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Succubus of all Vices (F/M)


TMF Poster
Dec 7, 2002
Forewarning: This document is about 10 pages in length, and while tickling is the main focus of the story, it does not dominate the text at all moments. I only mention this ahead of time because some may not prefer this sort of story, and I wouldn’t want them to waste their time on something they may not enjoy.
Themes: Tickling, verbal teasing, light bondage, minor dominance, (very) slight blood play, gentle humiliation, seduction, and sexual & fantasy overtones.

Succubus of all Vices​

As the waking world is the reality of the physical body, so shall the dreamscape forever be the living world of the mind. Tumbling down the innermost walls of the mental plane, Magnus slipped from his waking dream into the imagination that is one’s own dreams. Having spent countless moments indulging in personal mind exploration, he feared not his dreams, for they would bend to his whim, and heed the notion of his thoughts; truly he thought, the dreamworld was his private universe, a complete escape from the annoyances of so-called reality. That is not to say that his dreamworld was weaved solely by his consciousness – rather, this was a world made from the subconscious, one that his abilities had made him king of, much like a foreign dictator rising to power in a barbarian nation. Forever an introverted soul, he did nothing more but observe the layers of life that his idle mind had been creating since birth (as he found, nothing truly dies in this separate world, all that is imagined forever stays in some form). Long past nightmares still prowling the wildlife, fantasies that would never cease, and the ever chaotic realm of new dreams. Venturing forth to observe what had been recently weaved by his mental capacities, Magnus stumbled from a grassy meadow downward, plunging into a deep forest, slightly pierced by a distant sun. Gazing into the distance, he wistfully caught a glance of purple, fluttering just out of his vision. Curiosity was one emotion that certainly reigned over others in his mind, and so, his tall form began chasing this apparition, deeper and deeper into the forest. As the trees thickened, he pressed harder, determined not to lose sight of what was certainly taunting his abilities, always just in the corner of his eyesight. At long last, he the fluttering ribbon of color descended into an atelier in what seemed to be the nexus of the infinite woods. Without abandon, Magnus stepped forth, pushing aside the silky material of this structure, and gazed upon the purple cloth, which sit silently on a table, disguising something. Without a move, the cloth fell to the floor, and a doll was revealed. Instantly, he felt the envious eyes of the miniature mannequin, which adorned a black lace bodice on top of a equally as dark lacy silk dress; her body was nothing short of his consideration of perfection, with pale complexion, fiery long crimson hair, and enrapturing eyes. As he stand fixated for what felt as an eternity, he felt as though the weight of his body had fallen to his feet, as he was unable to create any friction, leaving him immobile as the doll further cast her wicked eyes upon him. Everything from his eyes melted, the world turned white, and he felt as though his mind had just been violated. His only thought was “impossible” as he was unable to control what was happening, before he lost all consciousness.

Awakening to a cool breath in his ear, Magnus was nearly afraid to open his eyes. He knew that somehow control was lost, and he did not know whether he was awakened, or if a nightmare had wrested control of his mind. Sensing a life form nearly upon his body, he fully expected to be lashed with pain, and nearly jumped at the surprise of an airy, rather playful feminine voice whispering “wakey…” Slowly opening his eyes at first, Magnus quickly rose up and glared around, seeing nothing but empty mind space. Feeling the sensation of a hand softly caressing the back of his long blond hair, he quickly turned, again seeing nothing but an endless void. “Surely, I cannot be blind” he thought, as he looked down once again to see his own form. A ripple formed in the air, and the scenery immediately altered, forming a frigid mountain summit. Befuddled, Magnus openly asked where he was; ascertaining he was no longer within his dream.

“Oh, but you are yet within your dream world…” the voice resonated.

“This cannot be my dream…I did not make this world, and I did not make you.” He muttered.

“Are you sure? Though perhaps you did. Perhaps your consciousness only toyed with you when you assumed you had control. And perhaps you are but a figment of my imagination with your own cute little mental scape.”

“No…I know I am real, and I know what you are doing…you will not have control of my mind.”

“Mayhap not your mind…” she trailed off, leaving him to further ponder what was happening. Despite his mental abilities, he was indeed insecure, and the conundrum presented by this mysterious entity was enough to send his mind for a loop.

“Why do you not show yourself?”

And there was not an answer.

He wandered the mountainside, his scaling the drifts of snow while his mind lay in one of confusion. Sensing an approaching life form, he spun around, his eyes locked with a black tigress. Without movement, he felt words poured into his mind as water is poured into a glass.

“Come to me…”

He wavered, his body beginning to tremble in fear, as he sensed the desires of this beast, and had no intent to be devoured by a mere animal. Turning, he bounded through the snow, as quickly as his legs would push, and even though he felt himself running at incredible speeds, he could not ignore the sensation of the tigress’s breath closing in. Suddenly a great weight pressed on his back, drawing him to the ground, which shifted from snow to a soft cloud as he impacted the floor. The beast too, had metamorphed, becoming the human sized form of the shapely doll from the tent. She grinned wickedly at him, as he lay before her. Immediately, as he attempted to rise, the fluffy cloud enveloped his arms and legs, and a soft chuckle escaped her throat, followed by a contended hum. The mysterious woman weaved a small dagger from nothingness; it’s sharp edge glinting in the light, as her eyes probed his form. She waved her free hand towards him and a stiff wind lifted his shirt roughly. With precarious cruelty, she dangled the blade over his midsection, slowly dropping it nearer to his soft, smooth abdomen. Knowing that if one’s mental form is deceased while in the dream world, the body becomes an empty shell, Magnus struggled to break free, her grin growing tauntingly wider with each moment that passed, as his attempts were fruitless. In a begging tone, he quietly let out “please…don’t hurt me…” as she carefully ran the tip of the blade over his flesh, back and forth, barely scratching the outer layers of skin, but enough to assure him of the threat of the point. As the blade’s tip touched upon his skin, he winced and squirmed helplessly as a light, airy sensation blew across his stomach. He looked up and she was now holding a purple feather, giggling at him.

Stunned by this behavior, he could not find the words to question this woman’s motives, instead squirming and giggling embarrassingly as she fluttered her feather over his hairless chest.

As she tucked her feather away back into nothingness, he felt a burst of renewed strength, and broke the bonds that held him immobile. Knowing she likely let him free of her own will, he still decided to flee into the sky, floating with reduced gravity to a faraway cloud. Her words drifted through the blue empty,

“I do adore the hunt…”

Bounding from cloud to cloud, Magnus pressed through the billowing sky, with a sense of hopelessness heavy on his head, for no matter how hard he would run, she would grow closer. He felt a softness clasp his ankle, and he was flung into the air, catching a glimpse of the silky tendril protruding from her hand. Before he could land on the cloud, she further snared him with many more appendages bursting forth from her fingers, completely immobilizing his legs. The mysterious woman grinned once again as she lifted her prize upside down before her gorgeous form.

He began to struggle.

And with a triumphant giggle, she raised her other hand, more soft tentacles emerging from her palms, wrapping him up to his neck.

“Now, there’s no need to struggle…”

Before he could even vibrate his vocal chords for a response, she weaved a thin pink satin band around his mouth, gagging him, and winked as another appeared around his eyes. She lifted and admired her own work, holding her cocooned captive the way a spider would, happily humming. His other senses taken, Magnus could only listen as she taunted him, and feel his body being slung over her shoulder.

“I’ve watched you for many an eve lover.”

He could feel her rubbing his lower back gently through his bonds as she whispered into his ear, her cold breath dancing over him.

“And how I’ve waited for this moment.”

Letting a muffled word through his gag, Magnus wished to ask her where she originated from, and how she penetrated his dream. Or if he was even still in his dream, and if she was simply woven from his ever active subconscious ness.

“What’s that? Speak up.”

A cold finger poked at his tummy, and more mmmph’s escaped his gag. Noticing his reaction, she drew her long silver index finger nail up and down his navel, not quite reducing him to laughter, but distorting any words he might try to say into giggling messes.

“Well, if all you want to say is gibberish…”

She squeaked out, in the most teasing way possible.

At long last, she had taken him to her destination, though she certainly took as long as possible, delighting in the embarrassment the situation caused Magnus, only regretting that she was not able to fully see his expression.

Gently laying him upon the ground, she removed his blindfold, and nothing more. He glanced upward, at her piercing green eyes, which had grabbed his view, and would not waver. Magnus felt as though his body, spirit, and mind were being devoured as she stared intently into his vision. A smile curved upon her lush lips, and his bonds evaporated. Immediately, Magnus rose up, only to have both of his wrists snapped upward by a white garment, which hung from the trees above, suspending his body before this woman.

“By now you’ve noticed we’re back in the forest…you see sweetie, this is my realm, and it obeys only to my will.”

She smiled lovingly as a black whip formed in her long nailed fingertips. She chuckled darkly at the whimper he released when she cracked her weapon in the air.

Magnus murmured “mmm-mmm!” through his gag, nodding his head ‘no’ as she lifted the whip.

With a mighty crack, he felt a stinging sensation throughout his upper body as his shirt was torn from him, and flung far into the air by her whip.

“Why, you’re just helpless aren’t you!”

With a snap that echoed throughout the forest and shook leaves from the trees, his lower garment was shredded by the tip of the wicked whip, his body quivering, now nearly naked completely.

“Oh, such a helpless baby boy…”

She cooed, smiling brightly as she observed rosebuds blooming across his cheeks. Willing to further his humiliation, she strolled towards his suspended form, and spanked his posterior firmly, further taunting the poor man, as he swayed in the air, struggling to free himself.

“Where are you going?” *smack* “You can’t get away!”


Sneaking a hand around his backside, she lightly teased and pinched his nipples with her silver nails, her other hand still spanking him lovingly. She ceased abruptly, stepping back around to his front side, giggling as the red on his cheeks had spread down his neck and over his chest in embarrassment.

“Aww…sooo cute!” she teased, reaching up to pinch his cheeks.

Pursing her lips with a finger, she glanced over him again, compiling his inner most reactions to her actions thus far. “So soft and delicate…rather unusual for a man isn’t it?” She whispered, grinning at great delight to his reaction to her verbal teases. “But then, you are unlike a man in many ways, and it is these manners and aspects that make you such a prize.” The woman smirked as she placed her whip on a nearby branch for a moment, and drew a long black rod from the air. As she spoke her next words, a feathery purple end formed on the object in hand. “I believe you have seen my little helper…she’s quite skilled at the art of the lure, along with noticing the most subtle and delicious secrets”.

Pacing around Magnus casually, she lazily drew the feathered rod along his pale flesh, darting it under his arms, whipping it over his chest, dangling it between his legs, and dancing it on the underside of his feet. All throughout, he stifled his laughter, instead squirming aimlessly, much to her delight. When she began whispering in his ears, “coochie coochie coo!” he lost sense of hiding what she desired to extract and started laughing. “Aww…I knew you were a tickly ticklish baby…”. She discarded her probing device and began drawing designs with her nails all over his body. His thin midsection contracted and expanded rapidly as his laughter echoed throughout the forest, her pointed nails dancing along his ribs, playing in the curve where his last rib stopped endlessly. His mind raced as she systematically attacked each ticklish spot with spotless efficiency – her helper certainly did an exemplary job he realized as his inner hips were grazed by ruthless thumbnails. Pleading her with a chant of no’s, Magnus tried rocking his weight away from the relentless tickling, eliciting a teasing chorus from her “You are tickl-ish! You are tickl-ish!” Manipulating his body weight, he started swinging slightly away from her fingertips. “Mmm…you like to rock do you? I do too…” She levitated slightly to stand behind him, reaching around and strumming his stomach and rib cage with her fingers as a musician would a guitar, singing her tickle chorus once more in rhythm to her motions. At long last, she ceased her attacks, but not before a few false ends. She’d stop, start walking away, only to turn around, exclaiming “oh, I almost forgot…tickle tickle!”, tickling his tummy again, flicking her nails towards him each time before contact.

Lifting her whip once more, she smiled with her crimson lips, her eyes certainly appearing feline as the whip coiled around his backside, spanking his butt and destroying his under garment. Hanging completely nude, save for a soft gag, Magnus’s entire body blushed, pleasing her greatly.

“My dear, you may be thin in form, but there is one area that surely is not!”

Her eyes looked hungrily upon that which lay between his legs, his eyes further conveying his helpless humiliation.

“Oh, but we will save that prize for later...” she murmured, releasing the bonds which held him in the air, dropping Magnus into her waiting arms.

An ethereal mist swirled about them, and the setting morphed into a dimly lit bedroom, the two of them sitting upon a veiled bed, adorned with purple silk sheets, gothic decorations adorning the bedroom. In a snap, he felt his hands cuffed together behind his back, his legs chained by manacles. She placed her body just close enough to him so that the fabric of her dress lightly brushed upon his skin, giving him goose bumps all over. The woman leaned her head in slowly, and protruded her tongue, lightly licking over his shoulder, down his inner arm, flicking the tip over his veins, and back up, lightly nibbling at his collar bone, and finally, over his neck, ever so carefully tracing it, her hand wrapped around his far cheek, holding his head still. Her frigid breath became as hot as an inferno, her eyes blood red with lust. A low moan left her throat as she ever so gently pierced his neck with her fangs, the points softly parting his flesh like a knife through butter. Her tongue eagerly caught each and every drop of blood that slowly trickled from his wound, his body shaking slightly as she fed upon him. And then she removed her fangs, licking her lips carefully, before hungrily attacking him with kisses and nibbles all over his upper body. Admiring his thin form that was now coated with lip prints and little scratches from her teeth and nails, she bit into her own wrist, drawing some of her own blood, letting it drip forth onto his chest. Magnus remained motionless throughout, truly struck with fear by the actions of this woman. She proceeded to lustfully drive her lips upon his, penetrating his mouth with her tongue, and forcing feeding her blood down his throat. As she did this to him, he felt her mind creeping around the back of his, coating his inner most mental layers with her corruption as her physical form wrapped around his, the sensation of being immersed by her sensuous body and surrounded by her powerful sexual energies was nearly too much, and his body lay limp under hers.

“Awww…I hope I wasn’t too rough with my pet…” She lovingly said, gently removing his gag, and caressing his chest.

She plopped herself next to his bound body, one hand propping up her face as the other ran along his sides, slowly exciting his nerves, turning into full tickling as she reached his underarms. Squealing out a plea, he attempted to roll away as both hands now dove for his form. Her strong arms prevented any escape however, and she was still able to tickle with both sets of fingers. And as much as he may have tried to curl up, her nimble fingers still found their way into his most sensitive nooks. As he would attempt to close his armpits, the other hand would find it’s way to the back of his neck, and as his head was thrown back, she would dart to his inner arm, and when he tried to close his arms up, her nails were digging into his underarms again. This upper body torture looped for quite a while before he was barely moving to defend his t-spots anymore.

She smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek as his cuffs and chains vanished, lightly massaging his shoulders and back. As he sat up with renewed vigor, he felt her cold giggle in his ear again as she tackled him, rolling around the bedspread with him entwine, kissing and nibbling softly on him, eventually pinning him down by sitting on his legs, with her own legs on top of either of his arms. He struggled in vain once again, though this was certainly a soft bondage.

“Silly!” She exclaimed, drawing a finger over his face. Before he had even realized he was once again free to talk, she weaved her purple feather again, and fluttered it teasingly over his belly. His body twitched involuntarily as she sweetly danced her plume over his chest area.

“I certainly can’t forget your ribbies!” she cried, running her finely sharpened nails over his sides and ribs. Now he began to squeal, helplessly squirming under her form, attempting to knock her away, but could barely wiggle his legs as this new torture drained what little energy he had left.

“What’s that hun? You don’t know howww ticklish your ribbies are? Would you like me to test each one?”

He tried to mumble something, anything, but his words were drowned out by his laughter as she wiggled a finger tip over each and every rib he had, playfully counting and ranking them as the continued.

“oooone…is cutely ticklish…..twooo…is superbly ticklish….aww…three is helplessly tickly tickly….fo-hey, I lost track of which is which…your cute laughing must have distracted me…now I’ll have to start all over!”

He shrieked with laughter as she continued, and grew more hysterical as she began traveling all over his body, nails and feathers gliding over his upper body, dancing on his inner arms, caressing his neck, and teasing his nipples. She also became aware at this point of the surprise poking her below. She giggled and continued her torment with one hand, while the other waved some arcane motions, and more arms sprung out of her back. One set was devoted to his feet, raking identical nails up and down the sensitive arch, another alternated squeezing his knees and running feathers over the undersides, and the last duplicate set of her arms gently and ceaselessly drew their tips slowly over his thighs, keeping him in a state of dizzy arousal. He bucked wildly under her grip, as she was doing the tickling of four equally devious women now. Raising her body slightly to allow more tickling area, she intricately executed more tickling in a manner that would put a computer to shame. Just when he’d relax slightly as the fingers near his manhood would start grazing it, a sudden attack would begin on his sides, followed by a slow tickle-tease of his nipples, again raising his manhood, which resulted in an assault on his soft soles, eliciting a thigh tickle when the laughter became too loud. All the while, her mind also focused on his, allowing her astral presence to be a feather light dance around his, tickling his consciousness from within. As time pressed on, her nails between his legs crafted their own toys – a pair of small vibrators. Teasing his member with intense vibrations, the toys buzzed like a hornets as they lightly brushed the sides of his swollen penis. She now doubled her efforts between his legs as she shifted another pair, now adorned with feathers to the underside of his cock, lightly brushing the vein, his laughter now washed over with moans. She felt her own sexual organ growing engorged, her nipples poking through her garment, and grew greedy of the pleasure, tossing aside her toys and evaporating her extra appendages, positioning herself just above his stiff penis.

The woman lifted her dress and inserted Magnus’s manhood into her smooth shaven vagina, and grinned evilly as she began running her nails briskly up and down his sides, eliciting laughter and squirming from the man. She shamelessly rocked her hips against his, using him as a living vibrator as she tickled him from head to toe ceaselessly, and when he felt as though he could not take any more, she created two more hands and devoted them to teasing his hips, digging her extra thumbnails into them. She shook violently as he pressed down upon him with all her weight, her inner walls contracting and squeezing the life from his male member, his vision growing fuzzy as she ceaselessly pressed again and again, many fingers still making him writhe before her. And finally, an explosion rocked through her form, as she reached her orgasm, throbbing as she fell upon him, the sensation leaving her completely stunned and exhausted. Magnus however, had not reached his climax, and was still awake, though barely.

His mind raced as he looked upon her flawless form. He considered running, or possibly taking revenge. This woman had lured him into a trap for abduction, humiliated, teased, tormented, and sexually abused him. Unknown feelings were enveloping his common sense, as he lay beneath her. She was only out for a handful of moments before recovering from her explosive orgasm. She smiled widely, and threw an arm over her pet, cuddling him tightly, knowing she had control.

She gently turned him over and pressed his face into her bosom tightly. His breath was reduced to inhaling her scent as she squeezed him tightly, legs wrapped over his, kissing his head lovingly, hands massaging his back warmly. For what seemed like an eternity, he lay dazed between sleep and alertness, trapped in her embrace, until she lifted him forth.

She then gently lifted him again, carrying him over to a wrought iron fixture, where she lifted his arms and locked them in place spread over his head, and did the same for his feet, putting him in a standing spread eagled position. Feeling as helpless once again he didn’t protest in the slightest, as he knew even before she whispered and licked in his ear:

“There’s no escape for you now…”

Creating a black rose, she teasingly stepped around him, giving him full view of her form, lightly running the flower over his chest and neck. As she traced it over his legs, she slowly placed an index finger between her legs, lightly rubbing as she mentally raped his form, and then forced her nailed finger into his mouth, lightly pulling it in and out as he suckled at it. She smiled contentedly, elevated herself slightly, and began nipping at his nipples, licking and kissing them, sucking and blowing on them, putting him into a state of bliss already. And as he began moaning, she shot a wild grin and danced her nails along his stiff nipples, eliciting many squirms, giggles, and blushing flesh. Noticing his ever stiffening manhood, she reached around to give attention to his cute little bottom, spanking it gently, lightly caressing the curve under his posterior, striking one of his more sensitive areas.

“yes, my love…I can stimulate you in ways you would never imagine. I know of places on you that will drive you to an ecstasy unknown.”

She continued the renewed tickling from behind, grasping at the curve on his bottom, slipping around to find that precious spot on his lowest ribs, and when she ran the smooth front sides of her nails up the small of his back, he nearly achieved an orgasm, had she not ceased her movements, and started teasingly moving her fingers above his penis, just high enough to prevent any contact. After the thought of an easy release was long lost, she returned to his backside. Magnus shook in his bondage, giggling as she fluttered her nails between his legs from behind, teasing his sensitive flesh in the most excruciating way possible. Finished with her foreplay, she pressed herself tightly to his back, the material once again touching his nerves as he felt her stiffening nipples on her busty bosom pressing into his back, both hands now drifting towards his penis. Her left hand formed a tight circle upon the base, lightly jerking up and down, the other caressing his scrotum, lightly tugging at it, occasionally reaching up to stroke the extremely sensitive skin underneath, or the just as vulnerable flesh between his inner thigh and manhood. As he thought release was coming, she ceased her actions on his sexual organ and assault on his hips, giggling wickedly as he shook in his chains, turning a bright red.

“You’re much to fun and unique to just use such a standard method on…”

Just as his flesh as started relaxing, she redoubled the tickling, only now it was localized between his navel and knees, and at half the speed. Soft fingers spun circles upon his hips. Silver nails were caressing his backside’s flesh. Feathers kissed him between his thighs and penis. No matter how close her many objects of torment seemed, they would not touch his male member. This treatment continued at a sternly set pace and intensity, her eyes locked with his throughout, coaxing his laughter further, reminding him there was no way out. Magnus started to thrust as his sexual tension built, and her grin grew larger as she still tickled him with precarious methods. When he finally started nearing his long-desired climax, she started moving her hands towards his penis, but then giggled and shook her head no, returning to tickle him again. His mind was in denial for a moment as thought it would never be possible to finish, that she would be tickling him for an eternity – until he felt his organs contracting. Her only change in motion was her mouth opening slightly with a larger smile as his seed began to spew forth, her tickling still ravishing his form. As his sperm exited his manhood, he started to fall limp in his bondage, but she was intent to milk him dry still. Cupping on hand in front of his still erect penis, he felt a suction force around his private areas as she began draining every last bit of semen from him. Even as the last drops emptied from his now limp form, she still slowly squeezed his member with her magic, his body writhing wildly with each moment that passed. And finally, squealed once more, and simply passed out.

His mistress satisfied for now, removed him from his bonds and returned him to the bed, as he slowly came back into consciousness.

“I’ll be waiting for you in your next dream lovely…”

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Very nice F/M story there. I'd look foward to seeing anymore you might have.
I quick read bits and pieces. I'll enjoy reading it. Looks GREAT. I hope sequels will follow.
very gothic, which happens to be something I'm into. Hope to see some more of your work.
Thanks for the comments!

I was a bit hesitant to share this story, as I hadn't posted anything yet, but I'm glad to see it was worth sharing. I'll be sure to share the next one I write.
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