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Summer Daydream (Love Hina)


3rd Level White Feather
Nov 20, 2002
Heres another Love Hina picture I just finished today.

Since summer is fast approaching, I think the theme was suitable. The picture shows the studying duo of Naru and Keitaro, only Keitaro has other things on his mind as well. 😉

So I call this one "Summer Daydream" .

I like this picture. It has a little bit of everything. Its funny, its sexy, and its cute. 🙂

And having Naru angry and shaking her fist at Keitaro, even in his fantasy, makes it extra funny. The expressions on their faces are priceless to me. ^__^


If you have any suggestions or ideas for future pictures, you're more than welcome to share them. 🙂


  • Summer Daydream.jpg
    Summer Daydream.jpg
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This almost brings tears to my eyes as I recall the times Keitaro and Naru were busy studying together. Now they are blissfully married...it's like I've known them for so long...
It does? Wow. Well, I'm glad I, through the picture, could do that for you. 🙂

I only wish Internet Explorer wouldn't size it down like that. It dimimishes some of the quality. You did see it in full-size didn't you?

Secondly, is your avatar a portrait of Keifer Sutherland (sp?)? If so, whats up with that? Its always interesting and fun to know why people choose the avatars and SNs they do. ^__^
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Oh my goodness...I have no idea who the guy in my avatar is. I simply saw him on a magazine and sketched his face down. I kind of liked the result and so decided to use him as an avatar. Hope the real dude doesn't mind :weird:

I have no idea that anyone could put a name to the face...quite amazing to me, really. Sorry I can't verify if it is him 😀

Yes your picture of them studying together...it really makes all the feelings surface, especially when I think of them happily married...while many years ago, when they first interacted with each other, it was like that. OH MAN I need someone to help me realise that the Love Hina characters only exist in manga and anime...
Oh besides that, I'll also like to know what your avatar is. It's quite enchanting, like a beautiful magical harp...

Wait a minute...that's Sauron's eye isn't is. HAHA and I thought it was beautiful!
I'm pretty sure that is Keifer Sutherland. It could be Mark Hamill, but it looks more like Keifer.

Love Hina is as real as you allow it to be. Just don't go overboard to a point where you blend our reality with it. Its good enough that it can make you feel so good about it. Its also well and good that people can write stories and draw pictures about Love Hina. In this way, and perhaps only this way, and through rememberance, will the series live forever.

I made the animation myself. I could have given it a lighthouse effect, like in the movie, but the byte limit for avatars on this board is too low for that.

"I see you!"- Sauron

"What happened?!"- Gandalf

"I...I saw.....HIM!"- Merry

"What did he say to you?!"- Gandalf

"He asked me my name....I didn't tell him!"- Merry

That part of the movie was pretty trippy, and surely is another demonstration of just how powerful Sauron is, even through an inanimate object. And he's bound to a tower. Just imagine if he had a physical form again, or was at least corpreal.

I really dig those all-powerful character types in fantasy and sci-fi movies, even if we don't get to see their true power. And we don't really have to. Just their existance, position, and/or demonstrated power is enough. Or their intellect, wisdom, vast knowledge or some other superior trait. Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Star Wars) is another good example of such a character.

What makes it good also is that these characters are inevitably destroyed somehow, someway. That gives fans of these types of characters a chance to move on to another character of choice.

I don't want you to get the wrong idea about it though. I like the good guys and holy figures just as much or more so in some instances. And I'd just as easily choose the likes of Gandalf the White anyday. ^__^

I just went with Sauron with this account because he's agressive and determined. And I find myself the same way in alot of the things I do online. One of the better things about it all though is that I can change my theme on a whim as can anyone else. Its a subtle, sometimes subconcious form of roleplaying that alot of people do whether they realize it or not, and it serves as a reflection of one's self or personality at any given moment. ^__^
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Since you managed to draw Keifer Sutherland so well, you should draw some more celebrities. You certainly have a talent for it.

Since you are the only other person here it seems thats into Love Hina, do you have a request? It may just be me, but it seemed you were hinting at something before. Perhaps a picture of Kitsune? I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but I'm in Love Hina mode with these recent pictures. And when I'm in this mode I draw at my best and get progressively better with each picture. So if you were going to request something now would be the time to do it. 🙂
Hohoho yes I must say that Love Hina has been my new found fetish ever since I came to know of it's greatness! Thank you for your kind compliments too :happy:

I have a great soft spot for Kitsune. She has sacrificed her own love of Seta for Naru and took care of Naru all these while. Also, despite her feelings for Keitaro, she selflessly sought to bring the two together. I greatly admire and respect her selflessness and her ability to remain cheerful. To me, she's mature, cheerful, fun and very beautiful, a combination I find supremely attractive.

My request would simply be a scene where Keitaro tickles and teases her. I just want her to have some fun with Keitaro when Naru's not around because she really deserves attention. Yes and do make it upper body please 😎

Thank you!
"Once, I was really in love with this guy. But then one of my girlfriends came to me for some advice. As it turned out, she liked him too so I couldn't say anything. Its hard...I can't even be honest with my own feelings...its not worth it."- Kistune to Kentaro during the summer festival

"Naru, you know what? There is something that I've always regreted. A long time ago, there was this guy that I really liked, but a good friend of mine beat me to it and said that she liked him. At the time I just decided to let it be. I thought if I followed my heart it would just make my friend and that guy upset. So Naru, follow your heart.......don't make the same mistake I made. Alright, I have made a total fool out of myself and now its your turn! How do you REALLY feel about Keitaro?!"- Kistune to Naru at nighttime, standing outside Naru's house as Naru listens from her bedroom window

Yep, she definitely cares and has made a real sacrifice. Although it wouldn't have been meant to be inevitably. Seta already had eyes for someone else, for quite a long time.

Kistune has the reputations of being the clever, plotting fox (hence the nickname of "Kistune") thats up to no good or is manipulating things to her advantage. While these things are sometimes true, Kitsune more than makes up for these things by how truely kind and selfless she is. Even though she's not a real person, God bless her.

As for your request, it seems very reasonable, and I'd be more than happy to accomadate it. And, you're welcome.🙂
Oh how I wish I was there to comfort her when she said those sad words. She deserves a really good man to love her and allow her heart to settle down.

Maybe Mitsumi should give her one of her sweet kisses.
Good things happen to good people. Since Love Hina is based on what really happens in the real world, theres no reason to not believe Mitsune Konno won't inevitably find the right guy for her.

Mutsumi's kiss is magical. There was actually some controversy over whether or not Mutsumi had romantic feelings for Naru or if she was a lesbian. And this is all just because of some innocent kisses. She's very much straight, as is evident.

She knows why she gave them, and Naru understands why also. Its more a sign of imparting Keitaro over to Naru as it is a sign of lovable friendship.

Its sort of like the Italian Mofia, in the sense that the "kiss of death" isn't obviously romantic, and is symbolic of someone being marked for death. A murder that will be carried out later, not when the kiss is given.

Mutsumi kissing Naru was symbolic of an exchange. Not just of Keitaro, but of the feelings Keitaro had yet to show towards Naru. It was almost like a compensation.

While going so far as to kiss another girl flustered alot of people, it really does make sense in an Otohime sort of way! LOL ^___^

And come on people, its not like there was any tongue, it was just a peck on the lips. And it was just as much a moment of fanservice as anything else that happens (often at Keitaro's expense). And yet, this scene was oddly cute and satisfying. It wasn't disturbing or wrong. At least not for me.

You know, something that would be fun, is to actually go through the anime and manga yet again and actually count how many times Keitaro was beaten up and shot into the sky via the Naru Atomic Punch or some one else's assault.

Its a daunting task, but it would be worth it. 🙂
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Yeah, Mutsumi definitely has a very passionate way of showing her friendship love. I'll like to be her friend too! ^^
Could you be more specific about the request? The more details I have to work with, the more the picture will look the way you want it to. 🙂
Oooh sure thing!

I imagine a scene where Naru's not around the dorm, and everyone else is out doing something except Kei and Kitsune.

Kei and Kitsune starts chatting and Kitsune reveals the sad parts of her past to Kei, at the same time reminding Kei that she too has feelings for him. Kei reinforces her love for Naru and Kitsune's omni-present smile vanishes for a while, which Kei notices.

Wanting to cheer her up, Kei decides to be a little bolder (since Kitsune has always been teasing him so boldly). He tries to act the clown. Kitsune knows his intentions and is happy that he's trying to make her happy. However, to make it harder for Kei, she puts up a very sad face to make Kei feel bad. She turns her back on Kei and tries her best to stop giggling since this is amusing her very much.

Kei, believing that she's really sad, is getting desperate to bring her smile back. (Personally, when I'm the cause of sadness to someone who happens to smile all the time, I feel like the biggest bastard in the world, so I'm imagining Kei's reaction using my own character) Kei now tries to get Kitsune's attention to apologise by giving her a poke. However, being the Klutz he doesn't look where his finger is poking and poked her side. Kitsune, initially trying to prevent herself from giggling and giving the prank away, could keep it in after feeling that poke and burst into giggling fits.

Keitaro, finally realising that he's been fooled, proceeds to give Kitsune some real good upper body tickling which sends Kitsune into hysterical laughter. The two of them falls onto the floor, with Kei's fingers dancing around Kitsune's sensitive upper body. Kitsune, though very much tickled into hysterics, was enjoying Keitaro's attention and so allowed Keitaro to carry on, offering little resistence to the tickling.

After some time, Keitaro realised that he's gone a little too far and stops. At this point, it's the classic scene on him on top with Kitsune lying face up. The two looked at each other deeply in the eyes and blush. Kitsune, very happy for the precious attention from Kei, gives him a passionate kiss. At this point, they hear Naru coming back and quickly recover themself.

Heee my little fantasy.
Thats pretty detailed. Its much more than I needed to know, but thats good. Hopefully I can manage to express all of these things in one picture. Its going to be hard, but not impossible.

Though I doubt its going to be able to live up to how you'd want to see it. Since a picture is only a picture, and not an animation, is there any specific "frame", so to speak, you'd like to see?

Basically, if you could pause or freeze frame the most pleasing part for you, what would that be? Knowing this will make it easier for me and allow me to give you exactly what you want. Right now theres just so many different things I could draw based on how you discribed it, that I'm not sure which moment you like the most.

I really like the final sequence, with Keitaro ending up on top of her in what becomes an embarassing yet tempting situation for both of them.

On the other hand however, its the tickling you want.

Ara, decisions decisions. ^__^
Hee hee I would like to "freeze" the moment when Kistune is on the floor and into hysterics with Keitaro's tickling but allows him to carry on because she enjoys the attention.

I actually would love to see your impression the embarrassing but tempting moment.

I think I'm going to request for the tickling pic first, thank you!
Very well then.

And you're welcome. 🙂

Hopefully I'll be able to start on it sometime next week.


Also, one more big thing I need to ask you.

Does it matter whether or not the picture is colored? Because if you would prefer it that way (as I'd imagine most people including myself would) I have to tell you its going to take even more time to complete the picture.
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It doesn't matter. I'm sure the picture will be just as nice with colours or not.
I know. I just always like giving the requestee some options, if available. It really is a matter of time contraints most of the time. If I could have it my way, all my pictures would be in color. Except for those I think would look better or be better expressed through black and white. Black and white is still very powerful and impressionable. 🙂
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