i'm the one that posted the idea, i've been moderetly succesful, my recomendation for it would be find a real survey online and just add the question somewhere in the middle, don't make it too long-some girls i've emailed it to never got back to me on it said it was too long, what could i do? say ok just answer number 15? no so that was a bummer. plus when i gave it to my girlfriend she answered the question as "secret" and one girl misread it and just said "yes" and the question asked WHERE she was ticklish, but one of my hot friends was a total success! her answer was like 10! feet, ribs, legs, underarms. i was like YESSSSSSS!!!!! so try it out on a couple of your female friends, it should work, my advice would be make it a 30-40 question survey that you find on a real site and just add the question in teh middle, the best question is "on a scale of 1-10 how ticklish are you and where, list every place and number with it" if your scared your gonna freak her out leave out the list every number... part. good luck should work! i also use this question in chatrooms when we aer playing hotseat.