i surveyed several random women through the net and asked them questions dealing with their ticklishness and other things unrelated and found these results. the following information is from the women who were surveyed has having very ticklish feet (7-10 on the scale) enjoy and if you would like give comments and suggestions for other questions to ask, i have info on other body parts to if any of you are interested. i could also give u the questions i asked if u would like to do the same. i would suggest surveying a variety of women outside of our community to get best results, that way they won’t care what they tell you, they will just tell you the truth with no exaggeration. enjoy!
under 5’- 14%
5’1’’-5’4’’- 28%
5’5’’-5’8’’- 57%
under 20- 14%
20’s- 35%
30’s- 28%
50’s- 7%
hair color
brown: 64%
blonde: 21%
red: 7%
black: 7%
eye color
blue: 50%
green: 21%
brown: 29%
english: 35%
irish: 28%
german/dutch: 21%
eastern european: 14%
native american: 14%
other: 21%
likes or dislikes being tickled
likes: 38%
does not like: 38%
sometimes does: 7%
hates it: 15%
would or would not get tickled for money or for a fundraiser
would: 21%
would not: 71%
maybe: 7%
under 5’- 14%
5’1’’-5’4’’- 28%
5’5’’-5’8’’- 57%
under 20- 14%
20’s- 35%
30’s- 28%
50’s- 7%
hair color
brown: 64%
blonde: 21%
red: 7%
black: 7%
eye color
blue: 50%
green: 21%
brown: 29%
english: 35%
irish: 28%
german/dutch: 21%
eastern european: 14%
native american: 14%
other: 21%
likes or dislikes being tickled
likes: 38%
does not like: 38%
sometimes does: 7%
hates it: 15%
would or would not get tickled for money or for a fundraiser
would: 21%
would not: 71%
maybe: 7%