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Apr 16, 2001
TENNESSE TICKLERS v1.1 {Revised & Expanded 01.25.98}


The small sports car lurched and sputtered along the poorly maintained
Tennessee backroad. Jessica chewed her lip nervously as she wondered how she
ever let her airhead friend talk her into leaving the interstate to sight see
along the Tennessee back routes.

Jessica glanced down at the gas gauge and seen that they were getting
dangerously low on fuel. She then glanced over at her friend Nicole.

Nicole sat low in the vehicle's passenger seat. The seat was reclined and she
rested her legs on the passenger door. Her legs crossed at the ankles and her
stocking feet sticking out the doors opened window.

Nicole looked back at Jessica and giggled.

"It's not funny Nikki!" Shouted a frustrated Jessica.

"Oh relax ...." Laughed Nicole. "You're always so up tight, everything will be
all right." She assured her.

Jessica and Nicole had been planing this trip all year. They were heading for
Daytona Beach, Florida. For their spring break.

Jessica was nineteen and a sophomore in college. She was very pretty. Your
typical California girl. Long golden blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a
pretty smile. A real knockout. She was wearing Levi shorts, sneakers (no
socks), and a pink tank top.

Nicole was eighteen and a freshman. She had pretty brown eyes, short chestnut
hair, and was very athletic in build. She was wearing Levi's with a plain white
T-shirt top. Her western style boots lay on the floor and she wore thin white
cotton socks.

As their car cleared a hill, Nicole screamed and pointed out "Look a gas

"Thank God! I thought we were done for.." Said a very relieved Jessica.

" See I told you there was nothing to worry about!" Laughed Nicole.

Jessica pulled the small car into the old, dilapidated gas station, and stopped
right before the station’s two pumps.

" Look at that " giggled Nicole, as she pointed at a sign above the gas
stations front door.


"Were in the hills now!" Laughed Jessica.

A tall, and gangly looking service attendant stepped out of the station’s
garage to greet them. He looked and smelled as if he hadn't washed for weeks.

" Howdy ladies, I'm Billy Bob, what can I do fur ya!" said the attendant. As
he stepped over to the passenger side of the car and looked over the young

Nicole was still reclining back. Her feet sticking out the window.

" Hi, we need some gas and directions," said Jessica.

Billy Bob leaned into the passenger window and starred into the vehicle. A thin
smile forming across his face, exposing his rotting teeth.

" Sure thing ladies, no problem, where ya heading?" Billy said as he glanced at
Nicole's stocking feet that were propped up right next to him.

Nicole began to feel a little uncomfortable, and slowly started to remove her
feet from the window ledge. Billy Bob quickly reached out and ran an oily index
finger across the arch of Nicole’s retreating right foot

Nicole let out a startled gasp as she darted her feet back into the car.

"Ticklish honey" Laughed Billy Bob.

"VERY!" Shouted Jessica.

Nicole glanced back at Jessica and shot her a dirty look.

" Sorry Hon, couldn't resist!" grinned Billy Bob.

"Next time try!" Said a perturbed Nicole.

" Don't mind her she's a grump. Were headed towards Daytona, Florida." Replied

"No problem..." Billy Bob explained. He gave them directions and then
began to service their vehicle.

Jessica stepped out of the car and headed for the restroom, which were located
out back in an old fashion outhouse. As she walked past the gas station she
glanced inside and saw a large heavyset man, sitting on a stool inside. He
watched her intently as she walked by sending a shiver down her spine.

“This place is getting creepy.” Jessica thought.

Nicole had begun to sit back and pull her boots back on when she noticed that
Billy Bob seemed to be removing the cars distributor cap when he was suppose
to be checking the vehicle’s fluid levels.

Nicole began to get nervous and sat up looking around, and that's when she
noticed that a large man wearing dirty overalls was heading back towards the
outhouse where Jessica had gone.

"Smile for me baby!" Whispered Billy Bob.

Nicole spun her head to the sound of the voice and saw Billy Bob at the driver's
door. He was grinning and had a wicked look in his eyes. Nicole also noticed
that he had some sort of device in his hand. But she noticed to late and
quickly fell to the effects of the Stun gun and went limp.

Jessica finished her business and was about to exit the outhouse when she heard
a shrill scream. She burst open the outhouse door and was immediately
confronted by the large man in overalls.

"Hehehe, come here little girl" Laughed the giant, blocking her way.

Jessica desperately tried to avoid the large man but as she dodged him and
tried to run by he reached out and grabbed her by the hair and yanked her
backwards onto the ground. He then forcefully turned her onto her belly and
sat on top of her careful not to use all his weight and crush her. He yanked
both of her arms behind her back and handcuffed her, then turned around and did
the same to her ankles.

Stop it! Leave me alone!" Jessica screamed.

The giant reached down and picked her up and hoisted her over one shoulder. He
then started to carry her down a path away from the station. Jessica struggled
and screamed for help glancing back in the direction of the car. She saw the
gas station attendant dragging the unconscious body of her friend from the car.
Jessica’s mind began to wheel in total terror.

"Please let me go, why are you doing this?" Jessica kicked and screamed.

The large man only smiled and continued down the twisted path and through a
wooded area behind the station. Soon they arrived at an old house by a small
lake. The large man carried her onto the house's rickety front porch and kicked
the front door.

" MOM!" The giant roared.

"Just a minute." said a voice from behind the door.

The door opened and a kindly elderly lady appeared,

" Oh Hubert what a nice surprise!" She said

Hubert squeezed through the front door and into the main room of the House.

" Take her right down into the cellar. I'll be right down!" Said his Mother.

"OK Mom" said the big man.

"Please help me, make him let us go!" Pleaded Jessica

"Let you go?" Smiled the old women as her huge son carried the struggling girl
into the cellar.

"Were never going to let you go my dear." Chuckled the old women.

Hubert carried Jessica into the cellar just as his mother ordered and then
locked her into a place they called “ the quiet room”. (A large walk in closet
reinforced with a strong oak door and walls which was padded and soundproofed)

Soon afterwards Mother and Billy Bob appeared caring down the semi-conscious

They brought her over to a low set of wooden stocks set in the middle of the
room and bolted to the floor. They laid her on a padded mat by the
stocks. Billy Bob yanked Nicole's boots off and then dragged her by her ankles
to the stocks and placed her ankles in them locking them in place.

Nicole dazed and confused, glanced around the room in fear. She did not see
Jessica but did see another young women in what appeared to be a magician's box.
Her head and feet were exposed but the rest of her body was enclosed within
the box. She was very pretty with an olive complexion and gorgeous long black
hair. Her eyes were closed and it appeared that she was unconscious.

"Get the jacket Hubert!" Ordered the old woman.

Hubert fetched an asylum style straight jacket and started towards poor Nicole.
Nicole suddenly shocked back into reality. Screamed at his approach.

"PLEASE! PLEASE! LET ME GO!" Begged Nicole.

Hubert and Billy Bob grabbed the struggling Nicole and put the straight jacket
on her. The boys then stepped back with huge smiles on their faces and were
very pleased at their accomplishment.

"You've done well boys. Now lets see if she's ticklish," Said the Old woman.

Nicole gasped and struggled futilely to get free, her mind was racing.
“Ticklish, oh god no. Their going to tickle me” she thought.

The old woman smiled and stooped down near Nicole's captive feet.

"Ticklish my Dear? " She asked.

“Oh please not my feet” she thought. Nicole struggled to free herself and
thought back to the car incident with Billy Bob. Even the one stroke from his
finger had been unbearable for her. Nicole was terribly and hopelessly

"What's the matter? ...Cat got your tongue?" Teased the old woman.

The old woman gently stroked down upon Nicole's captive right foot. This caused
Nicole’s toes to curl reflexively. Nicole wiggled her foot and stifled a

"Come on now dear. That must have tickled?" asked the old woman.

Nicole squirmed under her ticklish interrogation and fought back her laughter,
but as the old woman continued to slowly stroke up and down her poor stocking
foot she finally broke down.


Nicole jumped and wiggled and curled her captive toes and begged for the old
woman to stop, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. The Old woman giggled to
herself as she tickled the poor girl's feet.

The old woman suddenly stopped and began to tug at Nicole's right sock. The
sock slowly slipped off revealing her tender bare foot. The old women then
proceeded to tickle Nicole's bare sole with her long fingernails.

Nicole went crazy and shrieked with hysterical laughter. She struggled to get
loose from the straightjacket. She shook and squirmed her body, while tears
flowed freely down her cheeks. The old woman continued to tickle Nicole's
ticklish barefoot, chuckling with delight at the poor girls peril.

"Kitchy, kitchy, coo" Teased the old woman as she slid her fingers between
Nicole's sensitive toes.

Nicole pleaded and begged for the old woman to stop, but the old woman just
laughed and tickled on.

"Stop? Why would I? When I have you in such ticklish position!" Said the
old woman.


"Never! Never will I stop tickling you my dear!" shouted the old woman with


Jessica laid on the padded floor of the room where she had been left bound hand
and foot. She was very frightened and could not hear a thing until she saw the
room's door open a crack and Billy Bob staring inside. She then heard what
sounded like hysterical laughter and pleading.

"Hear that bitch?" sneered Billy Bob.

" what's going on? What are you doing!" shouted Jessica.

"Ticklin." said Billy Bob

"Huh" Said a very confused and scared Jessica.

"Ticklin I said...Ma's Ticklin your friend to death!" Billy Bob Laughed

"Tickling her!" Jessica gasped.

"Yep.... And you're next!" Chuckled Billy Bob as he closed the door locking
Jessica in the room.

Jessica thought back to the car when Billy Bob had tickled Nicole's foot.

Oh my God they intend to tickle torture us to death! No, no it can't be, I
couldn't stand it, oh please let this just be a nightmare Jessica sobbed.

The Old woman continued to tickle Nicole's ticklish feet, she had removed
Nicole's other sock and was busy torturing both of her vulnerable feet without
Mercy. The tickling went on for almost thirty minutes before Nicole passed out
from exhaustion.

"Damn! I was having so much fun with her too!" shouted the old woman.

"You want me to wake her mom?" asked Hubert.

"No my dear. Look are other visitor is awake and pretending to be still
unconscious" Giggled the old woman as she pointed to the woman in the magician's

The young woman’s eyes sprang open when she heard the old woman's words.

Gina Santos locked in the magicians box, had unexpectedly been kidnapped just
outside the restaurant she waitressed at late one night after work. She has
been undergoing this ticklish hell for the last several weeks. They fed her and
bathed her but also tickled her daily.

Gina wiggled her exposed bare feet in dreaded anticipation of the old woman's
approach, she was without a doubt the most sadistic tickler of the trio.

"Oh how cute she's wiggling her toes at us...she must not be able to wait for
our tickling touch!" teased the Old woman.

"Mom can I tickle her Ribs? Can I, Can I?" Hubert asked with excitement.

" OK Hubert...But remember...Be gentle!" Mother warned.

"What about me!" Billy Bob cut in.

"Now, now, you can get her feet dear." Mother replied smiling.

The two grown men jumped in the air and raced over to the Magicians box
giggling like children. Billy Bob ran to the end of the box where Gina's
vulnerable soles were
locked in place, while Hubert ran over to the middle of the box and slid open a
side panel which revealed Gina's ticklish ribs.

Gina began to plead for mercy and thrash about within the small confines of the

"Please have mercy! You will tickle me to death, I can't take anymore!" Gina

The tickling began in earnest with Billy Bob raking his nails on the soles of
Gina's very ticklish feet, and Hubert reached into the box and began to probe
and tickle Gina's ribs.


In no time at all Gina was reduced to slobbering hysterics, she was so
hopelessly ticklish. The old woman unable to resist joining in and went over
to the top of the box by Gina's head and began to gently tickle behind her neck
and ears driving poor Gina nuts!

Gina's wrists were locked down in the box to her sides and her hands kept
grasping out in reach for something, anything... she was going wild, her agony
was intense, she was engulfed in screaming fits of pure hysteria.

This non-stop tickle torture went on unabated for two solid hours before poor
Gina passed out. The family retired upstairs for dinner, but could not wait for
desert for Jessica was next.
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Nicole awoke with a start, It must have been a dream she thought, but alas she
found herself still stuffed in a straightjacket and her ankles still locked in
the stocks. She flexed her bare ticklish feet, which still seemed to tingle from
the old woman's relentless tickling.

She was filled with dread and horror, would they come back and continues the
tickling, a cold shiver ran down her spine and she began to struggle for

Nicole had always been very ticklish and she hated it, but she always managed
to date the guys who would always use this weakness against her...as a young
teenager she wouldn't dare go barefoot around her brothers for they would
always seize the opportunity to tackle her and give her a good tickling. Even
her best friend Jessica would use it against her from time to time, although
Jessie was also very ticklish herself, suddenly Nicole smiled and thought well
whatever becomes of us, Jessie will finely understand what its like to be
tickled without mercy.

Nicole began to tremble in fear when she heard the cellar door open and saw the
descent of the old woman and her sons. She made a desperate attempt to free her
ankles from the stocks but her efforts were wasted.

" I see your awake now sweetie!" Said the old woman.

" Please what do you want from us, I'll do anything but please don't tickle me
anymore! Please it's torture!" Nicole begged.

"Oh I m sorry but tickling is all we want with you my dear, but don't worry
it's your friend turn now." Consoled the old woman.

Nicole sighed with relief at least she wasn't to be tickled for now. The trio
of ticklers walked past the stocks and went directly towards the quiet room.

The door to the quiet room swung open and startled Jessica. She tried to roll
away when she saw Hubert squeeze through the door and approach her with a
fiendish grin.

"It's your turn lady," Said the giant as he ripped down some of the ceilings
padding and exposed a series of leather straps, winches, pulleys and cables. He
started to assemble the vast array of equipment and began to attach shackles to
Jessica s wrists and ankles while his brother removed the handcuffs.

Shortly after that was done. Hubert laid out a wide and thick leather harness
and picked up Jessica and laid her upon it while Billy Bob ran cables through
Jessica s shackles and attached them to the series of winches and pulleys.

Jessica screamed and begged for release and began to cuss at her captors.

The old woman responded by strapping a ball gag to Jessica's mouth.

"You will pay for your harsh remarks young lady. Said the Old woman.

Jessie just shook her head from side to side and pleaded for mercy with her
eyes, these people are mad she thought.

After all the preparations were through Billy Bob reached behind some padding
near the door and flicked a switch. Motors started to turn and the series of
pulleys and winches began to pull the cables and the leather swing taunt, and
slowly lifted Jessie off the ground, stopping about three feet off the ground.
Jessica hung in the air and began to struggle with her bonds.

The old women stepped up to her and stared into her eyes.

"Where are you ticklish sweet Jessie?" said the old woman.

Jessica closed her eyes and screamed into the ball gag.

"We will find out you know? How about telling me where you're most ticklish?
and if you choose not to we will be even harder on you when we find out for
ourselves,, Warned the Old woman, The boys just stood there and chuckled.

"Is it your feet?" said the old woman.

Jessica shook her head no.

"Your knees?"

Again no.





Ribs of course!"


"Oh my then it must be your tender armpits then" the old woman chuckled with

Jessica paused for a moment, but then reluctantly nodded her head yes.

"Oh my what a nice surprise!" Laughed the old woman, as she began to run her
fingers gently over Jessica's armpits.

Jessie screamed with laughter into her ballgag and struggled wildly while
suspended in mid air.

The boys decided to join in without warning. Billy Bob grabbed her right foot
and yanked off her sneaker exposing her bare foot. He began to tickle her
ticklish sole. Hubert snaked his hand under her shirt and began to tickle her
ribs and lower side without mercy.

Jessica tried to plead and beg but between her own screaming laughter and the
ball gag she could hardly form a word, her captives were tickling her to death.
She would have tried or done anything to stop the torturous tickling.

The old woman ordered the boys to stop after a half hour of solid tickling.

"Billy Bob! I just had a great idea! Go get the itching powder and rub it
all over Nicole's bare feet! We don't want her to be too comfortable out there.
Also make sure you put some down her back too!” Ordered the old woman.

"Now sweet one, if I remove your gag will you promise to be a good girl?" asked
the Old woman of Jessica.

Jessica nodded her head yes.

"Good" replied the old woman as she unbuckled and removed the ball gag,

"Now that's better isn't it" asked the old woman,

" yes" said a humbled Jessica.

"The better to hear you laugh and scream for mercy" Chuckled the old woman
as she and Billy Bob resumed the tickling...

Nicole squirmed and giggled as Billy Bob applied the itching powder to her bare
feet. He covered her entire feet, making sure to get in between her toes.

Nicole's feet began to itch like crazy, she curled and uncurled her toes but no
relief could be found the sensation was driving her mad. Billy bob had stepped
up behind her and held her in place and poured some of the powder down her
back, as she pleaded with him not to do it.

"NOOOO! PLEASE! oh god my feet I can't stand it!!!!! They itch so
bad...please wash it off! Please I'll go mad! Please scratch my feet!"
Nicole begged as she squirmed and wiggled her toes furiously.

The maddening itching had seized her back and Nicole screamed for mercy.

Billy Bob chuckled and walked back to the quiet room. When he opened the door
and went back in he saw his mother and brother both holding one of poor
Jessica's bare feet and tickling with wild abandon. Jessica screamed in
ticklish agony her body thrashing wildly while suspended in mid air.

After ten minutes of this the old woman ordered the tickling to stop and
walked over to her captive and starred into her eyes...

"My, my aren't we the ticklish one!" The old woman chuckled.

Jessica tried to regain her composure the best she could.

"Yes...please no more I'll do anything but please stop!" Jessica pleaded.

"Kitchy, kitchy coo! Is your belly button ticklish dear?" Teased the old woman
as she walked over and gently wiggled her index finger into Jessica’s quivering
belly button. Jessica's body jumped and she let out a quiet yelp.

"You know when I was a teenager my sisters would hold me down and
tickle my belly button like crazy!" The old woman said as she continued to
wiggle her finger in Jessica s belly button.

Jessica went nuts and thrashed about wildly while begging for mercy.


The old woman had begun to kneed Jessica s belly in earnest and poor Jesse was
laughing hysterically. Hubert began to squeeze her knee caps gently throwing
Jessica into convulsive fits of hysterical laughter, while his brother held her
head still and attacked her vulnerable ears with his slimy tongue, it was all
to much for Jessica and she suddenly blacked out.


Gina slowly regained consciousness and heard the hysterical gibbering of
Nicole, laughing, crying, and thrashing about wildly in her stocks and
straightjacket. The poor girl was drenched in sweat and tears flowed freely,
Gina could not make out what she was saying but knew it must be the work of the
itching powder torture.

Gina cringed at the thought, she had been forced to contend with the agony of
the horrible powder for an entire day and knew it's effects well. Gina suddenly
became aware of her own dilemma; she was still trapped in the Magicians box,
and would soon have to undergo more of the terrible trio's tickling torture.

The maddening itching was driving poor Nicole crazy she could no longer stand
it. Her brain was systematically shutting down from the sensory overload and soon all
she was aware of was the tortuous itching on her soles and down her back.

Suddenly she was drenched with cool water on her soles, and someone had
unfastened her straight jacket and began to wash her back with a cool cloth. She was
shocked to find that the old woman and her sons were responsible for the act of kindness.

Nicole began to breath easier as the large man named Hubert pulled the
straight jacket from her and began to gently lay her down with her back resting on a small
pillow. He then pulled her arms above her and stretched them over her head and it was then
that Nicole snapped back into reality and realized what her tormentors were doing.

Hubert pulled Nicole s arms taunt above her and secured them to shackles bolted
to the cellar s floor. His brother Billy Bob stepped around the stocks restraining
Nicole s feet and straddled her hips and began to wiggle his fingers just inches above her

“Hubert her feet are yours. I want this sweet thang's pits," The old woman said.

Oh god, please no more, I can t bear it any longer Nicole whimpered as she
began to giggle and wiggle her toes.

The old woman knelt down just above Nichole's head and began to wiggle her
fingers above Nicole’s bare hollows. Hubert knelt at Nicole’s feet and licked
his lips in anticipation.

“OK boys lets do it!” Laughed the old woman.

With that the old woman began to scramble her fingers in Nicole’s ticklish pits
while Hubert began to lick and nibble on her wildly wiggling toes. Billy Bob dug
into her waist. Nicole screamed as loud as she could and then exploded into a
fit of hysterical laughter.

The trio continued this ultimate tickle torture of this insanely ticklish woman
stop for twenty minutes after which Nicole had passed out again. This time
however the old woman produced a bottle of smelling salt and revived the
unconscious girl.

“My, my. That was very naughty of you to pass out on us like that.” The old
woman lectured.

Nicole panicked as she looked upon her captors and her ticklish predicament.

The old woman still hovered above her. A sinister grin stretched across her
wrinkled face. Billy Bob sat straddling her hips drooling. His face twisted
with animal desire. Finally there was Hubert. He sat expressionless at her feet.

For a few short moments there was silence and inaction. Then simultaneously
all three of her tormentors began to raise their hands while wiggling their
fingers taunting her with the tickling to come.

“Please I’ve had all I can take!” Nicole pleaded.

Without remorse the sinister threesome attacked Nicole’s ticklish flesh.

The old woman scampered her fingers rapidly within the hollows of Nicole’s
armpits. Sometimes she altered her tickling methods and tickled her ears, neck,
and arms just below the elbows.

Billy Bob viciously tickled her ribs. His fingers danced along her ribcage
poking and prodding as he traversed up and down. When he grew tired of this he
would kneed her tummy and blow raspberries on her belly button. But worse of
all he had unzipped her jeans and exposed her ticklish underbelly and hips.
Billy Bob showed no mercy.

Hubert in his own simple but effective manner. Had come up with the most
devious and torturous techniques of the three. He had produced a ballpoint pen
from his shirt pocket and begun to play a sadistic game of Tic-Tac Toe on the
bare soles of Nicole’s withering feet.

Nicole was going mad. Being tickled by three people at the same time was more
than she could handle. She screamed and laughed until all of her resolve had
diminished. The three torturers expertly would pause long enough to prevent
Nicole from losing conscious and soon all she could do is lay there and take
it. Nicole giggled and whimpered and made no effort to escape. She was a
broken woman.

The old woman motioned the boys to stop after two grueling hours of tickling.
Nicole continued to giggle long after the fiendish trio had stopped.

“Had we had enough?” The old woman said as she stood up and surveyed poor Nicole's
exhausted body.

Nicole slowly shook her head yes and silently prayed for mercy.

“Will you do as I ask?” The old woman inquired.

“Yes. Oh god yes. Anything at all.” Nicole said softly.

“I want you to tickle your friend.” The old woman said and her boys began to

Nicole felt terrible but she had no choice but to do as the old woman asked.
She could not take anymore tickling. She would do anything to escape the
torment. Nicole shook her head yes.

The old woman grinned.


Jessica was taken from the quiet room by the two brothers. She was led upstairs
to a kitchen and was fed. The brothers then took her to the second story of the
wood frame house.

Jessica was led to a room that the boys called the tower. The tower was located
on the right upper corner of the house. The room actually was an octagonal
shaped room that stuck out slightly from the frame of the house with a cone
shaped roof. A design left over from America’s Victorian Age.

The room’s door was made of black iron. The interior had a bare hardwood
floor. The ceiling conformed to the shape of it’s cone roof. A single window
with a great view of the gas station was barred and had a triple pane of thick
shatterproof glass. The outside pain was smoked and prevented any view of the
rooms interior from outside. In the center of the room stood to padded wooden
chairs. They faced each other and were bolted to the floor.

Jessica was led to the chair and strapped to it. Leather belts secured her
writs and elbows to the chair’s arms. Her legs were stretched before her. Her
ankles placed through a pair of padded holes in the opposite chair’s
back. Hubert adjusted a crank on the chair with the holes and it tightened the
padding around her ankles. Once again Jessica was at the mercy of the wicked
family of crazed ticklers.

Hubert and Billy Bob left the room after they secured Jessica to the chairs.
Hubert went to retrieve his mother and Nicole. While Billy bob went into the
room next to the tower. This room contained shelves from floor to ceiling on
three of its sides. Thousands of videotapes lined the walls. Each bearing the
name of a previous tickle victim and the date the video was made.

The wall between this room and the Tower had a small metal circular plate with
a latch. Billy Bob spiraled the plate clockwise and it opened. A small porthole allowed the tower to be viewed from here. A small metal car with a video
recorder on a tripod was affixed so that the events in the Tower could be
recorded. Billy Bob set the camera on record and prepared himself to watch the

Nicole entered the room and a cold shiver shot down her spine as she seen her
friends confinement.

“Nicole! Thank god your ok!” Jessica said.

Nicole remained silent and stepped over to Jessica’s bare captive feet. Nicole
looked at Jessica with tear filled eyes and began to wiggle her fingers just
below Jessica’s soles.

“I’m sorry Jesse” Nicole sniffled.

Jessica’s starred at her friend in shock and amazement.

“Oh please Nicole. Please no. I can’t stand it anymore!” Jessica pleaded

Nicole closed her eyes and began to tickle her friends feet while she tried to
block out her friends pleas for mercy.

“HELP! Please somebody Help Me!” Jessica screamed and began to laugh
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I REMEMBER this story... and enjoyed it thoroughly! Damn I miss a lot of the older stories that I first read. I've been thinking of quite a few lately and wondering what's become of them.

Anyway, as I've said before... you're one of the greats, if not THE great, Morandilas. Always enjoyed your literature. Keep it up.

As for the rest, they will IMITATE but never DUPLICATE work of the great writers like Morandilas. Most of them suck. Heh.


Thank you for your kind words. The recent praise of my older stories has given me the itch to write again. As for the contributions of other auhors you need to appreciate all of the writers that entertain us for free on the internet. Each of them regardless of their level of talent write with a passion for this fetish. Much of what I have written can easily fall into the "That Sucked" category.I have found many authors here that put me to shame and most of them now contribute their stories to my magazine "Tales from the Asylum". I can tell you with certainty that many of the internet's best tickling fiction authors now appear in TFTA. When it comes to tickle torture fiction we have cornered the commercial market.
A really good one! Just commenting so more people can find this great story
A true classic! :tickle: I read this about 20 years ago and I'm glad that you linked to it, Q_0. It is well worth reading again. :devil:
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