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Teacher of Tickle


Registered User
Jun 25, 2024
Hi All,

Long time lurker, first time poster here.

I’ve had a recent experience that was too good not to share. Hope you enjoy!

So for work I travel to a number of schools delivering sport around NW of England and, as a result I bump into a lot of pretty female teachers.

Over the last couple of years I’ve gotten particularly friendly with one, let’s call her Jen. Jen is very pretty, dark hair and a bit of a geeky but absolutely sexy air about her. Jen is in her mid 30s but could be anywhere between 24 and 35 in reality, add her bubbly confident attitude and she’s an absolute winner.

Last summer I paid a routine visit to her school and, for the first time, I saw her wearing open toed footwear. Now, as a huge foot fetishist I couldn’t take my eyes off her toes. They looked unbelievable, nicely painted, nicely polished and I couldn’t stop thinking about how nice it would be to remove that footwear, get a good look at those soles and give them a good tickle.

Then just after Christmas I was out drinking in a bar with friends in the city and I bumped in to her.

One thing led to another and we decided to go on a date, one date turned into two and so on.

On one such early date, we started talking about kinks and fantasies. I don’t know why but maybe out of pure desperation to get closer to her feet, I was completely honest and told her about my love of tickling and my fantasies around that (stocks included).

She was intrigued and while she didn’t bombard me with questions straight away, over the next few weeks as we continued a casual relationship she continued to ask away about little details about my fantasies, I daren’t ask why, but eventually she rocked my world by saying: “I’ll give it a go, you can put me in the stocks”

Now she mentioned stocks because I purchased stocks previously off Etsy. They’re great, sturdy and come with little toe ties for each individual toe on a little leather toe pad that sits above the anklet.

Anyway, I got out all my tools ready for the night, she arrived to my house wearing trainers and socks. Perfect. We had a quick chat and then it was up to the spare room.

The stocks were stuck into place, the base of the stocks double viced onto a table, I’d attached cuffs to my old exercise chair and some tools and a ball gag sat in an open tub in the corner. A mirror hung facing the stocks, I wanted her to see everything that was going to happen to her soles.

I studied her face, she wasn’t perturbed but looked excited!

She invited herself to sit on the exercise chair, I cuffed her wrists to each side and then, as she lent back into her chair, lifted her legs (wearing leggings) so that her ankles sat in the hollows of the open stocks. I gave her one last chance to reconsider to which she replied “No you’ve got me now!” Before I closed the stocks over her ankles, leaving her currently covered feet at my mercy. Before starting I added a ball gag. It was something we talked about prior and we’re both into, so once firmly in place I fixed it into her mouth too.

Now to start I thought! As you can imagine my heart was racing with excitement at this point. I tugged at the first lace, the knot fell apart. I pulled her first trainer off revealing her first socked foot. I repeated this with her other foot, her right foot so I was left with two socked feet staring back as me. Her feet were warm and a bit sweaty as she’d been exercising before she arrived, I told her I liked sweatier feet (not too smelly) because they’re softer and more sensitive. She’d made this absolutely perfect for me.

So now for the moment of truth, I’d be desperate for so long to get a good look at her soles and now I was seconds away. I slowly pulled away the first sock, she made a little giggle and scrunched her toes, as if the realisation of what was about to happen had just hit her.

Oh my god they are perfect, the balls of her feet were perfectly pronounced, nice and round and complimented her beautiful toes and high arches absolutely perfectly. Some feet look ticklish as well as sexy, these feet are definitely in that category. I removed the second sock and spent a couple of seconds taking in the sight and then the smell.

I run a finger up the arch of her left foot, she replies instantly with a high pitched but muffled screech (because of the gag). Fantastic she was desperately ticklish. I continue to run the one finger up each sole and with every touch it’s as if she’s been shocked with a cattle prod, the screeches getting more panicked each time.

I step it up a little, my fingers dance up each foot, heal to toes, up and down. Her feet shake and jolt violently side to side, trying to avoid my fingers as her muffled screeches become more and more excited.

“No chance” I tell her, I grab her left foot and slowly get to work on stepping each toe into a toe stretching her foot back and keeping it firmly in place while her protest and muffled “no!” Go ignored. I do the same with her right and her feet are now completely immobile.

I grab the electric toothbrush and this sends her through the roof! She’s desperately trying to move but she can’t! I grab a second toothbrush and work on each foot simultaneously. Her feet can do nothing but helplessly waggle mere millimetres as I tickle torture her helpless bare feet.

I work through feathers and brushes to slightly reduced reactions and want to turn it up a notch.

I look her in the eyes and tell her “I want to make your feet more sensitive, this is my favourite part because I need to make them wet”

She looks back and I think only when she saw my open mouth moving towards those luscious bare feet did she realise what I was going to do.

I ran my tongue, from heal to toe, Right up her foot. I remove the toe ties and move my tongue in between each toe, sucking each one alone the way as poor Jen breaks into hysterics. I do the same with her next foot, savouring the taste and smell along the way, enjoying the desperate foot shaking and squeals as my mouth moved around each of her feet. They’re absolutely soaked in no time but I’m enjoying myself so much I continue, I even forgot about the rest of the tools, her laughter turned to calmer groans of enjoyment and then, just as she was really starting to enjoy it, I turned back to the brush!!

The hysterics returned (along with the toe ties) the tooth brush the feathers, the hair brush and the pinwheel dominated the rest of the tickling. I then finished up with some pure foot worship before finishing.

She enjoyed it so much we’re planning to do it again. So maybe I’ll let you know how this one goes too!

Hope you enjoyed!
Wow! Aren't you the lucky one!!! If you get to do it again, make sure you satisfy her so she comes back again!
Oh wow. You have got yourself a good girl there. I like the way she deliberately put herself in your stocks and said, you've got me now. :) She definitely wanted that.
Great story! :feets: It is truly wonderful that she enjoyed it, too. Thanks for sharing your experience here. :D
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