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Tandum Tickling Story (everyone welcome)

Cheshire Cat

TMF Master
Jan 10, 2002
Hey people. In the spirit of the "ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer game" I want to try and make another thread that will last a really f*cking long time, but this one tickling related. These kinds of posts are good for the tickling community because they bring people together in a positive way, rather then a heated debate with flaming and bashing each other. Well anyway...

Remember when you were kids and would play that game where one person started telling a story, stop, and then the next person will pick up? Lets do the same here! I'm going to start telling a story. I say 2-4 paragraphs would work for length before passing it forth to the next person. And dont be shy to be creative! Add in new characters! Skew the existing plot off track in a random direction!:

ex: As she exited the haunted sorority house.....*changes to a new writer here*.....ALIENS ATTACKED!

And if you darker individuals would like to tickle the characters to death, sending them to tickle hell, so be it. The next writer could figure out a way to bring them back.....you see what I'm getting at. Its the idea of each persons unique style of writing all being mixed together that will make this really cool. Some are more serious and forboding, other more whimsical and light hearted. If you want to ad in foot fetish material or extreme bondage, go ahead. Hell if you want everyone to go through a dimensional portal and turn into furries, GO FOR IT! If your thing is art rather then writing, pick a good scene and do an illustration. In order to avoid two people picking up on the same spot in the story, just make a reply post calling dibs on that spot and then edit the post to write the story.

ex: "I call dibs on part 5"

This way people will wait till its done before continuing the story. Please dont call dibs and then not write anything, or everyone will wait for it and this thread will die quickly. When its done the whole thing can be put on a webpage or something. Well, here we go, I'm starting it off like one of those teen college movies, at that one wierd dorm building with all the different types of unique characters. Go with it:

(PS: Please dont bring the story to a point where it would have to end. Always leave it open for another person to pick up the story and keep going with it. Lets see how long this thing can get! We could print it out into a novel when its done!)

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(by the good people of TMF)

"Look out below!!" Megan yelled as she tripped on the loose floor board, dropping the heavy box down the steps onto the unfortunate pre-fresh below her. She already knew this was not going to be the greatest first quarter.

Megan Graham was a lovely young 18 year old girl next door on her first day of college. Long red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, about 5'6", and curves in just the right places. She dressed very casually, a lot of T-shirts and jeans, with a slight hippy influence, a lot of butterfly and flower imagery...

Due to limited housing this year, Megan got the option to move into a senior dorm building, being a freshman herself. She thought that would be awesome but right now she wasnt so sure. She got to her room and peered through the half opened door. Within she was shocked to see a girl dressed as a dominatrix, stradling another girl on the bed, digging her fingers into her under arms. The girl, a latin punk type with short pink hair, thrashed and laughed like mad woman. Megan immediately closed the door and sat down beside it in the hallway. She didnt know how to react since...she herself always wanted to be tickled like that.....but was always to shy to say anything to anyone...but what was with the dominatrix? Did she have the right room? Or was she dreaming some strange first day of college sexual fantasy?

20 minutes later the door opened and the girl, now fully dressed emerged, turned to kiss the other one goodbye and walked away. The domme looked down at Megan.

"You must be Megan" she said. Megan cautiously rose to her feet and spoke softly...

"Um...yeah.." She muttered.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Veronica." It was then that Megan realized how short she was for a Dominatrix. Barely 5 feet in high heels. She had long black hair tied in a high ponytail, striking green eyes and slightly tanned skin. She appeared to be of Italian decent. "Sorry about that, didnt know you would be here so early. I guess theres no beating around the bush, yes I am a dominatrix."

"Well duh" Megan blurted out without realizing. Veronica smiled at her..

"I had a feeling you werent as shy as you look..." She said laughing.
"How old are you?"

"Um..18" Megan replied.

"Ah to be so young an inexperienced....I'm 25 myself. Waited a few years before getting into the school thing. Got into film making after high school..." She said with a devilish grin and giggle. Entering the room Megan could see the single large room with two sides like mirror images of each other, the same desk, bed and chair arrangement. The similarities ended there as Veronicas side was addorned with anything and everything black, animal prints, sex toys, goth items, candles and metal band posters. Megans side was untouched, awaiting her arrival. "If you want I can introduce you around." Veronica said as she stripped down in front of Megan. Megan averted her eyes out of respect.

"S-sure, that would be cool." She replied. Veronica then noticed Megan was speaking with her back to her.

"Oh dont worry about the nude thing! We're all adults here. Hell I strut around here nude all the time" Veronica said.

"R....really.." Megan said as she turned back and could now see how short the girl was, now wearing sneakers, black jeans and a red T-shirt with the black letters "BITCH" across the front.

"PHSYCHE!!" Veronica said laughing. Megan followed. "C'mon, I'll show you the freakshow." She said, leading Megan out the door.

Megan and Veronica walked down the hallway to an open door blasting punk music. "This is Justin and Marks room." Veronica said. Inside were two guys jumping around on either bed too the music. Both were light-punk Blink 182 looking kinda guys, who instantly stopped jumping when they saw the two girls watching them. Mark threw his shoe at the stereo, shutting it off.

"Well hello ladies." Justin said, coming down and walking to them. He was tall, wearing beige kahkis, a light blue button shirt and hemp necklace. "Whos your friend Veronica?" He asked

"This be my new bitch Megan" She said wrapping her left arm around her, pulling her tight. Megans eyes widened, not knowing what to say. "But she still has to get used to my sense of humor." She added laughing. Justing joined in at that point. A bit shorter, with a Dropkick Murphys T-shirt and skater shorts. He made eyes at her as Veronica and Mark talked making her slightly uncomfortable....

"Well, we gotta get going, is Double O'Sullivan back yet?" Veronica asked.

"He should be, saw his hearse outside." Justin responded as he lit a bowl up. As they left the guys room. Megan turned to Veronica.

"Actually could we go back to our room first?" She said with a shy grin.

"Uh, sure I guess." Veronica replied. On the way back to the room, someone carrying a huge box bumped into Veronica, falling to the floor. "Oh I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" she said helping the girl up.

"No thanks to you!" The girl replied, pulling her hand away and standing. She was a tall, thin latin girl with long brown hair and dark eyes. She wore glasses and very artsy style clothing with large hoop earings. "Stay out of my way!" She added as she picked up her box and walked away.

"What a bitch..." Megan said before Veronica could.

"Yeah I know....thats Brianne...didnt recognize her at first behind the box...the "sophisticated artist" type.....bitch.." Veronica said dusting herself off. When they got back to their room, Megan sat on her bed and looked up at Veronica.

"When I got here earlier I peered through the door and saw what you were doing..." She said...

"Oh yeah, Jacinda. Such a doll. Love tickling the hell out of her!" She said with an evil grin. Megan looked down.

"So you have what would be considered a "tickling fetish"?" Megan said almost too quiet to hear. Veronica didnt answer right away, but just looked at Megan. She had a feeling where this was going.

"Oh yes....I love tickling. I love to tickle anyone who would let me. Especially good friends." She said as she sat down beside her. Megan turned and looked at Veronica with a sheepish smile. "You want to ask me something?" Veronica asked softly.

"....um...I..." Megan stuttered before stopping and taking a deep breath. "...tickle me?" She finally got out. Veronica smiled.

"It would be my pleasure..." She replied.

"But nothing to extreme..." Megan quickly added in.

"Oh of course not." Veronica replied as she reached down and lifted Megans legs into her lap. She slowly slipped off Megans open toed platform shoes revealing a pair of soft, thin, high arched, long toed, size 8 feet. She very gently ran her index finger nail up the arch. Megan jerked and squealed. Veronicas eyes widened and she looked at Megan with a sinister grin on her face. "Oh wow....this is going to be fun."

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My turn

This is a great idea Cheshire. Ive always been a lover of long drawn out stories/sagas. I think Ill take the next step and continue this little adventure. Its time to twist it up a little and introduce the teenage super hero Powerline..........................

Jay awoke to the blaring R&B music coming from his alarm clock radio. "Damn I can't beleive its time to get up already." The 5'7 150lb black male jumped out of bed and slowly but surely made his way to the bathroom. "2 hours of sleep...there has got to be a better way." Jay was referring to his secret life. Some would call it another personality. Others would call it another person completely. This secretly life is none other than the life of the super hero Powerline. As Jay exits the bathroom he notices his cell phone ringing. He picks it up and answers. "Hello?......Hello?"
No answer. Jay begins to put on his clothes and exits the room. Walking outside the dorm and heading to class he notices the black hurst in the parking lot. "Sullivan...." Jay thought menacingly. "Yo Jay!!" Jay turns to see one of his best friends, Justin running from behind. "How's it hanging guy!" "Jay, you gotta check out the new girl in the senior dorms. Her name is Megan and she is so hot she's flaming." Ill check her out later, I got a class to get to, me and Sullivan have a face off." What Jay was referring to was the ongoing teacher/student rivalry the 2 had. Jay knew that Sullivan had darker secrets lurking inside and he always challenged the professors authority.
Just then, the gold chain around Jay's neck begins to glow. "Um...I really have to get going Justin." Jay runs of to class but before he can get there he stops by the bathrooms. This was always the hard part of Jay's life. Jay reluctantly enters the women's restroom where his starnge transformation occurs. As Jay enters, he discovers that no one is inside..and thats just in time because he couldnt control what was about to happen next. Jay falls to the floor in pain holding his chest. Electrical energy surges around him as his shape and figure begins to change. After everything dies down Jay is not Jay anymore. Jay is no Janice. For all who do not know, Janice is Jay's alter ego. Jay's transformation into Janice is uncontrollable and happens at anytime. As Janice, Jay has all the abilities that make him, or should I say her, Powerline. Janice stands up and dust herself off. "Looks like Jay is gonna have to skip class today." Says Janice as she looks in the mirror and and inspects herslef. The 6'1 130lb black haired beauty was taken aback at what the transformation had done. "Looks like Randi's latest invention works...as always" That invention is the gold chain adorning her neck. This chain, created by her roomate and best friend Randi, has the ability to change Janice's clothes along with her transformation. Janice turns and notices Veronica entering the bathroom. "Hey Janice."
"Hi girl whats up?" Nothin much, I have a new roomate today, her name's Megan." "so I hear." " So when are you gonna come over and let me put the works on you girl?" Veronica says wiggiling her fingers in front of janice teasingly. "Never. You know I cant stand being tickled." As Janice says this, she clenches her toes together inside her flipflop thong sandals. "C'mon babe. I just put the new girl through her paces and she loved it." "Well......"
Just then everything begins to shake as an explosion can be heard. As the two girls exit the bathroom, smoke could be seen everywere, blocking their vison. "Janice!! Where are you!?!?" Yelled Veronica. Janice was already running down the hall and removing her grey sweater to reveal part of her costume, changin into Powerline. As she pulls the mask she uses her ability to manipulate electricity to tap cell phone lines all over campus. Students were calling 911 frantiically reporting a freak with explosive abilities was attacking the school. "Thats my cue." she says as she rushes outside to see what she is up against. I should have known, It's my best frien in the world...The Blast. The Blast was a femme fatal with a mad on for Powerline. This buxom beauty was a former hero turned bad under a new identity and she hated that Powerline has stolen her her thunder. "Time to die bitch!" she said as she lobs off 4 powerful blast at Powerline. "So how'd you fine me Blast? Internet dating?" Powerline retorts as she shoots off an electrical bolt towards Blast. "nevermind that bitch. As I said before, time to die." Blast shoots off a very huge ball of explosive energy. "Great. Thats not good." Says Powerline as she tries to parry it with her own electrical blast. The blast was to powerful for though and Powerline is blasted far off into the parking lot. Although she was blown away A stray electric shock subdues Blast and sends her flying into a cop car, knocking her unconcious. Powerline ends up falling into the trunk of a husrt that was knock open durning the battle. The heroine is also knocked out and unaware of her predicament. A few hous pass by before the owner of the hurst, Professor Sullivan, jumps inside his vehicle and drives off. He drives a while before reaching a wierd building miles away from campus. "Time get to work." The man in his early 40's walks to his trunk and opens it to gather his equipment when he lifts the hood and notices a sleeping young woman in a battle ravaged super hero outfit, spralled out inside. "Hmm now this is interesting."

That will end it for me guys Ill probably jump back onboard at a later date. I hope you guys enjoy my take and I hope the nex person leads it into an interesting path. until next time.
Great job so far, guys! I'd continue the story but I suck at writing. 😛

P.S. Static, since your second post is just a re-post of your first one with some stuff added on, maybe you should delete the first post? Thanks! 🙂
I certainly play to Amk. That first post was an accident. I didnt mean to send it so early. I just need to know how to deleat it.
only one of the moderators can delete a post, I cleared out your first one Static. Nice story.
Actually, Static, you can delete any of your posts by clicking on "edit" at the bottom of the post, then checking the "Delete" box at the top and clicking on the button across from it to get rid of the post. Just make sure it's not the first post of a thread, or the entire thread will be lost! 🙂

No you cant Amk. That feature was disabled by the moderators. In the end the best thing to do is ask one of them to delete it for you. Well enough with the pointless dribble, someone continue this story! ITS GETTING WIERD!!! LOL

God forbid we should actually do something that would require cooperation in this newsgroup....everyone is way to centered on their own thing and their own thing only...
<font size=7>
Ok, here's my attempt to keep it going. We seem to have two disparate stories almost...so let's see.

Megan returned to her dorm room, bruised but otherwise unharmed from her altercation with the gender-bending superhero Powerline. Megan’s dual life as The Blast was a closely guarded secret, and one that precious few had stumbled upon, all of them meeting with a nasty, electrically motivated death soon after. She had always valued her anonymity, even as a hero, but as the Blast she had all the more reason to hide.

She was halfway through removing her uniform when she realised that the room was not as empty as she had originally thought. Her not-so-finely attuned superhero senses were picking up the sound of scared whimpering from behind the large oak bookshelf that covered the wall to her left. With a sweep of her arm and a burst of electrical energy, the crazed, semi-clad villainess dislodged the bookcase and sent it hurtling toward the other side of the room, revealing the cowering form of the pink-haired girl Megan had witnessed Veronica torturing earlier on.

“So, a spy?” she uttered. “Who’s the girl that made the cake and created all the crumbs that I see before me?”

Terrified, the girl looked up and managed to look confused through tears of pure fear. “W-w-what?”

“Scissors is it, cucumbers for tea, but not with the helmet of damnation that sits ever so upon the head of righteousness!” Megan ranted.

“Y-you’re mad. Oh god, a mad super villain, help, help!”

In acknowledgement of this sudden shrieking, Megan smacked herself on the side of the head, and a slight buzzing sound was heard to issue from within. “Ah, that’s better” She began. “Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted – you will soon regret spying on me, girl, but you will not have long for commiserations.”

Megan, suddenly huge and powerful beyond the girlish figure that had walked into the room for the first time only hours before, and no less menacing for the fact that she stood in only a t-shirt and underwear, rooted to the ground upon tiny bare feet, flung her arms up. The horrified girl looked up to see sparks beginning to emanate from the tips of her fingers, a powerful blast looming within those frail looking arms that would soon dispatch her painfully from the Earth.

Megan cackled, always one for theatrics. White hot energy poured out of her hands, and began to engulf her victim. “Now, young Skywalker” she deadpanned “you will die, and the-AHHAHA!”

All at once the blast ceased, and the girl looked up to see that Veronica had entered the room, and rather helpfully saved her life by launching and underarm tickling assault on the insane super-girl just as she threw her arms up to deliver the final death blow.

Megan laughed hysterically, strength and menace gone as her upper body was tormented by Veronica’s expert fingers. “Quick” the diminutive dom cried “get her feet, we need to keep her occupied!”

And both girls set upon the ticklish femme fatale with abandon, as spurts of half-formed electricity shot from her arms. As long as Megan was distracted, her Blast powers couldn’t quite form, the tickling stopping her from assembling a fully powered attack that would reduce both girls to cinders. Her supernatural skills useless, Megan was reduced to helpless laughter as both girls subdued her with the feathery tips of their fingers.

Outside the dorm window, hovering several feet above the ground, an unseen spectator watched in horror, and pondered the events he saw with horror. And as he pondered, he uttered aloud, because if there was one thing his superhero status had failed to equip him with, it was the ability to stop thinking aloud when in combat situations.

“My God” he thought, out loud. “Don’t those girls realise the Blast gets her energy from tickling, and being tickled?”

Meanwhile, underneath the skilled hands of the tickling girls, Megan laughed – and underneath the hysteria of ticklish laughter, a wary listener might have recognised the different timbre of expectant, happy evil.
The black hearse coursed its way around the labrynthe college roads in a steady, smooth movement, its lights off despite the dimness of its surroundings: The high buildings and thick hedges that saturated the site blocked out the majority of the suns rays, and it was often commented that the college existed in an enviroment of perpetual twi-light. Given the things that went on behind its archaic wooden doors, this was somewhat appropriate.

Or so O'Sullivan thought.

The hearse slithered its way towards the main dorm, and then stopped, as if it itself was pondering at the light display that was coming from one of the flats. Shafts of technicolour randomly shot forth from the tiny window facing the vehicle as inside titanic forces of good, evil and tickling battled it out for a small portion of supremacy. Stepping out of his only freind and onto the cool gravel of the college's main drive, Jebediah O'Sullivan glanced at the pyrotechnics and grimaced.


And with this, he briskly set about his work. His dirty work. Moving to the side of the hearse with a grace that was both captivating and eerie, O'Sullivan studied the plain-looking coffin inside it through the display glass and pondered. This one would be difficult, he thought: Too many new students around. Still, there was fun to be had with this one. Stooping his tall, thin figure low and pressing his face against the window, O'Sullivan tapped the glass lighlty and whispered:

"I think you and I are going to have a dilightful time."

Before moving back into the vehicle and hitting the ignition in one swift motion. The hearse purred back into life, and made its way quietly towards the water works.

The coffin shuddered.

Note: There will be tickling in the next part, I promise 🙂 Just thought I'd try and set the scene. Carry on as you see fit....
wow guys i never thought you would quit on cheshires idea. C'mon I would like to see you continue the story🙁
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