sole seeker said:
Personally, I don't like the idea of my friends dying for nothing. If I'm risking my life for you I'd be happy if you'd just say "thank you" and then shut up. Most of you people sound like you're members of the Jane Fonda Political Fan Club.
Her again.
Probably since so many people have been repeatedly fed so much duplicity from the heads of government in the way of:
* The Gulf of Tonkin....
* Secret mining of harbors....
* Radiation experimentrs on prisoners and orphans in the 50s...
* Relocation camps of American citizens in the 40s...
* Bill 'not having sexual relations' with Monica...
* The Watergate break in...
* Iran/Contra...
* Bush Sr. saying he never met with Noriaga... and then such pictures surface....
*Bush Sr. toasting Ferdinad Marcos for his dedication to demcracy....
*China getting a Most Favored Nation trade status after Tienamin Square...
*Operation Desert Storm is not about oil it's about freedom (then) / Yes, it was about oil (now)....
*Democratic reforms in Kuwait...
* A bungled event in Waco inspiring former U.S. military men to attack the citizens of their own country.....
- all of which came from Democrats AND Republicans, liberals AND conservatives.....
That people are maybe coming to realize Sean Penn on his worst day isn't going to get anyone killed or tax their balls off. No matter who you support or vote for, bigger men on the various diffderent sides that can't be touched ALWAYS get us all into these situations, then they demand that we chose a side; if the wrong side is chosen we become evil.
"Support me or shut up." On both sides. Utterly un-American. Apathy is safe and feels good, so I'm sticking with it.