Hopefully this is okay to post in the main forum. It's a general question, even though it relates to my studying for my exam.
Have any forum members taken tests before with "Double Negative Questions".? Questions say.. about a particular topic, in my case.. insurance of course.
Say, if they are talking about an insurance claim, and the circumstances under which it would be approved or denied. They might say something like "Which of these statements is false, as per the circumstances that a claim would be approved". They then might give choices like "The claim would be approved if fraud was discovered" or "The claim would be partially approved, if they found out the insured accidentally misstated his medical expenses".
I guess what I'm trying to say is.. instead of the questions being worded in a straight forward manner, they seem to twist the wording, and use double negatives, to attempt to confuse people". I've gotten tripped up quite a few times. I find out tomorrow when my review course, and test is. I intend to mention this to Jay, my advisor, as well as to the review course instructors on the day the review is held, and ask them if they have any strategy to get around the "Double negative wording of the questions".
Thoughts on this?
Have any forum members taken tests before with "Double Negative Questions".? Questions say.. about a particular topic, in my case.. insurance of course.
Say, if they are talking about an insurance claim, and the circumstances under which it would be approved or denied. They might say something like "Which of these statements is false, as per the circumstances that a claim would be approved". They then might give choices like "The claim would be approved if fraud was discovered" or "The claim would be partially approved, if they found out the insured accidentally misstated his medical expenses".
I guess what I'm trying to say is.. instead of the questions being worded in a straight forward manner, they seem to twist the wording, and use double negatives, to attempt to confuse people". I've gotten tripped up quite a few times. I find out tomorrow when my review course, and test is. I intend to mention this to Jay, my advisor, as well as to the review course instructors on the day the review is held, and ask them if they have any strategy to get around the "Double negative wording of the questions".
Thoughts on this?