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Tenderfoot Part Fifteen (Fantasy Tickling Story)


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
Part Fifteen

The Rainbow Company

Crimson had received an alert from Queen Melca. She was telepathically bonded to all her pixie subjects and her mere thought was literally her command.

There was a job to do and only the Rainbow Company had what it would take to accomplish it.

Crimson fastened the deep red colored breastplate to his torso and placed his red plumed helmet on his head. The plumed helm distinguished him from other pixie warriors indicating his rank as Red Squadron Leader. It was larger and more elaborate than that of the other Squadron Leaders' helmets and that indicated that he was also Leader of the Rainbow Company.

He stepped out of his quarters and placed a trumpet to his lips and blew hard.

Five hundred pixie warriors immediately abandoned their activities and prepared for war. They gathered their helmets and breastplates of the Squadron to which they belonged and gathered their pixie warrior's weapons of choice: the sharp and slender pixie spear and the pointy pixie dagger.

They assembled in the courtyard of the company's base and in five minutes six squadrons - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple - were standing neatly in lines ready to do battle on any and all enemies of the Fae.

"Are you ready, Rainbow Company?" Crimson shouted out clearly to his Company. His clear and steady voice was one of the many reasons he was chosen to be Company Leader.

"Yes, yes sir!" five hundred pixies shouted in unison.

"Then follow me," Crimson commanded as he shot out into the sky. "We have brothers to rescue and evil doers to punish. We shall show no mercy!"

The pixies shouted their blood thirsty battle cries as they followed their leader into the brisk morning air of the Fae Realm.

* * * * *

When approaching their enemies, the Rainbow Company flies in total disarray appearing to be a disorganized cloud of bright lights.

But when they draw near their enemies, they assume the battle formations that leave no doubt in anyone's mind that they are facing the terrible and powerful Rainbow Company.

"Assume V formations!" Crimson shouted as the Squadrons immediately obeyed and formed neat formations of their respective colors.

It was to be a rescue mission. Two pixies were prisoners and they needed rescuing from their evil captors. The captors were to be taken alive if possible.

That was all that Crimson knew, but it was really all he and his company needed to know.

He studied his opponents through a magical spyglass which let him see his enemy as if they were almost in front of him.

An Animus, a Centaur, a Demon and… the Tickle Scourge!

He blinked and squinted into the spyglass just to be sure it was the Tickle Scourge. He looked again and he was certain that it was indeed the Scourge! There were unfinished affairs between the Fae and the Scourge.

Crimson called to his Squadron Leaders to give his battle instructions.

"Violet!" he called to the glowing female squadron leader. "Purple Squadron will care for the rescue of the two pixie prisoners. That is our primary mission.

"Jade!" he shouted to another female pixie warrior. "The Centaur is Green Squadron's target. Neutralize and subdue. We want these prisoners taken alive.

"Ginger!" he called. "Orange Squadron will take the Animus. Neutralize and subdue.

"Royal!" he continued. "Blue Squadron will take the Demon. She is fully armored and very dangerous. Do what you must to keep her from deterring us from our mission.

"Mustard! Yellow Squadron will take care of the balloon. We are still over Fae. Make certain they do not escape to the next realm."

He turned to his own Squadron.

"Red Squadron! We go for the greatest challenge of all. The Tickle Scourge rides in that balloon. It is our destiny to face her in battle. And this time we will prevail!

"Ready arms, Rainbow Company," he commanded. "Charge!"

* * * * *

Patrisa turned deathly white as she saw the pixies approach.

"It's just a bunch of pixies, right?" Brunilda asked.

"What are you?" Patrisa asked caustically. "Some kind of Tenderfoot? That's the Rainbow Company! It's not just a bunch of pixies; it is five hundred skilled and trained tickle warriors!"

"Can't this thing go any faster?" Danea nervously asked Peter.

"Only as fast as the wind," he replied. "Don't worry. I'm certain we can negotiate with the Rainbow Company. We do after all have two hostages."

"The Rainbow Company never negotiates with the enemy," Amber said proudly. Indigo nodded in agreement.

"She's right," Patrisa said releasing the two pixies from the ends of her magical fighting sticks. The pixies flew away immediately. "They might turn away if they see we have released their friends."

"And if not?" Peter asked.

"Then get ready for trouble," Patrisa said grimly.

* * * * *

The Rainbow Company did not delay their attack despite the release of their friends.

A swarm of pixies engulfed the basket under the balloon.

Patrisa spun her fighting sticks in a flurry of movements designed to keep her enemy at bay. It would be effective perhaps if Patrisa were against a wall and only had to protect from a single direction. But it was only a question of time. The pixie swarm studied intently how to get pass her defense.

Red pixies of every shade and tone attacked her. They sent their very finest after her. She was almost honored.


Without armor to protect her, there was no contest really. A single pixie had flown behind her and slipped under her brown undergarment searching for ticklish spots on her sides.

The pixie did not need to look hard nor far.

A single pinch and Patrisa yelped and instantly dropped her fighting sticks. With the path clear, dozens of pixies flew into her undergarment attacking her sides. They went after her underarms and untied her sandals to get her feet, but that had no effect. Not that it mattered much; a single pixie finger on her sides was enough to make her crumble.

She laughed and screamed and tried to fight the tickling sensations, but the attack was too well orchestrated for her to have any hope of escape or resisting.

She crumpled into a ball on the floor of the basket and laughed helplessly.

Her companions were doing not much better. Peter was being tickled silly from head to toe. Patrisa suddenly felt sorry for those who had more than one tickle spot that could be tickled simultaneously by the legions of pixies. It did not matter much in the end though.

Brunilda the Centaur was bucking around violently rocking the basket dangerously. She was very ticklish and pixies were chasing all her spots on her bare torso making her scream and jump and rear in the small basket. Pixies attacked her underarms in groups and even as she tried to crush them with her arms, the breastplate and helmet they all bore seemed to protect rather well against that.

Her sides and back and even her round belly button all had pixies giving special attention. She screamed in laughter begging for the tickling to stop.

“Stop! You must stop!” she shouted as she bucked and jumped uncontrollably, “I can’t control myself, I’ll turn over the basket!”

Maybe death by being crushed to a bloody pulp on the ground below would spare them the horror of being a prisoner of the Fae, Patrisa thought.

The pixies also recognized the possibility and a half dozen of the green pixies positioned themselves on her ample equine behind and plunged their sharp pixie spears into her flesh.

The spears' tips were enchanted. One mere prick would be enough to subdue a wild rampaging rhino. Six had an instant effect on the Centaur maiden. She crashed to the bottom of the basket unconscious.

Patrisa continued to laugh totally breathless and gasping for air. Each pixie was a skilled tickle warrior. Alone they would be no match for her, but as a group they were an unstoppable tickling force.

She looked upwards and saw pixies zipping back and forth punching holes into the hot air balloon causing it to steadily lose altitude. There would be no opportunity to reach the next Realm.

Danea was no where to be seen. She could fly and she was better prepared with her full body armor. But the pixies needed only to discover one single chink in the armor to render it useless.

Danea had a chance to escape, Patrisa realized. She and her other companions had none.

The hot air balloon descended quickly. Peter had succumbed to the tickling. Patrisa alone continued to fight and laughed harder and harder as the pixies searched for ways to break her will.

Skilled they were, but in the end, like most red pixies, they are impatient.

The tickling ceased momentarily and the leader of the Rainbow Company hovered in front of her face.

Her long blond hair was tangled and drenched with sweat. The hair obscured her vision but she lacked the energy to push the hair aside. A pair of red pixies pulled her wet hair out of her face for her revealing her icy cold blue eyes.

"So we meet again," Crimson said to her. And even now when we have proven our superiority, you still deign to defy us and resist."

"If this is still about the three hundred slave girls of Xavis's harem and the failed raid on his palace," Patrisa said, "then I think I can make amends with this."

She pulled from a pouch on her belt Melca's Gem.

Crimson's eyes went wide in amazement.

"By Titania!" he swore. "Queen Melca's Gem!"

"Perhaps we can let bygones be bygones," Patrisa said weakly trying to muster her strength and appear strong.

"Queen Melca will decide your fate. She and she alone," Crimson said as he pricked Patrisa's skin with his spear just above the collar bone.

Patrisa was thankful for the Red pixie's hastiness and welcomed the black oblivion that crashed up her like a wave.

It was preferable to being tickled into submission and at least she had her magic intact. As he faded, she realized she would need every last bit of her magic if she was to escape from Melca's clutches.

* * * * *

"Well?" Esmeralda asked.

"You are spoiling a perfect evening," Orion answered dourly.

"You promised," Esmeralda insisted.

"So I did," Orion admitted.

The pair of spell casters had spent the better part of the next day recovering from the ordeal of the escape from the Red Panther's Palace and the Animus Realm.

The safe house Orion had taken her to was far grander than the safe house Patrisa had in the Mushroom Wood. It was the same style with the marble floors and the windowless rooms, but it was the size of a nice large apartment with several large comfortable bedrooms. It had a very large room for bathing complete with a large bathtub and a wardrobe filled with spell caster garments that would fit her perfectly. The wardrobe even had a robe that was dark green like hers.

She bathed. Orion had allowed her to do so without the shackles provided she surrender Silk to his care. Esmeralda agreed and despite being a prisoner of a dark spell caster, she felt better as she soaked in the large bath tub and let the warm water melt her worries away.

She finally emerged from the tub and dressed herself in the robes she had found in the wardrobe. Satisfied, she looked for her spell caster captor and found him sitting at an elegant dining room table with a feast waiting to be eaten.

They ate and spoke mostly small talk about wormholes and safe houses until Esmeralda reminded Orion of his promise.

"The way back to home has a lot to do with how you got here in the first place," Orion explained.

"You see, you and I are here speaking to one another but in reality our bodies are not here. At least not in a truly physical sense," he continued explaining.

"So I am still back on my dorm couch snoozing away unaware that I am in dream world?" Esmeralda asked incredulously.

"In a way," Orion explained. "This body you have here is a magical manifestation of your body in the real world. Time does not move at the same pace as it does in the real world. You could spend a year here and perhaps only an hour will have passed in the real world.

"The reason you and all the other Tenderfoots who have arrived here is because of the rifts that exist in the fabric of time and space between our world and the Realms."

"But then, why you and why me?" Esmeralda asked. "How does one get chosen from the real world?"

"That is the key to getting back to the real world and waking up," Orion said. "You were brought here by someone who stared through the rifts with her perfect third eye and decided that you would be an interesting candidate to be a Tenderfoot.

"I found out who was the person who chose us and I demanded I be sent back to the real world," Orion said. "A price was paid and the cost was dear, but once covered I was back in the real world before I knew it."

"Then why are you here still?" Esmeralda asked.

"I woke up right were I had fallen asleep. At a study booth in a library. I had been here in the Realms for more than five years. In the real world only a few moments had passed. People would call out my name and I would not respond. I was still Orion or the Shade in my head. I was five years more mature than my friends; it didn't feel right hanging out listening to music and watching videos when I had outwitted rulers of Realms and waged battle with terrible and strong beasts of all kinds. There was no magic and as for tickling..... well, let's say tickling had become a need that clearly was not getting satisfied in the real world.

"I gave up on the real world and every night I would toss and turn hoping that it had not all been a dream and I began to chant her name in my dreams until it became a mantra."

"Who is she?" Esmeralda asked impatiently. "Who helped you cross back?"

"Melca," Orion answered with a taint of longing in his voice. "Queen Melca of the Fae."

* * * * *

The Fae Realm was a dangerous place of beauty and seduction.

When crossing through the Fae Realm one was cautious to never stray from the road even for a moment. One's gaze at all times had to be on the road. To stare into the forest always carried the risk of one's stare being met by beauty.

Dryads inhabited the beautiful oak trees of the Fae Realm. With their beauty and their charms they would lure foolish travelers, male and female alike, to follow them into the forest where they were never seen again.

The leaves rustled differently in the Realm of the Fae. It had a different chime than in other Realms. It was whispered that the rustling was actually the muted laughter of victims condemned to forever laugh tickled by dryads for all of eternity.

Nymphs were the most dangerous of the Fae. They were beautiful beyond description and their glamour was such that male or female had to fight with all their will or risk falling instantly and hopelessly in love with the Nymphs.

Once under the spell, the victim would agree to anything the Nymph desired. Being tickled helplessly and totally voluntarily by Nymphs was one common desire of these creatures that required huge amounts of magic to maintain their glamour. It was not uncommon that victims would also act as a Nymph's lover and servant. Once having loved a Nymph, one would never be the same again. The victim even after being removed from the presence of the Nymph and its influence, would simply waste away until they became a mere ghost of their former self. Having tasted the alluring and sensuous delights of a Nymph, what other experience in life could possibly compare?

As Dryads were bound to their trees and could not leave the forest of the Fae Realm, the Nymphs were condemned to the Garden of Delights. To leave the Garden by walking into the rest of the Fae Realm or traveling by a wormhole to another Realm would mean their demise.

To influence the world and rule over their own Realm, they depended upon the Pixies who were the militant wing of the Fae. Small of stature, they made up for their size with ferocity and teamwork, usually overwhelming their victims with sheer numbers.

Pixies were the eyes and hands of the Nymphs. They were sent to all parts of the Realms to do the bidding of the Nymphs.

Queen Melca was the most powerful of the Nymphs. Her charms were more powerful that those of her subjects. She was also bound to the Garden of Delights, but she had something no other Nymph had. She had a real third eye instead of the magical mark and sense of Magic all other creatures of the Realms had. With it, she could see any part of the Realms she desired to see. It was even rumored she could see beyond the Realms into other worlds and detect the rifts between these worlds. Those who knew much of the Fae believed that Melca was responsible for Tenderfoot Manlings crossing from their world into the Realms.

* * * * *

Patrisa kept her eyes shut.

"Open your eyes and gaze upon Queen Melca, Tickle Scourge!" Crimson shouted viciously.

Patrisa knew better. To gaze upon the beauty of Queen Melca would mean her doom.

"Don't you fret, dear Crimson," a musical and beautiful voice said. "Patrisa will open her eyes when she is ready."

Patrisa heard that voice speak her name and her heart missed a beat. How could a voice be so beautiful?

Patrisa's nostrils were invaded by a perfume so sweet and so powerful that she could not help breathing deeper to absorb as much of the scent into her nostrils.

“You do not know me,” the voice said. “But I know you since you were a potential Tenderfoot in your world. I watched you fall asleep under a blossoming cherry tree on a fine summer afternoon.”

Patrisa grimaced but could not help but feel her heart melt to the musical voice. She tried to tell herself that Melca was a manipulative and cruel Queen, but who could be so cruel and have such a voice?

She felt some fingers brush gently against her cheek and felt electricity course up and down her spine and through her body.

Melca was bombarding her senses one by one. She was close enough for Patrisa to try and hit her, but Patrisa could not raise a fist against her. Her arms would simply not respond.

“Come now, Patrisa,” Queen Melca said. “Certainly we can let bygones be bygones and start fresh. Look at me in the eyes and you will see my sincerity.”

The command was so subtle that Patrisa had to clamp her eyes shut. Patrisa’s third eye burned like never before in the presence of such a powerful and magical creature.

Patrisa felt fingers slide up her side and tickled her softly. She wanted to thrash and push Melca away, but she could not. The tickling intensity was no less however and she laughed hard and hearty in spite of herself.

Melca pressed her body close to Patrisa’s. So close that she could feel the warmth of her body.

“Open your eyes, Patrisa,” Melca whispered softly.

She might have barked a harsh command.

Patrisa could not fight anymore and she opened her eyes.

Melca was beautiful. She had long dark hair and deep blue eyes. Her skin was a perfect creamy white and her pearl toothed smile was a masterpiece. She wore a gossamer gown which only helped accent her perfect curves and ample bosom. She was sensual and beautiful. She was perfect in all ways.

The Queen of the Fae tickled her again. This time a little more intensely and she laughed with Patrisa as she guided her to the moss carpeted floor of the Garden. There was no resisting.

”I will tickle you, Patrisa,” Melca whispered as she dug her slender fingers into her ribcage. “It is only right after you have taken so long to recover my Gem and then at that you planned to hand it over to that Elfling witch Jordanna. But you will enjoy giving me your magic.”

Patrisa could not protest. She laughed deeply and realized that she was indeed enjoying the tickling. More than she had ever enjoyed being tickled before. She knew it was the glamour tainting her thinking, but the enjoyment was real.

“Then you will love me,” Melca continued. “In body and in spirit you will love me. You will enjoy that as well. And when I am finished with you, you will do my bidding as I had requested before. But now you will have no desire other than to serve my desires.”

Patrisa’s will was being sapped away from her and she realized that her fate was sealed. She was doomed.

Melca smiled as she drew closer and she halted her tickling for just a moment to whisper with her sweet voice into Patrisa’s ear.

“Yes, Patrisa,” she said reading her thoughts. “You are doomed.”

To be continued….

Next: The Enchantress Enchanted
They just keep getting better...

I'm SO excited about this one--what an amazing plot!!! It's fantastic!!!

I can't wait to see the next installment...bravissimo...
I agree with camel, this is getting better. I kind of wish I could tickle the queen myself >.>
I'm so glad you have all enjoyed it as much as I have. To tell the truth, I really do not know where it is all going to end. It sort of has a life of it's own. I liked Melca much more than I expected and interesting things are going to happen.

Thanks for the comments! All feedback is welcome.
Melca seems like the kind of ticklee I like: a good tickler but deep down a woman who could be broken if tickled right. *still really likes Patrisa though she isn't very sensitive on her soles*
Melca seems like the kind of ticklee I like: a good tickler but deep down a woman who could be broken if tickled right. *still really likes Patrisa though she isn't very sensitive on her soles*

You know, Patrisa's major "flaw" or "virtue" happens quite often in real life. I seen it happen and I just thought it would be interesting, especially given her costume and concept.

As for Melca, I think there's still much to see from her. I don't envision her as a character who gets broken often and I don't think she needs to try hard to be an effective tickler. Of course time will tell. 🙂

I'm working fast; I think I might be holding the pace of two parts per month.
Hehe excellent story. I think i'll check out this series later on. ^^
More!!! I'm insatiable...

When can your legions of adoring fans expect the next installment???
I'm working on it...

More!!! I'm insatiable...

When can your legions of adoring fans expect the next installment???

I'm a little disappointed myself. I've had a busy work schedule lately and I have about 8 pages of material but it needs heavy editing. Some parts just don't click yet; maybe I'll start from scratch again. Next week I should have a little more breathing room. I hope I can get it out by mid week.

Thanks for your interest, I really appreciate it.
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