I have re-posted it below as i have no idea what page it is on in the Post stories section.The Lunch Date
The rain was falling softly as Eddie Warp walked home. Birds were buzzing in and out of the trees as if trying to dodge the raindrops. As he walked further, he could see Mrs. Crowley’s rose garden blooming. It will be good for the roses, I guess, he thought to himself as he passed them. He had to get home quickly. Jen would be calling him any minute. She was so beautiful with her long, blonde mane lying gently on her shoulders. He started walking faster as he neared his house. He turned the key in the door and opened it. He heard a bark and held out his arms as Reuben, his black Labrador, leaped at him from the living room. Laughing, he removed his hat and placed it on a peg near the door. He threw his briefcase in the corner of the hallway where it would be waiting for him the next morning.
Just then, the phone rang. “That should be Jen,” he called gaily to Reuben as he briskly walked to pick up the phone.
“Hello,” he said jovially into the receiver.
“You’re home already,” her familiar, silky voice replied.
“Yeah,” he said, smiling to himself. In his mind’s eye, he could see her sitting at her kitchen table, her legs crossed. She would be wearing her navy blue dress he loved so much. She was so sexy in it. She would probably be wearing black nylons and navy blue spike heels. He smiled as he thought of her sitting at the table absentmindedly slipping her foot in and out of her shoes, her long blonde mane cascading loosely down the back of the chair.
“So are we still on for tonight,” he inquired casually into the phone.
“Yeah,” she replied huskily.
He grinned broadly. Tonight was going to be fun for him. He couldn’t wait. They were going to dinner and a movie. After that, he had something special in store for Jen.
“Alright, I’ll see you at seven then.”
“Ok,” she said, her voice tinkling like crystal.
He hung up the phone and climbed the stairs with a spring in his step. He showered quickly and changed his clothes. He chose an off-white dress shirt, brown suede dress pants and a matching brown vest. He whistled as he went about the room, checking that all was in order. Then, he pulled the peacock feather out of the drawer and shoved it up his pant leg, securing it for his use later that evening. He dashed out quickly and ran downstairs. He had to hurry. Jen would be waiting. He didn’t want to keep her waiting. He grabbed his hat and rushed out the door.
Jen stood at the door, smiling as she watched him walk up the sidewalk. He was so sexy, like something out of a movie. He had broad shoulders, a chiseled jaw and light brown hair that he always protected with a Fedora hat. He was smiling as she opened the door.
“Hey doll! Whatcha doing” he teased playfully.
“Looking at you,” she said, giggling.
He grinned broadly then, fixated. The sound of a woman’s laughter made him feel warm inside. It stirred something deep inside him and rocked the very core of his being.
They drove to the restaurant, each anticipating the night ahead.
Later, as they sat in the restaurant, Eddie pulled the feather out of his pant leg. His long arm held it out under the table so that it reached her foot. As they began talking, Jen felt something lightly brush her foot. Her foot jolted with reaction. However, she tried to focus on the conversation.
“So anyway, the boss says I might get more hours,” he was saying.
“That’s good,” she said, still trying not to laugh.
Eddie sat across the table, watching as she twisted and flinched, fighting the laughter that was inside her. Come on, laugh, he thought to himself, impatiently. He knew she hated to lose her composure in public. Her face was growing redder by the minute.
“What’s wrong,” he asked innocently.
“Oh nothing,” she denied.
“Come on. Something’s up. Tell me,” he said, twisting the feather deeper into her foot.
He allowed it to weave in and out of her toes, her weakest spot. Unable to hold it in any longer, she erupted into a volcano of laughter. She sat in the restaurant, her body shaking as she giggled hysterically.
“What’s wrong, doll?” Eddie feigned.
“Something has been tickling my foot. I can’t stand it!!!”
“Oh really,” he said, perking.
She crawled under the table and saw the big, fluffy feather in his hand. She gasped in mock horror. “It was you!!!”
Eddie was laughing now. “yeah. I couldn’t resist. And later, I’ll kiss those lovely toes and take all the tickle away.”
Later, in his apartment, he did just that. Occasionally, an explosion of giggles would erupt from Jen. Then, all would be silent again.
“Oh Eddie, you are so sexy. Like Bogey or something, she moaned, tracing circles on his tummy. He giggled lightly and whispered “Here’s looking at you, kid!” as he turned out the lights.
Ps: I'm lousy at holding out for very long!!!