I would like to thank everyone who has a group or web site as we all try to put together a bit of fun for others.
Of course you always have the complainers that complain about no new pics as they dont have a site!..
Like this Idiot that posted this on my group:
I continue to wonder about this group. It is called Real Laugh
Tickling, has no videos in the Files Section at all, DOES have
picture categories titled "Fake Laughs" BUT THERE IS NO AUDIO WITH
PICTURES, so what's the point of this?
When I joined the group weeks ago I THOUGHT it was about tickled
people REALLY laughing, and tickle fans know well how many videos
have people ACTING like they're laughing.
Right, I am complaining and I just do not understand what's going on
here. If my membership is canceled, oh well....
1st of all this was my whole point to show fake laughs and real tickles...so he is proving himself dumb..
and Wheres your group??? this person went by sdarris
thanks again to all and especially this Forum..
Of course you always have the complainers that complain about no new pics as they dont have a site!..
Like this Idiot that posted this on my group:
I continue to wonder about this group. It is called Real Laugh
Tickling, has no videos in the Files Section at all, DOES have
picture categories titled "Fake Laughs" BUT THERE IS NO AUDIO WITH
PICTURES, so what's the point of this?
When I joined the group weeks ago I THOUGHT it was about tickled
people REALLY laughing, and tickle fans know well how many videos
have people ACTING like they're laughing.
Right, I am complaining and I just do not understand what's going on
here. If my membership is canceled, oh well....
1st of all this was my whole point to show fake laughs and real tickles...so he is proving himself dumb..
and Wheres your group??? this person went by sdarris
thanks again to all and especially this Forum..