposed so. Gloria would have to ask Rod once they got to talk again.

“OK, time to get going again.” Angela said after a good five or more minutes. She casually picked up a pair of large blush brushes and walking behind Gloria began to sweep either brush up and down her sides.

“Eeeeee!” Gloria squealed as she felt the soft kiss of the brush filaments running up and down her sides. It tickled, but not horribly, just enough to get her giggling. Of course, as he mother pointed out, that was only for a little while. The giggling would quickly escalate as her sides got more sensitive from the constant titillation caused by the brushes. But, there was fuck all she could do about it, except the same thing she had been doing for the last god knows how long. And that was laugh.

“What about here?” Angela asked, one of her brushes running around from Gloria’s side to her stomach, sweeping around her tight abs, causing them to reflexively tighten from the tickling, then explode as she burst into laughter.

“Aeheheheehehehehe stoppit!” Gloria protested as her tummy was tickled by Angela and her other brush not-too-subtly slipped into her right armpit, giving it a thorough dusting that caused new frenzied giggles and laughter to escape Gloria’s lips.

“Hmmm….and how will you react if I do this…?” Angela wondered out loud, stopping her sweeping with the brushes. Turning the brushes around, she slid the slender ends of the brushes, one into Gloria’s navel and the other into Gloria’s armpit, and began tracing them around the insides of either respective indent.

“AHahahahaahahhha!” Gloria cried out at this new sensation. Angela was tracing the brush end in Gloria’s navel in a circular pattern, running along the sides of her innie bellybutton, while she was just running the other brush end in a up and down motion over Gloria’s armpit. Gloria by this point had no fight left in her and simply howled in response to the tickling, feeling the wet tears once again run down her cheeks.

“Whoops, OK Angela, that’s enough.” Dawns slipped into the room. “Time to let her down. Victoria and I managed to crack Rod.” Dawn giggled. “Like there was any doubt. Anyhow though, these two are going to be given a bit of a rest for the moment.”

“For the moment?” Angela responded, already having stopped her tickling and beginning to unbind Gloria who was feverishly sucking in the air.

“I still have to attend to their punishment, and I have an idea, but let's worry about that later OK?” Dawn smiled at Angela in a friendly way. She then began to help with unbinding Gloria.

“You know I hate you, don’t you?” Gloria scowled at her mother.

“Sure, sure.” Dawn waved her hand dismissively, then without warning, lip-bombed Gloria’s stomach delivering a ferocious raspberry on it causing Gloria to howl in response. “And now you love me again!” Dawn smiled, going back to the work of untying Gloria.

Gloria decided not to protest her mother's confusing conclusion.

2:30 PM

Gloria didn’t so much walk as stagger out of the room that had been her personal little piece of hell for the last God only knew how long. She couldn’t remember the last time she had gotten such a long and merciless tickling from anybody, let alone two skilled ticklers like Angela and Dawn.

All of that became irrelevant though the second Gloria saw Rod ahead of her in one of the cells. Even though she knew she looked pissed, and truth be told she still was pissed, the second her eyes found Rod, her heart started pounding and on the inside she was smiling in a way no amount of tickling could ever make her.

Rod had been put in what looked like a less than pleasant cell, though if it meant a break from her sadistic tickling mother, Gloria would take it. It looked like it had a bed, and a 1.5 liter bottle of water, and most importantly, crackers! Gloria had been so angry and in a rush to see what was going on with Dawn and Rod, that she had forgotten all about eating after talking to Mina, which means she hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast save a few chips, and seeing those crackers reminded Gloria of that unpleasant fact.

When Dawn opened up Rod’s cell, Gloria quickly slipped inside, giving Rod a quick kiss on the lips and favoring him with a smile. She took his hand, feeling the warmth of it in hers, squeezing back. Just being this close to him made her feel ten times better. However, they still weren’t in the clear yet. The smile coming off her face, she turned to look at Dawn. “What are you doing mom?”

Dawn had a stern look on her face, crossing her hands over her ample chest. Gloria could tell Angela’s comfort level was once again slipping away as she was taken out of the well-known realm of tickling and once again being thrust back into the realm of Rose family bullshit.

“I’m keeping the two of you locked up here until later. Then I have some special punishment planned for the both of you.” Dawn then held up a finger towards the two of them.. “Now, I’m being nice enough to put you two in the same cell, so the two of you can talk and such, but no sex. Do you understand?” Dawn’s eyes darted back and forth between the two, but Gloria knew the speech was ninety percent directed at her. “I will come back here with a freakin’ CSI light if I have to if I think you two got up to anything.”

“And what if I swallow?” Gloria smirked. Beside her, she could hear Rod sputtering on the water he had just been trying to drink. She tried to ignore it so she wouldn’t start laughing. The boy was just too cute!

“Mother fucker….” Dawn placed her face in her hands, shaking her head. “I did so not need to hear that.” Pulling her hands out of her face, Dawn looked at Gloria with considerably more intensity than before. “Just BE GOOD or I will give you the spanking of a lifetime.”

“I’m a little too old for spankings, aren’t I?” Gloria arched an eyebrow.

“My dear, I went to a sorority, and trust me, you never get too old to have your pants pulled down and get a spanking.” Dawn smirked as Gloria felt the confidence and bravado fade away. “Now, be good! And Angela, I want you checking on these two every ten minutes. Throw a bucket of icy water on them if they get up to anything. Now, I need to be going, but remember, Be Good!” She wagged her finger at both of them again, though her attention seemed much more focused on Gloria than Rod. She then quickly turned around and walked away.

“Don’t worry Angela, we won’t do anything.” Gloria sat down on the bunk, pulling Rod down with her. She wanted him to be close right now. “Just trying to irritate her is all.”

“OK…but I’m still going to be checking up on you two.” Angela looked at the too in an uncomfortable fashion, and Gloria didn’t blame her. She doubted Angela thought she was signing up for any of this when she came in to work today.

“Fair enough. The both of us might need a washroom break in the next little while anyway.” Gloria responded. This seemed to appease Angela and she quickly began walking towards the exit, probably in need of a smoke. Gloria couldn’t blame her. Once she was gone, Gloria started to get dressed. It was strange how she felt more uncomfortable about getting dressed in front of Angela than being in her underwear.

“How are you feeling?” Rod asked, offering Gloria the bottle of water.

Gloria took it from his hands and took a long drink, but only one. There was no telling how long they were going to be in here, and while she trusted Angela, her mother on the other hand was a bit of a wild card as far as dependability went. Number one rule of survival training: conserve your rations, as Father Stone would say. “I’ve been worse, but I’ve been better as well. How about you?”

“I’ve definitely been better.” Rod groaned as he leaned back. “Your mother and Victoria double teamed me for a while. I thought I was going to die.”

“Awww, poor guy.” Gloria cooed. She didn’t want to say it, but Rod had definitely looked better as well. But then, considering how long he had been tickled for today, and by whom, she couldn’t really be surprised. She reached over and gave him a comforting hug. She couldn’t get them out of this cell, but at least she could comfort him as she knew how. Pulling him close, she laid him down on the bed with her, using one of her large breasts combined with a pillow as a head rest from him. It wouldn’t be the first time she had used this technique. Guys loved using her “Pillows” when they could as a rule. Of course, despite the common myth, having your tit used as a headrest could be anywhere from uncomfortable to downright painful. The pillow/breast combo was a trick she had learned. It took the tension off her breast, and the guy got a partial face full of tit. It also helped that when the guy fell asleep, it was easier to slip out from underneath him and get more comfortable. Win/win as far as she was concerned. Reaching a hand over, she gently stroked Rod’s forehead in a soothing manner. “I guess you’ve had a pretty tough day, huh?”

“It’s been a rough day alright, but there have been some high points too.” Rod smiled, closing his eyes and letting Gloria hold him against her.

“You don’t say…” Gloria giggled. Gloria shifted the two of them around a bit, getting more comfortable as she pulled up the blanket for the bunk over the two of them. It wasn’t a particularly thick blanket. More like somebody had grabbed two sheets and sewn them together. But that was OK. The basement was a good temperature. Rod seemed like he really didn’t care, looking like he might pass out at any moment. She watched as he closed his eyes, his breathing slowing down.

“Gloria…are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?” Rod asked, nuzzling in a bit more.

“I’d like to be.” Gloria smiled gently, continuing to gently caress his brow. “What about you?”

“I’d like that very much.” Rod’s voice was quieting and Gloria could tell he was nodding off. That was fine by Gloria. The boy had endured an exhausting day. There would be plenty of time to discuss things later. Right now he could sleep.

“Rod?” Gloria whispered in Rod’s ear after a few minutes, checking to see if he was asleep. She got no response. Good, that meant he was asleep. She gently placed a feather light kiss on his cheek, and set about the task of getting the box of crackers that was a few feet from the bed. It was fairly close, and as she began to wiggle slightly, it was getting closer. Gloria enjoyed snuggling with the person that she had sex with, but sometimes one did have to use the washroom in the night, so she had learned how to slowly and careful slip out of the embrace of men she was sleeping with without waking them up.

“So…close…” Gloria whispered, reaching her hand out to try and grasp the box of crackers. It was less than an inch away from her hand, her nails barely scraping against the cardboard edges of the box. Just a little more…a little more…

And that’s when Gloria rolled off the side of the bunk, doing a face plant into the stone floor. The second one of the day, if anybody had been counting. However, Gloria was too busy clutching her face and fighting the urge to yell profanities at the floor to do any counting. Once she was back in control, she sat back up. Her eyes went to Rod, but it seemed he was still asleep. Good. She didn’t need any more embarrassment for the day.

Sitting up, after checking to see if she was bleeding (which thankfully she wasn’t) she grabbed the box of crackers and sat down on the floor. They were French onion crackers, not a particular favorite of Gloria’s unless she had some ultra-light cream cheese on her, but at the moment, they were a godsend. She was glad Rod was asleep as she grabbed a handful of the crackers and stuffed them into her mouth. She didn’t need him to see her eating like this, but as they were alone, she was too hungry to eat them cracker by delicate cracker. Once the first dozen or so crackers were in her stomach, she put the box down. It was a fresh box, but it wasn’t that big, and much like the water, it was best to conserve the food.
Gloria watched as Rod slept, his chest gently rising and falling with each breath. A smile crept across her face. Rod, her boyfriend. The smile got bigger as she thought about it, and she had to stop herself from laughing giddily. Rod and Gloria, boyfriend and girlfriend. Rod and Gloria, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G! Gloria clamped her hands over her mouth to suppress her giggles. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so giddy and lightheaded, like her mind was swimming. Well, OK, maybe the pot from
earlier today, but not counting chemically induced moments of euphoria, Gloria couldn’t remember the last time she had felt like this.

She wondered if they would last, but then quickly dismissed the thought from her mind. She didn’t want to think about that right now. She didn’t want to think about the fact that Rod was now going to be a marked man by Tad, and that unlike before, Gloria’s protection would be almost useless. Gloria would be viewed as having cheated on Tad (Which as much as Gloria hated to admit, was factually true), and Rod would be seen as having stolen away Gloria from Tad, which was a slight that if Tad couldn’t simply let go, even if he wanted to. He had his image and reputation to think of. Yes, there was trouble on the horizon and Gloria knew it, but she had at least several days to figure something out, and didn’t want to deal with it all right now. She just wanted to think about how happy she was, how much she loved Rod, how much Rod loved her back, and how once they were in a more private place, and better rested, she was going to ride Rod’s long, fat cock until he cried uncle from all the orgasms she gave him. There was no need to hold back now. She was going to live out every naughty, raunchy little fantasy she had involving Rod. The thoughts alone were beginning to excite her, and Gloria could feel her nipples stiffening, a warm moisture building in her lower belly.

That was for later though. Right now, a nap did sound like a good idea, just like snuggling up with Rod sounded like a good idea. Carefully and slowly, Gloria slipped into the bunk with Rod. Pressing herself to Rod and closing her eyes, Gloria slowly drifted off to sleep, happy thoughts dancing in her head. T She tried not to think about the harsh reality of the next week. “I promise I will protect you. I swear it,” Gloria whispered, planting a gentle kiss on Rod’s cheek as she made the unheard pledge. She then gently slumbered.


“OK, wake up sleepy heads!” Said a chipper Dawn as she rapped on the bars to Rod and Gloria’s cell.

“OK, ok, knock it off.” Gloria grumbled as she sat up, nudging Rod off her. It wasn’t anything personal, but Gloria did not handle being woken up very well. If she was to be woken up, a gentle caress, a light whisper in her ear, or a soft kiss was her preferred means. Any other method usually invoked her pissy wrath. All be wary of the pissyness! Rawr! “We’re awake. Now what do you want?”

“It’s time for the two of you to serve your penance.” Dawn smiled, opening up the cell door. “We’re going for a little trip, so eat some crackers and empty your bladders.” She said in a sing-song voice, all smiles.

“OK” Rod responded, getting up and stretching a bit. He was either too tired or too sore, or saw the futility in fighting. Any of the three positions were understandable as far as Gloria was concerned.

The two of them ate their fill of crackers and drank the water they were given. At least they were out of the cell. No more worries of being left there to die. Of course, what was going to happen now was a concern, but there was little Gloria could do but brace herself for it. What did Dawn have up her sleeve?

Once Rod and Gloria had emptied their bladders and had something to eat and drink, they were escorted by Dawn to her Mustang. Neither of them said anything. There seemed little point. Dawn had stated that where they were going was a surprise, and once Dawn had made her mind up on something, that was pretty much that. They would neither get information as to where they were going or why, nor be able to talk Dawn out of what she had planned.

They both sat in the back of the car, and while they didn’t say anything, Gloria made sure to take Rod's hand in hers, gently brushing the back of his hand with her thumb and smiling at him in a reassuring way. Rod for his part seemed a little embarrassed, but he smiled back at Gloria, squeezing her hand back, blushing slightly. Gloria was tempted to pounce him on the spot for being so cute, but held back. After all, it she did start making out with Rod, Dawn would quickly put a stop to it one way or another, be it slamming the brakes or throwing the amber hot car lighter at one of them.

As the car drove on, Gloria noted that they were approaching the center of town. Why in hell’s half acre would Dawn be taking them there? Did she plan on punishing them by making them pay for her tab at the town tavern, because if that was the case, Gloria would rather take her chances with the stocks in the church basement, thank you very much.

The center of town in Stocksvill was a large circle of stores and shops, including some of the more longstanding shops like Ed’s General Store and Carl’s Roadhouse. While not a bustling place, the center of town was where people tended to get their business done.

The church itself no longer ruled the town; Stocksvill had elected a council long ago to govern everyday business. However, when a member of the church asked for the center of town to be closed down for religious reasons, those who owned the business were always willing to accommodate and close down, ushering the people out. The center of town would then be locked down, the roads being barred with long wooden roadblocks; a member of the clergy at each one to make sure trespassers did not enter.

“What’s going on?” Rod asked, speaking the question that was on Gloria’s mind as well.

“You’ll be happy to know Alicia passed her tests with flying colors.” Dawn smiled at Rod in the mirror. “Apparently even Victoria was impressed by how well she did, no simple feat might I add.”

“Wow, that’s great!” Gloria smiled. She knew Alicia could do it! She fucking knew it! This called for serious celebration! Break out the wine and whiskey, they were going to town tonight and fuck school in the morning! Her excitement began to dwindle however, as she realized Dawn didn’t really answer the question. “So, what’s going on then?”

“There’s a bit of a tradition for new members of the church. They get locked in the stocks and undergo a “Cleansing”, if you will. Everybody has done it, including me.” Dawn explained as she drove up to the roadblock.

Father Michael was at the road block. Gloria instantly recognized the skinny, tall, older man with the crowning hair and the face of a person who seemed to have an air about him that suggested he was superior to everybody else. He opened the roadblock up and let them through. Gloria shivered a little seeing the elder man. She was remembering the torture she had gotten at his hands, and frankly, he scared her a little. At least Angela and Dawn would stop if she was having trouble breathing when she was being tickled. She breathed a sigh of relief when they drive by him.

“And is it traditional for friends to watch?” Rod asked. He seemed to be getting nervous, and Gloria couldn’t blame him. She was beginning to get nervous as well.

“Oh, don’t be silly dear. You’re not here to watch. You’re here to participate! You’re going to be put in the stocks with her! Won’t that be fun?” Dawn grinned ear to ear.

“And that’s traditional?” Gloria looked at her mother is disbelief. She supposed it was a stupid question, but it had came out before she could stop it. Of course it probably wasn’t traditional. Why the hell would it be?

“Of course not, dear. But traditions are meant to be broken after all.” She smiled as Gloria gave her a look of disbelief. Dawn pulled up alongside the stocks. Sister Angela was one of the nuns there awaiting the two.

“How do you remain a nun again?” Gloria asked. Some days Gloria truly did wonder. Hell, any day Dawn bragged about her antics at the church, she wondered.

“Because everybody loves me!” Dawn smiled. “Now, out you go dear. You too Rod. I’ll see you both later. Be nice to the Clergy.” She gave Gloria and Rod a little wave as they got out of the vehicle before she sped off.

“OK you two.” Angela spoke to them once they were out of the vehicle. “I’m going to need you both to take off your shoes and socks and get in the stocks. Oh, also please take off your shirts, please.”

Rod and Gloria exchanged looks. Shit, more tickling? This was fucking insane. Gloria’s sides were still aching from the tickling she had taken earlier. She didn’t even want to think of how sore and drained Rod probably was. Why was she cursed with such a bitch for a mother? This had to be Dawn’s idea. She couldn’t see Victoria agreeing to this. The thing that really amazed Gloria was how many of the clergy seemed to be willing to go along with this. They had to know that Victoria would never have approved this. Yes, she could see a few members of the church going along with it, like Angela, but really, this many?

Gloria sighed along with Rod as they stripped down. Either way, as much as Gloria hated to believe it, there was little to be done. Yes, she could make a run for it, and the thought of giving Father Michael an “innocent” elbow to the face in that mad dash was appealing, but ultimately it would just come back to bite her in the ass like a rabid pit-bull. As much as Gloria hated to admit it, she and Rod were screwed. Thoroughly and totally screwed.

Gloria had to admit that she was a little self conscious being in her bra in front of several of the clergy. She sure as hell didn’t want Randall to see her in her bra, as he’d probably never let her hear the end of it, and Father Stone…well, that just made her uncomfortable. In all fairness though, knowing Father Stone, he would probably be just as uncomfortable and excuse himself from the scene unless ordered by Victoria to attend. And Mina, well, was Mina. She wouldn’t take part in this unless she was ordered by Victoria or bullied by Dawn, and even then, it would be a half-hearted effort. Fortunately, none of those were present at the moment. So, apparently, there was a God up there, and She didn’t hate Gloria. Of course, She obviously didn’t love Gloria either, or she wouldn’t be in the position she was in, would she?

Of the two Clergy members present, there was Angela, who Gloria had already been in a state of undress in front of, and Father Alfred. Father Alfred was a man in his late sixties. He was a nice man who seemed to exude an aura that made you instantly feel like you were talking to your own grandfather. Father Alfred stood only 5'6” tall, and was on the plump side, with a bushy white mustache and a halo of white hair adorning his balding head. He was always in a jovial mood, and unlike Dawn, joked in a clean way that children and adults could both enjoy.

Once Rod’s and Gloria’s shoes and socks were off, and Gloria had grudgingly removed her top to air the girls out, the two of them were escorted to the stocks. These stocks were a little different than the one she had been in earlier. They were much older looking, though they had been kept in very good shape. They had slight adjustments to them, mainly in the way of padding to the ankle holes. After all, even though they barely got any use, when they did get use, nobody wanted anybody to get hurt. The design of the stocks was also different than the ones from before, something Gloria was thankful of. She hadn’t been fond of the yoke-like attachment to the stocks from before, as she was uncomfortable with the bondage around her throat and forehead. These stocks simply had holes for the feet. While a person's hands could be bound behind their backs, there was also a long wooden post that ran horizontally from one side of the stocks to the other. Using that, a person could have their hands bound above their heads, as was the case here. Gloria didn’t like the sight of the padding for the seats however; as it suggested to her that they might be here for a while.

Rod was locked into the set of stocks at the end very end while Gloria was seated beside him. Gloria noted Rod trying not to stare at her breasts and smiled inwardly. Oh, don’t worry baby, you’ll be seeing plenty of them later.

“Well, now that you two are secure, its time for your penance.” Angela smiled. These words quickly earned Gloria’s attention as Angela and father Alfred drew a long feather each and advanced on the two bound people.

Gloria gritted her teeth as she watched father Alfred’s feather approach her feet. Father Alfred was a good tickler, no doubt, but the feather was much preferable to nails. As the feather began to gently kiss her soles, Gloria giggled and squealed, squirming about in the stocks. This was so much better than earlier. Sure, she was giggling up a storm, and she could hear Rod laughing at her side, but compared to the tickling she had received earlier, this was just a light workout of her vocal cords and lungs. Of course, as time went on it would only get worse, but hopefully it wouldn’t go on for that long. They wouldn’t be tickled too much longer, right?
6:30 PM

“What’s going on here?” Victoria cried out, suddenly appearing on the scene. Gloria would have paid more attention to Victoria, except that her lungs were demanding that she get as much air back into them as possible. How much longer was this going to go on for?

“Gloria and Rod are here to serve their penance.” Angela quickly explained. “It was Dawn's idea.” She quickly added.

“MMMPH!” Victoria gritted her teeth, a rather angry look coming over her face for a moment, her fists balling up, before she seemed to calm herself. She let the air whistle out from in between her teeth. “She knew we were having an initiation tonight. But, there is nothing that says that we must only have the initiate in the stocks at the time. So, I will allow this. However, I want you to make sure the tickling is spaced out. I don’t want anybody passing out or anything.”

“OH COME ON! WHAT THE FUCK!?” is what Gloria would have probably said if she still wasn’t giggling and gasping for air. For once, she was glad that she didn’t have the strength to talk, as that particular remark would have only worsened the situation at best. She didn’t have much time think about this though as she felt the gentle kiss of Father Alfred’s feather along her navel, gently probing the fleshy hole and producing loud giggles and laughs from Gloria as it spiraled about inside. “EEEehehehehehee!”

7:00 PM

“AHahahahahaa please ahaha no more!” Gloria cried, tears of laughter running down her face. She wasn’t sure when they had started, but she could feel them freely flowing down her cheeks. Sure they had gotten a few breaks, but compared to the amount of tickling they had gotten, it sure as hell didn’t even up as far as she was concerned.

“I can't ahahaha take it!” Rod protested, unable to do much more. Gloria felt a pang for sympathy for Rod. He was having one hell of a rough day. At this rate, Rod was never going to want to be tickled again, which would be a bit of a shame as far as Gloria was concerned.

It was then that Gloria saw Alicia walking towards the stocks. It took her a moment to remember that this was supposed to be Alicia’s big night. Gloria suddenly felt a pang of guilt. Yes, she didn’t exactly volunteer for this, and Victoria had let it continue when it could have ended, but still, this was supposed to be for Alicia.

Alicia stripped her top off so she was in her bra and pants as well, and then slipped into the stocks beside Gloria. Once she was locked in the tickling stopped and Gloria began the process of trying to breathe. Funny, she didn’t remember it being such a task before. Oh yeah, usually she wasn’t having the piss tortured out of her!

Victoria spoke in a booming voice, rather surprising considering her usually soft spoken nature, Gloria mused. “We are all here to congratulate Alicia for passing her test and becoming the newest member of our church. Congratulations Alicia, and may God smile down on you.” Victoria said and then began to clap gently. All the others quickly joined in. Finally after a minute or so of applause, Victoria gave a sign for silence.

“Now, as is customary in this church, you will begin your initiation and have all the evil and sin in your body cleansed through tickling.” Victoria made a quick Father-Son-and-the-Holy-Spirit cross over her chest. “May your spirit be cleansed and may your transition be as quick as possible.” Victoria paused. “Now, let the purification begin.”

As this point, Gloria hoped that the “purification” was going to be an exclusive “Alicia only” purification. Alicia could take it! She seemed fresh and enjoyed a good tickle more than most. And it was her purification, for fuck's sake! But oh no, as she watched the members of the Clergy approach, Gloria knew that her she Rod weren’t going to get off so lucky. She watched as

“I shall take care of this one.” Came the booming voice that Gloria recognized so well. Aw shit, it was Father Stone. He moved through the crowd with ease.

“Hi Father Stone.” Gloria felt a slight tinge come to her cheeks. Of course, her cheeks were already red from the tickling induced laughter, so she doubted Father Stone would notice.

“Hello my child.” The large man said, kneeling down. “It seems you’ve done something rather bad to deserve this.”

“So it seems.” Gloria shifted about uncomfortably. Now that it was church sanctified, Father Stone would tickle Gloria, she knew that much. They were talking though instead of engaging in tickling based activities, unlike the other two beside her, so Gloria wanted to keep her break going as long as possible. “Are you going to help cleanse me, Father Stone?”

“Yes, my child, I shall.” Father Stone then stood up and pulled his neck drawstrings, his Frock once again pooling about his feet. He leaned over, flexing his mighty arms. “I SHALL USE THESE POWERFUL ARMS THAT GOD SAW FIT TO GIVE ME TO EXPUNGE YOUR SINS! LOOK AT THE STRENGTH THEY POSSESS!” Father Stone knelt down, his rippling triceps only inches from Gloria’s face. “THIS IS THE STRENGTH OF GOD, AND WITH IT I SHALL CLEANSE THEE!”

Gloria couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t a mocking laugh, but simply one of joy. He always brought a smile back to her face, Father Stone, and it felt good to laugh and smile for once without it being induced by tickling. Of course, this whole exchange was ignored by the rest of the clergy. At this point, most had learned to pay Father Stone’s outbursts little mind. Gloria managed to get control of herself after a few seconds. She didn’t want to seem to be laughing at Father Stone, as he was a very sensitive man, and it might hurt his feelings. Gloria smiled up at Father Stone, who had backed up a few feet by now. “Alright Father Stone. Surely God has given you His instruments. Now, Let's get to work, OK?”

“Certainly, my child.” Father Stone nodded his head.

Gloria watched as the large man began walking around the stocks. Obviously he intended to tickle her torso, which only made sense, given his massive hands. They could probably tickle almost her entire torso at once. Gloria had never been tickled by Father Stone before, and she had to admit, she was a little curious as to what it would be like.

“Forgive me for making you suffer Child. I do this for your soul, and for no other reason.” Father Stone spoke in a quiet voice behind Gloria so she would be the only one to hear him.

“Of course you’re forgiven, Father Stone.” Gloria smiled, facing straight ahead. If there was one person she believed the saying “This hurts me more than you” ever applied to, it would be Father Stone.

“Thank you my child. Now, let us begin.” Fathers Stones fingertips came to rest on either side of Gloria’s ribs, seeming to cover her almost from hip to armpits. Gloria gave a little squeak in response to the touch. She was actually rather surprised by how soft Father Stone’s fingertips were. She had little time to wonder how he kept them so soft, as Father Stone pressed his fingers in a bit more, and then began to wiggle his fingers.

“Ehehehehehehehee!” Giggles and soft laughter issued forth from Gloria as she attempted to struggle. Gloria had to admit, this was a rather different technique. It seemed like each finger was moving in its own unique direction. It almost seemed like each finger had a mind of its own, some making fast strokes while the ones above or below might be making slow strokes, some seeming to probe harder while the others tickled more gently. This made it a rather difficult tickling attack to get used to. To add to the torture, Father Stone seemed to be moving his hands up and down Gloria’s sides, so that they now encompassed the hips and armpits as well. They also moved opposite to one another, one of his hands coming to her hips, while the other reached her armpit, then vice versa. Even though she was Dawn’s daughter, this was a totally new technique for Gloria.

“This is called the 'Stone Octopus' technique.” Father Stone explained as his hands continued, Gloria’s laughter steadily increasing.

“Aehheehehheehehe!” If Gloria could have talked, she would have told Father Stone that it was a kick ass technique. Gloria was going to become hysterical in record time from it, and while the fact that she had been tickled so much today was part of it, it would be disingenuous to take anything away from the “Stone Octopus”.

“That’s it child! Laugh! Have no fear, I shall drive the Sin from your body!” Father Stone's tickling intensity increased as well as his speed. He seemed committed, if nothing more. Lucky Gloria.

“OH AHAHAHHA OH MY GOD!” Gloria howled. After only 3 minutes of the “Stone Octopus” Gloria was in complete hysterics. It usually took longer than this, but the “Stone Octopus” was lethal. The name was accurate too. Each finger felt like it had its own mind, seeming to tickle independently of the others. It was more like each digit was a separate appendage instead of simply being a different finger attached to the same hand. Hell, even the name was enough to make her giggle. She hoped she didn’t have to endure it for too much longer though.

9:00 PM

“AHAHAHA I’M GONNA AHAHAHA DIE!” Gloria was half crying, half laughing by this point. She couldn’t believe that the tickling had lasted this long. God bless Father Stone however. After about thirty excruciating minutes of the “Stone Octopus,” he stopped and went about tickling her in a more regular and might lighter fashion after giving her several minutes to breathe. While taking the breather she had been a witness to Alicia having the two church goats unleashed on her.

Horny and Hubert (AKA the son of Horny) were the church goats. Apparently the church had a long history of using goats for interrogations and punishments. While they were much less likely to be used these days, the church kept a pair of them. It was more a matter of tradition and symbolism, and they usually got used only for these types of holy rituals.

Gloria had never felt what it was like to have the goats tickle her, but whenever she asked her mother, Dawn’s face always seemed to get a little pale. Feeding the goats was one of the duties of the clergy members, but there was “Looking after the goats” and “Feeding the goats”. Two very different tasks.

“Looking after the goats” meant that the clergy member was responsible for walking, feeding, bathing the goats and cleaning out their stall. Not the most enviable task in the church. However, “Feeding the goats” was considerably less enviable, as the person with this particular responsibility would have the unpleasant task of letting the goats lick molasses off their feet, usually for an hour. They only had to do this one time during the week, but the members tried to avoid it like the plague. Dawn had mentioned to Gloria that Victoria tended to use this particular job as a punishment for people who were either slacking in their jobs or had done something to piss her off. Knowing her mother, Gloria suspected that Dawn had “Fed the Goats” on more than a few occasions.

As expected, Alicia seemed to be going nuts in the stocks from the attention of the two goats. Even after 30 minutes of their attention, she still seemed to be laughing/screaming bloody murder. Occasionally the goats, who had special bits in their mouths which made sure they couldn’t bite, had to be pulled away so Alicia didn’t pass out and to give her feet a fresh coating. That was apparently the worst thing about the goats. Unlike people, they didn’t stop unless forcibly made to. Perhaps this is why Dawn feared them so much.

Rod had somehow seemed to have ended up with Victoria as his tickler. He really wasn’t getting a break today, was he? However, Gloria did notice the rather large erection in Rod’s pants. With the way Victoria was leaning against Rod as she tickled him, her large breasts pressed and rubbing against his back, it didn’t take a genius to figure out the cause of the boner. Gloria really didn’t mind. Had it been Dawn, Gloria might have gotten irritated, but this was Victoria, and the thought that she might be intentionally doing something to cause Rod to become sexually aroused was about as alien a thought as possible.

Gloria, for her part, was being brought to, and brought down from, hysterics every couple of minutes. Father Stone was using what Dawn referred to as the “Stop/go” method. Father Stone would tickle Gloria until she was in hysterics, and then completely stop. She would be allowed to come down, until her breathing started to become regular, and then she would be tickled to hysterics again, and then the tickling would once again stop. This method would be repeated indefinitely, and according to Dawn, was a particularly good method to break people down, as it showed the person how little control they had over their body, and the constant breaks made sure the tickled person couldn’t adjust to the tickling effectively. It also gave the person time to fear the impending tickling, which caused psychological distress and seemed to make them even more responsive to the next bout of tickling. Usually it was done by time instead of by feel (one minute tickling, one minute break, five minutes tickling, five minutes break, etc) but some also went by their target's reactions, as Father Stone was. Father Stone though seemed to be giving Gloria longer breaks than the time he tickled her, which Gloria was thankful for.

It was then that Gloria noticed Dawn. This wasn’t surprising. After all, it was Dawn’s fault her and Rod were there. There wasn’t a chance in hell she’d miss out on getting in on this tickle torture action. Even if Gloria and Rod weren’t here, she would still be there to torment Alicia. The thing that surprised Gloria was that Mandy was with her. Gloria was going to ask what was going on, but her words were interrupted as Father Stone began tickling her armpits, causing Gloria to burst into laughter yet again.

“Ahahahaahahah.” Gloria laughed, watching as best she could through tear filled eyes as Mandy was locked into the stocks. Dawn began to tickle her hips, causing Mandy to laugh frantically, though there seemed to be little fight in the girl. Gloria guessed that Mandy had probably received a healthy dose of tickling before she got to the stocks as Mandy was known as a thrasher. Father Alfred helped Dawn out by feathering Mandy’s poor feet.

Then Victoria was suddenly beside Dawn, motioning her over. Turning to her left, Gloria could see that Victoria had been replaced by Angela who was using her own feather on Rods feet, while Mina had taken Victoria place, pressing her own considerable breasts against Rod as she tickled him. Mina for her part was blushing at the close contact and her tickling seemed to be more feather light brushes of a novice than those of a church member. Either way the two women still seemed to keep Rod howling as he hung in the stocks. Gloria imagined Rod was thinking the same thing she was. When would this ticklish Hell ever end?

11 PM

The tickling seemed to go on forever, but mercifully, finally it ended. All four of the friends were absolutely exhausted by the end. They all had to be almost carried to their respective rides home. Alicia was given a lift back home by Victoria, Father Alfred had volunteered to drive Mandy back to her place, and Dawn was going to give Rod a lift back home before she drove herself and Gloria back to their home.

On the ride back, nobody said anything. Rod was close to passing out, he was so tired, and Gloria wasn’t too far off. They sat in the back seat, Gloria letting Rod lay against her and stroking his face as he rested. When they finally arrived at his house, Gloria half walked, half carried him to his front door.

“So, this is it I guess.” Gloria smiled at Rod once they got to the door. “Hell of a first date, eh?”

“Yeah. Got that right.” Rod grinned.

Gloria leaned in and gave him a long, soft kiss on the lips. She then moved back, smiling, feeling a little giddy once again. “We’ll talk more tomorrow, once we’re feeling a little better.” She paused thinking for a moment. “Could you maybe pick me up in your van and drive us to school? That would give us a little bit of private time to figure out what’s next.”

“Yeah, that sounds good. Make sure to call me though to remind me. Right now I feel half brain dead from today.” And he looked it two, though Gloria didn’t say anything.

“Hehe ok.” Gloria giggled. “See you then.”

“See you.” Rod smiled before slipping into his house.

Gloria did a combination of running and skipping as she headed back to the Mustang. She wasn’t sure where she got this sudden burst of energy from, but she certainly felt it.

“Well, you seem happy.” Dawn noted as Gloria slipped into the front passenger's seat.

“Despite being tortured half to death by you and your friends, yes, I am happy.” Gloria grinned at her mother. “I have to say though, you don’t seem that happy. Considering how much tickling you’ve gotten to day, and the fact you got to use the dungeon, which is pretty much a wet dream come true for you, I have to wonder why.”

Dawn huffed, pouting a bit as she did. “It seems Victoria didn’t approve of how I handled things.”

“Oooh! Victoria’s giving you a spanking eh?” Gloria grinned, her eyes glinting with amusement. Served the bitch right! “She making you 'Feed the Goats?'”

“I wish, which is pretty sad right there.” Dawn made a face as she put the car in first gear and started it moving. “Victoria has decided that she’s going to train Alicia to be Mother Superior. This means, that like most members of the church she has to be trained how to tickle people the most efficiently, but to an even higher level.”

“So what's that have to do with you?” Gloria asked, though she was starting to get an idea, and that idea certainly did tickle her in a very pleasant way.

“Well, when teaching a member of the clergy how to tickle, usually different members of the church either volunteer, or if need be, are selected to be the practice target, and another member of the clergy teaches the new member. Usually it’s done in pairs. One instructor, one practice target. However, in this case, Victoria is the teacher, and she’s decided that I’m going to be the practice target. Every day. For hours on end.”

“Awwww, poor baby!” Gloria mocked, bursting into laughter. It hurt, but it still felt good to have a laugh at her mother’s expense. “You deserve it, you know. It’s your own fault.”

“I don’t remember asking for opinions from the peanut gallery, missy.” Dawn hmphed, then reached an arm over and began squeezing Gloria’s knee in a tickling fashion. “And keep laughing and I’ll give you something to laugh about.”

“Eek! Ehehehe OK OK stop!” Gloria laughed, trying to pry her mother's hand off her knee. Dawn finally released her after a few more ticklish squeezes, a slight smirk back on her face now.

“So, you and Rod are finally hooking up. It's about time if you ask me.” Dawn changed the subject.

“Yeah, I guess it is.” Gloria giggled, rubbing the rest of the tickling sensation out of her knee. “It's kinda weird, but I feel a little older today. Me and Rod hooking up, Alicia passing her test, Graduation around the corner. I find myself wondering what the future will hold.”

“Nobody knows dear, but if that future is in Stocksvill, you can count on one thing. It will be filled with tickling and laughter.” Dawn smiled at her daughter.

“Yeah, I guess it will.” Gloria smiled back at her mother, thinking about today, and the future. She looked ahead to the street they traveled down, wondering exactly where the road of life would take them all along the way.
Sorry it took me a few days to reply, but I wanted to be able to read the whole story before posting anything about it. And frankly I have no words to describe how good it is. There's an enormous ammount of tickling in almost every fashion concievable, and the description of it is really rich in every detail. All of the tickling parts are awesome beyond words.
I absolutely loved every time that Gloria got to be tickled by Dawn. No matter how good are the rest of the tickling scenes, there's a certain unique appeal to that mother-daughter relationship. By the way, the roles that Dawn and Angela playes struck me as a "good cop/bad cop" sort of situation, wich I found pretty cool.
Also, with this part now complete we can read what happened to every character during the day and it fits perfectly (man, Dawn sure had a bussy day, right?). You almost get to feel bad for Gloria and her friends, specially her and Mandy, they've been through one hell of a day, but of course it doesn't hurt to see them tickled allways a bit more.
I could go and on, but I don't want to be redundant. Those are sort of the main highlights of the last part in my opinion. This is by far one of the best things I've read, and really hope to see more of Stocksvill in the future.
Congratulations on a great work! Kudos.
Hey, no worries. It actually took me several days longer to reply then i wanted, but several things ate up my time. I am very glad that you enjoyed the last part of this chaptor. And indeed, their is a huge amount of tickling in this part, and i have to admit, it took a hell of a time to write it all in. I'm glad you enjoyed the level of detail.

Yes, their is something about a mother tickling her daughter, isnt their? Hard to put your finger on it, but it's a very unique chemistry. Angela and Dawn weren't playing bad cop/good cop though. More like irresponsible adult/semi-responsible adult. Truth be told, i really haven't decided on which way i'm going to swing Angela in this series as for personality wise. I'll have to decide if she's going to be more responsible, less responsible, or possibly one of those people who is fine by their own, but tends to get easily swept up by the actions of others.

Yeah, things deffinitly seem to fit together pretty well, but let me tell you, it was a real bitch trying to get all the timing together, especially as the story grew. Innitially, this should have been the easiest, but with everything i needed to add, it was both the longest and most difficult to coordinate. I am glad you like it though and i managed to fit it all together well enough for you.
And your right, Dawn had one hell of a busy day, but as most if it involved tickling people, it was the type of busy day she enjoys. Bit of a rarity that 😉

Now, this isn't over just yet. I stillhave the epilogue for this part in the series, though it will be a while until that is done. It's going to kind'a be like this series, as it will be one day, but the story will progress a bit from each charactor. Ie, in the morning, it will start with Rod, then the next part will be Alicia, so forth and so on until each of the four have several pages dedicated to them. I hope you enjoy that as well!

Sorry it took me a few days to reply, but I wanted to be able to read the whole story before posting anything about it. And frankly I have no words to describe how good it is. There's an enormous ammount of tickling in almost every fashion concievable, and the description of it is really rich in every detail. All of the tickling parts are awesome beyond words.
I absolutely loved every time that Gloria got to be tickled by Dawn. No matter how good are the rest of the tickling scenes, there's a certain unique appeal to that mother-daughter relationship. By the way, the roles that Dawn and Angela playes struck me as a "good cop/bad cop" sort of situation, wich I found pretty cool.
Also, with this part now complete we can read what happened to every character during the day and it fits perfectly (man, Dawn sure had a bussy day, right?). You almost get to feel bad for Gloria and her friends, specially her and Mandy, they've been through one hell of a day, but of course it doesn't hurt to see them tickled allways a bit more.
I could go and on, but I don't want to be redundant. Those are sort of the main highlights of the last part in my opinion. This is by far one of the best things I've read, and really hope to see more of Stocksvill in the future.
Congratulations on a great work! Kudos.
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