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The anniversary weekend (m/f)


Registered User
Aug 29, 2023
Hi everyone, this is my first ever story, let me know what you think as I’ve only ever written stories for my girlfriend and read stories on here but thought I’d take a shot.


It was a sunny afternoon in the Lake District, Jack and Chloe were in a cabin on the shores of Lake Windermere alone, the kids at their grandparents’. Chloe was a 5’4”, 22 year old girl. B cup breasts, beautiful long brown hair, blue eyes, size 6 feet with a flat tummy and most importantly she was extremely ticklish on most of her body, her boyfriend Jack was a typical 6’2” 23 year old guy. Late that afternoon Jack turned to Chloe and said “I got a special present set up for you downstairs, in the cellar, but you gotta put on a special outfit.”

Willingly Chloe obliged running upstairs to put on the outfit, the outfit was a bright red thong and matching Lacey bra, as soon as she saw the outfit she realised where this was going.

They slipped downstairs and Jack took off all of his clothing. Jack told Chloe to hop onto the bed that laid in the middle of the room, the bed had some weird shapes cut out which looked strange to Chloe but she didn’t question it, laying down looking like a snack to Jack who had erected so hard it looked like it was gonna explode.

Jack teased Chloe running his hands parallel up both of her sides, lightly tickling all the way up to her armpits. At which point he gave her an option “freedom or captured” and she chose “captured”. He then proceeded to rustle about under the bed where he pulled out a bag full of restraints and a blindfold. As he fastened the restraints to her and the bed she realised what the mysterious holes in the bed were for.

Jack started playing with her sexy body running his hands up and down her sides making her squirm and wiggle a little but nothing major yet, at which point he started to put pressure on to her ribs massaging his thumbs in circles which made her scream with laughter “AHHHHHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA JAAAAHHAHAHHACCCCKKKKKK STOOOOOOHOHOHHOHOHOOPPPPPP.” He kind of obliged by giving her a small break, instead he started to lick across her torso instead first running his tongue up her left side making her squirm and move to the right then we went across the base of her tits and back down the right hand side, across her pant line and up over her belly button up to the bottom of the bra.

After that he went back down to circle her belly button which made her a little excited, she isn’t ticklish in her belly button but around it is quite ticklish, despite not being ticklish she loves having the inside of her belly button licked, especially by her boyfriend.

After a couple minutes of this Jack decided enough is enough and goes back to tickling his now trapped girlfriend, spread in an X shape he had access to every tickle spot on her body so he crawled his was up her torso, spidering across her belly provoking her to giggle a little “hehehe where do you thinhink you’re heheh going” she asked. With no reply Jack went up to her ribs and started to rub with a lot of pressure across her ribs sending her into an electro spasm “AHHHHHAHAHHAHHHA WOOAAHHAHHHHAA WANSNT EXPEHEHEHCTING THAAHAHAHTYTT” she said through full belly laughter

“Well that’s what you get when you date a tickler hun” Jack replied. Leaving one hand to distract her, chalk boarding her ribs his left hand snuck up into her armpit, digging into her armpit she hit the roof “AHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PLEAHHAHEHEHHAHAHESSSEEEEE BAAAAAAAHHHAAHBBBBBEEEE PLEEAAHHHAHHHEHSASE STTOOOHOHOHOHOOHOPPPP”. Jack had no intention of stopping this unless his girlfriend used the code word. One they’d used since their teenage days: “strawberries”.

A few minutes later Jack decided her now bright red ribs had had enough tickling so he moved down to a spot he knew would cause a lot of energy, one of her most ticklish spots, her hips. He dug his right hands’ fingers into the part where her thigh meets her belly and that made her go ballistic. “AHHHHHAHAHHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHA STRAHAHAHHAHAHAHWWWWWHAHHA HAHAHAHHAHAHAHH” She bellowed. “What was that honey” Jack said in a teasing fashion. “NOOOTTHHTIKNNGNNGNH HAHAHAHAHHA KEEHEEEEHHEHEEP

GOING” She pleaded, enjoying it a little too much, or so the now burgundy thong suggested.

While he was tickling her hips his tongue plunged back into her beautiful belly button licking all around it and deep inside it, even making her laugh a little.

Jack gave Chloe a small break from the tickling for two minutes while he kissed her and asked “Is there really any point in this fabric being here” hinting to the bra and thong, unable to speak whilst still panting Chloe shook her head left and right.

Jack grabbed a pair of scissors and cut both off of her. His first instinct was to run his fingers over the newly uncovered nipples, obviously already rock hard but causing Chloe to let out a gasp of air.

Jack decided he was going to please his girlfriend before tickling her again so he took a deep breath, grabbed her right tit with his right hand and started to suck her right nipple, moving his tongue all over her nipple making her gasp which after only 30 seconds was making her eyes roll back and cum flow.

Whilst sucking her tit, Jack began to squeeze Chloe’s thigh with his free hand which really tickled her causing her to scream with moans and laughter “AHHHHH KEEHEHEHEHEHHEEHEEEP GOIIIIINNNNNGNGNGGNGGGG PLEHEHHEHHEHEHESSSSEEEEEE” She begged.

Jack ignored her please and moved down to the bottom of Chloe’s body and before she had a chance to realise what he was doing he started clawing her flawless size 6 feet, from the base of her toes right to the bottom of her heel, she was squirming and wiggling all around, not quite laughing but that would be resolved shortly. After a minute or so of that he started poking his fingers through her toes which got a little “Hehehehe stop that” from Chloe but nothing much.

At that point he realised it was time to whip out the magic tool, his mouth.

With one hand he raked up and down her left foot, with his mouth he ground his teeth against the base of her right foot and with his right hand he tickled underneath her right knee, her most ticklish spot was under her knees. This as it is was causing her to intensely scream “AHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OHHHHH MYYYHAHAHYYYYYYY GOHHHOOHOHOHODDDRD HAHAHAHAHAHHAH” but then Jack did the unthinkable, he rapped his mouth around her four little toes and started sucking and grinding his teeth against the stems of her toes which made her freak out going right into silent laughter and creating a flow of cum out of her.

He spent almost 15 minutes using this method on Chloe alternating between her four little toes, her big toes and the two feet. After a while Chloe got exhausted and gradually less ticklish. No matter what he tried nothing tickled other than underneath her knees so he decided to call the tickling quits and just focus on giving her a really good time in bed, he was the hardest he’d ever been and she was as wet ad she’d ever been, still blindfolded and tied down he climbed onto his hot naked wife and plunged into her trying to tickle her belly unsuccessfully, but she enjoyed all of it.

They returned to the cabin every year after that and repeated the tradition, she never got tired of the tickling and never did say “strawberries”.
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