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Teacher of Tickling - Part II (m/f)


Registered User
Jun 25, 2024
So for those of you who read my first experience with Primary School Teacher, Jen, I’m here to provide an update.

The stocks experienced occurred a couple of weekends ago since then, we’ve talked about what we want to do next. Jen really enjoyed her first experience and I certainly did.

I had an idea around mummification and she told me that she found my tongue tickling particularly ticklish but also quite a turn on. From there, I think we both had a good idea about how we wanted to proceed.

Now our next tickling event was supposed to take place next weekend but, after dropping her a link to my first story, Jen became quite excited at the thought of doing it again.

She text on Saturday morning wanting to pay me a visit in the evening. I agreed and so my afternoon was spent purchasing heavy duty wrap and elephant tape.

At my request, Jen got her feet nice and sweaty before her visit by taking a visit to the gym. When she arrived at my house on early Saturday evening/late afternoon she was wearing leggings tucked into her thick white sports socks (that massively turns me on too and I don’t know why) and her gym trainers.

Up to the spare room we went, she placed herself on the same gym bench (this time flattened out) so that she was lay flat on her back with her trainers just hanging off the bottom of the bench.

First I started with the tape. I reversed the tape and began to wrap it around her wrist, then just above the sock line of her ankles, the. Just below her knees, above her knees and then around her arms to they were tight to the side of her torso. I repeated this a few times so that she really was immobilised.

Then I pulled out the wrap. At this point I realised I’d made a little bit of a mistake so, with some lifting, managed to get her stood up straight (still tied with tape) and began wrapping her body, nice and tight, I then lay her back on the gym bench and began wrapping around the gym bench. She let me know that the only thing she felt she could move was her ankles (a little) and her fingers and toes.

That was the last thing she was going to say for a while because I pulled the ball gag out and slipped it in her mouth, fastening at the back.

All ready and this time straight to the main course, those lovely, luscious and very tasty toes.

I undid each trainer, pulling each sock off and sat there briefly admiring these two perfect soles staring back at me. High arches, beautiful French polished toes, perfectly proportioned and nice round balls on each foot. Honestly the most perfect feet. The best way I can describe them is when you see a foot fetish cartoon image. I’d love to post a picture or video on here but unfortunately she has a distinctive tattoo on the side of her foot that she is afraid would give her away.

Anyway, I sat there taking in the aroma, I moved forward and pushed her feet towards my face, taking a deep breath, the warm air filled my nostrils, the damp skin from her feet glided across my cheeks, I was in heaven.

Now for the fun to begin, I stuck my tongue out and began vigorously attacking each foot with it, violently shaking my head to aid the speed at which it moved. The second my tongue hit her soles she yelped and writhed, screaming and laughing uncontrollably. Her feet are so soft and that makes her even more ticklish, I move up to her toes and being shaking my head side to side licking each of them before moving down the balls of her feet. This is one of her particularly ticklish spots and this sends her into absolute hysterics so I stay there a while moving from her left foot to right and back again before moving to her arches.

As soon as my tongue hits her arch she starts trying to move her foot back and forth to escape so I grab her foot with both hands, pull her toes back and with as much of my tongue as possible, start licking her arches as fast as possible, her laughter is still uncontrollable and she starts trying to sway, side to side in desperation, sensing it may be a bit too much, I start to slow and my licking becomes more sensual, slow and her laughter, just like last time turns to groans of pleasure. I slowly start to suck each individual toe and just because I like it, decided to shove as much of each foot into my mouth as I possibly could (this really turned her on) then, just as she was getting a touch too comfy, I started vigorously moving my tongue in between each individual toe, the laughter and panic started again instantaneously so I did this for a while.

I had one last weapon to use, my teeth! I began biting and nibbling the balls of her feet right across and back, then onto the next foot and then onto her toes! She was going insane!

I nibbled her toes and the rest of her feet to hysterical laughter on and off Inbetween sensual footworship for a good few times more and after 45 minutes, fully clothed and wrapped in plastic wrap while being mercilessly tickled, she was a hot sweaty mess.

When she was untied, she looked at me and noticed I had pitched a quite noticeable tent in my pants and offered me a deal, if I put my tongue skills to use elsewhere, then she’d put her feet to good use too!

Fantastic! I upheld my part of the bargain and before I know it, with my manhood still standing tall he was all of a sudden joined by two soft perfect feet. Well it didn’t take long and I’m guessing you know the rest. A genuinely perfect evening though.

Probably more next week so stay tuned if you liked it!
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