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Tenderfoot Part Twenty (Fantasy Tickling Story)


TMF Regular
Sep 15, 2002
Tenderfoot Part Twenty

The Enchantress, the Maker and the Pact

"Don't you think we might have been able to save Madame Jordanna if we had just disobeyed her orders a little," Indigo said shivering in the cold mountain air of the Titans. “We should have made ourselves known when the Centaurs raided Kilect Ratheet and we could have maybe dissuaded the Centaur Princess from skewering her on her lance. After all, we did rescue her from the Elfling King’s Dungeon."

"Might have, should have, could have," Loanna huffed as she climbed the mountain. "You're thinking like a Manling now, little one. Giants don't look behind. We erred. We must try and make amends for it."

They had remained small and hidden among the ruins of Kilect Ratheet. Madame Jordanna had ordered they stay out of sight until she called for them, but Laurannis’s mighty lance changed all that. When the Doom that Creeps went out of control and attacked the Elfling host, they decided to flee as fast as they could, with the miniature Giantess carried between the arms of the flying pixies.

When they were far enough that they felt the Doom that Creeps was not following them, they saw the great Titans in the distance and Loanna had the idea that they might get help to correct their grave error.

It was strange, however. The three had climbed the tallest Titan of them all with absolutely no hindrance whatsoever. The Harpies who usually stalked on travelers were no where to be seen. Perhaps they could sense the Doom that Creeps approaching as sought safer havens.

Loanna kept this information to herself. There was no need to worry the little ones more than necessary.

"What makes you think the Maker can help us?" Amber asked between teeth clenched with cold.

"He's as old as the Elfling King," Loanna said as she pulled herself over the highest ledge and stood before the cave entrance. "He's older than these mountains even. He must know something."

"We don't have that many more options anyway," Amber added gloomily.

"Besides, he's a Giant and I'm a Giantess," Loanna said. "We're practically on a first name basis. What could go wrong?"

There was silence all around them and they stepped on the white snow.

"Isn't he supposed to greet those who make it to the top?" Indigo asked. "Are you sure it's the right mountain top?"

"It's the tallest, isn't it?" Loanna said tersely as she also wondered why he did not greet them as she had expected. "He must be busy inside. We'll go look for him."

As they strode to the entrance a tin colored humanoid automaton made of tin sheet metal held together with bolts and screws appeared and blocked their passage.

"The Maker is making," it said mechanically. "You may not pass."

Loanna was twice the size of the automaton and stepped closer to the automaton.

"Who is going to stop me?" Loanna said as she gave the automaton a heavy shove. The automaton flew back like a doll and fell haphazardly down to the ground.

"Uh-oh," the pixies said in unison as they hovered several feet behind.

The automaton quickly came back to its senses and steam issued from its mechanical ears and bells and whistles sounded from some hidden part of its tin body.

In a matter of seconds, the entrance was blocked by two score tin automatons.

"I don't like this," Amber said.

"Relax," Loanna said. "I've got this under control."

She took her necklace in her hand and whispered words of magic that caused her to grow to twice the size of a Giantess. The automatons now barely reached her knees.

"We'll just have to stomp them flat and ask the Maker to send us the bill," Loanna said.

As she prepared to carry out her threat, the automatons all began to mobilize themselves in strange but orderly pattern. They would jump into the air and twist as they stacked themselves one on top of the other until they clicked and whirled their way forming a gigantic automaton that was a head taller than Loanna's tallest form.

"Impressive," Loanna said grudgingly. "But do you have the strength and the power of a Giantess?"

The Giantess threw a hard right swing that could not have missed any other target, but the automaton twisted and contorted in all sorts of unnatural ways dodging the blow and taking hold of Loanna's fist.

"Wise guy," Loanna said grunting. "Let's see you do that again."

She swung with her left adding even more force to the blow. Loanna knew few jaws in the all the Realms that could withstand that kind of blow.

The mighty blow went by again as the automaton twisted once more out of the way and secured the Giantess's other fist.

The automaton took her by the wrists and hoisted her into the air a mere couple inches from the ground.

"Now what?" Loanna asked helplessly.

The automaton did not answer with words. Compartments opened on the sides of the automaton and mechanical arms issued forwards. The fingers on the hands of the arms wiggled gently and aimed at Loanna's sides.

"Wait a second," Loanna begged as realization dawned upon her. "Can we talk about this?"

The fingers paid no heed to her request and they dug in deeply to her sides tickling fiercely. Loanna laughed loudly as she struggled to break the automaton's grip. The grip was strong as iron.

New mechanical arms, equipped with whirling brushes issued from the automaton's chest and they took careful aim at the Giantess's soft and exposed underarms.

Loanna's laughter was even louder yet as she fell victim to the powerful methodical tickling.

The pixies circled around the automaton's head hoping to distract and seeing that the cause was quickly becoming lost they flew in front of the automaton, removed Pixie Dust from their pouches and blew the magic substance into the giant tin man's face.

For an instant the automaton paused and Loanna breathed heavily as she hung from the automaton's hands.

Amber and Indigo looked at each other approvingly.

Then a small whirling sound was heard and a small tub appeared at the automaton's mouth.

"What's that?" Indigo asked at a greenish mist issued from the tube engulfing them.

Sleeping gas or pesticide, there was no way to tell. They both fell to the ground unconscious.

"I'll destroy you if you've hurt them," Loanna threatened just as the tickling resumed and her serious threat was replaced with mirth and silly laughter.

She held out quite a long time. But the automaton did not tire while Loanna was not gifted with such stamina. She went silent and limp in the automaton's arms and she shrank to her original size. The automaton took her magic jewel from her forehead and stored it in one of its many compartments.

The automaton then dismantled and all save one reached under Loanna to carry her sweat drenched body into the cave.

The last remaining automaton collected the two unconscious pixies and placed them into a small glass bottle.

They disappeared into the depths of the Maker's Lair.

* * * * *

Haydeen awoke with a splitting headache.

She had dashed into the vault from where the Doom that Creeps had emerged thinking that there she might find shelter from the evil creature's hunger for souls. She had stumbled on the rumble on the floor of the vault and struck her head on the edge of a stone slab that knocked her out cold.

It was almost dusk, and it was deathly quiet outside. She carefully peeked through the vault's door and saw the plains of Kilect Ratheet littered with the bodies of hundreds of Centaur and Elfling warriors.

She turned to the inner circle and saw the inert and deathly white body of the Elfling King lying close to that of Madame Jordanna.

She then noticed that there was a shadowy figure standing near looking over the bodies of the fallen Elflings.

Haydeen pulled a dagger from her bandolier. It would be of little use in a battle, but better to die fighting than to lose her soul, she decided.

"Who goes there?" she asked as bravely as she could as she exited the dark vault.

The shadowy figure turned and Haydeen could see her better as it stepped into the fading sunlight.

It was a Demon. It was Danea, Keeper of the Academy.

"You!" Haydeen exclaimed in recognition.

"Yes," Danea replied with a sad and thin smile. "Me. Late again and this time perhaps the fate of all the Realms depended upon me coming in time to issue a warning."

"You knew what they planned?" Haydeen asked starting to shiver as a cold wind began to blow gently over the plains.

"No," Danea admitted. "Not until the very end could I put the pieces together.

"They played us all like pawns in their complex game to wake this abomination," the former Keeper said. "They paid with their lives, but we will pay with our souls for their folly."

"What can we do?" Haydeen asked.

Danea shrugged. "I should tickle torture you for the incident at the Academy and then I could fly you up high enough and dash you upon the sacred stones of Kilect Ratheet. I'd be doing you a favor, I think."

Haydeen shuddered at the thought. "I've never been one to give up," she said softly.

"Nor I," Danea said. "But there is not much for us to do, is there?"

Haydeen shook her head gently.

Danea suddenly noticed the Elfling King's white blade, the White Adder, resting under his robes. It was almost camouflaged by the white of his garments. She reached out to take it by the hilt.

"Don't" Haydeen ordered. "Only the Elfling King may hold the White Adder. You will get a shock if the Adder deems you unworthy."

Danea smiled as her fingers reached for the blade. "Do you believe that a shock matters much to me anymore when our souls are in peril?"

She took the sword and she felt its magic course through her body. While almost hidden on the Elfling King's whiteness, it contrasted deeply with her jet black hair, wings and leather armor.

"It feels right," she said swinging the large but surprisingly light blade through the air.

"The sword has chosen you," Haydeen said.

"We have chosen each other," Danea said with satisfaction. "I have an idea but it might mean a bit of flying. Do you feel up to it?"

"Anything to leave this place," Haydeen said shivering.

"Very well then, come with me," Danea motioned.

Haydeen stepped closer to the Demon Mistress when she noticed a shining glow on the ground in the dying light of the setting sun. It was an object.

Near Madame Jordanna was a golden and jeweled scarab and next to it the strange iron box she had taken from Orion.

Haydeen kneeled down and retrieved the objects while Danea watched impatiently. She stuffed them into her a pocket on her bandolier and walked towards Danea who turned her around by the shoulders and took her from under her arms.

In a moment they launched into the air as Danea's powerful wings took them higher and higher until they were above the clouds. A full moon had lit her way as she flew among the clouds zipping in and out of them until she found the type of cloud that she was looking for.

It was a solid cloud and she set Haydeen down on it. The wisps of cloud circled her ankles and the air smelled of humidity. The moon and stars lit up the clouds and the clouds were now their reference to down.

"This cloud will take us to the Wundermarket by morning," Danea said. "It’s less trouble than looking for a wormhole and less energy than trying to fly there directly. It will be one of the last places the Doom that Creeps will attack."

Haydeen nodded in agreement and with grudging approval. It was a sound plan and there were many powerful beings in the Wundermarket who might be able to help come up with a plan of action.

Haydeen shivered in the cold and watched with envy as Danea wrapped herself in her dark leathery wings.

"You're welcome to rest within my wings," Danea offered. "Just take off the bandolier so you don't pinch my wings with your tools."

Haydeen agreed and slipped the bandolier over her head and allowed Danea to wrap her in the warm wings.

"Comfortable?" Danea asked.

"Yes," Haydeen replied. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Danea said before digging her fingers into Haydeen's underarms.

Haydeen yelped and tried to escape but the wings held her tight in place.

"What are you doing?" Haydeen demanded as she tried to attack the demon mistress. It was futile though since the Keeper's arms and body were covered in leather.

"The cloud requires a toll, Elfling Interrogator," Danea said as she attacked Haydeen's ribs and enjoyed watching her squirm helplessly and laugh irrepressibly. "Either you or I must pay the toll since we have no magic. And considering you had tickled me at the Academy, I see it only fair I return the favor and have you pay for the toll.”

The demon logic made sense to Haydeen who struggled to maintain her senses as Danea continued to attack her ticklish spots. However, she resented being in the submissive position when she was usually the one to tickle instead of being the one who tickled.

“Be swift,” Haydeen requested between laughter as the Demon Mistress’s fingers ran up and down her ribs in search of the most ticklish spots.

“Certainly,” Danea said.

Haydeen knew the leisurely tickling style the demon mistress was using. It was exactly the kind of style she was accustomed to using on her victims.

Her first liege Lord Xavis had an adage he was fond of mentioning when Haydeen was called in to torture a prisoner who had somehow wronged the Lord or the Animus.

“What goes around, comes around, Haydeen,” he’d say patting her gently on the shoulder just before she stepping in to tickle torture her victim.

How true, Haydeen thought.

* * * * *

"Melca may have a solution," Orion said standing inside a Centaur tent far from Kilect Ratheet.

Esmeralda had used Silk and some minor spells to restore their garments. They were still weak from their ordeal, but fine Centaur mead and dried meat quickly restored their spirits. Since it was a Centaur outpost there were no chairs and he preferred to stand while he thought while Patrisa and Esmeralda sat cross-legged on the ground. Laurannis stood nearby listening intently.

"I do not doubt so," Patrisa said wearing once more her brown leather armor. Esmeralda would not settle for the black colored armor. "I must return to Kilect Ratheet to retrieve the ring and then we may all go to see the Queen."

"The ring comes second when regarding the future of the Realms and all our souls," Orion said. "Even Melca must understand that."

"I thought you said it was too dangerous to visit Queen Melca," Esmeralda said a bit skeptical.

"It is. Melca is potentially as dangerous as the Doom that Creeps," he said despite the glare Patrisa cast at him. "She is contained to her Garden and though she does not destroy souls, she most certainly does poison them. I will not risk any of us going to visit her."

"Then what do you plan to do?" Esmeralda asked. "Send her a letter?"

Orion shook his head. "I have a powerful spell that I can use, but I need more magic. More than we three together have at this moment."

Laurannis had remained silent during the conversation. She had sent her bodyguards out to warn the rest of the Centaur Realm of the danger. She pulled off her silver helm and let her long dark hair tumble down her shoulders.

"There is no magic left at this outpost," Laurannis said. "But for the sake of my people and the people of the Realms you are free to take my magic if it is any good for you. It is strong and fresh and I am told it is potent for spell casting."

The three manlings turned to each other in surprise at the offer.

"Are you sure?" Orion asked conscious that Centaurs usually preferred skewering an enemy on the tip of their lances rather than tickling them and the same applied to being on the receiving end.

Laurannis nodded. "Just be quick and careful. I can give quite a kick if I am not properly restrained."

Orion nodded. “Let’s do it then,” he said.

Esmeralda pulled Silk from her robe. "Please raise your arms, Laurannis," she asked.

Laurannis obeyed hesitantly.

Dinb hist iraf nectrau, dinb reh dan dhol reh githt!

Esmeralda's spell made Silk glow and the magical spider jumped towards Laurannis and began spinning a fine web that in a few brief seconds held her four legs firmly immobile to the ground. Silk then wrapped itself around the Centaur Princess's wrists and pulled them tight together and held them taut above by the wooden support pillar of the tent.

The three looked up at the beautiful Centaur princess who was completely helpless and at their mercy.

“Well?” Laurannis said impatiently. “What are you waiting for?” she asked scolding them firmly.

The three ticklers nodded to each other and went to work.

Orion stepped up to her and found himself almost face to face with her belly button. He instantly went to work on her belly area and watched with satisfaction as Laurannis began to laugh.

Esmeralda mounted Laurannis from behind and attacked her back, her neck and her underarms. She was very ticklish and it was not difficult to tickle her into a laughing frenzy.

Patrisa drew forth her fighting sticks Ash and Oak and stood behind Orion pointing the sticks at Laurannis.

Sha kaet het felt dan kilect, kao kaet het tirgh dan kilect!

Branches extended from the tips of the fighting sticks but instead of restraining, they attacked around her large bare beasts searching for the best places to tickle.

It took mere minutes for the three tickling experts to tickle her out of her wits. She hung exhausted while the red magic gem appeared upon her forehead.

Patrisa's fighting sticks grasped the jewel and brought it down. Patrisa studied it intently.

"She was not exaggerating," she said examining the jewel with her third eye. "It is a very powerful piece of magic."

"I know," Orion said holding out his hand. "I'll take that."

"You must promise that you will not do anything to harm my Queen Melca," Patrisa insisted. "You speak of her as if she were someone evil and corrupt like the Elfling King."

"You will listen to no logic other than the logic that Melca has left you with," Orion said impatiently. "We have no time for this though. I promise not to take any action to harm Melca. You have my word."

Patrisa paused for a moment to think of Orion's vow. She then nodded slightly and handed the jewel over to Orion who promptly placed it against his third eye and shivered as the Centaur Princess's strong magic flowed through his body.

"I am ready."

* * * * *

Queen Melca slept in her sleeping chamber in the Garden of Delights. It was the only building in all the Fae Realm. It was a room where she slept and dreamt of other worlds.

She kept several slaves in the room with her. Especially the new ones who still needed some "persuasion" to serve her without question. They slept on the floor and they were grateful for such a privilege.

She was a light sleeper. Over thousands of years there had been a few failed assassination attempts. They usually ended in the assassin returning the favor to his master.

Her sleep was so light, that the moment a single unusual sound was made- no matter how faint- she would instantly open her eyes and sit up straight in her bed.

"Who goes there?" she asked softly her eyes narrowing to suspicious slits.

"My Queen," the slaves said as they awoke. "How may we serve you?"

"Sleep," Melca said impatiently and the slaves simultaneously obeyed and drifted off into sleep.

Melca stepped out of bed and she heard a soft rustle as her beautiful body in her translucent sleeping robe was revealed. She was certain someone was in the room.

"Show yourself," she said to the shadows.

It was then that the shadows replied.

"It is I, Orion," a shadowy figure said.

"Is that so?" Melca said narrowing in on a shadowy shape. "I see a shadowy image of you, but it is not you."

"My shadow is my emissary," the shade said.

"A shadow has no soul," Melca said with disdain. "No will to conquer, no passion to kindle.”

She stepped closer to the shadow pulling her sleeping robes closer. “You might have tried to strangle me in my sleep” she commented. “You are not the first master of shadow I’ve encountered and you would not be the first person to try."

"There is nothing to gain with your death," Orion's shadow replied.

"Practical," Melca said. "But you know I am not practical. Passion, obsession and lust seldom are."

The shadow nodded. "I come for a reason," it said. "I come to request your aid to vanquish the Doom that Creeps."

Melca smiled. "The Doom that Creeps cannot be vanquished," she replied. "It will consume the world until it has eaten every last soul and then it will be forced to consume itself. When it has vanquished itself, I will recover my gem and the world will begin once again as it did so many eons ago."

"What will happen to you?" Orion asked.

"There are many worlds where to hide until the Doom that Creeps is sated. Mayhap your world would be such a place to spend some time."

"You are confined to the Garden of Delights," the shadow observed.

"My body is," she replied, "but not my soul. Is it much different from you Manlings who come to visit our world?"

"I come to ask for your help to stop this madness," Orion asked. "Millions of souls will perish. It is a doom was worse than death."

"And what of it?" Melca said yawning and stretching sensuously.

Orion's shadow trembled slightly reflecting its master's weakness.

"Come with me," she said placing a red fingernail on her red luscious lips. "We'll make love like you have never imagined possible. We'll visit other worlds together and then, when the Doom has consumed itself we will return to create the world again."

"You don't want me," Orion said despite himself. "What do you really want?"

"To have you as my slave and to feel your lips as they kiss my feet and worship the ground I step upon," she said longingly. "That would be something."

Orion's shadow shuddered once more as waves of longing threatened to rob him of his sanity.

"But what I REALLY want is that cursed ring," she said in frustration as her facade of certainty and confidence fell down. "Damn you! Curse you! If I cannot have it, I will wait for the world to be ravaged by the Doom that Creeps and I will take it from who's ever dead fingers holds it!"

"Did you allow the Elfling King access to the Gem?" Orion's shadow asked horrified.

Melca shrugged. "He knew what would happen. If he was cursed by memory loss or if he simply did not consider the consequences, it is no fault of mine. He crossed to other worlds also to escape the Doom that Creeps. The Three sacrificed themselves to bind the Doom that Creeps. They accepted their fate and left me with the Gem for safekeeping.

"If he could not recall that, it is no fault of mine."

"I don’t have the ring anymore, but I will get you the ring," Orion vowed. "I promise. We must have your wisdom if we are to defeat the Doom that Creeps."

"It cannot be done," Melca said waving a hand. "Not by such as you any way. Besides I have no guarantee you will honor your word or that you will even survive your endeavor."

"I will give you a guarantee," he said gravely. "I will give you a guarantee in exchange for your wisdom to save the Realms against the Doom that Creeps. But it does have conditions."

Melca smiled deliciously hinting something special.

"State your terms," she said.

* * * * *

Orion awoke from his trance abruptly.

He was drenched in sweat and he breathed heavily.

"Are you all right?" Esmeralda asked worriedly.

"Yes. Just help me up," he said. "Let me rest for a few moments and I will tell you my story."

Orion reached for an unusually high table meant for Centaurs and retrieved a decanter of mead and some wooden cups. He poured four cups and handed them out.

"Well, there is much good news to celebrate I think," Orion said. "Melca has agreed to help us. There will be a War Council tomorrow at the Wundermarket. All the leaders of all the Realms will be invited."

"That is excellent news," Laurannis said very pleased.

"Let us drink to that," Orion said holding up his cup.

"Second of all," he said continuing after watching the three women drink of their cups. "I have negotiated Patrisa's freedom from Melca's Glamour. You are no longer her slave."

Patrisa thought for a moment and the deep heart felt pang whenever she thought of Queen Melca was no where to be found.

"You are right," she said very pleased. "I am free."

"How did you negotiate so much with a person you consider so much to be an enemy?" Esmeralda asked warily.

"Well I bargained myself," he said solemnly. "I will be her hostage until the Doom that Creeps is defeated and the ring that she so desires is returned."

"What? I won't allow it," Esmeralda said immediately. "It was not your place to sacrifice yourself so. I won't let you go to her."

"Nor will I," Patrisa said vehemently. "She is every bit as Evil as you have always told me she is."

"It was my promise," he said quietly and sadly. "When you all awake you will have to rush to the Wundermarket. The council will be held early, I understand."

"You drugged the mead," Esmeralda said accusingly as she began to feel drowsy. "How?"

"That was yet another part of the deal. I asked Queen Melca for some sleep juice which she gave to my shadow. Nothing too powerful. Just enough to give you all a good night's sleep," he said sadly as he poured his full mug to the ground. "I cannot risk having you try to stop me. You all know that I always keep my promises."

The three women struggled to remain awake. Laurannis fell to her knees and toppled over. In her weakened state she could not resist the soft warm slumber that overcame her.

Patrisa and Esmeralda fought to resist. Patrisa pulled her fighting sticks free and lurched at Orion, but he simply took the sticks in his hand, held them firmly and cast a sleep mist spell.

"No... don't make me sleep..." Patrisa murmured as the sleep mist accelerated and deepened the sleeping draught's effect. She fell asleep in Orion's arms and he gently set her on the ground.

"Why?" Esmeralda asked still standing but swaying unsteadily with her eyes glazed with sleep.

Orion held her gently in his arms and drew her near.

"Because I love you, Esmeralda," he said gently. "I made you a promise and I mean to keep it. I won't be able to do it if our souls are consumed by the Doom that Creeps."

Esmeralda tried to say something but it was as if the effort was now way beyond her.

"One last thing was negotiated," Orion said as Esmeralda drifted into slumber. "If you should succeed at defeating the Doom that Creeps and return the ring to Melca, she will free me of her Glamour and she will allow you free access to the Real World."

She was asleep.

Orion kissed her gently on her forehead and whispered softly to her ear.

"It's all up to you now... Tenderfoot."

* * * * *

Loanna awoke.

She was in a cell. There were other cells and in them were many Harpies.

“So that’s where they were,” she said to herself groggily.

The beautiful and dangerous Harpies looked at her hatefully and she was glad that she had not had to encounter them on her trip to the top of the Titans.

An automaton awaited her at the entrance of the cell.

"The Maker will see you now," it said with its monotone voice. "He has finished making and requests your presence."

"And my friends?" she asked stepping towards the exit.

"They are already with the Maker," the automaton said.

The automaton led Loanna through a complicated maze of tunnels until they reach an area that was comfortably warm and appeared to be an antechamber to the forge judging from the hammers and anvils and other tools that were laid out in that room. Other objects were hidden under sheets or behind curtains.

"Ho!" the Maker said as he entered.

"Ho!" Loanna responded not sure how to address the legendary Giant. “I am Loanna. I come to bear dire news and to request your help.”

"You came at just the right time, lass" he said wiping his dirty hands on his leather apron. "I needed just one little bit of magic to finish my creation and then you appeared. I thank you for your magic."

"Where are my friends?" Loanna said remember Amber and Indigo were no where to be seen.

"The Light Elements, you mean?" the Giant said reaching into his pocket and revealing a small jar with her two friends glowing fiercely and angrily from inside. "They will make the perfect filaments for some magic torches I have in mind."

"Torches?" Loanna asked shocked. "They're pixies for crying out loud. Living and breathing creatures of the Fae."

The Maker shrugged. "I only know how to make, lass. They can live and breath and serve the purpose to light a person’s way. I don't judge and I don't appreciate being judged. You'd be wise to remember that."

Loanna's temper flared.

"You'd be wise to know that we came here for your help to save the world from disaster," Loanna shouted.

"I will allow that outburst to slide this time, lass," the Maker said remaining cool and contained. "I used all my magic and had to reap from the Harpies to make my latest and most spectacular creation. Your magic was the last bit needed to complete my task."

"How can you talk about business when the Doom that Creeps roams unchecked among the Realms wrecking havoc and destruction in its path?"

"Aye," the Maker replied. "That is why I have made something to help counter the foul creature."

He pulled a sheet off a stand revealing three sets of perfect white armor with gold trimmings. The breastplate bore a golden coat of arms with a sword and a hammer crossing at the center and a feather positioned horizontally above the sword and hammer. The armors were displayed on mannequins made of polished bronze.

"They will protect the body but more importantly they will protect the soul from the Doom that Creeps," the Maker said touching his creations lovingly. "I made them in a single night and it took more magic than any of the richest realms could produce in a year's time.

“Expensive, but worth every penny,” he said wiping a tear away.

“Will you use the armor, Maker?” Loanna asked.

“Me? Oh no,” he replied surprised that Loanna would suggest such a thing.” I am a Maker. I do not destroy nor do I fight. I make. I leave other matters to those better suited for them.”

“Who will wear it then?” Loanna asked.

The Maker pulled off a gauntlet and tossed it to Loanna.

“Put it on,” he commanded.

Loanna obeyed and the gauntlet which felt light as a feather despite the heavy metal suddenly became heavier than any object she had every carried before. Despite her strength, the heavy gauntlet fell to the ground and would not budge.

“My magic items choose their owners, not the other way around,” the Maker explained. “You are not one of those they will choose.”

Loanna removed the gauntlet and it became light as a feather once more.

Then she noticed a black set of armor cast haphazardly behind the others. It had the same trimmings and details as the other armors.

“What is wrong with that suit?” Loanna asked curiously.

“Bah,” the Maker scoffed at the discarded suit. “It is the same as the others simply for some reason the color is off and the armor refuses to be removed from the mannequin. I decided to discard it and start fresh.”

“It might be useful for something,” Loanna said touching its magnificent breastplate.

“You mustn’t dally any longer if you mean to reach the War Council in time,” the Maker said. “If you want to take it, go ahead, but make haste, lass. Make haste!”

“War Council?” she asked confused.

“War Council,” the Maker repeated. “At the Wundermarket. This very morning. This here is the Giantus contribution to the war effort.”

“Who is going to take it to the War Council?” Loanna asked.

“Are you dumb, lass?” the Maker asked impatiently. “I am most certainly not delivering them to a War Council of politicians and such. I am a Maker. I leave the politics to the politicians.”

“Why me?” Loanna asked. “Shouldn’t we send the King?”

”You are here, the King is not,” the Maker said shrugging. “Destiny has a clever way of working things out in the end. Your coming here and your going to the War Council closes the circle.”

“I’ll need my… assistants,” Loanna said pointing at the pixies still in the Maker’s hand.

The Maker shook his head but handed the glass jar reluctantly over to Loanna. “A perfect waste of perfectly good Light Elements, lass, but I suppose you won’t go without them.”

Indigo and Amber glared angrily from with in the glass jar at the Maker but it was clear that they were relieved they would not be made into magic torches.

“How am I supposed to get to the Wundermarket with the suits of armor if I have no magic for a wormhole?” Loanna asked as automatons began to wheel the suits of armor away. “You said you had used all your magic to make the armor.”

“Who said anything about using a wormhole?” the Maker said with a glimmer in his eye.

* * * * *

"I am here," Orion said.

Melca watched Orion emerge from a wormhole no one dared use. She was in her sleeping chambers and she was sitting on the edge of her bed expecting Orion’s visit. She had sent away the slaves and awaited Orion’s arrival alone.

She watched him intently with her three eyes.

"So you are," Melca said smiling.

She was not using her Glamour but Orion was unable to help but stare at her beauty. She was every bit as beautiful as he remembered and more so.

"You have kept your part of the bargain?" he asked.

"I have," she replied. "I have sent someone in my stead with all the knowledge I possess concerning the Doom that Creeps and a War Council has been formed. You realize that although possible, it is quite probable that the Doom that Creeps defeats your friends?"

"It was my only option," he said grimly closing his eyes. "You have kept your part. I am yours now."

"You speak of it as if it was some sort of torture," Melca said sweetly. "Open your eyes. Come here and kiss my feet. We shall see if you dare to tell me that you do not enjoy it."

She held her beautiful bare foot out with the toes pointed downward. The toes were unpainted but they seemed to be covered with sweet morning dew.

Orion opened his eyes and he obeyed. He stepped closer and knelt on one knee while he collected her foot in both hands.

Melca’s skin was soft and tender and she felt ticklish sensations at his touch. She could see his body tremble with her foot in his hands.

He lifted the foot to his lips and kissed it just above the toes.

"The toes," she said wiggling them gently.

Orion obeyed and kissed each small perfect toe.

"Tickle me, slave," she said with a wide and thin smile. "You have tickled me before. I know you enjoyed it. Tickle me once more."

Orion slowly and with a trembling hand drew his finger up and down her sole. She pulled easily out of his grip and laughed heartily.

"You are special, slave," Melca said. "I let no one tickle me. I had forgotten what it was until that unfortunate incident all those months ago with your treacherous ring."

She opened his spell caster robe and slowly unbuttoned his shirt leaving his chest bare.

"I hope you enjoyed that, because it is the last time you will tickle me. I will tickle you back one thousand fold for having tickled me so in front of my subjects," she said reaching into Orion's shirt and placing her fingertips on his ribs. "By the time I am finished with you, you will beg me for more. You will beg to pleasure me and I will decide whether you are worthy of such privilege."

Melca watched Orion’s blank expression with glee. The Glamour had cut into his soul and all he could see, hear, smell, touch or taste through his senses was Melca. His queen, his mistress, his everything.

"Laugh, Orion," she commanded as her fingers kneaded his sides viciously.

Orion instantly laughed like a little boy. He could not thrash out and he could not avoid the tickling. So it was with all Melca’s ticklish slaves.

"You will love me, Orion," she said guiding him to the ground as a rolled up ball. "You will forget your world and this one. You will forget that Tenderfoot you are so fond of."

She straddled him and continued to tickle him. She drew near and she kissed him deeply between the laughter. It was a lustful, deep kiss; the kind to leave one breathless, but with Melca it was a kiss to bind soul and body.

She stared into his helpless eyes like a cat watches a cornered mouse just before the kill.

"Whatever happens," she said pressing her body against his, "I will poison you for the rest of your life. You will never be able to look at another woman without comparing her to me. Every kiss, every caress, every love making moment will be forever tainted for it will all pale before my kisses, my caresses and my love making.

"This, my most cunning enemy," she whispered to his ear, "shall be my vengeance which will follow you from this day forth until the day you die!"

To be continued...

Next: War Council!
It keeps getting better and better!!!

I can't wait to read about the war council--I'm on the edge of my seat!!!

If this is ever published as a sci-fi novel, I'll be first in line to obtain my copy...

Brilliant. Simply. Brilliant. Thank you, Master Yatsabel...

I've noticed, as I've read through the story, many of the names, spells, and places are handles of folks from the theater mixed up into new words...

Melca and I have a connection, hopefully, in name only...😉
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It keeps getting better and better!!!

I can't wait to read about the war council--I'm on the edge of my seat!!!

If this is ever published as a sci-fi novel, I'll be first in line to obtain my copy...

Brilliant. Simply. Brilliant. Thank you, Master Yatsabel...

I've noticed, as I've read through the story, many of the names, spells, and places are handles of folks from the theater mixed up into new words...

Melca and I have a connection, hopefully, in name only...😉

I'm working on making sure the War Council will not disappoint!

Melca was this sweet little faerie queen I had in mind when I started and then she suddenly went out of control in my imagination... It just got out of hand and she started doing these mean and selfish things...

I'm glad you caught on to the anagram. No connection other than the name was intended. 😉

I don't know about the sci-fi novel, but I do promise to go back and polish everything up so you can at least have a neat electronic version.

Thanks for the support again!
How's the next part coming? I am SO excited to read it!!!!

Hope all is well with you, Sr. Yatsabel...
How's the next part coming? I am SO excited to read it!!!!

Hope all is well with you, Sr. Yatsabel...

Hi Camel26,

I didn't like where it was going last week so I started from scratch on the weekend and I'm about half way through and more satisfied with the work. I hope I get the rest out this week, but this one is busy one for me as far as work is concerned. Let's hope I can fit a few hours in a night and wrap it up.

Thanks for your interest, Camel26 and I hope all is well with you as well.
No rush--life, naturally, comes first.

You are a true artist--I commend you for staying true to your craft, even if it means starting over from scratch.

I hope that work, despite it being a challenging week for you, is fulfilling.

Things are busy/stressful on my end, but good.

You're amazing. Thank you for your response!!!
No rush--life, naturally, comes first.

You are a true artist--I commend you for staying true to your craft, even if it means starting over from scratch.

I hope that work, despite it being a challenging week for you, is fulfilling.

Things are busy/stressful on my end, but good.

You're amazing. Thank you for your response!!!

Work has been tough the past couple years, but as I mentioned to another person who has followed the story, Tenderfoot has been a way to get away from it all for a while. Things are turning for the better and I hope things continue to go will with Tenderfoot.

As for starting from scratch, well sometimes it's better because when you start again it's like your revisiting something you've already seen.

I hope I can serve it up for the weekend.

Take care.
Good to know next part is comming along! :super_hap As I told you in the TMF, the whole war council thing sounds really interesting. Also I allways look forward to a next part to see wich characters get tickled, and IMO when Patrisa and Esmeralda get it at the same time, it's priceless 😉 . Like when in the 19th part, Patrisa got severely foot tickled, I didn't see that comming and to a foot guy like me it was really cool.
Good to know next part is comming along! :super_hap As I told you in the TMF, the whole war council thing sounds really interesting. Also I allways look forward to a next part to see wich characters get tickled, and IMO when Patrisa and Esmeralda get it at the same time, it's priceless 😉 . Like when in the 19th part, Patrisa got severely foot tickled, I didn't see that comming and to a foot guy like me it was really cool.

It's almost done! I have to put the sections in order and I'm missing still a couple segments. It should be ready any time this week.

I've tried to not be repetitive and to explore new and unexpected turns every chapter, but now it gets harder as we approach the end. I hope you won't be disappointed.

As for more foot tickling, you'll just have to wait and see. 🙂
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