While Ross was struggling with suffering with his migraines, and barely sleeping due to the pain from the migraines, and trying to keep himself, his relationship with Kayley, and his company afloat, an old problem surfaced.
Tazzio began shooting his big trap off again.
At first, Tassio approached Ross, and tried to "lure Ross in" by acting that Tazzio wanted to "bury the hatchet, and achieve peace and compromise"
Ross had a couple of phone conversations with Tazzio, and tried to remain calm, listening, while not saying very much.
Then, one night, while Ross was lying in bed, watching a basketball game at home, halftime in the game arrived, and Ross checked the computer, and received a nasty, blistering email from Tazzio.
Tazzio accused Ross of "Claiming Ross thinks he knows it all" and also claimed that "Tazzio was coming from a direction of concern about Ross's health" As well as "Tazzio had enough of his own problems to be concerned about Ross.
Ross was furious. For the rest of the game, instead of watching the game as he wanted to, Ross composed a strong, rather nasty email to Tazzio.
Ross claimed that "Tazzio thought Tazzio knew it all" as well as, "Tazzio wanted interaction with Ross to be only on Tazzio's terms and conditions"
Ross should have let it drop, but the next day, Ross felt very tired, and stayed home. Ross and Tazzio exchanged two more blistering emails each, with Tazzio again being uncompromising, and Ross again accusing Tazzio of being selfish, and only wanting any relationship between them, in potential business, or on an acquaintance or friendship level, to be all Tazzio;'s way.
Ross was further enraged, because. in addition to Ross's own health issues, Ross's father, with whom Ross's relationship had recently improved greatly, had several surgeries in a very short period of time, and Ross's father was in severe pain.
Of course, Ross was extremely concerned about his father. Many days Ross and his father would talk, and Ross would say "Dad, you've been through so much, I'm worried about you"
Ross's father would then say. "Ross, my situation is a process, worry about yourself, and get well"
While he did not say so, because Ross;'s father was usually a man of few words,. Ross's father was very upset and concerned about Ross's migraines and their duration, and affect on Ross's life, and Ross's work.
Ross's appointment with his migraine doctor had to be put off, and was pushed back another week.
Ross;s father, and Kayley, tried to appeal to Ross to stay home, and relax.,
Ross, who was very high strung, and worrisome, felt almost hysterical, and like a vegetable if Ross was at home.
Even walking down the street in the town Ross lived in, was a struggle for Ross.
Ross used to be an extremely rapid walker.
Now, as Ross walked in the street in his town in Queens, even to do mundane chores, Ross was passed by people who were much older, and much slower than he.
It seemed as though Ross, the businessman, Ross, the man, and Ross, the husband and son, were all slowly fading away.
One night, Kayley was on the floor of the living room, doing yoga, trying to relax, as Ross sat on the couch.
Ross watched Kayley doing these relaxing exercises, barefoot of course, and said to Kayley.
"Kale, this is getting worse. My head, my eyes, my ears popping. If something happens to me.."
Kayley stood up, and sat near Ross, and looked him in the eyes.
"Do you want me to pack a bag , and leave? Then they might have to put you in assisted living. Shut the fuck up,, and let this whole process play out! They will find out what is wrong with you! Juist hang on a little while longer!" Kayley said.
"Can I just hold you? Ross asked.
Kayley grabbed Ross "Yes, of course" She took Ross, and the two of them were shaking in each other's arms.
"You, my Dad, me , the company, my clients and friends. Everyone is all being very supportive and loving to me, as you all have so many of your own problems, and yet, I feel like I am just fading and drifting away" Ross said.
"We will get out of this. You always do. As for Tazzio, as your Dad said, do not trust anything Tazzio says, Tazzio is no one to you. Just fuck him. As for work, you are managing, just do it however you can" Kayley said.
Ross did manage to drag himself into the office, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for longer. He would have a few calls, prepare campaigns, and had to take long rest to get through his day.
Ross received his second monthly check from Fritz and Steve without Ross going to Oklahoma.
Oil, and Gas, RossShell, all of Ross's hopes and dreams, were either just barely afloat or Ross was unable to chase them.
Tazzio's interaction with Ross was hopefully just a minor distraction, and nothing serious would happen.
The wait was terrible for Ross, Kayley, and Ross'f father.
Ross was trying his best to be patient, and survive and funcation as best he could.
What would happen next.
That would be seen.
Tazzio began shooting his big trap off again.
At first, Tassio approached Ross, and tried to "lure Ross in" by acting that Tazzio wanted to "bury the hatchet, and achieve peace and compromise"
Ross had a couple of phone conversations with Tazzio, and tried to remain calm, listening, while not saying very much.
Then, one night, while Ross was lying in bed, watching a basketball game at home, halftime in the game arrived, and Ross checked the computer, and received a nasty, blistering email from Tazzio.
Tazzio accused Ross of "Claiming Ross thinks he knows it all" and also claimed that "Tazzio was coming from a direction of concern about Ross's health" As well as "Tazzio had enough of his own problems to be concerned about Ross.
Ross was furious. For the rest of the game, instead of watching the game as he wanted to, Ross composed a strong, rather nasty email to Tazzio.
Ross claimed that "Tazzio thought Tazzio knew it all" as well as, "Tazzio wanted interaction with Ross to be only on Tazzio's terms and conditions"
Ross should have let it drop, but the next day, Ross felt very tired, and stayed home. Ross and Tazzio exchanged two more blistering emails each, with Tazzio again being uncompromising, and Ross again accusing Tazzio of being selfish, and only wanting any relationship between them, in potential business, or on an acquaintance or friendship level, to be all Tazzio;'s way.
Ross was further enraged, because. in addition to Ross's own health issues, Ross's father, with whom Ross's relationship had recently improved greatly, had several surgeries in a very short period of time, and Ross's father was in severe pain.
Of course, Ross was extremely concerned about his father. Many days Ross and his father would talk, and Ross would say "Dad, you've been through so much, I'm worried about you"
Ross's father would then say. "Ross, my situation is a process, worry about yourself, and get well"
While he did not say so, because Ross;'s father was usually a man of few words,. Ross's father was very upset and concerned about Ross's migraines and their duration, and affect on Ross's life, and Ross's work.
Ross's appointment with his migraine doctor had to be put off, and was pushed back another week.
Ross;s father, and Kayley, tried to appeal to Ross to stay home, and relax.,
Ross, who was very high strung, and worrisome, felt almost hysterical, and like a vegetable if Ross was at home.
Even walking down the street in the town Ross lived in, was a struggle for Ross.
Ross used to be an extremely rapid walker.
Now, as Ross walked in the street in his town in Queens, even to do mundane chores, Ross was passed by people who were much older, and much slower than he.
It seemed as though Ross, the businessman, Ross, the man, and Ross, the husband and son, were all slowly fading away.
One night, Kayley was on the floor of the living room, doing yoga, trying to relax, as Ross sat on the couch.
Ross watched Kayley doing these relaxing exercises, barefoot of course, and said to Kayley.
"Kale, this is getting worse. My head, my eyes, my ears popping. If something happens to me.."
Kayley stood up, and sat near Ross, and looked him in the eyes.
"Do you want me to pack a bag , and leave? Then they might have to put you in assisted living. Shut the fuck up,, and let this whole process play out! They will find out what is wrong with you! Juist hang on a little while longer!" Kayley said.
"Can I just hold you? Ross asked.
Kayley grabbed Ross "Yes, of course" She took Ross, and the two of them were shaking in each other's arms.
"You, my Dad, me , the company, my clients and friends. Everyone is all being very supportive and loving to me, as you all have so many of your own problems, and yet, I feel like I am just fading and drifting away" Ross said.
"We will get out of this. You always do. As for Tazzio, as your Dad said, do not trust anything Tazzio says, Tazzio is no one to you. Just fuck him. As for work, you are managing, just do it however you can" Kayley said.
Ross did manage to drag himself into the office, sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for longer. He would have a few calls, prepare campaigns, and had to take long rest to get through his day.
Ross received his second monthly check from Fritz and Steve without Ross going to Oklahoma.
Oil, and Gas, RossShell, all of Ross's hopes and dreams, were either just barely afloat or Ross was unable to chase them.
Tazzio's interaction with Ross was hopefully just a minor distraction, and nothing serious would happen.
The wait was terrible for Ross, Kayley, and Ross'f father.
Ross was trying his best to be patient, and survive and funcation as best he could.
What would happen next.
That would be seen.