Wow, so disturbing that people can't have differing opinions around here. If it's not hyperbolic praise over someone or something than obviously it has no place in a forum. I'm sorry, I thought that this was supposed to be a place where we came together and shared our thoughts and opinions, similar OR differing. My reply to this post wasn't pointless, nor was it hurtful, and it certainly flamed no one, Yet it was removed. Why? Is it a crime to think that someone is unattractive? Or is it a crime to say it? It's this level of bullshit that makes me think that this place will not last long. There's no freedom of speech here, just like Max was saying in a thread of his several months ago when he announced that he was leaving. The whole parental rule of, "if you don't have something nice to say..." doesn't work in the real world, nor is it very healthy. I think we should allow all spectrums of opinion, but obviously the reigning Nazi dictatorship does not want you to say what you think. so Zig Heil Mods. Keep it up. Next they'll be telling us "Arbeit Macht Frei."