There was enough evidence for the Stockholm District Court to uphold the arrest warrant against him.
There was enough evidence for the Svea Court of Appeal to uphold the decision of the Stockholm District Court.
There was enough evidence for an English court to order his extradition to Sweden to face these charges.
After this was appealed to the High Court of Justice, there was enough evidence to uphold the extradition order, reject all four grounds on which he appealed, and charge Mr. Assange £19,000 costs as well. (This was on November 2, 2011.)
After Assange appealed to Supreme Court in the UK, they heard his appeal and dismissed it on May 30, 2012.
But I guess you know better than all of these courts what constitutes sufficient evidence to go forward with a prosecution in a rape case.
Note: The above will be my last comment on this case or in this thread. It has become obvious to me that some people regard Assange as sacred and will never believe that he is guilty, regardless of any court findings against him. He is not sacred; he is, IMHO, a narcissistic pig who regards himself above the law and is possibly a serial rapist as well.