I dont know if this was posted before, but last night I saw a rerun of the Survivor girl tickle show on Stern's show. I guess it should more appropriately be called "attempted tickle", as they tied her to the "tickle chair" and attempted to get her all over, including the soles of her feet, and she gave absolutely no reaction except maybe a little giggle, and said she isnt ticklish. Clearly, this was one of Stern's most disappointing tickling shows ever, as it ranked right up there with the time Stern tickled Brandi Roderick, who also wasnt ticklish, at least not on her feet. Again last night with the Survivor girl, Stuttering John did the tickling, and I do not like the way he tickles at all. From watching it, I wasnt sure if the Survivor girl just isnt ticklish, if John is just a lousy tickler, or it was a combination of both things. Anyhow, this may have been posted before, and I apologize if this is merely a second posting of the same tickling show, but I just wanted to give my thoughts on what I saw on Stern last night. Maybe TMF'er and pro tickler Yaqi would have had better luck with this girl than John did, who knows?