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Stocksvill: Rod's Long, Hard day Part 4 (F/M)


TMF Expert
Jul 2, 2003
And here is the final part to Rod's day. I hope everybody enjoyed it and comments are welcome. Stay posted for the next eventual addition to the series. Sorry it took so long, but there were a few things that needed to be done, including some additional writing. Big thanks to noneya for helping out by editing this part of the story.

Here are previous parts.
Stocksvill: Rod's Long, Hard Day Part 3 (F/M)

Rod wasn’t sure how long Dawn tickled his feet with the feather. She wasn’t trying to torture him, or at least she wasn’t trying to torture him by Dawn standards. The tickling remained light, causing Rod to giggle and laugh, but she spaced it out, allowing him momentary breaks to get his breath back. Dawn tended to only tickle his foot with the feather. Sometimes she would use her free hand to hold his toes back, or spread them so she could play the feather under and in between his digits. Occasionally, she would use her long nails to scratch over the opposite foot, but that was more to just remind Rod that her other hand was still free.

“Eheheheheheeh ahhahaha oh oh ehehehee!” One thing was for certain, any flaccidity that had occurred thanks to his orgasm had been replaced by the stimulation from the soft kiss of Dawn’s feather. Rod wasn’t sure when it had happened, but eventually he looked down the bed towards Dawn and saw that the familiar tent he’d had for what seemed like all day had reappeared.

“You know Rod, I never get tired of seeing you pull a boner. There’s something just so…sexy about an erect guy. I know, some women are offended, but me, I like my guys nice and hard and ready to go. They don’t even have to be as big as you, either. Five or six inches is fine by me. All I want to see is the strain and bulge in their pants. It makes for a hell of a sight. That’s one of the nice things about my job, you get to see the guys leaving the booths, and more than a few of them are nice and hard up.” Dawn held Rod’s toes apart again and began to slide the feather between them. “Just makes a girl so…”

Dawn’s words were cut short by a deafening “BANG” as thunder blasted the air and the power suddenly went out.

“Damn it.” Dawn grumbled, getting up and stumbling over to Gloria’s window where she drew the blinds to let some of natures light in. “Jeeze,” Dawn commented as she looked out the window. “It’s pissing down out there. I thought we were just supposed to get a light drizzle later in the day, not this. I hope Gloria isn’t trying to drive around in this weather. Best she just stay put where she is until it lightens up.”

“Dawn…is there any chance…I could do something…to make you stop?” Rod wheezed, blinking the tears of laughter from his eyes as he regained his breath. A moment later the lights flickered back on. Nothing gave any indication much at all changed, because it really hadn’t.

“No…not really.” Dawn shook her head after a moment’s thought. She retook her seat at the end of the bed. “Truth be told, this is realistically about as good as it gets for me, save the few things I could do that Gloria would definitely object to.” Dawn said, twirling the feather between her index finger and thumb.

“And what are those?” Rod asked. He was mainly stalling for time to get both more air in his lungs and a longer break from the tickling. He would be lying though if he didn’t admit there was a little part of him that was curious. It was also probably connected to the part of him that enjoyed the current situation and was making his cock as hard as it was.

“Which one, hun? What I would want unrealistically, or what I can’t do because of Gloria?” Dawn asked.

“Either or.” Rod replied with the closest thing to a shrug he could muster.

“Well, unrealistically, we’d be in my castle’s private dungeon, you’d be strapped to a rack instead of a bed, and there’d be about a dozen naked men and women bound in the room, being tickled out of their minds by twice as many naked male and female guards.” Dawn paused for a moment. “Scratch that. The guards would be wearing uniforms, but they’d have the crotches, asses, and for the females, breasts cut out. Yeah, that’d be pretty fucking hot.”

“You’d want both men and women?”

“Of course, dear. You should know that I’m an equal opportunity tickler. I enjoy seeing a woman getting the hell tickled out of her just as much as I enjoy seeing a man getting the same. Each pair would be a different ethnicity as well. One black couple, one Italian couple, one Japanese couple, one Native American couple, one Indian couple, and one…one…You know, I can’t decide between German, Russian, or French. Ok, we’ll say the guy is German and the woman is Russian. Yeah, that sounds good. And they’d only speak their native language.”

“And why is that?” Rod asked.

“So I could hear them screaming and laughing hysterically in their own languages of course silly. And of course the ticklers would both be the same ethnicity but also speak flawless English, so they can taunt and tease as they tickled as well as translate for me when I wanted to know what the prisoner was saying. Oh, and I’d want six arms. I’ve always wanted six arms.” Dawn added the last part quickly with a nod.

“Dawn, you’d kill people if you had six arms. Most of us can barely take it when you use two.” Rod pointed out.

“Well that would be your problem, wouldn’t it?” Dawn countered. “Besides, who said I’d always be using all six arms to do nothing but tickle? I bet I could find some pretty fun uses for two or three of those hands. Hell, considering the environment I’d be in, I bet those extra hands would be very busy with…well…other pressing issues.” Dawn winked at Rod. The teenager couldn’t help but feel his penis twitch in response to the mental picture Dawn was painting. Yes, Rod could definitely imagine what those other four hands would be doing while the other two tickled. Once again he felt his erection twitch in sexual arousal.

“I can tell you like that idea.” Dawn laughed, seeing his reaction. “As for the things I would do that Gloria would object to, well, for starters, this,” Dawn gave a slight tug on her form- fitting habit “would be pooled on the floor, along with whatever underwear I’m wearing; that usually isn’t much by the way.”

“Well, don’t let me stop you from stripping.” Rod gave Dawn a grin before he burst into laughter.

“Such a naughty little boy,” Dawn smirked, using both her index fingers to scrape a single nail along the edges of Rod’s arches, on the inner sides of his feet. “But yes Rod, if you and my daughter weren’t a couple, I would have so much fun with you. I would…would…” A slight smile came to Dawn’s face as she stopped tickling Rod. “You know, I just remembered something I’ve been just aching to test out. I’ll be right back big boy.” Dawn grinned, slipping out of the room.

Rod didn’t have to wonder long what Dawn was up to, as she returned a few minutes later with what looked like a small basting brush and a container of honey. “Dawn…what are you doing?” Rod asked warily as the buxom woman sat down again.

“Well, you remember when Victoria and I had you in the church dungeon and we were both working you over? How she started tickling one foot, and I was tickling another?” Dawn asked.

“Of course I remember Dawn. That was the most torturous day of my life, Gloria aside.” Rod said, still having serious mixed feelings about that day.

“Well it was a very memorable day for me as well, Rod, and not just because I got to use the church basement and tickle my favorite little, big dicked tickle toy for hours either, but because of one particular event. Do you know what I’m talking about?”

Rod had an idea, knowing how Dawn’s mind worked. It was still an issue of great embarrassment for him. That remained true even after today, with having Dawn not only seeing Rod naked, but handling his penis. This was mainly from of the fact that Victoria was present. He wasn’t going to say that though. “No idea.”

“It was when you came Rod. I’ve tickled a lot of men and women in my life, and you’re the first that came from being tickled. Now of course, there could be other circumstances which helped you along. Maybe it was just too much for you being tortured by a duo of sexy ladies each sporting a pair of DD’s. Maybe it was just the scene in general. All I know is two things: one, my little girl had already pussy-milked your cock, which means it couldn’t just be pent up sexual frustration boiling over, and second, that when you did cream your loin cloth, I was licking your feet, which is something I’ve never really done before.” Dawn tapped the honey jar with the basting brush. “Now, I’ve wanted to try and see if I could make you cum again from licking your feet, but I haven’t really had the opportunity. At least, not until now that is.” Dawn gave Rod a wicked grin.

“Oh God, Dawn. Please, not that.” Rod pleaded. He wasn’t sure if he could even cum again, let alone survive another orgasm. “Please, I can’t take any more orgasms.”

“Any more?” Dawn raised an eyebrow. “How many have you had?”

“I’ve had four orgasms in the last six hours.” Rod admitted. There was little point in lying about the situation now. “Gloria and I did it first thing in the morning, and between your first visit and you coming back again, she stopped by and we did it again. Apparently she has a thing for bound, erect guys who can’t get away from her.”

“That’s my little girl. She takes after her mother.” Dawn nodded her head with approval. “So, I guess you could say you’ve been going through some orgasm torture today.”

“Orgasm torture?”

“Yes. It’s where you take a guy or girl, and force them to cum repeatedly over an extended period of time. Granted, it’s a lot easier to do to girls than a guy. We’re just built a little better when it comes to cumming.” Dawn said. “Like, with guys you need to be more skillful. You can’t just hook them up to a machine; you need a pro to work them over. A girl, you can just take some nylon rope and tie her to a Sybian, turn it on, and watch her cream until she can’t even tell you her name. If you want to be real sadistic, you start tickling her as well. Couple hours of that, and she’ll tell you everything you want to know.” Dawn gave a wistful sigh. “I miss university.”

“What did you get up to in University Dawn?” Rod asked, shaking his head slightly.

“Ah ah, that’s a secret.” Dawn winked, emphasizing her words with a stroke of the basting brush along Rod’s sole. “And sadly for you, four orgasms in six hours is not enough to deter me from my evil experiments. Best buckle yourself in and get ready, because if I have anything to say, you’re going to be cumming at least once more today…strictly in the name of science, of course.” Dawn added as she popped off the jar of honey and dipped the brush into the golden contents.

“Yeah yeah, whateveheheheeh.” Rod began to laugh as Dawn gingerly brushed his soles with the honey, focusing mainly on his arches, but getting a little bit under his toes as well.

“Now,” Dawn said, putting the brush and honey down, “time to give you a taste test.” Saying this, Dawn leaned forward and rolled her tongue along the arch of Rod’s foot.

“Eheheheheeh stoppit Dawn!” Rod protested as he felt Dawn’s tongue gliding up and down his sole in slow, long licks. The attention caused Rod to laugh out loud, his toes wiggling in response to the tickling but able to do little more as Dawn held his foot. Rod hadn’t realized just how long a tongue Dawn had until this moment, as she rolled the wet, probing appendage all along his defenseless sole. Rod knew Gloria had a long tongue (and was pretty damn skillful with it) but it seemed to him that Dawn’s was even bigger.

“Nope.” Was all Dawn said in response before she bent her head down for another long lick from heel to toes.

“Ohohohohoh god! This is eheheehehehe horrible!” Rod protested. It tickled less then Dawn’s nails, but it was considerably more erotic. It seemed to shoot the sensations from the base of his soles all the way to his cock.

“Tell me Rod,” Dawn asked, “do you prefer long licks or short licks?” Dawn held his foot with both hands and began quickly flicking her tongue up and down the center of his honeyed arch.

“Ehehehehehehe oh oh stoppit!” Rod’s laughter increased with the rate of licking, the tickling sensation increasing but the eroticism staying the same.

“Mmm…good response,” Dawn said as she licked her lips. She moved the chair a little closer. “Now let’s try these big, long toes of yours.” Leaning down, and holding Rods foot very still, she started to slurp on Rod’s toes.

“Oh fuck! Oh hoh hahahaha!” Rod whooped out loud as Dawn began sucking on his middle three toes, pressing her tongue to their undersides and between them. She seemed to deviate between three patterns. One was just sucking on the toes. The second was rolling her tongue along the underside of his toes, back and forth. The third, and the one Rod found most devastating, was when Dawn thrust her tongue between his toes. That got a very strong combination of laughs and moans from Rod.

“I think we’ve got a wiener.” Dawn winked at Rod as she pulled her mouth back, once again licking any excess honey from her full lips in a more than sensual manner.

“Please Dawn…” Rod sucked in the air as Dawn paused her attentions. “You’ve been tickling me…all day…haven’t you had enough?”

“Enough?” Dawn blinked. She then threw her head back and laughed. “Oh Rod, it’s never enough. There is no such thing as enough tickling. I could easily tickle you for days on end, maybe weeks, and not get bored of it. Now granted, you’re a bit of a special case, but that aside, I’m much too fond of tickling to get tired of it after only a few hours. Besides, you’ve been tickled worse than this before, and you’ve had multiple breaks during the day to recover. I don’t think I’ve tickled you for more than two hours straight today. So, buck up.”

“Yeah? Well why don’t you switch places with me and see how much you love it on the receiving end?” Rod dared, not so much because he wanted to torture Dawn (though he really did) but simply pointing out the fact that being on the receiving end wasn’t always so much fun.

“You know me, Rod. I prefer to be on top.” Dawn smiled. “However, if you can ever get the upper hand on me, I’ll take my medicine with a smile. Turnabout is fair play, and all. You’re just going to need to work for it if you want it.”

“Well you just wait. One day, I’m going to get you and I’m gonna…gonn..a ahahahaha!” Rod’s threats were interrupted as Dawn began brushing a single nail up and down his recently cleaned arch. The tickling continued for a good thirty seconds straight, all the while Dawn wore a completely innocent look on her face. It was one of mild interest, as though her hand was moving on its own without Dawn’s knowledge. When it came to tickling, Rod could actually believe that. The woman did have an impressive skill of being able to use both hands to tickle in a manner that seemed to be independent of each other.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Dawn asked, eyes as innocent as the Virgin Mary as she looked at Rod, waiting for a response.

“IsaidI’mgonna ahahahahahaha!” Rod tried to get it all out in one short, fast burst, but Dawn’s nails were faster, and this time Rod felt all four nails raking his arch. This time the tickling lasted a full minute, and left Rod gasping by the time it was done.

“Finished, cutie?” Dawn asked, blinking at Rod. When Rod didn’t respond, Dawn smiled, then moved upwards from her chair, leaning over the Rod as her knuckles wrapped over the bed frame. Her breasts were swinging downwards, no bra holding them in place, her shirt straining under the additional weight of her ample bosom. Dawn then leaned backwards a bit, her dangling breasts catching on the frame of the bread and lifting upwards, showing off even more cleavage. All the while her chest struggled against the material, attempting to pop out of the cleavage window, but stopping just short of bursting the seams. Dawn truly was a dictionary-worthy example of how a woman could effectively show off her tits without ever actually showing them.

“I know that one day, you’re probably going to get me Rod. Someday, you’ll put together some sort of scheme, and have me at your mercy. Not like what happened with Mandy and Alicia and Gloria, where it was a group tickling torture. It’s just going to be me and you, with so many years of pent up revenge on your mind. From the time I tickled you until I made you pee your pants when you were a kid, to the times I’ve tickled you until you came as a big dicked man. You’ll get me alone, just the two of us, and you’ll tickle me so much…” Dawn grinned. “Don’t disappoint me.”

“I won’t.” Rod dared, expecting the tickling to start the moment his lips moved, but happy it didn’t. Dawn was, as far as Rod was concerned, right. One day, he would have his vengeance, and when he did, Dawn would be tickled like she’d never been tickled before.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Dawn smiled, lifting herself, and her breasts, upwards as she took a seat in the chair again. “And in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy both you and the situation.” Dawn gave Rod’s arch, the one that had not been cleaned of honey, a long and sensual lick from heel to big toe. “Now, I believe we have an experiment to conduct.”

“Eheheahahaha can’t we just pass on ahahahaha.” Rod’s attempt was foiled as Dawn gave his sole another long lick.

“Oh no Rod.” Dawn said, licking his sole again. “Questions must be answered, and I intend to answer them.” Saying that, Dawn got about her oral work, starting at the heel of Rod’s foot, licking around and around in a circular motion, and polishing it till it shined before she moved unto the arch. Once she got there, Dawn changed her technique, tickling Rod’s arch with her tongue in short, quick flicks. The ball of his foot was dealt with differently, her tongue sweeping from side to side. Finally, Dawn got to the toes. Her mouth engulfed them, devouring them like a ravenous wolf.

“Ahahahahaha please no ahahahaha more!” Rod protested, but he might as well have been talking to deaf ears. It just seemed to continue on and on. Once again, Rod was lost in time, his only sensations being those evoked by Dawn’s tongue as she assaulted his soles. Up and down, up and down, her tongue played over his foot, probing between and underneath every toe.

“I ahahahahahaha can’t ahahahahaha stand ahahahaha it!” Rod wasn’t hysterical, but he was laughing hard enough, and between those laughs, he was moaning. It was so hot, having Dawn licking his feet. Sucking his toes. Nibbling on his heel. Rod wasn’t a foot guy. He didn’t see the appeal to foot worship, though he was familiar with the term. Rod imagined that many in Stocksville were, even if they weren’t into it themselves. What Rod did know, was that having Dawn run her tongue all over his feet felt incredible. It wasn’t the same as getting a blowjob, but it was something similar.

As time went by Rod laughed, moaned and squirmed under Dawn’s tongue. Despite the laughter pouring out of him, Rod’s moans seemed to be getting louder as Dawn continued to give his bound soles a tongue lashing. Finally, as Dawn had predicted, Rod came.

“AAAAAHH!” Rod gave a choked cry, his pleasure almost painfully intense, his cock spasming as several small jets of his seed shot out of him. The tickling stopped a moment later.

“Oh, that was just perfect.” Dawn purred, coming over to Rod’s side, leaning over the bed, and Rod so he was looking up at her heavy, swinging tits. “That was delicious, sweety.”

Rod, for his part, wasn’t even looking at Dawn’s tits, so much as looking through them. He was exhausted to say the least. He felt Dawn wiping him clean, and then moving away so she could throw the tissues out in the washroom down the drain. When Dawn came back, Rod looked at her beseechingly. “Please Dawn…no more…”

“Mercy?” Dawn looked at him, seeming to think the concept over. “Hmm…well, I should keep tickling you. But, because you have been put through a bit of a cum-a-thon today, combined with all the tickling, I’m going to be nice and give you a break.”

“Thank you.” Rod sighed, happy that Dawn was willing to give him that much. He closed his eyes to relax before they sprang open as he gave a yelp of laughter and surprise. “Ah! Ehehehee what are you ehehehe doing?!” Rod cried out. Dawn was sitting in the chair and scrubbing his feet with a washcloth.

“Well, I need to get rid of the evidence silly. What’s Gloria going to think when she sees how sticky your feet are from the honey? Nope, they’re going to need a good washing.” True to her word, Dawn gave both of Rod’s feet a thorough scrubbing with the wash cloth, paying particular attention to underneath and in between his toes.

“Clean enough to eat off of.” Dawn smirked, giving a nod of approval at her handiwork. Putting the washcloth back in the washroom, Dawn lit a scented candle in Gloria’s room and opened the window a crack to help let out the smells. She then placed the blanket back over Rod, and kissed him tenderly on the forehead. “Now why don’t you get a little shut eye, hon? You’ve had a hard day.” Dawn winked, and then slipped out of the room. Rod quickly fell asleep, exhaustion catching up with him.

Rod awoke with an “Mmmmph!” It wasn’t because of a negative reason, per say. It was because his mouth was suddenly and unexpectedly filled with something. It took Rod a second to figure out, but the familiar taste and smell told his groggy mind quickly what was splayed across his face and mouth. It was pussy, to be exact, and after a few moments, Rod realized it was Gloria’s pussy. Having ones face wrapped in the thighs of a busty, blond 18 year old was hardly a bad thing to wake up to, by most men’s standards, and given the right circumstances, Rod would agree. These were not the right circumstances though, in Rod’s humble opinion, and that was quickly made apparent when he felt a pair of hot, wet, tight lips wrapping around his penis. Rod knew Gloria was saddling up for a sixty-nine position, one of her favorites. Not because she loved getting eaten out, though she did, but because it gave her a chance to show off her oral skills. They were impressive to say the least. Gloria, as rumor had it, could suck a golf ball through a hose. Legend had it that Dawn could suck a football through a hose, though few could say they had seen such a feat accomplished.

“MMMMMPH!” Rod protested into the pink wetness of Gloria’s vagina as best he could, but it seemed to do little good. Of course, not being able to annunciate ones words made it difficult to be understood by others. His bound arms and legs also made it somewhat difficult to express himself. All he could do was mumble into Gloria’s splayed pussy over his mouth. This did little to deter Gloria from her determined task. This task was, of course, to suck on Rod’s cock.

“Yeah, that’s good.” Gloria purred, her tongue rolling up the side of Rod’s shaft before it traced two quickly circles around his circumcised knob. Then down it went, past her lips and down her throat.

“MMMPH! MMPH! MMPH!” was Rod’s response. He didn’t want a blowjob. Rod had cum enough times for one day. He didn’t want to cum again. His cock hurt from being hard. His balls hurt from giving up their contents so much. He hurt, period. It was a weird type of hurt. It wasn’t like his skin hurt from wear. Well, it did a little. He had experienced some friction on his cock. That wasn’t the hurt though. The hurt was more internal. Like a cramp in your leg, but with a less pleasurable outcome. Rod was reminded of what Dawn had said: orgasm torture. That was what Rod was going through. He was being tortured by being put through orgasms. Rod had never thought it was possible: being tortured by being made to orgasm again and again. It was an excruciating torture, different than anything he had experienced before. Even tickle torture was different than this.

There were some similarities. Both hurt a bit in their own way. Laughing like he did for so long tended to make ones sides, throat, lungs and face hurt, not to mention some strain on the muscles that constantly tried to pull away from the tickling. Rod had gotten used to it though, as strange as that might have sounded. He had an incredible pair of lungs and good endurance for prolonged tickling. Being made to cum like he had been was new and not as well received by his body.

“MMPH!” Rod tried one more time to shout at Gloria and get her off him, but as much as Rod wanted to get Gloria off, Gloria seemed to be even more so intent on getting Rod off. Unable to shake the women off him, Rod finally resigned himself to his fate and waited for his impending orgasm. It took longer than normal, but could anybody really blame him? When he did cum, it felt like the world was ending, it was so intense. While it hurt a bit, it was something else, to say the least. Rod was pretty sure he even blacked out for a few moments.

“Rod? You ok sweety?”

“Gloria?” Rod opened his eyes to see Gloria looking down at him. She had slipped her bra and panties back on, so he must have passed out or something. “What the hell was that- you know what, I don’t care. Oh thank God you’re finally back.” Rod groaned, his nightmare in sensual and ticklish torture finally ending. “Now cut these off, please.”

“Yeah, funny story.” Gloria quickly looked away, scratching her cheek. “You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had. I went to the store, and they were sold out. And then I met Mandy. Well, I didn’t exactly meet her. You see-“

“Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me you didn’t get the bolt cutters?” Rod’s eyes narrowed.

“Well, I tried, but they were sold out. And then we tried Mandy’s and it was no good.” Gloria tried to explain.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK!” Rod was sick of this. He was sick of being tied up naked, he was sick of this bed, he was sick and frustrated. “GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!” Rod shouted, his body straining as he started to tug and pull at the bonds holding him.

“Rod, calm down!”

Gloria tried to calm Rod down, but he was having none of it. He was so angry and frustrated at the situation, and the fact that he was in this situation, bound on a bed and unable to get away, and-

“Jesus Rod!” Gloria cried out in shock.

It was at that moment Rod realized that somehow, in his momentary madness, he had pulled on the bars of the bondage enough for them to almost snap. They had practically been bent in half. It seemed that the bars were hollow, though they still seemed to be made of a fairly durable steel. Rod could tell since they had held him so well previously. Now, if he bent them the other way, they should probably break and he would be free. His muscles ached a bit from the effort, but the adrenaline was still working through his system, and he knew that now was the best time he had to breaking the bars. He began to push them the opposite way when Dawn burst into the room.

“Hey I was looking around and-Jesus on a bagel! What did you do to my bondage gear!?” Dawn cried out, looking at the spread bars and their current condition.


“I just found the key!” Dawn held up the key. “It was squirreled away.” Dawn looked at Gloria. “It took me the better half of an hour, but I found it, and now I see you broke my gear?”

“Wait, you knew where it might have been all this time?” Rod asked, his momentary feelings of embarrassment of breaking Dawn’s toys being replaced again by anger.

“Not exactly.” Dawn quickly went on the defensive. “I knew a few places the key might have been, but I had forgotten where it was exactly. Besides, I thought Gloria was going to bring home some bolt cutters and just snip off the locks. I wasn’t expecting…this!” Dawn gestured with her hand towards Rod.

“Well, look, give me the key and we can unlock Rod, and talk from there, ok?” Gloria quickly stepped into things before it got more heated. “We can talk about this stuff later.”

“Fine, fine.” Dawn gave a huff, and then put the key in Gloria’s hands. “We’ll talk in the kitchen when you’re done in here.”

Once Gloria had unlocked Rod’s cuffs, he had gone to use the washroom, and then taken a long, hot shower. He needed it after today. With all the tickling and sexual torture, he had needed a shower to get all the sweat off. In particular, he wanted to wash his poor cock and balls, which were still sensitive from all the orgasms he’d had today.

Once he was done, he got dressed and finally came down to the kitchen. Dawn was sitting at the table, smiling slightly, a tumbler of whiskey in her hand while Gloria looked a little on the down side. Rod imagined that was on account of the cost of the bondage equipment Dawn would likely want to be reimbursed for.

“So, what’s up?” Rod asked, taking a seat at the table beside Gloria and giving her hand a little squeeze. Why was she looking so down?

“That bondage gear…it costs a lot.” Gloria shuffled about in her chair. “Like, a lot a lot.”

“How much is a lot a lot?” Rod asked cautiously.

“About six hundred and eighty-nine dollars.” Gloria winced slightly as she stated the price.

“Are you serious?” Rod couldn’t believe something like a bar would cost that much.

“Normally they aren’t that expensive, but that gear was a limited edition collector’s item.” Dawn quickly interjected. “However, as I know you both don’t have the money, Gloria and I have come to an understanding.” Dawn nodded her head towards Gloria, who blushed slightly.

“Well, here’s the thing.” Gloria turned to look at Rod. “Dawn said that she was willing to wave the cost of the equipment, but you have to help her for Alicia’s training. She’ll need you for two hours, once a week, for about four weeks.”

“Wait, what?” Rod looked at Gloria in disbelief, and then turned to look at Dawn; she was struggling very hard not to grin ear from ear or smirk at the situation. Rod turned to look at Gloria again. “And you’re ok with that?”

“Well…” Gloria shifted about in the chair. “Mom says it will be strictly professional and part of Alicia’s training. I may not entirely trust my mom-“

“Hey.” Dawn protested in a hurt voice.

“But I do trust Alicia, and I want to help her out for her church stuff. It’s not like the two of them haven’t tickled you before.” Gloria continued. “I don’t know the specific details as to why it has to be a male being tickled, but I don’t know if I want to know. I can guess though, and well, maybe it’s better that it be you then somebody else.” Gloria added. She squeezed Rod’s hand. “But, I said to my mom, that it depends on you. If you’re comfortable with it, then it’s ok with me, just this once. What do you say?” Gloria looked at Rod.

“Aw, jeeze…” Rod scratched his head. Part of him didn’t want to say yes. Dawn had had enough fun with Rod, as far as he was concerned, but he had also already agreed to it. Of course that had been under torture so he wasn’t too sure if that counted. However, he couldn’t deny how hot the experience had been, but that was part of the problem. It seemed like he was almost cheating on Gloria by letting Dawn tickle him like that. However…God, there were so many howevers.

“IF you’re ok with it,” Rod said, looking at Gloria. He then turned his eyes towards Dawn and pointed a finger at her. “And IF Dawn keeps it strictly professional, and IF Alicia is there for all of the tickling…then yes, I will do it.”

“Brownies honor, I swear that all tickling of Rod will be done while Alicia is present and in the most professional manner that tickle torture can be done in the setting it will take place in.” Dawn said, holding up her hand.

“Well, then I guess it’s decided. Dawn-“

“Oh come on Rod. You should probably start calling me mom by this point.” Dawn interjected.

“Mom!” Gloria’s face went scarlet.

“Oh come on. You two were made for each other.” Dawn smiled. “I’ve never seen a more perfect couple.”

“Let’s just not put the wagon before the horse, ok?” Gloria quickly said, blushing even more as she gave Rod a sidelong look and then quickly turned back to her mother.

“Fine, we won’t put the wagon ahead of Rod.”


“What?” Dawn said in an innocent tone. “It’s not like it’s a secret that Rod’s hung like a horse. We’ve all seen him pull boners over the years. Even Mandy knows he’s got a huge dick.”

“That’s not…ugh.” Gloria shook her head. She then stood up from the table, pulling Rod with her, her hand still clasped tight around his. “At any rate, now that that has been settled, we’re calling it an early night. Come along Rod.” Gloria towed Rod off to the bedroom where the two took their clothing off and slipped into Gloria’s bed.

“You know, Rod…” Gloria snuggled up tight to Rod, a hand reaching down and starting to stroke him through his underwear. “Despite everything that’s happened, maybe we should invest in some of our own bondage gear. Having you tied to the bed was pretty hot. Let’s have sex.”

“Rod, sweetie, what’s wrong? Are you crying?”
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Great story, would love to see a story with naked rod being tickled and teased by both gloria and dawn..........
Now this story is a great depiction of written tickle torture. Loved it, and will Rod ever get his revenge?
Lucky Guy!!

Lol, Rod might feel differently about that belief.

Great story, would love to see a story with naked rod being tickled and teased by both gloria and dawn..........

Hot idea, and as much as i do think it would be a hot scene, I don't see something like that happening at this time. While tickling is one thing, I don't believe Gloria would have much interest in sharing her boyfriend with her mother in a sexual way.

Now this story is a great depiction of written tickle torture. Loved it, and will Rod ever get his revenge?

I'm glad you enjoyed the tickle torture as much as you did. And Rod will get his revenge, one day, though we will all have to wait with bated breath until that happens.
Whew, finally, FINALLY, I was able to read this in one sit. And simply put? Awesome. Freaking awesome from begging to end.
I have proven to myself finally that I just can not stop Dawn. It's just... male tickling is not my thing, but still, dang, reading her torturing someone is just some damn entertaining, and hot as hell too. It really reminded me of when Dawn tortures Gloria in the church's basement (which remains like my favorite moment in this series, and one of my favorite tk fiction scenes ever), the enjoyment and glee in Dawn tickling someone who is completely defenseless and at her mercy. I loved all of the details, specially the chance to catch a glimpse of what goes on on Dawn's imagination, and it's nothing short of what I expected :lol.
Perhaps it goes a teeeeeeny bit too far with the sexual aspect, since its her son-in-law and all, but as we said before, her relationship with each of the characters is special giving the fact that they grew up with her, the town and its customaries, that Dawn acts not like a responsible adult but like a tease, and so on.
The fact that she got what she wanted (and how she got it), really makes you want to see her get some tickles, whether it's in this story or in future ones. :lol

And Rod, poor guy XD. Long hard day indeed. The guy just can't catch a break. The humor around his situation is great too, specially on the dialogs between him, Gloria and Dawn. And the last line really made me laugh reading it :lol

Well, now I'm more than looking forward to the rest. Every tip and hint given on this story about what happened with some of the other characters (Dawn getting tickled by Alicia and Victoria? Yes please! :lol), everything that's been teased so far, and what's not been teased so far. Seeing more of this characters is always great, and I'd love to see how the girls' day went and how Dawn's intertwines with theirs.
I hope everything is coming along smoothly, and congrats on another great story 😀

Hmmmmmmm i understand what you say about gloria and dawn but then in a story anything can happen and often does LOL.....and i think it would make a exceptional story.

Hot idea, and as much as i do think it would be a hot scene, I don't see something like that happening at this time. While tickling is one thing, I don't believe Gloria would have much interest in sharing her boyfriend with her mother in a sexual way.

I'm glad you enjoyed the tickle torture as much as you did. And Rod will get his revenge, one day, though we will all have to wait with bated breath until that happens.[/QUOTE]
Hmmmmmmm i understand what you say about gloria and dawn but then in a story anything can happen and often does LOL.....and i think it would make a exceptional story.
Hehe, truth be told, it probably would make an extremely hot story. And you do have a point. In a story, anything can happen. However, and this is just my opinion, but I think part of Stocksvill's appeal is that, even though the setting is a bit of a stretch, as are the char's, I would like to think that I maintain a certain level of reality, which is above some of the other stories out their. That being said, you never know what the future holds, and thier might indeed be some fans who want to see Rod get it from Gloria and Dawn.

Whew, finally, FINALLY, I was able to read this in one sit. And simply put? Awesome. Freaking awesome from begging to end.
I'm glad you liked the last installment of this story. I have to say, Batman, your deffinitly one of my favourite people to read the response from. I'm very glad to hear that you enjoyed the latest addition.

I have proven to myself finally that I just can not stop Dawn. It's just... male tickling is not my thing, but still, dang, reading her torturing someone is just some damn entertaining, and hot as hell too. It really reminded me of when Dawn tortures Gloria in the church's basement (which remains like my favorite moment in this series, and one of my favorite tk fiction scenes ever), the enjoyment and glee in Dawn tickling someone who is completely defenseless and at her mercy. I loved all of the details, specially the chance to catch a glimpse of what goes on on Dawn's imagination, and it's nothing short of what I expected .

Nobody can stop Dawn. She's like the Juggernaut, except she instead of huge muscles, she has huge tits, and instead of fists of fury, she has feathers of fury. Once you realise that, it all falls into place. As for what goes on in Dawn's imagination, you've just seen the tip of the iceberg. The women has fantasy's that would make most tickling fetishists blush.

Perhaps it goes a teeeeeeny bit too far with the sexual aspect, since its her son-in-law and all, but as we said before, her relationship with each of the characters is special giving the fact that they grew up with her, the town and its customaries, that Dawn acts not like a responsible adult but like a tease, and so on.
The fact that she got what she wanted (and how she got it), really makes you want to see her get some tickles, whether it's in this story or in future ones.

It is a little more sexual then most would believe, but when it comes to certain writing, one must suspend disbelief at least a little bit. however, as you pointed out, she has a unique relationship with those around her, Rod included. The fact that Dawn got what she wanted isn't so much a testament to her smarts, as it is to her ability to take a situation and twist it to her advantage. Granted, she is a smart cookie.
As far as her getting tickles, well, you'll see that eventually. 😉

And Rod, poor guy XD. Long hard day indeed. The guy just can't catch a break. The humor around his situation is great too, specially on the dialogs between him, Gloria and Dawn. And the last line really made me laugh reading it

Deffinitly a "long", "hard", day for Rod. I'm glad your enjoyed the intended humor in the story. I'm not a grreat writer, and comedy can be none of the hardest things to write. I am glad to hear that I hit my target though.

Well, now I'm more than looking forward to the rest. Every tip and hint given on this story about what happened with some of the other characters (Dawn getting tickled by Alicia and Victoria? Yes please! ), everything that's been teased so far, and what's not been teased so far. Seeing more of this characters is always great, and I'd love to see how the girls' day went and how Dawn's intertwines with theirs.

I have to say, i'm a little nervouse now about writing the scene involving Dawn, Alicia, and Victoria, given the comments. I do think that Alicia's chapter will be the best yet in this part though. Both in erotocism, and character developement. I just hope it doesn't disapoint.

I hope everything is coming along smoothly, and congrats on another great story

It's coming. I plan on writing more this weekend. Shouold be good.
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Sorry that I've been out of contact for so long, but life's been hard. I'm doing fine now. It may be a bit presumptuous of me, but I'm glad the edits I did were well received. Looking forward to your next work. Email the rough draft if you wish and I'll edit again.
Great story! I will have to go back and read the other pieces! I like the description and the detail!
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