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Straw poll for my next story


TMF Master
Jun 13, 2001
Before I decide which story-idea of mine to tackle next, I'd like to get an idea of the relative popularity of various setups.

What is the popularity of stories featuring

- machine tickling (vs human, centaur etc. tickling)
- only one ticklee
- two at one time
- two or more ticklees but in sequence
- three or four or more ticklees at once
- main focus on one 'lee, but others in the background
- mixed group of male & female 'lees (vs f only, or m only)

In short, what combo of "victims" do people here like best?

Also, where would people here put the line between "machine" and "human" tickling, when the tickling is done via some device (possibly remote controlled)?
Well Gotta say first I love your stories, in fact I think they're the best around! But thats just me ^^

I like your centaur stuff mainly, especially the ones with the 2 ticklees at the same time. Stocks are the best (maybe I'm a bit biased there 😛 ). Gotta admit, I loved "the tickling device" story, so well done 😀 . I want one! Yeah, other than that not sure what I like really, so maybe you should just write more anyway ^^ . I'll be sure to try and critisize! 😀
Thanks! It's good to be appreciated. 🙂 More than that, it's encouraging.

I've got some story seeds for more centaur stories that are stubbornly refusing to germinate. I'll keep your idea for "more than one ticklee" in mind, in case one of them does decide to grow.

Do you have a preference between the /f and /m centaur stories? I've got one seed where four guys cross into the Centaur land as part of a dare or initiation or some such, and another where the three female characters I've introduced so far all get stocked & tickled at once. But both have stubbornly refused to become full-fleged stories.
Being a lee, I prefer the /f stuff, cause I imagine its me ^^ . I always liked the idea of more than one, cause its like being sat there finding it funny how the other person is reacting to the tickling, but at the same time knowing its coming to you next. There's also the little almost fights between two characters tryna make it worse for each other, which you did a bit in your sci fi one, deception i think it was. But hey, thats all my opinions! Let me know if there's anything else I can suggest, and more people post here please! Will only help the more you say! 😀
lonelykimiko said:
There's also the little almost fights between two characters tryna make it worse for each other, which you did a bit in your sci fi one, deception i think it was.

"A Ticklish Deception." That story has some interesting history behind it. First, it's part of a series: "Melody's Captivity" and "The Tickling of Melody" are the earlier stories.

"Melody's Captivity" is a bondage story with only a brief tickling scene in it, and is also a token-site story (i.e. not available for free).

"The Tickling of Melody" is posted in this forum, here . and has Melody tickled alongside her cousin Holly - two ticklee ast the same time.

"A Ticklish Deception" was the result of a challenge, over in the "Tickling Media Forum" - a challenge to write another tickling-machine story. I tried to make it stand alone, but it helps if you've read the first two stories and thus have some idea of Max and Melody's past.

I have some thoughts for further stories in the series (and for some stories in the same setting but with different characters). But like my centaur ideas, they aren't developing either 🙁

I'm starting to think that maybe what I need to do is work on some of my bondage-no-tickling stories for a while. (Would you be interested in seeing some of those? In addition to the short stories on my website, I've got an entire novel, plus part of a sequel, that I'm not webbing ('cause I have hopes of getting it published by a Major Publisher) but that I'm willing to e-mail to interested beta-readers for "critiques")
TBH pure bondage outside of tickling aint really my thing, but I've done english language and literate in school and college a bit, and took pen to paper a little myself. Not much but I'm more than happy to tell ya what I think of the stories if you show em to me 🙂 .
OK if you'll send me e-mail at [email protected] I'll send you the novel to look over. Or were you only offering to look at the short stories in progress? (Understandable, if so: At 110,000 words, the novel is equivalent to ~50 of the short stories I've been posting here.)

(BTW, the offer is open to anyone here who'd like to be a beta reader for a bondage-but-no-tickling fantasy novel. In your e-mail, be sure to let me know if you prefer Word97, or RTF format.)
I dont mind really, I like tickly stuff but not really bondage, sO I dont think I would read through a big none tickling story. Any tickly stuff I'm more than happy to read though! 😀 . I'm at [email protected]
I have a small challenge for you. Do a story with 1 ticklee and 1 tickler, f/f preferably in a situation where the ticklee is not super ticklish but does not even know she is ticklish, she finds it highly arousing in an uncontrolable way, maybe during dominance play or something. Go for it dude. lol
Or better still, do a story about a gothy girl who gets tickled in the stocks. She can be called, oh I dont know, Kimiko or something 😀 . Hehe nah I think thats a little too much to ask for to be honest, but worth a try none the less! ^^
Papabear said:
I have a small challenge for you. Do a story with 1 ticklee and 1 tickler, f/f preferably in a situation where the ticklee is not super ticklish but does not even know she is ticklish, she finds it highly arousing in an uncontrolable way, maybe during dominance play or something. Go for it dude. lol

I'll have to decline this challenge: f/f leaves me cold. When other authors set up to write a story and go "Hey, I'll make it f/f - *everyone* likes f/f," I'm the embarassed guy in the back who has to raise his hand as say "Er, I don't..."

I'll keep the other elements in mind, though.

It sort of fits my (token site) story "Nandi" where the title character thinks she isn't ticklish until expert centaur ticklers get at her feet. It's M/f, though, and doesn't have the arousal element.

I've also got a "forced orgasim" story on the token site: "Ankina," where the title character is sentenced by the King-Emperor not to death, but to... the little death.

So I might do tickling & forced orgasm combined in a single story. Hmm. I'll put it in my Muse's inbox and we'll see what happens.
lonelykimiko said:
Or better still, do a story about a gothy girl who gets tickled in the stocks. She can be called, oh I dont know, Kimiko or something 😀 . Hehe nah I think thats a little too much to ask for to be honest, but worth a try none the less! ^^

OK, consider that name swiped. And I'll make sure that that character gets put in stocks, whatever story she ends up in.

She's likely to end up as a ninja-type rather than a gothy girl, though. Possibly a halfling ninja. Or a catgirl ninja. That's one of the risks you run when you suggest something to a writer.
Hehe I like it still. A ninja cat girl *sits back, imagines, and grins to self 😀*
Heya sable, got your story, just got to get round to reading it. Maybe its just me, I just find great difficulty reading 1st person stuff, and that in itself detracts from the story to me. But I said I would, so I will read the story properly! 🙂 .
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