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Tessa Maria: Tickle Monster (18+ F/M)


TMF Regular
Feb 23, 2009
All characters over 18. All feedback welcome.

Tessa Maria was a middle aged professor of creative writing on the local college campus. All the students loved her, as not only did her natural youthful looks belie her actual age, she was as liberal as they came. Encouraged, challenged, and befriended her students. She was short and full figured, which only made her scrappier, and more of an inspiration to her pupils (who thought of her more as a cool goth type). To them, she was simply known as 'TM'. If her male students only knew the desires she kept hidden deep within her, they might run the other direction...or else end up as breathlessly purple as the chosen color of her hair.

As she carried her attache case across the quad, aiming to get to her car after a long day, she spotted him...the twenty year old student that made her heart beat a little faster, and flooded her basement. How she restrained herself when he was in her class last year (at nineteen), was anybody's guess (the vibrator in her office, afterwards, was a huge help). But now he wasn't her student. It was a Friday night, and her gal pals were throwing her a birthday party late that night. Fuck it, she thought. She called him over.

"Miss TM!" he called out happily, as he met her over by her faculty parking spot.

"It's nice to see you, too, but for the last time; it's just 'TM'. Lose the 'Miss' please.

"Yes --"

"--And the 'Ma'am'!" she interrupted, jovially, briefly spidering a pectoral over his shirt. He jumped. She discreetly bit her lip. Quickly, she composed herself.

"Heh, sorry, TM."

She waved it off, and they got to talking. TM trying to keep it professional by discussing the previous year, and what he hoped to accomplish for this one. He then shifted the conversation by asking what she was up to. After a small cleansing breath, and her inner mantra of Fuck it, she decided to get a tiny bit personal.

"Well, it's funny you should ask. I'm telling you this as a trusted friend, and swear you to secrecy. But it's my birthday this weekend, and my girlfriends are throwing me a party sometime later tonight. Well, whenever they can come crawling from the bar. Anyway..." She then, needlessly breathily, whispered her actual age into his ear. She was careful, yet shameless when she knew what she wanted.

"Really? Wow!" he replied, in a stage whisper.

"I know, I know, good genes. Now, remember. That's between you and I."

"Yes, uh...TM." he replied, as her menacing, yet sexy stare, stopped him from any formalities. "Gee, I feel like there's something I should do. You were always so cool to us, you deserve it."

Still being a bit careful, TM decided "Well, we aren't teacher and student anymore, and we are adults..." She made a command decision then and there. "Sure. How about you come over to my place this evening? You can keep me company before it'll be time for me to get ready for the party. We can chat some more. That's all you need to do." TM smiled up at him. "Give me your phone." He handed it over. He'd have handed over his banking info if she'd asked. After a minute, she gave it back.

"There. Now I'm in your phone, and I've texted you my address, as well as the time to be there."

This was a huge deal, as it was TM's policy to only meet students on campus, and be reachable only by her office landline. It was the professional distance needed, lest she be tempted by her unusual urges.

"Okay, TM...See ya then! Uh...TM?"

She was suddenly lost with lust. His gentle touch of her shoulder snapped her awake, as the electricity of his touch went through her.

"What? Oh...yes! See you then. Oh wait..."

She pulled him close enough to whisper breathily into his ear again. This time, in more of a command.

"Now, listen to me... If you ever refer to me as a
'Miss' again, or make any of my personal life anyone else's business...I will SPANK you. I don't mean that cute and playfully. I mean I will actually, literally beat your bottom until it's as raw, bruised and as purple as my hair. Understood?"

He gulped. Strangely, he was a little turned on. She felt him nod in agreement. She pulled back.

"Great!" said TM, cheerfully. Don't be late!" she gave him a playful poke in the ribs, jolting him a bit. She hopped in her car and sped off in renewed excitement.


The young man pulled up to a big, handsome one story house with a Spanish tile roof and a garage door open to an empty space inside. Deciding to make himself at home already, he parked inside without an issue, right next to TM's BMW. The garage door closed behind him. Motion sensors, he thought.

He got out - empty handed, as was demanded - and went to the door that led inside. He noticed a note in TM's penmanship.

If you're reading this, you most likely made it. Welcome to my home! Now that you're not my student anymore, grant me one last, little request. It may sound strange, but consider it a birthday present to me. Strip off every piece of your clothing, and put them in the paper bag next to the door. Then put the bag in the safe behind that painting of the beach scene, above it. Then come in and relax on the leather sofa. See you soon!

xxx TM

He did as he was told. He didn't want to be spanked. Well, not any more than playfully, anyway. The clothes were in the bag and locked in the safe in record time. He went inside. The door automatically locked behind him. He wanted to tuck his private area behind his thighs, but found that made for difficult walking.

He entered the living room, a spacious, tastefully decorated area with all the amenities, including a wet bar. He sat on the towel, already laid out across the entirety of the black leather sofa. A minute later...

"Hey, is that you?" TM called from a closed powder room door.

"It is! Happy birthday!"

"Thanks! I'm coming right out. Don't go away!"

A minute later... "It's me!"

The young man looked up at his former professor in startled awe. She was in front of him wearing nothing but purple polish on every nail, matching her hair; as well as sheer lavender panties...which weren't doing anything to hide her own private area, and they both knew it. He could see a natural brown trim there. Her hips and belly were fluffy, and her B-cups were drooped. TM would joke with her girlfriends that if her nipples were eyeballs, she could easily stare at the bathroom scale while facing forward.

Yes, physically, she was built like a fire hydrant. However, to her former student, she was beautiful. Exactly the type he sought out in viewing porn, but was too ashamed to admit to his buddies. He felt his private area stir, and she caught sight of it, before he could hide it. He went red. She took the opportunity to sit down next to him.

"Now, don't be embarrassed, babe," TM started, no longer hiding her own crush. "As I said, we're two consenting adults now. If you actually like me as much as your little man reveals, then I think it's safe to say. I like you too. I mean 'Like-Like', as much more than a friend...hehe," she giggled, just as embarrassed as a teenager herself. "Cards on the table. How do you, feel, my dear?"

Flushed, he gulped, and responded in a whisper: "I...'Like-Like' you too, TM."

"Lovely," she beamed. "Give me those!" She grabbed his feet and started to tickle them with a abandon, making up, what she thought, was eons of lost time. He went bat-shit bonkers, and she loved every minute. He screamed, yelled, and pleaded to deaf ears. He tried - weakly - beating on TM's bare back, as well as trying to tickle her side boobs/ribs from behind. It was no bother to TM. He was too worn down from literally two minutes of foot tickling, anyway.

A momentary pause and look away for TM to scratch her nose, gave the young man the will to break from her grasp. He ran out of the room, and anywhere he could - away from her, but she was giving chase. Looking behind him, he could see her, with her belly fat softly jiggling in accord with her swaying breasts, as she ran. He decided to make a playful crack about jogging to lose weight. He knew he was literally asking for it.

She tackled him from behind, as they reached the carpet of the living room, once again. She appreciated his feelings and his playing along with being her prey. Still, this time, she wasn't leaving room for errors. Every time he tried to get up/escape, she wrangled him in weird submission holds to keep him under her grasp. Damn, he thought. She must've been one hell of a collegiate wrestler. Though he couldn't get the stupid grin off his face. TM sat with all her weight on his waist, pinning him to the carpet, with easy ticklish access to his privates - if necessary.

"Are you going to behave?" a girlish smile betraying her commanding tone. He nodded.

"Good. Now, let's get down to brass tacks. If you want to leave, I can give you the safe combination, and you can dress up, and leave. Oh, by the way, did you leave your phone in there?"

A beat of thought, then, he nodded.

"Okay good, it means I won't need to destroy it." She backpedaled a bit. "Well, I mean, if it were here with you, who knows what may have been picked up on it? A-hem... Anyway... As I was saying: if you wish, you may collect your clothing and leave. If that's your choice: with what you now know, we must NEVER see each other again. It's just too risky. However... If you are happy to explore whatever relationship there is between us now, speak now."

"I would love to have you as my girlfriend." he admitted.

"Wonderful!" TM cried. She looked down at him, a hand gently clutching his privates. "Now then, from now on, as long as we're both on campus, I must treat you as if you were any other student. That's fair, right? Of course it is. But at home, and out and about, you call me Tessa. However... when we're getting frisky, much like now. No matter if any of my girlfriends drop by..."

He froze up at her.

"Oh yes, they have an open door policy here, and they're known to relax in little numbers like this one, when they unwind," she said, as he followed her eyes to her now slightly soaked panties.

"Anyway... stop distracting me with lustful tension you little shit..." she giggled and tickled under his chin with her free hand. He matched the sound. "Anyway... When we're hot, heavy, and horny, like I - and I assume you, mister - am now, you must refer to me - female guests or no - as the... TICKLE MONSTER!"

At this declaration, she spidered his privates with the hand she was guarding them with while she simultaneously leaned up and sucked on the side of his neck like a lamprey eel. When she finally came up for air, that whole side of his neck was grotesquely black and blue.

"Whoops,"' Tickle Monster declared. "There's no way to hide that. Sorry!" She scooted down his legs, pinning his knees under her. He could definitely feel her wet bottoms now. She used her mouth again, this time, blowing dreadfully slow, yet devastating raspberries to his belly - his most sensitive area. Tickle Monster picked up on this, as his laughter became suddenly panicked, then silent. She was in heaven. Her wet panties a more urgent issue than making the young man suffer, she reluctantly stopped, and fireman's-carried his fatigued body over to the master bathroom. She placed him inside the large-enough-for-two bathtub, stripped her panties off, and whimsically decided to give her man a thrill, as she placed them over his head. He didn't complain. She ran the water, and got the scented bubble blend going, before stepping in herself.

This time, he was too exhausted to protest when she grabbed his feet, facing her. Her three secret fetishes, which she hid from her professional life, yet indulged in, interchangeably in private, were young men, tickling, and the human foot. Tessa Maria the Tickle Monster now indulged with her captive audience. Someone who she now knew wouldn't mind. She had the best time, resting his foot on her chest as she played This Little Piggy, or simply suckled his toes. It may have been exhaustion, the bath scents, or the ministration of his girlfriend playing with his foot, but soon the young man was fast asleep.


The party was a blur for the young man. Tessa kicked herself for being too eager and wearing him down so soon. Despite that, all Tessa's friends found him cute and charming. What the guests assumed would be cake, wine, and bitching about significant others (or lack thereof), turned into a night full of naughty tickle games featuring the birthday girl's new boyfriend.

After the ladies went home, she plied him with a cup of coffee. Once he was more awake, Tessa lead him to her master suite. As they climbed into bed, unclothed and happy, Tessa snuggled up to him.

"I'm proud of you. All my girlfriends wanted you for themselves." She reached for her phone. "I took the liberty of recording the festivities, since you seemed to be in La La Land." She gave him a big kiss, gently tickled his privates, then started the video. He saw a lot of shameless groping by women he barely remembered, and a lot of tickle-targeting of his stomach.

"But nobody knows that's where I'm most ticklish!"

Tessa laughed. "Oh, you gave yourself away on that, long before they got here!" she skirted her nails over his abs. He guffawed.

He saw a party guest painting his toenails, on video. He looked down under the covers at his now-purple toenails. "I guess that's where these came from? I like 'em!"

The video ended. They made out, which swiftly led to the wildest sex either of them could ever remember having. They knew this was more than lust. They were made for each other. If one was a pot, the other was its lid.

As they both reeled in the afterglow, he turned to Tessa and said - "You know... Today was exactly the type of story I knew better than to write for your class. But I did one better. I'm living it!"

Tessa looked at him in adorable mock-confusion. "Tessa who?" I'm the...Tickle Monster!" She grabbed any part of him that she could, and pulled him down underneath the covers, where helpless pleas and suffering were useless. But, he was where he belonged, and she was never letting go.

Great story! I particularly liked how you described her body in that one-mold-fits-all doesn’t apply, it’s the burning mutual passion that causes the attraction between two people. Hot tickling too haha, loved this
This is amazing, I would love to see a series, especially with more about the tickle parties!
Thank you. I appreciate it, very much!

I haven't thought that far, but I'll let you know if and when Tessa Maria returns to the TMF 😊
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