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Teaching Juliet (Request FF/F)


Registered User
Aug 24, 2009
Juliet knew she had caught the security guards attention as she stepped into the office. The security guard always seemed to be observing her for one reason or another and today was no different. The girl was often glad she wasn't a normal employee. She was certain if she was the security guard would have been bothering her everyday.
Juliet was a smart and beautiful woman who had been the boss of the mining company for only a few months. She had long black hair that fell to her rounded shoulders. Dark brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Behind her were two of her very best friends.
"We should go shopping at noon." Chirped one of her friends. She was carrying a black purse and plastic bag filled with items in front of her. She was starring at the back of Juliet's head, a large goofy grin had creased her lips.
"I know. I heard about that sale too!" Said her other friend, she too wore a goofy smile on her face.
Juliet was about to say something when the security guard stepped in front of her. The woman stood a few inches taller than the woman and had her hands resting on her hips. Her eyes were training on Juliet's foot wear. "Excuse me…" The woman began, not taking her eyes off of Juliet's shoes. "No flats allowed. You know the dress code here." She said.
Juliet's smile vanished immediately. "Excuse me?" She said, in a low dangerous voice.
"I said…" The security guard began, looking into Juliet's eyes. Her eyes widened slightly as though she had just realized who she was talking to. "I'm sorry ma'am, but were not allowed to wear flats. You have to wear heels." She said.
"I HAVE to wear heels?" Juliet said. "That's an odd thing to say. Especially to me. I cut your paychecks remember?" She said, taking a step up to the woman. "Who do you think you are all of a sudden."
"I'm… I'm sorry." The security guard stammered.
"You will be. Come with me." Juliet said, motioning for her friends to follow. All four girls entered Juliet's office. The security guard took her place in front of her boss's desk. Juliet didn't say a word as she walked in front of the security guard and sat on the top of her desk. The security guard knew exactly what was going to happen next. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't fire you." The woman said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
The security guard opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. "You scared her." One of Juliet's friends observed, she was smiling an evil smile.
"Did I?" Juliet asked, not taking her eyes of the security guard.
"I'm sorry." The security guard said, lowering her eyes.
"Really…" Juliet said, rolling her eyes. "Well you haven't showed me that yet." The woman continued. Bending down she removed one of her flats and placed it on the desk beside her.
"Oh God…" One of Juliet's friends giggled, she looked away.
"Show me how sorry you are. Kiss my foot." The girl said, wiggling her naked toes at the security guard.
The security guard sighed deeply. She didn't want to, but had no choice. She needed to keep her job. The woman went to her knees and took Juliet's right foot in her hands. There she kissed the girl's heels.
"Very nice." Juliet said, closing her eyes. "Now lick my toes you naughty girl." She ordered.
The security guard sighed heavily as she ran her tongue over the tips of Julia's toes and then between them. Just as she had reached the third toe Juliet giggled and kicked her foot. The foot hit the security guard in the nose.
"OH!" The woman cried out, as she fell backwards. The kick didn't hurt so much as it did surprise her. "Hey…" She groaned, rubbing her nose.
"Oh get out of here!" Juliet snapped.
The security guard scrambled to her feet and ran out of the office. Her cheeks were bright red. When Juliet and her friends were alone Juliet slid her flat back on her foot.
"You are so awful!" One of her friends said with a laugh. "But you better be careful…"
"What do you mean?" Juliet asked.
"What if that security guard decides to capture you. She knows how ticklish your feet are!" Her friend continued.
"She won't do anything. She knows what would happen if she ever crossed me like that. She's practically begging in the streets!" Juliet said, walking around her desk and sitting in a black swivel chair. "That was fun though…" The girl admitted.
"Really?" Asked Juliet's other friend, walking up to the desk.
"Yeah… You know what?" Juliet began, pointing her index finger at her friend. "I really can't stand being tickled, but if that security guard actually captured me and tickled me I think I would give my soles to her. I might even be persuaded to tell her about my other soft spots."
"Really…" Said Juliet's second friend.
"Yeah…" Juliet said, her voice trailed. "But that's not going to happen." The woman reached into her desk and removed a small, black purse. "Screw everything! Let's go out and have some fun!" She announced, getting to her feet and holding her purse close to her chest.
"Cool!" Her friends cried, as they ran out of the office. They were followed closely by Juliet.
Juliet looked over her shoulder at the security guard as she headed out. A small smile creased her lips. "Yeah." Thought Juliet, turning to face her friends. "That would never happen."


The security guard bit her lower lip as she entered the small building where her master lived. Usually she went there for a long weekend of pleasure, but today she had other things in mind. The building was rather small, but it was comfortable. Several ladies were also there waiting for their time with the master.
"What are you doing here?" Asked a red headed lady, stepping up to the security guard. Her eyes looked the girl up and down. "I didn't know you worked in security." She said.
"Yeah… Is the master here?" The security guard asked.
"Yes, but she's with someone right now. Is something wrong?" The girl asked.
"Yeah… She told me if I ever had a problem at work I was supposed to see her." Said the security guard.
"Oh! Ok… Well I'll go tell her something happened. You aren't hurt or anything are you?" The girl asked, pointing at the security guard.
"No. Nothing like that." The security guard answered.
"Oh good. Alright I'll be right back." She said, and with that the girl vanished into the back. Ten minutes slowly passed and soon the red head reappeared. "You can go in." She said, pulling back a curtain so the security guard could slip through.
The security guard slid into the back room. There sitting in a large chair was her master. Her master was a beautiful blond haired woman, with bright blue eyes and ample breasts. "Hello there." The master said, with a bright smile. "I heard you had a difficult time at work today. Tell me what happened."
"Ok." The security guard said, nodding slightly. The security guard began explaining the events that took place. When she reached the end of the story she stared down at her feet.
"I see. So you were punished for doing your job. Unacceptable." The master said, leaning forwards and smiling brightly. "I think we need to teach your boss some manners."
"I agree." The security guard said, looking up and smiling. "Will you please help me?" She asked.
"Of course." The master said, with a bright smile. "Now tell me how I can get in touch with this woman."


The next day after work Juliet was heading out of the office. She was ready to go home and get some rest. The girl had no choice, but to work especially hard that day and unfortunately her friends couldn't stop by the office.
Juliet climbed into her car and sighed deeply. Her feet were hurting her. "Maybe I should rethink my foot wear." She thought, looking down at her flats. Suddenly an image of the security guard licking her feet popped into her mind. She blushed and giggled a little.
The girl quickly shook the thought out of her head. Reaching into her purse she fished out her keys. Finding the right key she slid it into the ignition, but before she could start up her car she heard a small beeping sound.
"Oh!" Juliet cried, reaching into her purse again the girl removed her blackberry. She had just gotten a message. "I hope you brought extra clothes and shoes today?" Juliet read the message out loud. The girl furrowed her eyebrows. "What the hell does that mean?" She wondered.
The girl quickly typed back. "Mind your own business." After sending the message the girl started her car up and pulled out of the parking garage. A few moments later she was on the street heading home.
Juliet ran her fingers through her hair. She couldn't wait to get into the bathtub and soak for a few hours.
The sound took Juliet off guard and she cried out as her car swayed dangerously left and right. The girl grabbed the steering wheel and held onto it as though it were her own life. "What the…!" She cried, her voice trailed when she saw the back tire in the side mirror. It was flat. "DAMN!" She cursed, slapping the steering wheel.
The girl pulled off the side of the road. "Damn…" She repeated, giving the steering wheel one last slap. Stepping out of her car she walked around the car examining the other tires. Only one wheel became flat. "What did I run over?" She wondered, aloud. She couldn't remember running anything over.
Juliet was tempted to examine the tire. Every time something went wrong in her life she always expected some coworker was at fault, but the idea of bending down and examining a tire disgusted her.
Turning on her heels she examined the many shops that surrounded her. Unfortunately all the shops had been closed down months ago. "Great…" She groaned. Grabbing her purse she began walking.
Several minutes later Juliet was rounding a corner when she suddenly bumped into something hard. "HEY!" Juliet cried, closing her eyes and rubbing her nose. "What the hell was…" She began, opening her eyes. Through her partially open eyes the girl saw several other women standing around.
"You bumped into me!" A girl cried.
Juliet looked down and saw a girl looking up at her. She was lying on the ground. "Watch where I'm going than!" Juliet said, kicking dirt at the girl.
"Hey!" Said another woman, walking up to Juliet. "You can't do that to her."
"And why not? Do you know who I am?" The girl asked, pointing at herself.
"Yeah. We know." The woman on the ground said, standing up. "We know you pretty well. Your that bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else. Juliet something…"
Juliet was taken by surprise. She wasn't serious when she asked them if they knew who she was. "I… How do you know my name?" The girl asked, trying to regain her composure.
"Piss off. We don't owe you any explanations, but you owe us an apology." The girl said, taking a step towards Juliet.
"Piss off yourself." Juliet said, clearing her throat as she talked.
"Grab her." The first girl ordered. Juliet tried to run, but the group of women were too fast for her. They grabbed her by her arms and legs and hoisted her into the air. "I think my master has something she would like to discuss with you." The first woman said.
The group carried Juliet, who was kicking and screaming for help, through the alleyways. Juliet screamed loudly, but no one came to help. Stepping into a small building they carried the girl into a backroom where a pair of wooden stocks were waiting. They quickly locked the girl inside the stocks and then left.
"Damn it." Juliet cursed. Her feet had been locked into the stocks and her hands had been bound behind her back. "LET ME GO!" She roared.
"You're too loud." Came a voice. A beautiful woman stepped into the room. "Do you mind keeping it down?"
"Who the hell are you?" Juliet demanded.
"You can call me master." The woman said, walking around Juliet and examining her. "You are a beautiful girl that's for sure."
"What do you want?" Juliet asked.
"I've heard a few interesting rumors about you." The master continued as though she didn't hear what Juliet asked. "And I just want to see if they are true." The master stopped at Juliet's feet and looked down at her flats. "You do realize that those flats of yours are prohibited ."
"Piss off." Juliet said, narrowing her eyes at the woman. "No one tells me what to do! I know they are prohibited!"
"Really?" The master said, with a grin.
"Wait…" Juliet said, her voice trailed. "You’re the one who sent me that text message right? About the clothes and shoes. And you’re the one who made my tire go flat! Right?!" Juliet asked.
The master smirked. "Does that really sound like something I would do?" She asked. "But enough about that. We have more pressing matters. Your feet for instance."
"My feet?" Juliet said, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Yes. I heard another rumor concerning your feet. I want to see if it's true." And with that the master went to her knees in front of Juliet's feet. Reaching forwards she began tickling the tops of Juliet's feet.
Juliet began laughing the moment she felt the master's finger nails sliding across the tops of her feet. The girl kicked her feet and wiggled in the stocks. "Stop…" She said, through her laughter.
The master traced her fingers over the tops of Juliet's feet and then slid them down the sides. After a few seconds she slid her finger underneath the flat and began tickling Juliet's bare foot.
The master's captive burst into ticklish laughter and began thrashing wildly in her binds. "STOP!" She screamed, but the master continued to tickle the helpless foot. She teased the middle of the foot and then slid her finger down until she reached the heel. There she began scratching wildly.
Juliet's laughter was loud. The girl tried to speak, but her words were lost even to her. "NO MORE!" The girl screamed, through her ticklish laughter, but the words came out jumbled.
Suddenly her flat fell off her foot. The moment it did the tickling stopped.
The master was starring down at the flat lying on the floor. Her hand was held up as though ready to continue with the torture. "I have an idea." She began. "If you can keep your other flat on for five minutes while I tickle your foot I'll let you go and you'll never hear from me again. If you can't… Well I'll keep you and tickle you forever." The mistress said.
"Wait!" Juliet cried. "My flats were custom made to fit my feet. They're thin and they'll fall off easily!"
"That's the point." The master said, with a small chuckle. "Are you ready?"
Juliet took several deep breaths. "Ok." She agreed, nodding slightly.
The master didn't waste anytime as she reached inside Juliet's flat and began tickling the foot. Juliet burst into laughter, but did her best to keep her foot still.
The master's smile never faltered as she slowly raked her index finger up and down Juliet's ticklish sole. She loved the creamy feeling of the girl's flesh beneath her fingertips.
"Ah!" Juliet cried out, kicking her foot hard. The sudden jerk nearly caused the flat to fall all the way off, but thankfully it had gotten stuck between Juliet's toes. "Whew…" She breathed, closing her eyes.
"Thanks." The master said, with a smile. Now your foot is almost completely exposed."
Juliet opened her eyes. The girl was right.
The master slowly raked her fingers up and down Juliet's ticklish foot. Janet thrashed desperately in her binds, but they refused to break. Her arms had been tied too tightly behind her back and the wooden stocks her feet were trapped in was even more powerful.
"NO!" She screamed, but her cries fell on deaf ears.
The master began picking up her torture. She scratched the girl's heels mercilessly. Then dragged her index finger down the middle of her foot.
"Tickle tickle." The master teased. "Poor thing. Maybe you should stop wearing flats to work."
"PLEASE… STOP!" Juliet cried, but her words were quickly drowned out by her own laughter.
The master moved her index finger over the bridge of Juliet's toes. Juliet scrunched her toes tightly causing them to turn red, but doing this caused her to loose a small grip on her flats.
"You better hold onto that." The master said. "Well unless your starting to like it here." The master said, as she began teasing Juliet's toes with her left hand. And with her right the master was raking her nails up and down the ticklish sole.
Juliet's laughter grew louder and louder. Her movements were becoming more desperate and she was doing her best to keep her foot still, but it was impossible. The girl kicked her foot causing the flat to plummet to the ground.
"Uh-oh…" The master teased, covering her mouth with her hands. "Your in trouble now."
"Just let me go…" Juliet breathed.
"I don't think so." The master said, shaking her head.
"But why?" Juliet asked.
"Because. You're being punished for being a naughty girl." The master answered. "Now were going to play a little game, but we need another player." The master looked over her shoulder just as a girl walked in. It was the security guard.
"Why am I not surprised…" Juliet said, shaking her head. "So you’re the one who's behind this, huh?"
"Yes." The security guard said, nodding.
"Bitch!" Juliet snapped, narrowing her eyes at the security guard.
"Hey." The master said, giving Juliet's right foot a playful slap. "You be nice."
"Yeah." The security guard said, taking a few steps forwards. "The girl bent down in front of Juliet's feet. "Were going to play a game remember?" She said. The security guards voice shook as she spoke. Even though she trusted her master to take care of her she still felt incredibly nervous.
"What kind of game?" Juliet asked.
"It's a fun game." The master said, getting to her feet. "It's called 'where am I ticklish'. And this is how we play it. My beautiful flower…" She began, touching the security guards shoulders. "Will tickle your feet until you start telling her where your ticklish. When you tell her I'll test that spot. If you are indeed ticklish I'll tickle that spot for a while. If you lie we tickle your feet."
"Either way I get tickled!" Juliet cried.
"That's why I called it fun!"
The security guard grabbed the toes on Juliet's right foot and pulled them back. With her free hand she began raking her fingers up and down the girl's ticklish soles. Juliet screamed with ticklish laughter and began thrashing wildly around. "STOP!" She cried, by the security guard ignored her.
After a few seconds the security guard began scratching Juliet's heels. "Where else are you ticklish?" The security guard asked, peering into the laughing face of Juliet.
"I… WON'T… TELL!" Juliet screamed, through her ticklish laughter.
The master crossed her arms in front of her chest. "In a few minutes you will." The master said.
The security guard didn't let up on her torture. She continued to scratch the same spot. "Tickle tickle…" The woman teased.
"Poor baby… She's so ticklish." The master said, with a laugh.
"OK!" Juliet cried. "I'LL… TALK… JUST STOP… TICKLING!"
"No! Tell me now!" The security guard ordered.
Juliet tried to escape the ropes one last time, but it was impossible. "TOP OF MY FEET!" She screamed.
The security guard laughed. She already knew her boss's feet were ticklish. "Test it." She said, anyways.
The master bent down and began tickling the tops of Juliet's left foot. Juliet screamed and tired to kick her foot away. "THE ARCHES!" She cried.
The master pulled back Juliet's toes and began raking her nails up and down the arch. Juliet's laughter grew louder than before. And her struggles grew even more desperate.
"Where else?" The security guard demanded.
"TOES!" Juliet cried. The master dug her fingers between each of Juliet's toes and then began teasing the very tips. Juliet squeal with ticklish laughter. She tried to pull her feet away, but the master had a powerful grip on it.
"Where else?" The security guard asked, as she started tickling the foot she was holding again.
"ANKLES!" Juliet cried.
"Really? That's interesting." The master said, as she began tickling those as well. Juliet laughed as though the soles of her feet were being tickled. She bucked hard in her binds.
"WAIT!" Juliet cried.
"Where else?!" The security guard asked.
"HEELS!" The security guard stopped tickling as her master went to her knees beside her. Both girls looked at one another and then chuckled.
"Shall we?" The master asked.
"Yeah!" The security guard said, practically cheering. Both girls grabbed Jane's toes and pulled them back. With their index fingers they began scratching Juliet's heels. Juliet roared with ticklish laughter.
"PLEASE NO MORE!" The girl cried.
The security guard and the master slowly raked their nails up and down the tender heels. Finally after a few minutes they stopped. "Where else?" The security guard commanded when she started tickling Juliet's foot again.
"BELLY!" She cried.
The master spread her fingers wide and began attacking her belly. The muscles in Juliet's belly tightened. "I love this." The master muttered.
"Me too." The security guard said.
"I think her feet are more ticklish." The master said, after a few more minutes.
"They really are." The security guard said, and to prove this she began tickling both of Juliet's feet at the same time.
"I think I'll just stick with those." The master said. "Could you fetch some string to tie her toes back?"
"Sure." The security guard said, getting to her feet.
"WAIT!" Juliet cried. "Please… Tickle me anywhere else just not my feet!" She cried.
The master was about to say no, but quickly changed her mind. "Alright." The woman said, tapping her lower lip. "Bet you need to loose a few things and we need to change locations."


Juliet was now lying naked on a long table. Her feet were trapped in a pair of wooden stocks, her toes had been tied back and her hands were bound over her head. Sitting in chairs beside her was the security guard and the master. "Time to laugh." The master said, wiggling her fingers at Juliet.
Both the security guard and master attacked Juliet's body at the same time. The security guard grabbed Juliet's sides and began tickling them mercilessly. She squeezed and poked them. And then moved onto her body. She tickled her belly. After a few seconds of attacking the muscles in her belly she dug her finger into the navel and began poking inside.
The master on the other hand was tickling Juliet's helpless underarms. She raked her nails up and down the sensitive pits, and then began tickling them wildly. The pits, along with Juliet's belly grew bright red in color.
"NO!" Juliet cried, through her ticklish laughter. The girl pulled and struggled with all her might, but it was impossible to escape. "PLEASE NO MORE… I'M DYING!"
"Aww poor ticklish baby." The master teased.
Both the security guard and the master continued to tickle, poke and probe the girl's ticklish body. They tickled each of her ribs, attacked her belly and then tickled her underarms.
After a few moments they moved onto her legs. Attacking her thighs and tweaking her knees.
Juliet closed her eyes tightly. She could feel warm tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "PLEASE NO MORE!" She screamed.
The security guard and master finally made it to Juliet's feet. There they began teasing her toes, tickling the arches and scratching the heels mercilessly.
The security guard smiled warmly. She was glad she told her master about the problems she was having with her boss. She was finally getting her revenge.


The next day Juliet headed into the office. As always she saw the security guard, the one that had tickle tortured her the previous day, standing guard. The woman wore a cocky smile on her face.
"Good morning Juliet." The security guard said, looking down at her feet. "I love your heels."
"T-thank you." Juliet said, nodding slightly.
"A couple of your friends stopped by." The security guard began. "They are watching an interesting movie in your office."
"They are?" Juliet asked, shaking her head slightly. "Thanks for telling me." And with that the girl headed into her office. Sure enough both her friends were watching a movie, and Juliet was the star. The girl gasped when she saw herself being tickle tortured.
"What is that?" Juliet demanded, stepping up to the two girls.
"I should be asking you that!" Said one of her friends, getting to her feet. "What's going on? Do you really enjoy this?" The girl asked, pointing at the television.
"I…" Juliet stammered. "I don't know…" She said, she couldn't believe they recorded her being tickle tortured.
"Here's a note that came with the DVD." Said her second friend, handing over a small piece of paper. "Dear Juliet. I hope you're enjoying your DVD debut as much as I am! If you don't want the rest of the world to enjoy it as well I suggest you come back to my place. Oh and don't bother bringing your heels. You won't need them."
Juliet sighed deeply after reading the letter. She was trapped.


After work Juliet headed towards the masters place. Her feet were bare. When the girl pulled up to the small building she saw the security guard was waiting for her. "Did you leave your shoes behind?" The girl asked.
"Yes." Said Juliet.
"Prove it." The security guard demanded.
Juliet opened the door and exposed her bare feet to the security guard. The security guard smiled. "Good. So come in. Our master is waiting."
Juliet did as she was told. Stepping out of her car she headed into the small building. Walking into a small room she found herself standing in front of a new pair of stocks. The master was standing behind it. She was wearing a large smile on her face. "Go ahead and sit down. We have a lot to do tonight and very little time to do it."

Last edited:
Thanks! I totally forgot I posted this here. Sorry I didn't respond sooner.

Thanks for the posts! I really appreciate it.
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