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The Adventure of the Salacious Stepmom (FM/M Intense)


2nd Level Red Feather
Jan 23, 2004
Years after writing "Tough Love," I got the urge to do another dominant stepmom story. But this time, I decided, the object of her sadistic ministrarions would be a stepson rather than a stepdaughter. Then it occured to me to give the stepson a dirty little secret that, when the stepmom discovered it, would place him in her power. The result was "The Adventure of the Salacious Stepmom." Enjoy!




T.T. Gore​

“Oh SHIT!” Michael grunted. He shivered and wiggled his hips. “Oh FUCK! Oh fucking SHIT you’re making me fucking CRAZY—!”

“So do you LIKE it?” Doug whispered as his fingers stroked his college roomie’s tumid tool. “Or do you want me to STOP—?”

“Yes—NO—oh, I don’t KNOW!” Michael cried. “Oh GOD! What the fuck are we DOING—?”

“Very bad things,” Doug replied. “But I don’t want to stop and neither do you.”

It was one of those gray, rainy November afternoons when the streetlights come on at four. Doug and Michael were in the upstairs back bedroom of Doug’s house—stark naked, kneeling face to face at the foot of the big old brass bed that dominated the room. Slender Michael had his hands on Doug’s shoulders; handsome Doug had his hands on Michael’s rigid cock and his bare behind. The term “compromising position” seemed hardly adequate to describe their situation!

Though both of them would have vehemently denied being gay, this wasn’t their first such tryst. A few beers and a shared joint on a boring Saturday night at the beginning of this, their senior year at Unknown University, had relaxed their inhibitions sufficiently to permit the realization of certain illicit fantasies. And having once discovered the joys of mutual masturbation, the roomies soon became addicted. True, one or the other of them might still voice the occasional caveat, as Michael was doing now, but that was simply part of the game.

“So are you getting CLOSE?” Doug whispered. “Are you getting REAL close?”

“Oh, I think he is,” said a voice from the doorway.

The roomies sprang apart. Even before he turned his head, Doug knew who he’d see. And sure enough, there stood Jennifer, his bitch of a stepmother, with her beautiful face wreathed in a terrible, gloating smile.

“Doug, Doug, DOUG!” she went on in a scolding tone of voice. “How very NAUGHTY of you to be playing with your cute friend’s PENIS! Heavens, what would your FATHER say?”

Doug cringed. He knew exactly what his father would say about this. He also knew that Jennifer would be only too delighted to rat him out. He felt like a perfect idiot, kneeling there naked with his palms over his privates while she smiled down on him and Michael. And he was horribly certain that his wicked stepmom was likely to charge a high price for her silence.

“I, uh, think maybe I’d better, you know, leave,” Michael stammered. He made as if to get up.

“You just stay put,” Jennifer commanded. “Unless you want the photos I took to show up on the Internet.”

“Photos?” Doug squeaked.

“You two were, hmmm, a bit preoccupied fifteen minutes ago when I took them,” Jennifer chuckled. She showed them the digital camera she’d been holding behind her back. “You never even noticed me in the doorway. But don’t worry. The photos are safe and secure—for now. And as long as you two do as you’re told, they’ll stay that way. Are we clear on that point?”

Doug nodded. A moment later, so did Michael.

“Good, because I’m sure that you don’t want your families, girlfriends and the world finding out about the dirty, DISGUSTING things you’ve been doing together!” Jennifer stepped into the room and closed the door. “At last he’s cute,” she said to Doug. “I like them slender and blonde, too.”

The truth was that Jennifer liked them any which way, as long as they were between eighteen and forty-five and reasonably presentable. At twenty, Michael was more than old enough for her. She herself was in her early thirties: a leggy, voluptuous redhead with green eyes, a luscious mouth and a smoky roadhouse voice. Even now, terrified as he was, Doug found it difficult to keep his eyes off her big boobs, which were but sketchily covered by the red silk robe she wore. He could tell that that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath it.

Doug supposed that he understood why his father had chosen Jennifer—she was the ultimate trophy wife for a rich guy in his fifties. The fact that she was a total babe—and a shameless tease—only made him hate her more. And his hatred was cordially reciprocated. If the earth ever opened up and swallowed him, Doug knew, Jennifer would be somewhat less than heartbroken.

And now, thanks to his carelessness, the bitch had him by the balls! The thought of it made Doug’s guts churn with dread.

“So what am I to DO with you two, hmmmm?” Jennifer pulled a chair from the corner, sat down and crossed her shapely legs. The roomies stared at her, wide-eyed, as she affected to wrestle with the problem. “Obviously I can’t just let you off the hook. On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to ruin your entire LIVES.”

Doug’s skin prickled. Knowing Jennifer as he did, he felt fairly certain that something unpleasant was coming.

“I think what I’ll do,” said Jennifer with an evil smile, “is take care of your punishment myself! Yes, that would be best. But just HOW should you be punished? What would it take to convince you two that taking your clothes off and MASTURBATING together is unacceptable behavior? Let me think…”

She put on an expression suggestive of mental effort, held it for a moment, then snapped her fingers. “I’ve just had an absolutely GREAT idea!” She favored her captive audience with an evil grin. “On the bed, Dougie. And you stay where you are, blondie,” she added to Michael. "I’ll be right back.”

The roomies exchanged an apprehensive glance as Jennifer sashayed through the bedroom door. “What’s she going to DO?” Michael whispered.

“I don’t know,” Doug replied as he got to his feet and climbed onto the bed. “But we’d better play along. Shit, we’ve got no CHOICE!”

“How did I ever let you talk me INTO this?” Michael whined.

“Yeah, right, like it was all MY idea,” Doug shot back.

“I TOLD you we shouldn’t! But would you listen?”

“Oh, sure, like you were an unwilling participant!”

Their argument was cut short by Jennifer’s return. In her hands were several lengths of rope—and a stiff, pointed feather.

“On your back, Dougie,” she commanded. “Get your ankles up on the rail. Feet together. That’s right. Arms back, wrists together. Now hold still.” Working quickly, Jennifer bound Doug’s wrists and ankles to the rail at the foot of the bed.

“There!” she said brightly, stepping back to admire her handiwork. “I guess THAT will keep you under control, Dougie, won’t it?”

“What…what are you going to DO to me?” Doug gulped.

“Me?” Jennifer laughed. “Why, I’m not going to do ANYTHING to you. At least not for now. But your special FRIEND is going to do something to you. Can you guess what?”

“Jennifer, come on.” Doug managed a nervous laugh. “We’re not really…I mean, you know, we're not really that way…”

“Oh no?” She raised an eyebrow. “Based on what I saw you two DOING together, could you blame me if I had my doubts about that? But don’t worry, Dougie. I’m not going to make him do anything TOO naughty. I’m just going to make him tickle your FEET!”

“What?! Tickle my FEET?!” Doug made a futile effort to jerk his arms and legs free of their bonds. “No fucking WAY!”

“On the contrary, Dougie. Way. ALL the way.” Jennifer gestured to Michael, indicating Doug’s feet. “You’ll do as you’re told, blondie, won’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Michael agreed.

“That’s a good little boy. Now get busy,” she added, punctuating the command with a playful slap to the ass that made Michael yelp and quiver. He scurried to the foot of the bed and with no further ado launched his ticklish assault!

“EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Doug squealed. At the touch of Michael’s fingers, a jolt of intense ticklish sensation raced up the backs of his legs. His belly convulsed, his bare behind bounced on the mattress, and he trembled all over. “YAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HHA-HAA!!!”

“Oooo,” Jennifer giggled. “I think that Dougie has very, VERY ticklish feet!”

“GAAAAAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Doug shrieked as Michael’s fingers danced over his sensitive soles. EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!”

“That’s right,” Jennifer breathed. “Make him WIGGLE! Make him SWEAT!”


Under Jennifer’s supervision, Michael tickled and tickled and tickled. He stroked his screaming roomie’s arches, the balls of his feet and his squirming toes. In short order, Doug’s naked, writhing body became covered with cold sweat and goose bumps. The dark hairs on his arms and legs stuck out like little wires. The nonstop laughter soon turned his face bright pink. He strove frantically to squirm free of his bonds, but to no avail. Jennifer had taken good care with the ropes that secured his wrists and ankles to the bed rails. They remained snug.

“BWAAAAAAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Doug screamed as Michael began to explore the tender spaces between his toes. “NOT THERE!!! NOT THERE!!! OH PLEEEEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEEEESE!”

But though poor Doug was laughing his stupid fucking HEAD off, the tickling was only part of his problem. Even worse than the hilarious torture to which he was being subjected was the sheer HUMILIATION of it. He was stark naked, tied to the bed, being tickled fucking SILLY by his naked fucking ROOMIE—while his sexy STEPMOTHER watched the whole fucking THING!

He struggled with all his might to control his impulses, but it was no good. Slowly but inexorably, Doug was becoming aroused by Jennifer’s supervision of Michael’s hilarious assault. He could FEEL her avid gaze, like warm sunlight on his bare skin. And God! The intense ticklish thrills that were shooting up his legs, straight into his balls and belly, were making his fucking COCK rise—!

“Now will you look at THAT!” Jennifer snickered as Doug’s erection became evident. “I think he LIKES having his feet tickled!” She moved closer to the bed. “And I bet he’d REALLY like it if I joined in!”


“You keep saying PLEASE, Dougie,” Jennifer whispered as she knelt by the side of the bed. “Please WHAT? Please tickle the SHIT out of you? Okay!” But first she laid a hand on his trembling thigh. “I know how you feel about me,” she whispered. “You hate me, Dougie, don’t you?”

“EEEEEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Doug shrieked. Down at the foot of the bed, Michael continued to tickle away, with particular attention to his helpless roomie’s agonizingly sensitive arches.

“But you WANT me, too.” Jennifer licked her lips. “You'd like to do the NASTY with me, Dougie, wouldn't you? Oh, a girl KNOWS these things! And that’s why I liked to tease you and show off my legs for you, Dougie. I never thought anything would come of it, though. It wasn’t worth the risk. You may have the staying power, but your father has the big bucks, know what I mean?”


“Then I happened to catch you and your cute little blonde friend here MASTURBATING together!” Jennifer shook her head. “It was perfect! Now I can have my cake and eat it too, Dougie. Because I have PICTURES—which means that I have YOU by the BALLS!”

And so saying, Jennifer darted her hands forward to probe two of Doug’s most sensitive spots—his armpit and the back of his legs!


Doug’s naked body writhed and quivered on the bed. Spittle flew from his gaping mouth as he shrieked out peal after gut-busting peal of high-pitched, agonized hilarity. Michael’s fingers danced over his bare soles. Jennifer’s fingers danced in his armpit and the hollows of his knees. Together, their ministrations produced an utterly UNBEARABLY sensation that vibrated through his nervous system like an electrical current! Doug’s brain seemed to bounce around inside his fucking SKULL as he laughed—and laughed—and fucking LAUGHED—!

‘What’s wrong, Dougie?” Jennifer inquired. “Does it TICKLE? Does it make you cringe all OVER? Does it drive you NUTS—?”

It was doing all of that—and more. Doug was fully erect now. His cock swayed in circles as he struggled in the throes of ticklish torment. And he wanted nothing more in the WORLD than for Jennifer to reach out and TOUCH it! But instead, she and Michael just kept TICKLING him! It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fucking FAIR—!

Had he been able to get a good look at his erstwhile j.o. partner, Dough would have been even more convinced of the fundamental unfairness of life. For slender Michael was enjoying himself—so much so, in fact that he was in an extremely manly way himself. As he tickled his handsome roomie’s wiggling feet, he occasionally spared a hand to stroke his own upright organ. Though he too found the situation humiliating—disgusting, even—Michael also found it extremely sexy…

As for Jennifer, she had allowed her robe fall from her shoulders, exposing her bare breasts and rigid nipples. From time to time as she stroked the backs of Doug’s calves, the hollows of his knees and his tender armpit with her well-honed nails, she licked her luscious lips.

“I see you’re still in the mood for some FUN with your special FRIEND,” she snickered. “But he’s BUSY, Dougie—busy tickling your FEET! So would it be all right if I took over for him? Would you LIKE that?

“GAAAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA!!!” Doug bellowed. He arched his back and wiggled his hips in a mute, despairing plea for the sweet release he craved. He didn’t care WHICH one of them did it—his roomie or his stepmom—as long as one of them brought him the fuck OFF—!

“So are you ready to CUM?” Jennifer inquired with a suggestive leer “Do you think you could DO it if I tickled your COCK with this FEATHER, Dougie?”

She held up the feather and with a lewd smile, demonstrated her intentions by stroking the underside of Doug’s straining shaft with the tip of the feather—very gently and slowly. Doug gasped. He squirmed. He raised his curvy derriere from the mattress and shook it. Jennifer smiled.

“That’s right,” she whispered. You can do it, Dougie—especially if your cute friend helps you out. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind putting his TONGUE to work on your FEET. Wouldn’t THAT feel nice?”

Michael needed no further encouragement on that score. He’d been wondering what how Doug’s soles and toes might taste. Now he would find out!


This was the greatest humiliation yet! Not only did it fucking tickle like MAD, it was making him even MORE horny! When Michael’s tongue slithered between his toes, Doug could feel his cock throb. And at that moment, Jennifer began her own assault!

“HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HIIIIEEEE-HEE-HEE-EEEEEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!” Doug howled as the feather caressed the full length of his cock, producing an intensely ticklish and grossly erotic sensation. In short order, a tiny, clear bead of pre-cum crowned the swollen head of Doug’s quivering, tumid tool.

“Ah so you LIKE that!” Jennifer whispered. “You like being TICKLED this way, don’t you? It makes you want to CUM, Dougie, doesn’t?”


“Please what? Please tickle you more?”


“Which tickles MORE?” Jennifer inquired. “My FEATHER or your friend’s TONGUE?”


“Well, I would HOPE so, Dougie!” Jennifer giggled. “That’s the whole IDEA!” With her free hand, she resumed tickling Doug’s armpit.

“GAAAAHAAAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA-AAH-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!” Doug screamed. His face was turning bright pink. His sweat glands were working double overtime. His arms and legs were quivering. His belly convulsed as he expelled howl after eye-popping howl of anguished laughter. He was going out of his fucking MIND—but they just kept fucking TICKLING him!

Yet as Jennifer swirled the feather over the swollen head of Doug’s quivering manmeat, a sweet, urgent, absolutely MAGNIFICENT sensation squeezed his balls, churned his guts and tightened his asshole. The sweetness was redoubled by the thrills that Michael’s ministrations sent racing up his legs. Doug was close now—oh, he was SO fucking close! But still he couldn’t quite force himself over the EDGE—!

“Need a little HELP, Dougie?” Jennifer withdrew the feather and patted his thigh. “Well, I think it’s only fair to let your special FRINED finish what you two started!” She gestured to Michael, who abandoned his position at the foot of the bed and came to kneel beside her. She put her arm around his waist and whispered in his ear, “Finish him off, blondie. I don’t think it’ll take long.”

And it didn’t. Michael’s experienced, loving hand alternately stroked hard and caressed gently. In no time at all, he brought his naked, squirming, pleading roomie to the very brink of orgasm. Then he paused, savoring the moment. This had to be their best j.o. session EVER!

“Oh, SHIT!” Doug whined. “Oh, FUCK!” He wiggled his ass demandingly. “Oh, you cock-teasing BASTARD! Don't you fucking DARE stop NOW—!”

With a smile, Michael nodded, moved his hand rapidly—and Doug finally achieved the blessed release he’d been begging for!

“UUUURRRRUUUUNNNNGGGGHHHH!!!” he cried. Every muscle in his body tensed. Then he arched his back—trembled all over—and proceeded to empty his balls!

“UGGGH!!! UGGGH!!! UGH!!! UGH!!! UGH!!!” Doug’s passionate, throaty grunts punctuated the intense, ecstatic spasms that wracked his body as he squirted all OVER himself! He could feel the cum spattering his face and torso, but he didn’t fucking CARE! All he cared about was the unbearably intense sensation of sheer DELIGHT that was flooding over him! Jennifer was laughing at his contortions, but he didn’t care about that, either. They’d allowed him to cum—FINALLY they’d allowed him to fucking cum—!

And then he was finished. His body collapsed onto the mattress, still trembling. And in the afterglow of the most intense orgasm he’s ever experienced in his young life, Doug wept. He wept with humiliation, relief—and joy.

He was too preoccupied to notice what was going on between Jennifer and Michael. Only when his wicked stepmom put her hand on his thigh did he rouse himself from his post-orgasmic stupor.

“I was just explaining to your friend that it’s true what he’s heard—blondes DO have more fun.” She kissed Michael’s ear. “And now I’m going to PROVE it to him. Such a good, obedient young man deserves to be rewarded. Don’t you agree, Dougie?”

Jennifer and Michael rose to their feet. They gazed down at their naked, trembling, cum-covered victim. Doug saw that his roomie had an impressive hard-on—and he realized that even now, despite the ordeal to which he’d been subjected, he STILL had a crush on sweet, slender Michael.

“Don’t run off, now,” Jennifer said with a wink. “I’m taking blondie to my room for a couple of hours. After I give him his reward and send him on his way, I’ll be back.” She patted his thigh. “You’ve been very mean and disrespectful to me, Dougie. But don’t worry. Based on how you responded to THIS little session, I think you might actually ENJOY the punishments I have in store for you!”

With that parting promise, Jennifer and Michael turned to go. And as the bedroom door closed, Doug found himself wondering if Michael might be included in some of the punishments that his sexy, sadistic stepmom was planning. Oh, he certainly HOPED so—!
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Holy cow I love this one too. I admit the m/m sexual part is not my favorite but it sure put Doug in an impossible/perfect situation. Would love to hear what happens to him next. I really loved the mix of tickling and sexual teasing. Major fantasies. You are a great storyteller for sure and sure have this kind of story down cold.
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