i thank you prime , but where is she now ? does she makes another recent clip?
please if you have the clip with her feet tied in bed and tickled by her girlfriend post it for us , i thank you again and peace
well your welcome for what little info i had on it..buttttt first of all i dont know if she still makes clips..i dont think so..i havent seen anything recent from her....also even if i could find the clip (i'm not real orginized) i have two problems...a) i dont have anywhere to post it..b) it would be wrong to do so anyhow considering the site is still in operation and it is a membership site...people tend to frown on their stuff being given away..and i cant say i blame them..i would too if i worked hard to make it. soooooo in closing, your best bet is to join the site..its rather a cheap membership fee..and check out what they have....hmmmmmm..i wonder if i get a kickback for referals...lol