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Stocksvill: Mandy's Future, Part 2 (f/f)


TMF Expert
Jul 2, 2003
It's been far too long, but here is the most recent addition to the Stocksvill series. I hope everybody enjoys it, from the old readers to the new, which might have their interests sparked to go back and read the series from the beginning. As always, comments are encouraged. I have already started on the next chapter, staring Gloria, and hope that it will be done in a month or so.


Here is part one of this particular chapter.

Stocksvill: Mandy’s Future
Part 2​

“Are you sure you girls will be ok?” Victoria asked, looking at the two girls.

“Yes, we’ll be fine.” Gloria had taken her top and tied it together. Her breasts were snuggly bundled in the remains of her shirt, pulled together and pressed upwards in a way that most men would find more than a little appealing. This wasn’t a fashion statement of her choice for once, however. Victoria had been descent enough to go into Mick’s and buy a blanket, which Mandy had wrapped around her waist, sitting in the passenger’s seat of Dawn’s car. Fortunately nobody was around, so Mandy didn’t have to worry so much about being seen.

“I am glad to hear it.” Victoria then looked towards the pocket that Gloria had placed the cell phone she had acquired, which had recorded the stripping and running of the girls. “I am going to have to ask for that cell phone though. I would no more stand aside and let those girls be humiliated then I would yourself.” Victoria’s voice was friendly enough, but Gloria could swear there was something else in there as well. An edge, like the tone her mother sometimes took when Dawn wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer.

“Ah, I understand your concern.” Gloria nodded her head, but made no gestures towards going into her pocket to retrieve the phone. “However, I think it might be best that I hold unto this, and I’ll explain why.” Gloria held up a hand to derail any attempts that Victoria might have made to counter Gloria’s claim. “Hear me out. While today might have simply been chance that Mandy was bullied, the fact remains that she may be bullied again. I’m sure you don’t want that to happen again, and you won’t always be present. If I have this video, the girls should keep their distance.”

“You make a valid point. You take after your mother.” Victoria gave Gloria slight smile, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. “I will allow you to keep the phone, though I expect you to refrain from posting and sharing such movies”

“So long as the girls don’t bully Mandy, it shouldn’t be a problem.” Gloria quickly added. She then slipped the phone into her back pocket. Gloria held up a hand, like a scout would, her body quickly standing at attention like a soldier. “I solemnly swear, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that if I post the information on this cell phone without provocation that even you would understand, I shall submit myself to a week of repentance in the Church basement.” Gloria smiled, putting down her hand once again. “Now, I really should get Mandy home so she can change.”

“Yes. I also must attend to my own personal affairs.” Victoria added. She then moved closer to Gloria. “I shall hold you to your word, though I assure you, it would be much, much longer than a week you would spend in the basement.” Victoria then smiled, her friendly, almost saintly, look returning. “I shall see you at church then, my child.” Victoria nodded her head towards the girls, then left to go into the store.

“Sorry that took so long.” Gloria slipped into the driver’s seat of the car. It wasn’t actually a car, but Rod’s Astro van. “We’ll go straight to your house and get you cleaned up.”

“Ok.” Mandy wasn’t in a very talkative mood. It had been a long time since she had wet herself from tickling. Mandy had hoped that it would never happen again. In fact, she had decided it would never happen again. Sadly, life had shown her that such resolve didn’t always work out.

“How you doing, hun?” Gloria’s voice was full of sympathy as she started up the vehicle and pulled out into the road. The tone of it reminded Mandy of a mother talking to her little girl after she’s had a spill on her bike. Mandy knew it was well intentioned, and Gloria was concerned for her, but it just rubbed Mandy the wrong way.

“How do you think I am!?” Mandy exploded. “I’m a grown woman and they made me piss myself like a kid! We’re supposed to be grownups! This stuff isn’t supposed to happen anymore!” Mandy couldn’t hold it back anymore and broke down sobbing.

“Oh, sweetie.” Gloria quickly pulled the van over and wrapped her arms around Mandy, holding her as she sobbed, gently rubbing her back while Mandy let it out. “That’s it, let it all out.”

Mandy wasn’t sure how long she cried for. It seemed like a long time, but in reality she guessed it was only five minutes. She sniffled as she pulled away slowly from Gloria, taking a few tissues from the van’s console and unceremoniously blowing her noise. “Thanks.” She got out, her voice sheepish. Mandy hadn’t cried like that in some time, and even though she obviously needed it, she wasn’t too proud of herself for doing it.

“It’s ok Mandy.” Gloria gave her a reassuring smile. “And I know your upset about what happened, but if it’s any consolation, the girls don’t know they made you pee your pants. Even if they did, we happened to get some compromising footage of them. I don’t think they’ll be bullying you again anytime soon.” Gloria grinned, giving Mandy a wink.

“What?” Mandy blinked. “What compromising footage?” Mandy vaguely remembered something, and she knew that for some reason the girls had ran away naked, but she had been more focused on her wetting herself to notice any of the other details of what happened recently.

“You didn’t see?” Gloria looked wide eyed at Mandy for a moment before she returned them to the road. Gloria’s voice quickly became excited. “Victoria showed up and totally saved our asses. She was like a fucking ninja or something. I’ll live to be a hundred and never forget that. She shows up out of nowhere, and tells Tiffany to let us go. So, Tiffany, being more tits then brains, tells her to mind her own business, and calls Victoria an old fat cow.” Gloria shook her head, her voice becoming even more animated then before. “Oh, you know Victoria didn’t like that. I don’t think anybody has been that directly insulting to her in, like, ever! Not even my mom has the balls to insult her to her face, and now I know why. Victoria just got this look in her face like I’ve never seen before, then she reaches into her pocket and pulls out this black ribbon and ties her hair back into a ponytail. Next thing you know, she’s, like, attacking the girls, but not really attacking them. She had pen knives in her hand, crooked under his fingers, like this.” Gloria took her hands off the wheel for a moment to hold up her hands to demonstrate. Both hands were closed into a tight fist except for the index fingers, which were curled over like hooks.

“Next thing I know, Victoria is cutting off all the girls bathing suits and stripping them to their skins.” Gloria whistled, shaking her head. “The way she moved though…it was like, I don’t know. Dancing seems to be the closest comparison. It was fast and fluid, and no waste of movement. Like each move was part of a chain, attached to another move. It was almost beautiful.” Gloria shook her head. Her voice had become wistful, almost dreamlike when describing Victoria. “Anyhow, in all the confusion, the girl who was recording us on her cell phone dropped it, but not before getting a good camera view of what happened, in a distorted sort of way. I picked it up as soon as I could and made sure to get the rest, which consists of the girls naked and running to the woods. You can see bouncing breasts and ass cheeks all over the place, not to mention a few beaver shots.” Gloria smirked. “Once the girls know we have that, they won’t even look at you cross-eyed, let alone bully you anymore.”

“Well, I suppose that is good.” Mandy nodded his head. She was a little shocked by Victoria’s actions, though she supposed she was happy for them. After all, had Victoria not saved Gloria and herself, Mandy didn’t like to think about what would have happened. The two of them would have been a laughingstock in Stocksvill, not to mention if their images went viral and were seen worldwide. Mandy shuddered to think about that. At any rate, it seemed that her and Gloria had somewhat won in the situation, despite being the ones who were tickled half to death..

“Well, we’re here.” Mandy opened the door to her house. Her parent’s cars weren’t in the driveway, which meant they were at work still, which made Mandy happy. She didn’t feel the desire to tell her parents why she had a blanket wrapped around her waist.

“Mind if I borrow a shirt?” Gloria asked.

“If you can find one that fits, sure.” Mandy said, heading to her room. Mandy and Gloria weren’t exactly the most compatible in the chest department, so Mandy had her doubts that Gloria would find something that fit very well. Gloria could, after all, pull off the tide-off shirt with no bra look fairly well, given the size of her tits, but Mandy still wanted to offer the courtesy.

“I’m going to take a nice, hot shower. Feel free to watch the TV or get yourself a drink.” Mandy slipped into her room, grabbing a new pair of jeans and panties from her drawer, and then, after some second thought about the fact she had been sitting in a garbage, decided to get a whole new wardrobe from her dresser, leaving Gloria to rummage around and look for something to replace her top.

Mandy didn’t rush her shower. It felt good to get out of her went pants, and truth be told, she felt the need to REALLY wash herself clean. She wanted to get rid of all the grime she felt. It also felt somewhat therapeutic, letting the hot water wash over her. Inside, Mandy had to admit, she was a turmoil of emotional feelings. Her cry on Gloria’s shoulder hadn’t just been about what Tiffany and the others had done to her, or made her do. Yes, there was embarrassment, shame, and anger that was floating around in her mind, but that wasn’t the only thing that was upsetting her. It was about the state of things. Mandy knew what she wanted to become, but she couldn’t, because her parents were just well enough off that she likely wouldn’t be able to get OSAP, but not well enough off to send her to school. Yes, she might be able to get a part time job, and move to Toronto, but she still needed some good money in her pocket for something like that. Yes, Mandy felt good and well screwed.

“God, I feel ten times better.” Mandy said, eventually exiting the washroom after drying herself off and getting dressed. That wasn’t exactly true, but she had to admit, she felt much better after having cleaned herself off and putting on some new clothes.

“So do I. Look what I found!” Gloria called out from the couch, holding up a small bottle of whiskey. By sheer chance, and odd luck, it seemed that Gloria had found the movie “Sirens” on TV and was currently watching it.

Mandy had to put her hands over her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud when she saw Gloria. Gloria had helped herself to one of Mandy’s shirts alright. Of course, it was like a grown man putting on a baby shirt. It covered her breasts, or to be more accurate, the important parts, but little else. Somehow Gloria had pulled the shirt down over her ample breasts and got it to stay, though they only covered sixty percent of her breasts, the lower half hanging both free and naked for the entire world to look at. It was a hell of a sight, though Mandy had to admit a man would probably appreciate the sight more than her. For Mandy, it was simply comical.

The bottle Gloria held in her hand was something Mandy had totally forgotten about. She had got it about a year ago, with Dawn’s help, for a Christmas party, but had ended up not drinking the contents, Mandy not being much of a drinker. She had stashed it in the bottom of her shirt drawer and totally forgotten about it. It seemed Gloria had found it and helped herself. Mandy didn’t mind really.

“What, you don’t like my top?” Gloria gave Mandy a hurt but playful look, taking the time to arch her back so that her large tits were sticking out, swinging her chest back and forth, bra-less tits jiggling and swinging in response. The shirt did its best to try and hide the breasts underneath, but the laws of gravity are a harsh mistress, and after a few seconds of jiggling, Gloria’s breasts slipped down so that half her nipples were exposed. Gloria gave a playful “eep” and quickly pulled the shirt down, though her and Mandy were the only ones present. The bottle was 1/2 empty so Mandy could tell Gloria had been into it a bit, and even though Gloria was Dawn’s daughter, she still wasn’t able to hold her liquor was well as Dawn. Her youth and smallness of body put her at a disadvantage when it came to drinking that Dawn’s age and
experience made up, despite the lack of her body size.

“No, no, I think Rod will love it.” Mandy laughed, sitting down beside Gloria.

“Damn right he will.” Gloria took a quick swig of the whisky from the bottle. “I don’t say it too often, but that boy lucked out when he got me as a girlfriend.” Gloria laughed. She put the bottle down and reached up, pushing her tits together. “I mean, look at these tits! You know how many men wish they could play with tits like these? Or my ass and legs?” Gloria laughed, letting go of her breasts, causing them to drop and bounce. “Guys would line up to date a girl with legs as toned or an ass as nice as mine.”

Mandy just smiled and nodded her head. This was the Gloria that Mandy didn’t like. This was the Alpha Gloria. She could be very full of herself, and not even realize it. Of course, it wasn’t Gloria’s fault that Mandy was insecure about her breasts or her looks. Gloria wasn’t trying to rub it in her face, it was simply a case of Dawn having taught Gloria that she should flaunt what she had. Gloria was proud of her body, and hell, why not? Was what she was saying wrong? Not in the least. Mandy would kill for a pair of natural tits like Gloria’s, or at least a nice, shapely pair of legs or a decent ass. Sadly she had none of those things. Yeah, some people lucked out in the genes department.
Gloria grinned at Mandy and then poured a small amount of whiskey into another glass Gloria had brought out. “Here, have a drink. You’ll feel better.”

Mandy was going to decline at first, but then she decided what the hell, why not? After all, Mandy had indeed had a rough day. “Sure, why not?” Mandy said, sitting down and picking up the glass. Gloria poured herself a quick drink, and raised her glass. Mandy clinked her glass against Gloria’s, and then poured back the drink. “Whoa!” Mandy coughed. It had been a while since she had tried straight alcohol, and she had forgotten how much it burned.

“Do you have any coke?” Gloria laughed, getting to her feet, though she was obviously a little shaky on them.

“Yeah, in the fridge I think.” Mandy replied through a few coughs. Gloria was back a moment later, a plastic 2 liter bottle of coke in her hands. She poured a tall drink for Mandy before adding a bit of whiskey. “There. That should be a little easier for you.”

It was easier to drink, and in less than five minutes Mandy had drained two glasses. It wasn’t long before she felt the warmth caused by the alcohol. Mandy knew she was getting drunk, but she didn’t care, and felt the need to speak her mind. “You are so lucky, you know that?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, who doesn’t want perky D cups?” Gloria replied, taking a drink of her own whisky and coke. She had been not only matching Mandy drink for drink, but had also been drinking her whiskey straight, using a coke and whiskey mix as a chaser.

“No, no, I mean, if you want to go to college or university, your set.” Mandy scowled slightly. She took another drink. “I mean, you mom’s all connected, and stuff. You have everything set up if you want to go to school.” Mandy lamented. It was a real bummer. “You just have to go. Everything is set for you. I couldn’t afford schooling if my life depended on it” Mandy pouted. Mandy paused for a moment, then used a finger to poke Gloria’s large left tit, touching the actual flesh and not the shirt covering most of Gloria’s breast, producing a ticklish squeal. “Well, I’m a little jealous of the tits.” She was a little surprised she had just done that, but quickly shrugged it off, the alcohol helping.

“That’s assuming I want to go.” Gloria pointed out, ignoring the breast comment for the moment, but still giving the underside of her breast a light scratch to get the ticklish sensations out. “Mandy, I don’t see myself going to university or college any time in the near future. Maybe in a few years, but not now. I’m sure my mom could help you get into a sorority. That should cut down on expenses considerably.”

“Really? You think she’d do that?” Asking Dawn for her help, it, well, it hadn’t seemed wrong, but it hadn’t seemed right either. Like asking a friend for a favor when you know they really didn’t want to do it, but were obligated to do it because they were your friend. No, that was unfair and not right. Dawn would do it gladly in all likeliness but it still felt like Mandy was asking for a favor she wouldn’t be able to pay back, and that sat heavy on her shoulders. Still, if Gloria was this sure, it gave Mandy a renewed sense of faith.

“Of course she’d do it.” Gloria smiled. “As much as my mom bitches about things, she loves all of you guys.” Gloria paused for a moment. “Granted, she loves Rod a little more than I would like, but I’m getting a little more comfortable with that as I get older.” Gloria sipped her drink. “I mean, my mom is a sexual person, and I’m a pretty sexual person too, so I kind’a get where she is. I mean, if I had a cute friend with a huge cock, I’d probably tease the fuck out of him as well. Not saying it’s right, just I guess I can understand.” Gloria sighed. She then paused and suddenly giggled. “Oh wait, I did cocktease the Hell out of Rod when we were just friends. I guess I can’t blame Dawn for that then.”

“Right.” Mandy hesitated. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to get into Gloria’s mother issues. There were only so many hours in the day, and from what Mandy had gathered, both Gloria and her mother had a thing for men with huge cocks. Rod was like a brother to her, so talking about her brothers huge cock, and the girls who loved it was a little uncomfortable for her. Instead, she looked to the TV and as by chance, she watched as the main characters of Sirens talked about tickling. Mandy gave a slight shiver. “I don’t know how people can enjoy that.”

“Enjoy what? Tickling?” Gloria asked, looking at Mandy.

“Yes! I mean, how can somebody enjoy that? It’s pure torture.” Mandy couldn’t understand how some people would enjoy being tickled.

“I don’t know.” Gloria shrugged slightly. “It can be fun in the right setting. And besides, there’s a whole forum based on tickling.”

“Get the fuck out!” Mandy wouldn’t have sworn if she wasn’t drinking, but her surprise and the drink were catching up with her.

“Yeah! There’s a whole website dedicated to people who get off on tickling. Everything from playful tickling, to downright tickle torture that makes what happens in our church seem like child’s play.” Gloria explained. “My mom visit’s regularly. She tries to cover herself up by deleting the history on the internet explorer, but I’m already on to her.”

“God!” Mandy threw herself back on the couch, spreading her arms and legs. “How can people be into shit like that?

“I don’t know, but they even had online video companies, like Tickle Abuse and TMF Jeff who hire models to tickle and put the clips online. Hell, they even have small companies like MTJ and TickleTown that have comics up for sale. They have a lot of them actually done by high quality artists. It’s pretty impressive. Dawn is shit at hiding her downloads on the computer.”

“Uh. I don’t know how you can like that stuff.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’d say I like it…” Gloria shrugged slightly. “But then, living with my mom, if you don’t like being tickled, you’re in a perpetual Hell, so I suppose I was bound to learn to like it to some degree as a survival mechanism.” Gloria leaned in towards Mandy, the whiskey on her breath. She smirked at Mandy. “Maybe you’d just prefer to be on the other side of the feather.”

“What?” Mandy blinked, pulling back from Gloria, both in shock and for personal space.

“Well, I mean, we all know you don’t like to be tickled.” Gloria pointed out. “But maybe if you were the person doing the tickling, you’d enjoy it more.” Gloria pointed out, letting the sentence hang in the air.

“Well…yeah. If I was the person not being tickled, I would enjoy it more.” Was all Mandy could get out, blinking at what she thought Gloria was suggesting.

“We should try that. See how you feel in the driver’s seat.” Gloria poured herself more whiskey and quickly downed it. “I bet you’d have more fun being the one who is doing the tickling.”

“Yeah? And who would I tickle? Your mom? Not that I wouldn’t enjoy some revenge on her, or anything like that.” Mandy had to admit. Yes, Mandy had recently enjoyed some torturing of Gloria’s mother, Dawn, but considering how lopsided the scales were, Mandy would be more than eager to get in a little more torture of Dawn.

“Well, as much as I wish Dawn was bound and ready to be tickled, my mom is a little wilier then that, as a rule.” Gloria admitted. “So, how’s about you do me instead?”

“Do you?” Mandy raised an eyebrow, and then laughed out loud. That was so something Dawn would say. However, Mandy didn’t think it was a good idea to mention that to Gloria. “So, you want me to tie you up and tickle you? You’re totally drunk!”

“Well, yeah, a little.” Gloria sipped more of her coke and whiskey. “But that’s not the point. The point is, we have a theory, and we should test it out.”

Mandy was about to argue that it was Gloria’s theory, not Mandy’s, but she thought about it for a moment. Gloria certainly wasn’t as bad as Dawn, but Gloria had certainly tickled Mandy from time to time. So, why not? “And you’re not going to get me back? This is a freebee?” Mandy asked in a cautious tone.

“Yup, complete freebee.” Gloria smiled.

“Well…ok. How do I tie you up though?” This wasn’t like Gloria’s house where there seemed to be an excess of bondage material about.

“Hmmm…no worries. One thing we learned at my house was how to make makeshift bondage material in a snap. Let’s see…” Gloria mused. “I suppose it comes down to where you want to tickle me. I don’t think we have enough stuff for a spread eagle tie on your bed, but you can tickle my pits and feet easily enough.”

“Sounds good to me. What do we need?” Mandy had to admit, she was kind of getting into this idea. It wasn’t often she was on the top when it came to tickling, and while it had never held a real interest for her, not like it did her other three friends who seemed to enjoy tickling in their own unique ways.

“Well, let’s see…” Gloria placed a finger to her full lips. “Why don’t you start with tickling my feet? You grab any toys you want to use, and I’ll get us the bondage gear.” Gloria suggested, and then was off like a shot, headed for the bathroom.

Mandy wasn’t sure what Gloria was getting, but she decided to look for items she would use. Mandy wasn’t anywhere near as knowledgeable as Dawn or Gloria about using household items for tickling, but she knew enough from experience to pick a few choice weapons, and put them in a dark plastic bag. For some reason, she wanted it to be a surprise for Gloria. Perhaps she was thinking like a tickle torturer already?
“Got what you need?” Gloria asked, coming out of the bathroom with towel in her hands.

“Just a few more things from the washroom.” Mandy said, looking at Gloria quizzically. “What’s the towel going to be used for?”

“Something my mom used to do to me when I was a kid that drove me ape-shit.” Gloria smiled, heading towards the kitchen. “Go grab your stuff, and I’ll finish getting set up, more or less.”

Mandy needed little more encouragement, but she was curious as to what Gloria had in mind. She chose a few choice items that she knew would at the very least make herself squeal in ticklish mirth, then headed back into the living room. She would find Gloria sitting on one of the wooden chairs from the kitchen. Gloria had spun the towel she had gotten around and around until it was twisted like a twizzler.

“Ok, so, here’s what you do.” Gloria instructed Mandy, placing the chair close to the couch, so Mandy would have a place to put her bag of goodies where they would be in easy reach. “First, you tie my hands behind my back with this.” Gloria held up the remainder of her shirt. She turned around while Mandy used the cloth shirt to secure Gloria’s wrists tightly secure behind her back. “I lay tits down.” Gloria laid on her stomach, close to the chair and inched the few inches she needed to get closer, so that her legs were bent upwards at the knee’s, and her feet were upturned and resting on the chair. “Now, you take that towel, and hook it around my ankles, so the long part is pointing towards the seat of the chair.” Gloria patiently waiting until Mandy did just that, holding the two loose ends in either hand. “Criss-cross the two ends, and begin twisting them like a pretzel braid. That will bind my ankles together nice and tight, just don’t squeeze them till I lose circulation.”

Mandy did as Gloria said, twisting the towel. Mandy was beginning to get an idea as to what Gloria had in mind. “Ok, what now?”

“Now, you lay the towel down on the chair, and sit on it, legs spread. It’ll pretty much hold my feet in place. Make sure you cozy up to my feet real snug, and I’m not going anywhere.” Gloria instructed, Mandy quickly following suit and getting into position.

“And Dawn used to use this on you?” Mandy asked, looking how snug and secure Gloria’s feet looked between her legs. Her feet were pressed against her thighs, the soles upturned. Even if Gloria wiggled her feet around, because of the position of her feet, she could only wiggle them a little bit.

“Hell, yes! Dawn was, still is, an expert in free-style bondage. Give her half a chance, and less than half a motive, and she’ll wrap you up in a blanket, tie you with a power cord, so forth and so on.” Gloria twisted her neck around to look at Mandy as she spoke.

“Oh, I remember the blanket, all right.” Mandy nodded her head, remembering how once Dawn had turned her into a tickle-burrito with a blanket that was draped over the couch. Mandy didn’t sit in that couch again until the blanket was no longer there. Now, it was on the love seat. Mandy didn’t sit there.

“Yeah, I guess you would.” Gloria sniggered.

“Hey there, be nice.” Mandy said, scratching a single finger along Gloria’s arch.

“Eeee!” Gloria squealed out loud from the tickle. “That tickled!”

“That’s the point, right?” Mandy grinned, running the finger along Gloria’s arch again, producing a second squeal. “To tickle you, right?” Mandy scratched both of Gloria’s arches. “You wanted me to tickle, tickle, tickle you.” Mandy changed her targets, now scraping along the inner arches of Gloria’s feet. “Tickle, tickle, tickle your feetsies?” Mandy grinned, watching as Gloria wriggled and laughed. Mandy had to admit, Gloria knew her makeshift bondage. No matter how her feet wriggled about in her lap, they weren’t going anywhere.

“Ehehehehee don’t tease!” Gloria laughed, wriggling on the ground.

“But I thought that’s what a good tickler does? She teeeeeeeases.” Mandy punctuated the words, dragging her index fingers from Gloria’s heels all the way to her big toes, getting another shriek and several bursts of laughter. “She teases these toes, she teases the arches, and most importantly, she teases the mind.” Mandy said, tickling the first two, while she knew her words were tickling the last. Dawn was an expert in verbal teasing, making a victim laugh and cry out and say whatever Dawn wanted them to say. Dawn could tease a person into hysterics with barely touching them. She would poke, and scrape a nail along a tender sole or exposed armpit, tweak a hip or nibble a rib, all to get the victim squirming and sweating and afraid of the next attack. Dawn was an expert at that.

“Aahahahahaha no fair teasing!” Dawn howled, wriggling on the floor, her hands trying to work themselves out of the bind that Mandy had put her in. It wouldn’t give though. That was one of father Stone’s knots, and the man knew how to tie a knot. “Ehehehahahaha!

“Maybe, but I’m going to tease.” Mandy grinned. She was now raking both hands up and down Gloria’s arches. The reaction was both expected and hysterical. Not hysterical from Mandy’s point of view (though she did find it amusing), but Gloria was certainly hysterical.

“I suppose I should get out those toys before you’re too tired to enjoy them.” Mandy said. She kept one hand sliding up and down Dawn’s up turned soles as the other routed around in her bag. Mandy had learned that a good tickler does not give breaks until the right time, or their victim absolutely needed it. Mandy didn’t have Dawn’s instinct about the right time to give a break, but she knew that Gloria could laugh a lot more than this. Mandy had to admit, it was easier in theory to give a good tickling to a pair of feet and focus on what the other hand was doing then she had thought, so she just randomly scribbled her fingers over Gloria’s sole-flesh while she felt around in the bag until she got what she wanted.

“Here we go. Nothing like a toothpick over the sole.” Mandy wetted the tip of the wooden toothpick with her mouth, and began slowly dragging it along Gloria’s left arch. Gloria didn’t so much laugh as she did shriek.

“AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAA NO NO STOP! AAHAHAHA!” Gloria was freaking out, bucking like a wild women as Mandy traced the toothpick over her soles, switching from one to the other and tracing various patterns along her arches.

“I’m not supposed to stop. I’m supposed to tickle you.” Mandy pointed out. She slid the toothpick between Gloria’s toes. Gloria’s toes instantly clamped down, trying to stop the invader from penetrating the ravine between each digit. Of course, she might as well been trying to squeeze water in her fist and hold unto it.


“What, not in between the toes? But you have such nice toes!” Mandy taunted, taking her time to continue slowly working the toothpick between each toe, one by one. Of course, Mandy knew that a toothpick wasn’t the best tool for tickling between toes. She had learned that the hard way. She tossed the toothpick aside and pulled out a fork. Carefully, as one had to be careful when using a steel tickling tool, she began to drag the fork along Gloria’s left arch. “Better?”

Gloria’s body went rigid the second the fork touched her soft feet, then exploded with laughed as it was dragged from her arch to the ball of her foot. “NOOO AHAHA HAHA AHAH HAAHAHA!” Gloria shrieked, her body writhing as much as it could in its bondage, which was to say, not much at all.

“What, you don’t like my fork anymore?” Mandy dug the fork into the spot just along the ball of Mandy’s foot.

“NO NO NO! HATE IT! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Gloria shook her head from side to side before she let out another explosive burst of laughter. Mandy didn’t let up though. She continued to rake Gloria’s soles with the fork, going back and forth, changing from one sole to the other, then back again, making sure each sole got a good scratch before she moved unto the next sole.

“Ok, no more fork.” Mandy grinned, placing the fork down while Gloria got out the last bit of her frantic laughter, gasping for air. Mandy was enjoying this a little more then she expected, and Mandy guessed that part of it was the whiskey she had been drinking. Mandy didn’t really want to make Gloria too uncomfortable though. After all, Gloria had volunteered for this, and was trusting Mandy not to kill her.

“You’re so mean!” Gloria whined, though she was still giggling up a storm.

“Oh, quiet you.” Mandy began tracing her fingers over Gloria’s arches. “You asked for a tickling, so you’re going to get one.” Mandy traced circles with her fingers, never leaving contact with Gloria’s skin as she did so. Mandy didn’t have the nails Gloria, Alicia and Dawn did, but she seemed to be managing well enough without them, if Gloria’s laughter was to be used as any sort of yard stick.

“Ahahahaa yeah! But you ahehahahahahah weren’t supposed to ahahaha be this ahahaha good!” Gloria babbled out between gales of laughter.

“Considering how much I’ve been tickled in my life, I should know by now how to tickle a foot.” Mandy emphasized her point by scraping under Gloria’s toes. “For example, I know how bad it tickles right under the toes. That always drove me crazy. Is it driving you crazy?”

“Yes! Ahaahahahahahha!” Gloria tried to curl her toes back, tears of laughter starting to trickle down her reddening cheeks.

“Awww, don’t cry. Come on, smile.” Mandy fished a pen out of the bag, a blue ball point pen. “I know what will cheer you up! Let’s play a game! Tickle-Tac-Toes!” Tickle-Tac-Toes was a game Dawn had introduced the children to at an early point in their lives. It was very much like Tic-Tac-Toe, except one played with a pen, and used a person’s foot for the board. Games were played on the arches, balls, and heels of the foot, while score was kept on the toes, X’s on the left and O’s on the right, the first to get all five toes labeled won. The loser usually ended up being the next person to have their feet written on. Of course, by the end of the games, everybody needed a good foot scrubbing to clean their feet off, something Dawn was more than willing to help with.

“No! Not Tickle-Tac-Toes!” Gloria protested before her head was thrown back in a howl of laughter as Mandy began to draw the game on Gloria’s left heel. Mandy took her time, and even though she managed to get four straight lines drawn in the first attempt, she decided to go over each line two or three more times, just to make sure the lines were nicely defined.

“Now, you know the rules. Five seconds to choose your spot.” Of course, you weren’t supposed to give the person a break when they used those five seconds to choose a spot. Mandy casually rolled the end of the pen in circles along the arch of Gloria’s opposite foot. Tickle-Tac-Toes had some fairly basic rules when you had only two players. The first rule was that the person being used as the board got to go first. The second rule was that a player only had five seconds to choose a location before they lost their turn, during which time the non-board player could tickle the board player as much as they liked. The third rule was that if you chose a position already occupied by a X or O, you lost your turn. There were a few more rules, as well. Admittedly, it was a game that was somewhat slanted towards the non-board player, but, as Dawn pointed out, so long as everybody is laughing, everybody is having fun.

“Right top corner!” Gloria cried out between a flurry of giggles as Mandy continued to trace the bottom of the pen around Gloria’s sole. Mandy quickly drew in the X, which gave Gloria little to no relief.

“Hmmm…” Mandy stopped tickling Gloria, tapping the pen against her lips as she thought about where to position her O’s. One of the rules was to stop tickling when the non-board player had to choose their position. Mandy thought about this for a moment and had to laugh a little. Truth be told, she was more like a board then Gloria, well her chest was more like a board then Gloria’s, with Gloria’s impressive chest. Mandy wasn’t sure why that made her laugh at the moment, it just did. “I’ll take the top middle.” Mandy slowly drew the circle in the right location. Once that was done, the pen was flipped around, and Mandy was once again scraping at Gloria’s foot with the opposite end of the pen.

The game went on for a good while, though it didn’t go to completion, because half-way through Gloria was crying out “Uncle!”, indicating she had endured enough tickling for now, and while Mandy did hear the whispers of the little devil on her shoulder to keep going, Mandy didn’t want to be too sadistic, as even though she knew this had been a free-be. If she pressed her luck, Gloria would get her revenge, and Mandy knew how good a tickler Gloria could be if she really wanted to be. Besides, Gloria was one of her best friends, and one really shouldn’t torture one of their best friends, in theory, at any rate. When it came to tickling in Stocksvill, all the rules went out the window.

“Hmm…you know…I should really wash this ink off your feet…” Mandy mused, knowing that would be exactly what Dawn would do. With a scrub brush, and lots of soapy water. Vigorously and mercilessly.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Gloria scowled at Mandy, and Mandy decided that it was best to let Gloria clean her own feet.

“Ok, ok, fine.” Mandy said. She had to admit, she was a little worried. Even though Gloria had said it was a freebie, she could always change her mind. Maybe Mandy tickled her a little too much, or didn’t stop fast enough, or a million other reasons that might exist to justify a tickling. Gloria was an athletic girl, and she’d recover fast from the tickling, not to mention the fact that even at half strength Mandy was far too ticklish to fight back if Gloria decided to go for her rested heavily on her mind.

“Ok, there we go.” Mandy lifted her backside off the towel that was securely wrapped around Gloria’s ankles. Gloria wasted no time in pulling her feet away. Mandy then untied Gloria’s wrists, with Gloria giggling despite herself and bringing her hands to her poor, abused soles as she rolled unto her side. She looked at Gloria, the worry written all over her face. “So…you’re not mad at me, are you?”

Gloria slowly got to her feet, breathing heavily as she did, no doubt putting out the fire in her lungs. She had a stern look on her face, and she held it as she stared at Mandy. The look dissolved a moment later, and Gloria reached her arms out, embracing Mandy, pulling her against her in a tight hug. “Of course I’m not mad, sweetie. Dawn would have been proud.”

Mandy had been a little surprised by the hug, truth be told. She wasn’t going to complain, though. It felt like Gloria and her had shared something today. Not just being tickled together (that had happened a few times in the past, though with less malicious intent), but Gloria letting Mandy tickle her as well. It was, more or less, a bonding experience. A strange, hysteria-inducing, ticklish, bondage-centric, bonding experience, but one that fit well with Stocksvill indeed.

“We should do this more often.” Mandy teased as they eventually released each other.

“Only if you get to be the one tickled next time.” Gloria teased, and one of her hands slipped down to spider along Mandy’s belly.

“Ehehehe no way!” Mandy protested, moving away from the hand, which stopped following her after she took a step back. She looked at Gloria, the grin on her face from the tickling still present. “You’d have me climbing the walls if you tickled me like I tickled you.”

“Hehe, that’s true.” Gloria grinned. “So enjoy getting your licks in while you could, cause next time…” Gloria giggled again, wiggling her fingers at Mandy.

“Be nice.” Mandy giggled by reflex, taking another step back from the wiggling fingers.

“Ok, ok, I’ll be nice.” Gloria put her hands away, sitting down on the couch to slip her socks back on. “Still, I have to say, that was some damn good tickling Mandy. Maybe you should think of taking a job in the church. You’d be able to get more than a few sinners to confess their sins with that skill. “ Gloria slipped one of the socks over her supple left foot, then turned to Mandy grinning. “Hell, Gloria would gladly take you under her wing and bring you into the fold.”

“Yes, I’m sure she would.” Mandy said, and she knew what Gloria was saying was true. At least, Mandy thought it might be true, especially after today. Perhaps she did have a chance of tickling her way to a future, but it wasn’t the future she wanted. “But it’s the university thing I’m interested in.” Mandy sat beside Gloria. “I don’t even know how to ask. I mean, it’s kind’a a big deal.”

“Mandy, you are going to ask Dawn to help you with school, or I’m going to tickle you every chance I get.” Gloria reached a hand out and attached it to Mandy’s side, digging her fingers in and causing Mandy to yelp with laughter, falling off the couch. Gloria didn’t waste any time and pounced on Mandy, quickly straddling Mandy and sinking her fingers into her sides. “So, you going to ask Dawn?”

“Ahahaahahahaha you said ahahah you said aahahaha freebee!” Mandy protested, laughing as she tried to fend off Gloria’s fingers and doing a horrible job of it. She was just too ticklish to win a tickle fight, let alone one against somebody as experienced as Gloria.

“And that was a freebee. I’m tickling you now for your own good.” Gloria grabbed one of Mandy’s hands and pulled it up above her head, using the other hand to tickle the freshly exposed armpit.

“Ahahahahahahahaa!” Being tickled for her own good? Christ, that was exactly what Dawn had said when she had bound Mandy up and tickled her to convince her to stay in Stocksvill. Ironically, Gloria was tickling Mandy to convince her to go, as opposed to Dawn who had tickled her to stay. “Ok ok ahaahaha I’ll ask!” Mandy promised

“Good girl.” Gloria gave Mandy a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug before she let her go and got to her feet. She helped Mandy up, and gave her another hug. She then looked at Mandy, hands on her shoulders so Mandy couldn’t slip away, her eyes finding Mandy’s. “Mandy…I want you to listen to me.”

“Uh, ok.” Mandy said, looking back at Gloria, unsure if the women was going to tickle her again or what exactly she planned.

“If you leave this town, you are going to have an important choice in front of you. All your life, you’ve been a mouse. You’ve let people walk over you, and have held your tongue. Today, when you were tickling me, you were a lion. You were in control, in charge, and confident. You might not be able to be that person here, but out there, it’s a fresh start. You can be a lion if you want to be. Nobody can do it for you. If you want to be a lion, then you go out there and be that lion.” Gloria smiled at her. “And if that lion is as anywhere near as fierce as the lion that just had me almost pissing my panties with hysterics, then you’re going to be one Hell of a lion.”

“I…I…Thank you.” Mandy wasn’t sure what to say, and surprised herself by kissing Gloria on the cheek and hugging her. Gloria and Mandy were probably the least close of the group, but today Mandy felt closer to Gloria then she ever had. Gloria was right, too. If she left Stocksvill, Mandy would have a chance to re-invent herself. She could be anybody she wanted to be, and nobody would know the wiser. She could become a totally different person. Yeah, Mandy the Lion had a nice ring to it.

The two of them spent a few good hours in Mandy’s house. They wanted to wait until it stopped pouring rain down, as well as the two of them needing to wait until the alcohol burned through their systems. Mandy noticed that Gloria was in no rush to get home and eventually Gloria spilled the beans on why she was looking for some bolt cutters. Mandy didn’t know whether to laugh, or roll her eyes at the situation her friends had gotten themselves into, so instead she just stayed silent and nodded her head as Gloria told her tale of bondage woe, as though Mandy completely understood and had experience similar problems of her own at one point in her life (which she hadn’t, and after then tale of comedic tragedy, never would) until Gloria got it all out and she gave her sympathetic pats on the back while saying it could have happened to anybody. It couldn’t have, but Mandy didn’t feel the need to be a bitch at the moment, especially after Gloria and her having that rather touching moment earlier.

Eventually the storm ended, and Gloria drove them both back to her house.

“Oh, oh, so you’re allowed to wear shirts in public that show off your underboobs, but I’m not? That’s a little unfair.” Dawn said, seeing Gloria as she entered the house. Gloria didn’t even comment, holding up her hand, palm out, indicating she didn’t want to talk to Dawn at the moment as she headed up the stairs. Dawn sighed, throwing up her hands and headed towards the kitchen. Mandy followed her after a moment’s hesitation.

“Hi Dawn, got a minute?” Mandy asked, seeing Dawn sitting in the kitchen. Gloria had insisted on having a shower before she went upstairs, and Mandy could hear the sound of the water pump going.

“Sure hun, what’s up?” Dawn asked, looking over a small cookbook she had in front of her, likely deciding about what to have for dinner tonight. It was not the “Rose Family Cookbook”, which was the size of a large King James Bible, filled with handwritten notes that were cross referenced so much, it was almost impossible to read, unless you had experience navigating the book. Dawn had once asked Mandy if she could type it all out for her, as a way of preserving the information, as the book was almost fifty years old. It had been an exercise in futility, as all the cross-referencing on the pages, giving instructions to flip to another page to see adjustments made on the recipe, and then further references stating to go back to another page had taken a ridiculous amount of time, as Mandy was finding herself having to constantly backtrack and change words that she had thought might have been a reference for the page she had been working on. In the end, Dawn had settled for Mandy very carefully scanning each page, and moving the images onto Dawn’s hard drive. Now Dawn kept the “Rose Family Cookbook” in a safety deposit box, and had started a new book, though she always made sure to type up any new recipes or changes to old ones on a word document in her computer.

“Well, I was talking to Gloria, and she said you might be able to help me out with something.” Mandy paused for a moment. Mandy wasn’t used to asking for things, and this was a very big thing to ask for. Mandy didn’t even really know how to ask, to be honest.

“You going to tell me, or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?” Dawn teased, looking up from her book for a split second to wiggle her nails on her left hand and see the look on Mandy’s face before she returned to the book.

Not too surprisingly, Mandy found herself focusing more after that idle threat. “Gloria said that you might be able to help me with university.”

“Oh?” Dawn looked up again from her book, though this time her eyes stayed focused on Mandy. She didn’t say anything more. Dawn just kept her eyes focused on Mandy, waiting for the rest of the details to come tumbling out.

“Yeah. I, I mean, Percy, and I were talking earlier, and she mentioned that she might be retiring soon. Well, I think that being the town historian and librarian would be the perfect job for me.” Mandy sped up her speaking, not only because she was passionate about the idea, but because she knew she had to sell herself here. “I’ve loved libraries since I was a little girl, and I don’t think anybody knows the library as well as I do. And if it isn’t somebody from the town, then we’ll need an outsider, and I don’t think anybody wants that.” Fear of outsiders was always a thought on the backburner in Stocksvill.

“Right. But what do you actually want me to do?” Dawn asked, smiling politely in response to Mandy’s rambling.

“Ah, yes. Well…” Mandy paused again, then let go a big sigh. “I don’t have the money to go to university and live in Toronto at the same time. I don’t even own a car. Gloria said you might be able to help me, because of your old connections with your sorority and stuff.”

“You mean Lambda Epsilon Zeta?” Dawn began tapping her chin, looking skyward as she rolled things over in her mind. “Well, I can sponsor a person, giving them free rent and board at the sorority house. That’s only if they become a Lambda Epsilon Zeta, though that’s usually not a problem with a sponsor. The house is on campus, and they even have free food, though most of it is oatmeal, rice, and spaghetti, but for somebody who is strapped for cash, a free meal is a free meal.” Dawn pointed out. “I admit, I had planned on sponsoring Gloria, but she’s heels behind head for Rod, so I doubt she’s going anywhere right now.”

“But…” Dawn held up a hand. “This is a commitment for you, Mandy. If I do this for you, set this up, you have to promise me two things.”

“Ok.” Mandy nodded her head, waiting for the conditions to be spelled out.

“You have to promise you will come back home, and promise that you’ll get a degree.”

Mandy was a little surprised. She had expected that Dawn would make Mandy promise to come back, but she hadn’t expected to have to make a promise to get a degree. Mandy of course, had planned on getting a degree, or what was the point of going? “Dawn, I wouldn’t be going to University unless I planned on graduating.”

“Most people don’t.” Dawn pointed out. “But, you’re a smart girl, and a hard worker, so I’m sure you’ll do fine. The biggest concern is you coming back home. Stocksvill really is going to need a librarian/historian when Percy retires, and if you are dead set on leaving here, I expect you to at least hold the position until a suitable replacement can be found.” Dawn looked at Mandy with a stern face. “Deal?”

“Deal!” Mandy gave Dawn a hug, half expecting a rib tickling in response, but not caring. Dawn held back though and hugged the girl.

“You guys just grow up so fast.” Dawn sighed, hugging Mandy and then slowly releasing her, though she still had her hands on the girl’s shoulders. “Alicia is trying out for the church, you’re going to university, and I suppose it’s only going to be a year or two before Gloria and Rod try and find their own place, considering how things are going for them.” Dawn sighed again.

“Well, that’s part of growing up.” Mandy shrugged slightly, unsure of what to say.

“You’ll understand when your older dear.” Dawn sighed again. “But, you are right. It’s part of growing up. You start making the paperwork, I’ll start making the calls. We’ll have you in university before the summer is over.”

Mandy felt a feeling of elation. She was finally finding her place in the world, let alone Stocksvill. As much as Mandy disliked being tickled, she was starting to realize that being tickled was really just a small part of what Stocksvill was. There were options and choices that she had. She had a choice, and Mandy would use that choice to carve out a small place for herself in Stocksvill.
Yeeeeeees! More Stocksvill! :lol It's great to have that feeling of reading something about an enviroment you feel familiar already, I wish more stories would use that world-building aspect, it really pays off.

I freaking LOVED this episode, even without the tickling (which is superb, by the way) I'd loved it. Seeing the characters interacting with each other is great, specially when we're told that they grew up together and how that experience played out differently for each of them (more of that in a minute).
First of all, Mandy. You begin thinking "damn, poor girl, this town is really miserable on her sometimes", but that really changes by the time the story ends. It's nice to see that she goes from dreading living her next years in this town, being tickled on a regular basis, to find a possible place of her own and seeing herself in Stocksvill, with all that that implies. It's treated in a very kind but also realistic matters, since not everyone can simply say "ok, I'm gonna move and go to college now!" like it costs nothing.
And not only that, she kind of comes to peace with the tickling too! Seeing her as the tickler, finally turning the tables, was great. I suspect there's a ruthless tickler lurking beneath Mandy's surface, formed after all those years of getting mercilessly tickled by Dawn and others (but mostly Dawn, of course 😛 ). I'm not gonna lie though, I'm always more than looking forward to see her getting tickled again, SPECIALLY by Dawn 😀
As for Gloria, knowing that her and Mandy are not the closest ones of the group, it's awesome to see them bond like this. A friend supporting a friend, in such a shitty moment? It's almost heart warming. And not just because poor Mandy peed herself thanks to being tickle-tortured once again, but also because it helps her to befriend even a little bit the idea of getting constantly tickled, and in a town like Stocksvill, I'm guessin that must be quite helpfull 😛 And then there's the whole tickling scene... I don't know what it is, but two girls like that getting drunk and experimenting... specially all being Gloria's idea... I don't know, but it's just insanely hot. The part when Gloria gets close to Mandy and she can feel the whiskey in her breath as she asks to be tickled? I actually pictured that, and it was awesome 😛

The cherry on top of this stories are the backstories that the characters share, like Dawn's belt, the confessions at the churc and such. And you know what? Dawn always keeps popping up 😛 I don't know if you ever thought of it, but I've always fantasized with the idea of how would it be like a sleepover at Gloria's with Mandy and Alice (or mutiple sleepovers, since we're at that 😛 ) and the things Dawn would do to those girls when they're helpless in her hands. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see that 😀

Only a minor thing, there a few errors with the names, sometimes Gloria is called Dawn, and I think one or twice Mandy is called Gloria, but it's really just a small detail 🙂
And it's GREAT to know that Gloria's chapter is coming next! What have you planned for her? 😀
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Yeeeeeees! More Stocksvill! It's great to have that feeling of reading something about an enviroment you feel familiar already, I wish more stories would use that world-building aspect, it really pays off.

Heh, thanks. Maybe I should grab the opening song from cheers and post it to the stories. 😉 I do admit, I do enjoy the world building aspect of this series, though it can be a lot of work at times.

I freaking LOVED this episode, even without the tickling (which is superb, by the way) I'd loved it. Seeing the characters interacting with each other is great, specially when we're told that they grew up together and how that experience played out differently for each of them (more of that in a minute).
First of all, Mandy. You begin thinking "damn, poor girl, this town is really miserable on her sometimes", but that really changes by the time the story ends. It's nice to see that she goes from dreading living her next years in this town, being tickled on a regular basis, to find a possible place of her own and seeing herself in Stocksvill, with all that that implies. It's treated in a very kind but also realistic matters, since not everyone can simply say "ok, I'm gonna move and go to college now!" like it costs nothing.

As much as Mandy may hate the tickling she has to go through, she does love her family, friends, and her town. The notion of taking a place in the town that not only involves something she loves, but also is a role of significance in the town, is very appealing.

I'm glad you enjoyed the way I handled the University issue. I do admit, as a recent University student, I could fully appreciate the fact that as much as a person might want to just go to College or University, they have to be able to afford it first. I think it added a touch of realism to a cliché that is commonly used.

And not only that, she kind of comes to peace with the tickling too! Seeing her as the tickler, finally turning the tables, was great. I suspect there's a ruthless tickler lurking beneath Mandy's surface, formed after all those years of getting mercilessly tickled by Dawn and others (but mostly Dawn, of course 😛 ). I'm not gonna lie though, I'm always more than looking forward to see her getting tickled again, SPECIALLY by Dawn

When it comes to the choice of being tickled or tickling somebody else, Mandy would chose to tickle every time. However, Mandy is the physically weakest of the group, and just not very strong in general, so she has had the least chance to explore her inner tickler. One of the advantages of being tickled so much though, is that she has learned from experience what works best on her, and knows how to apply that to others.

As far as Mandy getting it again, oh I'm sure she will. The only question, is how. We'll have to see how that goes. 😉

As for Gloria, knowing that her and Mandy are not the closest ones of the group, it's awesome to see them bond like this. A friend supporting a friend, in such a shitty moment? It's almost heart warming. And not just because poor Mandy peed herself thanks to being tickle-tortured once again, but also because it helps her to befriend even a little bit the idea of getting constantly tickled, and in a town like Stocksvill, I'm guessin that must be quite helpfull 😛 And then there's the whole tickling scene... I don't know what it is, but two girls like that getting drunk and experimenting... specially all being Gloria's idea... I don't know, but it's just insanely hot. The part when Gloria gets close to Mandy and she can feel the whiskey in her breath as she asks to be tickled? I actually pictured that, and it was awesome 😛

Coming to peace with being tickled in Stocksvill is not only helpful in Stocksvill, it is pretty much the only means of keeping ones sanity for a Velicatholic. That, or leaving the church in question. And yes, two hot girls experimenting with each other is definitely hot, but I think you're going to find Alicia's chapter even hotter than this by far. I just hope it doesn't take too long to get it out there.

The cherry on top of this stories are the backstories that the characters share, like Dawn's belt, the confessions at the churc and such. And you know what? Dawn always keeps popping up 😛 I don't know if you ever thought of it, but I've always fantasized with the idea of how would it be like a sleepover at Gloria's with Mandy and Alice (or mutiple sleepovers, since we're at that 😛 ) and the things Dawn would do to those girls when they're helpless in her hands. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see that

I like to add the little backstories and details as I feel they help both flesh out the town and the people in it. As for Dawn constantly popping up, you're right, she does. The main reason for this is because Dawn has played such a large role in everybody's life. Mother, big sister, first crush, Dawn has been them all and more. The idea of a sleepover, I admit, is something I hadn't thought about before, but it doesn't sound that bad. You'll have to send me a message telling me what you might think would happen during that sleepover.

Only a minor thing, there a few errors with the names, sometimes Gloria is called Dawn, and I think one or twice Mandy is called Gloria, but it's really just a small detail
And it's GREAT to know that Gloria's chapter is coming next! What have you planned for her?

You know, blame that on the fact that I always regretted naming Dawn Dawn and Gloria Gloria. In hindsight more then a few times I wished that I had reversed the names, so maybe that is what is going on. Other then that, just crappy spell checking on my part to get it out quicker.

Well, for Gloria, most of it you have already seen, though through the eyes of others. However, there definitely will be some new stuff in here that hasn't been seen yet. Time will tell, ultimately. 😉
Heh, thanks. Maybe I should grab the opening song from cheers and post it to the stories. 😉 I do admit, I do enjoy the world building aspect of this series, though it can be a lot of work at times.
Hahaha well, I wouldn’t complain! :lol Actually, I wouldn't complain at neither of those things, since world-building aspects is what does this kind of stories so great (among a lot of other things).

As much as Mandy may hate the tickling she has to go through, she does love her family, friends, and her town. The notion of taking a place in the town that not only involves something she loves, but also is a role of significance in the town, is very appealing.

I'm glad you enjoyed the way I handled the University issue. I do admit, as a recent University student, I could fully appreciate the fact that as much as a person might want to just go to College or University, they have to be able to afford it first. I think it added a touch of realism to a cliché that is commonly used.

Yes to both of those things! A character going to college is so commonly used as a plot element that it pretty much ends up forgetting the fact that getting to pay college is quite a big part of it.
And I couldn’t think of a better place for Mandy in the town. It’s great to see that she also wants to stay, I’ve never been fond of abrupt character departures. When someone important leaves so easily it always feels a tad unrealistic.

When it comes to the choice of being tickled or tickling somebody else, Mandy would chose to tickle every time. However, Mandy is the physically weakest of the group, and just not very strong in general, so she has had the least chance to explore her inner tickler. One of the advantages of being tickled so much though, is that she has learned from experience what works best on her, and knows how to apply that to others.

As far as Mandy getting it again, oh I'm sure she will. The only question, is how. We'll have to see how that goes. 😉

Yes! It’s great to see her in the role of the tickler! There’s a certain appeal in seeing the tables getting turned and letting lose a character that’s so often in a submissive role, and see her explore her playfully sadistic side. If the future holds some more of Mandy as the tickler, I’m more than looking forward to them n.n
But I’m looking forward slightly more to see her get the crap tickled out of her, and even slightly more if it’s by Dawn 😀

Coming to peace with being tickled in Stocksvill is not only helpful in Stocksvill, it is pretty much the only means of keeping ones sanity for a Velicatholic. That, or leaving the church in question. And yes, two hot girls experimenting with each other is definitely hot, but I think you're going to find Alicia's chapter even hotter than this by far. I just hope it doesn't take too long to get it out there.

Hmmmmmmmm, you have made me curious, mister. Is there anything you can say about it without spoiling the chapter? 🙂

I like to add the little backstories and details as I feel they help both flesh out the town and the people in it. As for Dawn constantly popping up, you're right, she does. The main reason for this is because Dawn has played such a large role in everybody's life. Mother, big sister, first crush, Dawn has been them all and more. The idea of a sleepover, I admit, is something I hadn't thought about before, but it doesn't sound that bad. You'll have to send me a message telling me what you might think would happen during that sleepover.

Oh, they do! The backstories really help to get the imagination going, making you play with the ideas of how many crazy stories this characters share in this environment where being tickle-tortured is an almost weekly event 😛
That’s the great thing about Dawn too: she’s pretty much omnipresent during this kids’ whole life, playing different roles as you said. Being this tickle juggernaut that she is, it’s that kind of versatility makes her such an awesome and entertaining character to read.

As for the sleepover idea, well, it's something that has being bouncing inside my head for a while. These kids grew up together and have been friends since ever, so it’s natural that they’d have sleepovers now and then. Of course we don’t know so far how it’s like at Mandy’s or Alicia’s… but what better place to hang out with your friends all night long than Gloria’s where the cool crazy mom, who always entertains them and plays with them, lives? I’ve thought that sleepovers at Gloria’s, resulting in getting tickle-tortured by Dawn could be some sort of regular event for them, giving the possibility to have endless tickling and Dawn related anecdotes from there.
Still it could be expanded a lot more than that. I’ll PM you with some more details n.n

You know, blame that on the fact that I always regretted naming Dawn Dawn and Gloria Gloria. In hindsight more then a few times I wished that I had reversed the names, so maybe that is what is going on. Other then that, just crappy spell checking on my part to get it out quicker.

Well, for Gloria, most of it you have already seen, though through the eyes of others. However, there definitely will be some new stuff in here that hasn't been seen yet. Time will tell, ultimately. 😉

Awesome 😀 I’m more than looking forward for Gloria’s day, since her last day was so mind blowing. Just a question though: will we see events that we already saw but from her perspective, or we’ll just see the new stuff?
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Sorry it took so long to respond. Between me forgetting, the theater being down, and life in general, it didn't happen until now. Ironically, I was just working on a post a few hours ago as a response, when the page got squashed. I'll give it a second try.

Yes to both of those things! A character going to college is so commonly used as a plot element that it pretty much ends up forgetting the fact that getting to pay college is quite a big part of it.
And I couldn’t think of a better place for Mandy in the town. It’s great to see that she also wants to stay, I’ve never been fond of abrupt character departures. When someone important leaves so easily it always feels a tad unrealistic.
Once I decided to make this a longer series, I knew that I would have to think about the characters futures. Alicia, as far as jobs go, was already set, but I needed something for the others. Mandy's was probably one of the easier ones to think up, and one of the simpler ones. I will say this though, there are no abrupt departures planned for anybody in this series, no matter what the future holds. However, that doesn't mean their won't be any departures.

Yes! It’s great to see her in the role of the tickler! There’s a certain appeal in seeing the tables getting turned and letting lose a character that’s so often in a submissive role, and see her explore her playfully sadistic side. If the future holds some more of Mandy as the tickler, I’m more than looking forward to them n.n
But I’m looking forward slightly more to see her get the crap tickled out of her, and even slightly more if it’s by Dawn

Well, we will have to see if Mandy does indeed become a tiger or stays a mouse, won't we? 😉 However, you can count on her still getting tickled in the future.

Hmmmmmmmm, you have made me curious, mister. Is there anything you can say about it without spoiling the chapter?

Well, let me give you a little remind/hint:

“They tickled me all along here.” Dawn ran her fingers along the outsides of her breasts, tracing the sides of either mammary with a delicate finger, first one then the other. “And of course, here.” Dawn lifted her breasts slightly, indicating the undersides. “They used a brush that simply had me in tears, at points.” Dawn continued, then grabbing a large breast in either hand, tapping the centers with her index fingers. “The worst was here though. Right on the nipples. They started with feathers, gently tracing them around my areolas with soft, pointed feathers. It made me giggle and pant like you wouldn’t believe. Then, once my nipples had hardened up, they began flicking them with feathers. It tickled so, my chest would have been heaving and bouncing all over the place if I wasn’t secured so tightly, but I was, so no matter what I did, my poor nipples couldn’t escape those feathers. They were so hard, I swear they were going just jump off my chest.” And indeed, perhaps because she had been tapping them with her fingers, or she was recollecting the story that she told Rod, he could definitely see how her nipples were swelling and making noticeable little bulges under her habit. “It was such a horribly teasing tickle. I thought I’d go insane. Then, they started to tickle my nipples with their fingers. I was laughing and squealing and moaning and oh my.” Dawn put her hands to her cheeks, blushing slightly. “I’m almost looking forward to next week.” Dawn then smirked slightly at Rod. “Well, it’s obvious that someone else enjoyed my tail of woe as well.”

As you can see, Gloria is going to have some interesting visits.

Oh, they do! The backstories really help to get the imagination going, making you play with the ideas of how many crazy stories this characters share in this environment where being tickle-tortured is an almost weekly event 😛
That’s the great thing about Dawn too: she’s pretty much omnipresent during this kids’ whole life, playing different roles as you said. Being this tickle juggernaut that she is, it’s that kind of versatility makes her such an awesome and entertaining character to read.

As for the sleepover idea, well, it's something that has being bouncing inside my head for a while. These kids grew up together and have been friends since ever, so it’s natural that they’d have sleepovers now and then. Of course we don’t know so far how it’s like at Mandy’s or Alicia’s… but what better place to hang out with your friends all night long than Gloria’s where the cool crazy mom, who always entertains them and plays with them, lives? I’ve thought that sleepovers at Gloria’s, resulting in getting tickle-tortured by Dawn could be some sort of regular event for them, giving the possibility to have endless tickling and Dawn related anecdotes from there.
Still it could be expanded a lot more than that. I’ll PM you with some more details n.n

Heh, I do admit, the sleepover idea has been bouncing around a bit in my mind, though I would need to give it some thought as to how it would play out, or what it would be like. I admit, one of the biggest problems with writing this series is trying to keep it within as much as the realm of possible as I can. Still, I think I could work up something hot.

Awesome I’m more than looking forward for Gloria’s day, since her last day was so mind blowing. Just a question though: will we see events that we already saw but from her perspective, or we’ll just see the new stuff?
You will see events you've already seen from her perspective, just like the last time.
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