The Bandito said:
I would have replied earlier, but I have been stuck at a hotel for two days - crazy crazy crazy weather in this part of the world.
I hear ya. It's rain and storm all over Germany, and it's going to be cats and dogs - and assorted iguanas - over Italy soon.
I guess I never realized how professional looking your work was, and how much breadth and scope of characters you have created!
Er... yes, well, they claim I've been good at this hiding thing.
Took Morandilas the best part of an afternoon and a sealed copy of Mercenariettes Monthly to draw me out of my hiding hole.
And on rainy days he's gotta prod me or I'm gonna hole up again in my hideout of lies and self-deception.
Seriosly, you guys rock, and I feel flattered I got your attention.
Wasn't even sure we'd made this.
Ask Morandilas: my accountant had us waiting till the very last day, before sending required papers along.
I overworked my system so hard, my older monitor broke down!
For reals. I'm now typing before this lcd thing, and crying myself a river, cause the blasted thing won't keep 85Hz refresh rate.
I'll be seeing dead ppl soon...
I 'specially loved the upperbody pics (my personal fav), but all of the pics had something cool to offer!
I tried to diversify my pics as much as possible.
I'm well aware ppl with different preferences love to hate each others...
Didn't want to go one way, and make the other guys unhappy.
This way, I made everybody ambivalent.
And ppl love to diregard with lukewarm enthusiasm the unexpectedly unwanted.
Then again, I'll be fighting for good, freedom and rebated sales a week early.
Rambling again, rambling again...
So, where do I resume from?
Ah, yes.
Since you loved UB pics, I'm going to describe the laughing damsel with a wild hairdo, from row two.
Again, I came up with a themed pair.
The lead villain here is patterned after DnD's Liches, undead wizards of great power, with a twist: he is an elven sorcerer, somewhat of a rarity among elves, undead and magic-users.
Devoted some time coming up with suitably complicated jewellery and stuff - and the presence of the glowing owl construct might give away an aegyptian/khemri influence.
Plus, mummy bandages make for excellent restraining devices AND tickling appendages.
He'd be a perfect big bad guy for our ongoing RPG, over Tickle Theater.
Third row, pic #3 and #4, feature yet more fantasy chars.
Originally named "Aygomen Interrogation", I dropped the name because not enough ppl are familiar with my fantasy setting, yet.
I originally planned three to four Aygomen-themed pics for the portfolio, but chose to cut down a bit, and make space for different settings.
We have a posse of Kathic warrior - the Aygomenian equivalent of fantasy Dwarves - questioning Althwyran females for infos.
They probably think they are up to no good, and they are probably right, since Althwyran Elves are at war with Kathic Thanates...
See? Too much fluff. Not enough tickling.
Suffice it to say, I spent some time designing equipment and armour, mixing and matching history with fiction, and coming up with yet another boring take at fantasy chainmail...
Gee, did 4 more over 20 total. Way too longwinded.
Next time, first row, two personal faves of mine.
More on those later.
Seriously - great job - I look very forward to picking up your next issue!!!
Two thumbs up,
Thanks, thanks, thanks.
Morandilas himself gave me ideas, and I might surprise you guys with something new, sooner than expected.
We'll see...