I loved the dietrus shout out this chapter. nailed his characters nicely...gave them some character actually.
Thank you! That's very good of you to say! Like everyone else, I'm a huge fan of Detritus's artwork and of his two lovely OCs! I'm most grateful to have gotten his approval for this scenario, one which makes liberal use of the many wicked provocations he's posited throughout the years! If I've done his vivid inspirations any measure of justice, I'm well satisfied!
But mostly this chapter was so.....heart warming.

I'm delighted you feel so! That's decidedly the tone I'd hoped to achieve, particularly toward the ending. I'm so close to this stuff, I can never really tell if it's working the way I hope. Such conformation is invaluable! My grateful thanks!
It has been forever since I have seen this series. Any chances of new chapters?
Thanks for writing, Blackout787! You're right, I haven't sent anything new to the forums for about three years, reason being that my laptop broke down and I haven't had the resources to repair or replace it. Without it, I've been unable to format and send artwork to the TMF, but have still been able to create it on a separate non-online computer. As a result, there are three completed chapters which have yet to be sent and one further one that's nearly complete. To complicate things further, a printer integral to the process has recently quit on me and needs to be replaced.
A couple of weeks back, I unearthed a rickety, underpowered but still functioning Dell laptop, which is the reason I've been able to post this latest chapter. This and the following chapter (29) had been transferred onto a flash drive and were easy to retrieve. Chapter 30 still needs to be scanned. Chapter 31 still needs to be finished (I'm 7 pages short). I'm working out the screenplays and storyboards for Chapters 32-45 (Chapter 45 being the concluding one). So, new chapters are definitely on the way; it's all a matter of how long it takes me to fix the production process and find the time to complete this very labor-intensive project. Believe me, I'm fully committed to delivering this series in its entirety! Even if things were going smoothly, though, it will still be years in the making.
This is probably both more and less of an answer than you wanted. I hate to be so indefinite about the release schedule, but my situation is a lot more unsettled than it used to be. My enthusiasm for the project remains sky high. I ask only that you bear with me as I figure ways past the difficulties.