So, are stories where minors tickle each other (with no adult involvement) allowed, or not? I am a Harry Potter fan, and wouldn't mind reading (or writing) a story with some innocent non-sexual tickling: maybe Harry and Ron ambushing Hermione and Cho Chang with Vellicattus charms...
On another topic: (playing games with the limits here, please nobody get hissy on me...) someone above mentioned time travel, which opens the door for all kinds of scifi/fantasy scenarios, such as:
How about an adult 'rejuvenated' to a teen by the Fountain of Youth, or ultra-tech devices, or whatever. Fair game? Or not?
What if an adult EXCHANGED minds with a younger person? Would the young soul/mind in the grownup body be fair game? Or not?
One for all you Anne Rice fans: how about Claudia the vampire child? About a century old, but eternally trapped in the body of a five-year-old (EEEW! I'm grossig myself out now!) Fair game, or not?
Time travel again: how about someone going back in time, and tickling their younger self? Perhaps it gives new meaning to the term 'self-abuse'...but fair game, or not?
Leaving the age topic: what if a man and woman exchanged bodies? Would the M/F fan like to see these roles enacted with respect to bodies, or minds? In other words, would you like to see her/him tickling him/her, or vice versa?
Food for thought? Well, junk food anyway...