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Stocksvill: Mandy's Future, Part 1 (f/f, fff/f)


TMF Expert
Jul 2, 2003
Here is the newest installation of the Stocksvill series. A big thanks to Noneya's for editing this part of the story.

Previous Stocksvill Chapters

Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter One
Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter Two
Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter Three
Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter Four
Welcome to Stocksvill Epilogue part One
Welcome to Stocksvill Epilogue part Two

Stocksvill: Breaking into the Habbit

Stocksvill: Breaking into the Habbit part One
Stocksvill: Breaking into the Habit part Two

Stocksvill: Rod's Long, Hard Day Part One

Stocksvill: Mandy’s Future
Part 1

“Here’s the last of them.” Mandy said, placing a small box of books on the table. She wiped the sweat off her brow and felt slight regret for not enlisting her friends’ aid. Rod would have had less trouble with moving all the boxes of books, and he might have been able to wrangle Gloria in as well. Still, the work was done, and that was the important thing.

“Thank you dear.” A nearby voice from behind another series of boxes called out. A grey-haired, wispy women looked over a box, her head rising as she opened one of the containers. She adjusted her bifocals slightly as she looked inside.

Persephone “Percy” Barker was the town Librarian and Historian for Stocksvill, and one of the oldest residents who were still active in their job. At 65, she looked her age, her hands and face showing the wrinkles of time. Her mind was still sharp though, able to recall events and names at a moment’s notice. As for the things she couldn’t recall, she still knew where to find them.

“Oh, it was my pleasure.” Mandy smiled at Percy. Mandy had known Percy since she was a child, having spent many hours in the library, helping Percy when she had time in the summer. Mandy liked to help Percy. She was a fountain of book knowledge and history, something which Mandy respected greatly. It was the type of thing that could only be acquired through years of study. “I’m surprised nobody else is here.”

“I admit, the library doesn’t get as much use as it did in the past.” Percy said in a sad voice, taking a few of the books out of the box and placing it on the table. “Kids use the computers these days from home. They can look up most of what they need to there. Oh, some still come for books to read, but not too many. I fear books, and by extension this library, are dying out.” Percy sighed. “Perhaps it’s for the best, all things considered.”

“What do you mean?” Mandy asked, looking upwards from the box she had begun to open.

“Well, I’m not getting any younger, and as things stand, there isn’t going to be anybody to take over my job once I’m gone.” Percy placed another book from the box on the table. “We’d likely have to look outside our town to find somebody to take over, and you know about how Stocksvill feels about outsiders, especially when it comes to…certain matters.”

“But, I mean, this place, it’s like part of this town’s history. Heck, it holds the town’s history! Shutting it down would be a crime.” Mandy couldn’t even imagine the idea of the library being shut down. Inside it, you could find photographs and newspapers from the village’s first newspaper, photographs of the town’s citizens in grainy black and white, documents of interest that weren’t related to the church (the church held any religious documents, though they tended to be open to the public) but were steeped in the history of the town.
“I couldn’t agree more dear, but what’s to be done?” Percy gave a slight shrug. “I can’t live forever, and there’s nobody here to take over.”

“Well…” Mandy paused, the thought suddenly appearing in her mind. “What about me? I know the library pretty well. You could teach me the rest.” It all seemed to make sense. Librarian and town historian. It was something she would love to do, working with books all day, and add a certain prestige to her name, as far as she was concerned. It was a position of respect in the town, and while not everybody would appreciate it, those who loved the town’s history and the way of the word would. Not that she was doing it for that reason, but being honest with herself, it was a pleasant perk.

On top of that, there was another reason. Mandy had always wondered what her place would be in Stocksvill, assuming she stayed. She couldn’t see herself joining the church, even if she wanted too, nor could she see herself getting into the logging business. In theory, she could be an accountant or secretary, but those jobs held no interest for her. But this, working in the town’s library and historical building, this was something that she felt she would love and be good at.

“It’s not that simple.” Percy quickly dashed Mandy’s dreams. “You can’t just take over. You need to have an education. I’m talking university level. A master’s degree.” Percy seemed to notice the disappointment in Mandy’s eyes. She put down the book she had just taken out of the box down and walked over.

“It’s not that I don’t think you’re sharp or capable enough dear, but there are things you need to know, things you need to be trained in. I could teach you many things, but they wouldn’t likely be up to date, and most certainly not enough to get you a degree. The people who run this town are pretty lax when it comes to certain things, but when it comes to the library, they’re going to want somebody with a degree.” Percy tried to console the girl.

“I suppose you’re right.” Mandy sighed. It had been a nice dream, for about five minutes, but she couldn’t ignore the logic in Percy’s words. It was important to have a degree in the subjects that were important to her future. Mandy didn’t know a whole lot about running a library, save what she had helped Percy with from time to time. Going to university was a bit of a dream for Mandy, but her parents simply couldn’t afford it. Mandy had done the homework, and while her parents weren’t poor, they weren’t rich either. They made enough that Mandy wouldn’t be able to apply for OSAP, but didn’t make enough that they’d be able to pay for her schooling. Sometimes, life just wasn’t fair.

“I’m sorry dear.” Percy offered her sympathies. She then reached towards her hands and rubbed them together. “Hmm…storm’s coming. Arthritis always knows.”

“I thought that storm was supposed to miss us.” Mandy commented, taking out a few more books and laying them on the table.

“It might, but if my bones are aching, then it’s safe to say that we’re going to get some sort of downfall. Best to play it safe, and not stray too far from the buildings.” Percy advised.

“I’ll take a coke Mick.” Mandy placed a five dollar bill on the counter. Mick’s General Store was, well, the General Store in Stocksvill, selling everything from canned goods and jerky, as well as hunting supplies and other general items. It was also the only place you could buy alcohol that wasn’t a bar. It was old, like many of the founding buildings, made more of wood then brick or drywall, the outside looking very much like a log cabin. The inside was spacious, holding various shelves filled with the type of goods one could get by on if they didn’t want to drive to the grocery store.

“Rough day, kiddo?” Mick asked, taking the money and making change for Mandy. Mick was a pleasant fellow, in his mid-forties, a bit overweight and a crown of hair on his head, premature balding having taken most of his hair years ago. He was a personable fellow though, taking up the time honored tradition that many people who run small town stores did: getting to know your customers and learning how to best suit their needs, which sometimes meant giving them a small discount or letting them pay later when money was tight. The business had been family owned and operated for many years now, and Mick’s kid would likely take over the business when he finally retired, as he had done when his father retired.

“Just a case of the Stocksvill blues.” Mandy gave Mick a slight smile. Once again, she cursed her luck for living in Stocksvill.

The employment situation in Stocksvill was always a borderline issue. Part of this was because of Stocksvill’s decision to stay isolated from the rest of the world. Stocksvill had some strange practices, namely the fact that people were tickled as part of their religion, and nobody wanted people from the evening news to drop by and do an expose on the small town and it’s less then orthodox practices. It was an embarrassment and invasiveness that was a constant, though never talked about, concern. This isolationism caused problems though, namely in the way of producing jobs for the people of Stocksvill.

To its credit, Stocksvill did an admirable job to try and remedy the situation where it could. Aside from the lumber mill and furniture making business, Stocksvill had its own farms and livestock, situated on the very edge of the town, with a small slaughterhouse. They had their own newspaper and radio station, as well as plumbers, carpenters, and everything else a town needed to sustain itself. Not a single store was a chain branch, meaning everything was mom and pop stores. Even though there was some competition, for example there were two pizza stores in Stocksvill, the people were willing to purchase from both stores evenly. The people of Stocksvill were aware of their situation, and did their part as customers to keep businesses afloat, in order to make sure there were enough jobs so that unemployment was never a huge issue.

There even seemed to be an unwritten law, where parents would rarely have over two or three children. People were of course welcome to have as many kids as they liked, but parents understood that the more children they had, the less jobs there would be to go around. The cost of living in Stocksvill was also rather low, which helped those who couldn’t find steady employment. There were even policies in place to help those people, the church having some years back set up a program in conjunction with several other business in the community to keep people working, even if it was only part time, to get them through rough patches. It wasn’t always pretty, but it was rare that somebody needed to sell their house due to failure to pay.

Even in those cases where somebody lost their house, the church and bank, which was an independent Stocksvill bank, would usually help them out. While the bank needed to make money, it was well known for being fair and adjusting payments if possible. If a resolution could not be found, the evicted could usually move into one of several houses that was owned by the church until the family could get back on their feet. Yes, Stocksvill took care of its own, and always would.

Despite all of the contingency plans which had been concocted, that still didn’t mean that jobs were in abundance, and the jobs that were available were slim pickings. Mandy didn’t like her options.

“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Mick nodded his head. “It ain’t easy living here sometimes, but we all find our place, sooner or later.”

“Thanks Mick.” Mandy gave him a slight wave and exited the store. She had walked to the library today, her parents having taken the cars to work, and now she was going to walk home. That was one of the small blessings, Mandy supposed. You could walk to many of the places you needed to by foot, if you were willing to walk. She had a twenty-five minute walk by road, but if she cut through the back and did some forest trekking, she could be home in fifteen.

Deciding that she didn’t want to take the long route, Mandy made to take the shortcut and began to walk around the side of Mick’s General. She wasn’t really thinking about anything, paying more attention to drinking her coke then her surroundings. She made it to the end of the alley when she heard a voice.

“Well now, what are you up to, bookworm?”

The voice caught Mandy by surprise, and she almost choked on her coke. Struggling to clear her throat, Mandy looked up to see Tiffany, flanked by two of her friends. Tiffany was, one could claim, Gloria’s rival. That is, if Gloria cared enough to actually acknowledge Tiffany as a rival. She didn’t.

Tiffany, who was co-captain of the cheerleading squad at Stocksvill, did care, and as Tad’s new girlfriend, was making her presence known wherever and whenever she could. She and her friends were wearing bathing suits. It seemed a bit too cool for that, in Mandy’s opinion.

“I’m just heading home. See ya.” Mandy answered, short and to the point. She didn’t want to be around these girls anymore then she had to be, and in her opinion, she didn’t have to be at all. Well, that was her opinion, at any rate.

“Did I say you could go anywhere?” Tiffany and her friends moved forward, her hands on her hips. Her tone wasn’t overtly threatening. In fact, it sounded almost playful and teasing, like the tone Gloria or Alicia might have used when talking to Mandy. The difference was though that they were friends, and Tiffany wasn’t. There was no friendliness in Tiffany’s brown eyes.

“Look, whatever you and Gloria are going through is your business. I’m just heading about my own.” Mandy held up her hands, indicating she didn’t want any part in any cheerleader pissing contest. Of course, what Mandy said wasn’t entirely true. She certainly had Gloria’s back, but there was no need to start any trouble at the moment, especially when it was three against one. All three of the girls were more fit and athletic then her, and while Mandy had more brains than these girls, sadly life was not like a comedy movie, and Mandy couldn’t convince the girls their shoelaces were untied and escape. She could turn around and walk the other way though.

“Figures…” Mandy sighed. She had turned around, and sure enough there were three more attractive, bikini wearing eighteen year olds. It seemed they had a little more brains than the comedy movies would have indicated. Mandy turned back around to face Tiffany. “Look, I just want to go home, ok?”

“Well, we don’t always get what we want, do we?” Tiffany smirked at Mandy, walking close at a casual pace, knowing that she had her trapped. “Why don’t you have a seat?” Tiffany asked, and suddenly her hands shot up and pushed Mandy backwards.

Mandy didn’t have much time to react, more surprised than anything, though she knew she shouldn’t have been. She knew something was going to happen, she just hadn’t expected it to be so direct and physical. What were they, children on a playground? Christ, they were practically adults, and this was still going on. Some things never change it seems. Mandy felt something pressed against the back of her thighs, and suddenly she was falling backwards, having lost her balance. At first she had assumed it was one of the girls, having gotten down on her hands and knees so she would trip over her, but when the reality of the situation dawned on her, she had wished that had been the case.

“Oh my, Mandy!” Tiffany laughed out loud, hands coming up to her mouth. “In the trash? How fitting!”

Mandy didn’t respond, though she grit her teeth and stared daggers at Tiffany. She had been pushed into a garbage can. She hadn’t cut herself on the edge, and thank God, it was empty, but that just meant that she fell deeper down. It also meant she was good and stuck, her willowy frame sinking deep into the metal container. Even her arms had sunk in, her knee’s coming up to her chest and her feet hanging out, kicking in a comical manner. Had Mandy not been the one in the garbage can, she might have seen the humor. As she was, it was lost on her.

“Oh no, don’t get out. You look good like that.” Tiffany smirked as one of the girls placed her hands firmly on Mandy’s shoulders from behind, pressing down and making sure she would not be getting out anytime soon. She turned to look at one of the girls who was currently holding up a cell phone. “You getting all of this?”

“Yup. Should look good later.” The perky blond said, looking at the image on her phone screen.

“You know, Mandy, I heard a little rumor about you.” Tiffany tapped a nail against her cheek. “I heard that you’re ticklish. So ticklish in fact, that you actually peed your pants at church. I’ve never seen anybody tickled until they wet themselves.” Tiffany’s eyes narrowed on her, a sadistic grin on her face. “I want to see if it’s possible.”

“Don’t you dare.” Mandy spoke through her teeth, hoping her obvious anger would somehow scare the girls off. Of course, that was about the extent of what she could do at the moment. Stare daggers and gnash her teeth. Mandy couldn’t even get out of the garbage can, let alone stop these girls from tickling her.

“Oh? I don’t?” Tiffany asked. She gestured a finger at Mandy and two of the girls walked over and took a hold of Mandy’s legs. Tiffany walked over at a leisurely pace. She knelt down and began unlacing Mandy’s sneakers. Mandy tried to kick her, or move her feet away at least, but the girls held her too tightly to do much. “Wooo, you ever wash these things?” Tiffany waved her hand as she pulled off Mandy’s shoes, and then a moment later, her socks. The girls all laughed, standing around Mandy as they watched, the blond girl still recording the events as they played out with her cell phone held firmly in hand.

“Let’s see here…” Tiffany said as her friends easily held her in place, a third girl pressing down on her shoulders to make sure Mandy couldn’t wiggle up and out of the garbage can. Her bare feet were exposed, toes rolling like a bowling ball as she tried to clamp them shut. It was force of habit, having been around her friends, and even more so, Dawn, for so many years. However, her defense techniques would prove futile in her position. It always proved futile, but like a creature of habit, she still followed the same flawed pattern of defense.

“Hmmm...” Tiffany reached a finger out and began brushing it along Mandy’s right sole. Mandy clamped her mouth and eyes shut. It didn’t tickle much, as far as tickling went, but in Mandy’s case, it didn’t take much to get her going, and then she was pretty much done for. Once she started laughing, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself. She wiggled her foot as much as possible, hating the fact she was even giving Tiffany a reaction, but to try and remain still and just take it was a losing game.

“Aww, what’s wrong Mandy? Does it tickle? Coochie coochie coo.” Tiffany smiled sweetly as her other index finger joined the fray, finding Mandy’s other foot.

Tiffany’s mocking tone was filled with enough syrup that it would have given a fitness freak diabetes, and Mandy hated the fact that in a second she was going to dissolve into helpless laughter, and there was nothing she could do about it. While Mandy didn’t like being tickled, there was a difference between being tickled by Dawn, Alicia, Gloria, or even the church, and the situation she found herself in now. She wasn’t being tickled by a friend or by some order that was trying to look out for her, in its own way. This was malicious tickling. It was tickling with the intention of humiliating her and robbing her of her dignity.

“Stop…it…” Mandy managed to get out through clenched teeth. She didn’t know why she bothered. It seemed like a futile effort. However, that was the extent of what she could do right now. Ask for the tickling to stop, before she was reduced to the humiliating stage where she was begging.

“Nope.” Tiffany’s response was quick and curt. Then several more fingers joined in the appointed task and went to work titillating Mandy’s soles.

“You fucking ahahahahahaa bitch!” Mandy just managed to get the words out before she was too busy laughing. Tiffany was a clumsy tickler; that was for certain. Dawn could have easily done with one finger what it was taking Tiffany all ten to do. Granted, Tiffany could still tickle her harder or faster, but she lacked the finesse and practiced skill Mandy was used to enduring. Truth be told, this tickling was almost bearable by comparison to Mandy’s other experiences. Of course, considering how ticklish Mandy was, it was only a small saving grace.

“That’s it Mandy. Give us a big laugh.” Tiffany continued her taunts as her fingers danced. “Maybe if you beg me real nice, I’ll stop. Maybe.” Tiffany gave Mandy an evil grin as she quickly inserted the last word. Her fingers slid downward and began rolling over the heels of Mandy’s feet, scratching at the almost-stationary targets and causing Mandy to go into ticklish convulsions.

Mandy decided right then and there that she wasn’t going to beg for mercy. She would laugh, she couldn’t help that, and she would probably protest, that was a reflex, but she would not beg Tiffany to stop. She wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. “Ahahahahaha go ahaahaha tohohohohohahah hell!”

“Such a tough girl.” Tiffany looked around at her friends as they giggled at the show, one girl constantly recording the action on her cell phone. “But a ticklish one too. I wonder what’s going to break first? Your will, or your bladder?”

“Fuck ahahahahaha fuck you!” Mandy spat before another burst of laughter took her. She tried to kick her legs furiously, but they only wiggled slightly as the two girls held each securely.

“What’s that Mandy? Tickle you more? Well if you insist!” Tiffany increased the tempo of her fingers, gliding them faster over Mandy’s arches, producing an even stronger reaction. “Pull the big toes back, girls. I want these feet tight as a snare drum.” Tiffany instructed. A moment later and the girls were wrapping their hands around Mandy’s big toes and pulling them back, stretching the feet taut for Tiffany’s nails. Scratch, scratch, scratch, went Tiffany’s nails; laugh, laugh, laugh, went Mandy’s head.

“AHAAHAHAHAHA STOP STOP!” The increase in speed of Tiffany’s nails and new tightness of her soles brought the tickling to a whole new level. It wasn’t Dawn level, but it was more than enough to have Mandy howling.

“Stop? I’m just warming up.” Tiffany gave her a predatory grin, like a shark savoring the taste of blood. Her nails came out, and she was scribbling them all over Mandy’s feet. Mandy had some objections, but they were quickly overridden.

“AHAHAHAHAHA FUCKING AHAAHAHAHA BITCH!” Mandy screamed at her tickler. Of course, Tiffany and her friends did not stop tickling. They did the opposite, continuing to rake their nails over Mandy’s feet, while Mandy jabbered and cried with laughter, the tears running down her grinning face as she tried to escape.

“Bitch? That’s not very nice!” Tiffany scolded, her nails swirling over Mandy’s heels. “I mean, all I’m doing is spreading joy, and here you are, calling me names.” Tiffany reached his nails upwards, over the hands that were fiendishly scratching at Mandy’s arches, and attacking the underbellies of her exposed toes. “Tut-tut. I’m going to have to teach you some manners, missy.”

Mandy was not an expert in manners, never having gone to any etiquette classes, but she was fairly certain that were not taught with someone tickling their bare feet until their cheeks were a bright red, their sides hurt, and they had tears of laughter running down their face. It seemed Tiffany was fairly certain that tickling was involved, though.

“What are you doing?”

Mandy barely heard the voice, she was laughing so hard. When she finally did manage to blink the tears out of her eyes, she saw Gloria standing a few feet away, in Tiffany’s face. Oh, thank god.

“What is this? What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Gloria was standing almost chest to chest with Tiffany, a look of anger on her face. Tiffany, for her part, looked more bored than anything.

“We were just having a bit of fun” Tiffany’s voice took on an innocent tone. “Mandy looked so upset earlier that we thought we should give her something to brighten her day. You know, laughter is the best medicine.”

“I don’t care what the best medicine is. Let her go.” Gloria glared daggers at Tiffany, waiting for her friends to help Mandy out of the garbage can. She didn’t even notice the look exchanged by the two girls who had moved towards her. Mandy saw the look that passed between them and how they looked towards Tiffany.

“Gloria, wat-“ Mandy’s warning was cut short as the girl who had been pressing down on her shoulders clamped a hand over her mouth. Mandy could only watch helplessly as Gloria had both her hands grabbed and was pulled up against the wall. The girls who were holding her were smart enough to worry about her legs, and quickly used their own to help pin her in place.

“Oh, you traitorous fucking cunts!” Gloria snarled at the girls as the held her tight. Mandy didn’t really understand it. Weren’t they Gloria’s friends? She had certainly seen them all at parties together, hanging out and laughing, all members of the in crowd. Yes, Mandy understood that there was trouble between the different groups of the friends, people choosing, but still, how could someone who once said they were your friends act in such a way? These were not Gloria friends.

“I guess some people just know where things are going to fall. Or maybe not. But you know, I have to say Gloria, one thing about you, the only thing I’m envious about, are those big fucking tits of yours. Maybe we should just show them to the world.” Tiffany reached out slowly and grabbed a hold of her shirt. She then tore it open in one long, powerful rip, revealing Gloria in a bra. It was a sexy, black bra. It went around the back, not over the shoulders. “Let’s just unhook this now.” Tiffany pressed her breasts to Gloria’s as she reached around back and unsnapped the clasp of the bra. As she stood back though, Tiffany held the bra up so it covered Gloria’s breasts.

“Now, place this in your mouth, if you want to keep your tits covered.” Tiffany instructed, motioning for the girl with the cell phone to come close and get a good view of Gloria’s barely covered breasts. Gloria had no choice but to bite down on her bra clasp to cover herself.

“Now, what we have here is a girl trying to cover herself up. Shall we see if we can convince her to let go?” Tiffany was playing to the crowed, and got several cheers from the girls who she was with. Tiffany then turned to look in Mandy’s direction. “Hey, isn’t she supposed to be pissing herself?”

As soon as that was said, Mandy was once again laughing herself on the way to being hoarse as one of the girls grabbed her by the ankles, wrapping her arm around them and holding them together. The girl then began raking the nails of her free hand over Mandy’s feet while the other girl held Mandy in the garbage bin. “Ahahahahaha Stop stop!”

“Not until you need a new pair of panties, Mandy!” Tiffany laughed, seeming to enjoy this sadism with great relish. She then turned to Gloria and began slowly, cruelly dragging her short nails over Gloria’s hairless underarms. Mandy could tell Gloria was struggling, the smile forcing its way to her face. She kept her teeth clamped though, her breasts covered, barely, jiggling the way they did whenever she was breathing heavy. Mandy had more pressing concerns at the matter though, which was to say the pressing on her bladder. Drinking coke always made Mandy have to pee, but usually it wasn’t an issue. Usually Mandy wasn’t being tickled. Usually, she had access to the washroom. In this case, neither was an option, and she didn’t know what to do. The panic of a full bladder with only one possible result began to set in.

“STOP STOP AHHAAHAHAHA I’M GONNA AAHAHAHA PEE!” Mandy cried out, her desperation almost tangible.

“Get a close up!” Tiffany shouted, her attention turning from Gloria, though her fingers continued to gently scrape away at the soft underbelly of Gloria’s armpits.

Mandy clamped her eyes tightly shut, forcing all her willpower on the task of holding her bladder. Atlas didn’t have shit on her. It was like trying to plug a leaky dam with a finger. It wouldn’t hold, but you just couldn’t let it happen. No, you had to fight it, and fight it, and fight it, until there was no more of you to fight.

Mandy heard voices, shouts and shrieks, and the tickling had stopped, but the funny thing about tickling was it was like a fire. Fire would burn something, but even when the flame left, it would still be hot afterwards. The tickling had left her feet, like flame left the wood, but the laughter, much like the smoldering coals, still burned in her, pouring out of her lips like smoke from a stovetop, and no matter her attempts to stifle it, continued to pour through her, until she could hold back the floodgates no more.

When Mandy opened her eyes, she saw a strange sight, to say that least. It was a bevy of tight, white, barely-18-year-old athletic asses, completely bare, running towards the woods, jiggling in a way that, had any man been present, he would have been sporting a tented pair of pants. That wasn’t the only thing she saw. She saw Gloria, her large breasts exposed, her shirt tatters hanging to the side, her hand holding up the cell phone that had been recording everything. The question of the location of the bathing suits of the girls who were currently running naked into the woods was quickly answered by a look downward, the many multicolored fabrics lying scattered on the ground. What the hell had happened?

It was then that Mandy noticed a second figure. She had to do a double take to realize who it was. It was a woman, dressed in blue jeans, not too tight, but just form fitting enough to show that she had an incredible ass, and likely legs to back it up. She wore a white sweater that also hugged her form, the sides of her large breasts visible, as she had her arms upward in an L shape. In each hand, a small knife was held, likely what was used to cut the girls bikinis off. Her long, white hair was tied back by a single black ribbon. It was Victoria.

“Call me an old, fat cow, will you?” Victoria mumbled under her breath, folding the small knives she had in her hands and slipping them into her back pockets, the shape of them silhouetted in the tight fabric of her jeans. Victoria then spun around, looking over Mandy and Gloria. “Are you two ok?”

“Ok?! That was awesome!” Gloria lowered the cell phone. “How did you do that? I mean, it was like you were dancing!” Gloria turned to look at Mandy. “Mandy, did you see that? She-“

“I peed my pants!” Mandy sobbed.
Yes, good almighty Zod, YES!!! A NEW STOCKSVILL CHAPTER!!!

I can't tell you how glad am I to enter here and find this, let alone that it's Mandy's chapter! I was coincidentally thinking about the series lately, wondering when we would have a new episode of the life of this characters 🙂

And what can I say? As always, it's top notch. Being the first part of Mandy's day (namely that we won't see the heavy tickling action this early), I like a lot the setting of the story. All the details and background about the town and how it works. I think I've told you this before, but I'm fascinated by stories centered around the idea of a place that revolves around tickling, and this have to be of the few non-fantasy series that achieve that. Knowing how this small town with its peculiar costumes functions in todays world, slightly secluded and sustaining itself, with its own peculiar characters (store owners and such) adds a lot to the atmosphere of the place. It makes it easier and better to imagine characters like Mandy, Gloria or Dawn living day by day and go through the adventures they go through.
In that sense, I love the idea of mean cheerleaders that pick on bookwormish type of girls like Mandy to tickle torture them. Of course they'd do that! It's a place where the church tickles them mercilessly every week and they try to hide that from the rest of the world, tickling would have to be a part of their everyday lives like that, and of course that bullies would tickle torture their victims.

That being said, I'm particularly excited to have a new Mandy chapter, since her first chapter was the one that got me hooked with this series in the first place.
And poor girl just can't catch a break! I almost feel bad for her, being tickled until she wet herself like that. But I really love that she's looking to find her place in the town and being at peace with the idea of living there. It's also really nice to see Gloria trying to defend her friend like that (even knowing that she and Mandy are not the closest ones to each other on that peculiar group), and even better to have them both captured and tickled!

As I've told you before, you're one of my favorite writers around along with yatsabel (which reminds me, I really have to get up to date with his latest story), and of course I'm more that looking forward to see what's next (and I'm sure other people are too, but people on the stories forum tend to be kind of shy 😛 ). We will see Gloria, Dawn, Alicia, or Victoria in action? Will Mandy have to endure much more tickling, or will dish it out herself? What possible situation will find her trapped and vulnerable, unable to escape some tickles? Who knows! But I most definitely want to see what's next 🙂
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Yes, good almighty Zod, YES!!! A NEW STOCKSVILL CHAPTER!!!

I can't tell you how glad am I to enter here and find this, let alone that it's Mandy's chapter! I was coincidentally thinking about the series lately, wondering when we would have a new episode of the life of this characters

I can't tell you how glad I am to post this story. Truth be told, I wanted to get this story out earlier, but it just didn't happen for a few reasons.

And what can I say? As always, it's top notch. Being the first part of Mandy's day (namely that we won't see the heavy tickling action this early), I like a lot the setting of the story. All the details and background about the town and how it works. I think I've told you this before, but I'm fascinated by stories centered around the idea of a place that revolves around tickling, and this have to be of the few non-fantasy series that achieve that. Knowing how this small town with its peculiar costumes functions in todays world, slightly secluded and sustaining itself, with its own peculiar characters (store owners and such) adds a lot to the atmosphere of the place.

I wanted to use a bit of this chapter to give people an idea how Stocksvill is able to function, even though it is secluded. The point is, not only is it secluded, but is also able to sustain itself through trade and through self employment. The town cannot be totally self sufficient, but I wanted it to be as close to that as possible, because the town wants to be separated from the rest of the world. It knows that what it does would not be considered normal or accepted, so it makes sure that the outside is involved as limited as possible. Stocksvill takes care of its own; If the town had a motto, that would be it.

In that sense, I love the idea of mean cheerleaders that pick on bookwormish type of girls like Mandy to tickle torture them. Of course they'd do that! It's a place where the church tickles them mercilessly every week and they try to hide that from the rest of the world, tickling would have to be a part of their everyday lives like that, and of course that bullies would tickle torture their victims.

The thing about Stocksvill, is that everybody knows who is ticklish and how ticklish. if the cheerleaders wanted to hurt Mandy, they would have, but they wanted to humiliate her. Girls who want to humiliate another girl, in Stocksvill, tickle them half to death, and in Mandy's case, tickle them until they pee themselves.

That being said, I'm particularly excited to have a new Mandy chapter, since her first chapter was the one that got me hooked with this series in the first place.
And poor girl just can't catch a break! I almost feel bad for her, being tickled until she wet herself like that. But I really love that she's looking to find her place in the town and being at peace with the idea of living there. It's also really nice to see Gloria trying to defend her friend like that (even knowing that she and Mandy are not the closest ones to each other on that peculiar group), and even better to have them both captured and tickled!

Mandy is one of the characters who definitely is/was unsure of her place in Stocksvill. Her dislike of tickling aside, there are very few places in Stocksvill for a women. Most of the work is physically demanding, so there are limited jobs that involve those who cannot carve or cut wood. Alicia has the church, and Gloria has the option of both church and school. Rob has the option of manual labor and a job that uses his mind. Mandy is more limited and restrained then the others. Mandy and Gloria may not be the closest of the four friends, but they are very close and would do a great deal for each other.

As I've told you before, you're one of my favorite writers around along with yatsabel (which reminds me, I really have to get up to date with his latest story), and of course I'm more that looking forward to see what's next (and I'm sure other people are too, but people on the stories forum tend to be kind of shy 😛 ). We will see Gloria, Dawn, Alicia, or Victoria in action? Will Mandy have to endure much more tickling, or will dish it out herself? What possible situation will find her trapped and vulnerable, unable to escape some tickles? Who knows! But I most definitely want to see what's next

Well, Yatsabel is one of my favourite writers as well, so I would definitely recommend you reading more of his stuff. You will definitely be seeing more of Gloria in this story. That being said, I should say that Mandy's story is only a two part story, but I hope you enjoy the two parts. I do hope you enjoy the next part though.
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