I used to be one great criticiser, and when I saw his work, I saw an easy target. The greater truth is, he's trying, and that makes him no less then me or my work. No one needed to talk me down, I just realized suddenly how mean what I was saying might be, and I didn't have any consideration for how that might make him feel.
Sure, I could point out every problem with the picture, but I don't need to. And its not my place, even if I am an artist with a little bit more skill and experience then him. I admire his guts to post his pictures and risk people shooting him down. Its a commendable quality. And its for that reason, and his very clear effort that I've changed my ways (at least a bit. If something needs to be critiqued, theres nothing wrong with that. And if someone wants a fight and wants to be vicious about it with me, I'm ready to slaughter them and their work.)
I feel that if he wants my opinion and my critique or help, he would ask for it, and I'd be more then happy to give it to him even if it would be uncomfortable to hear. I just don't want to do it on my own, and risk over-doing it like before.
But, to each his own. I've said my peace.
- Damien