It has been determined, by the powers that be, that I uniquely, and acutely "contribute to a negative 'tone.'" As such, I have been barred from expressing my thoughts beliefs and opinions in the P&R Forum...
There is an old saying, "that you don't miss what you have until it's gone." I stand in bold defiance of that old Axum. For nearly a decade I have treasured the ability to come and share my thoughts, beliefs, and opinions with those of like interest, if not like mind. Like most of you, finding this place made me feel normal, human, not the freak that our minds can sometimes make us out to be. In a lot of ways it became somewhat of a second home. Finding people who not only shared certain "proclivities" but also liked to talk about politics, philosophy, the world at large etc. reaffirmed the basic truth that we're just like everyone else, just WAY more fun. I never took that for granted.
As such, I will miss so many of those who I have interacted with over the years. I have learned so much from you. I have grown so much from our time together. I will keep it with me always. Redmage, the guy who started this all, strider, robace (actually conned me into doing a podcast so technically I am an F-list celebrity in some cultures) Wolf, Mitchell, Sensual Switch, Teanbre, Hannah Marie, & so many others. Thank you for taking the time to reply, or share your thoughts and opinions with me. It meant everything to me.
I am but a member of this forum. In that vein, I am not in a place to either agree or disagree with the findings of those in power. I think my posting history speaks for itself. Some sanctions are a result of carelessness, some are a result of insensitivity, I believe mine was EARNED through courage, persistence, intelligence and skill. I'll let others decide.
I will offer this: I am proud of the time that I have spent here. I have made over 5k posts to this forum. I am not only proud that of the posts themselves, but I am very proud of the thought, care, and research that went into so many of them. I am proud of the fact that I started over 80 threads, promoting responsible insightful discussion of serious issues. I am proud of the fact that in the face of insults, ridicule, etc. that there is no one in this forum or any other that can honestly say that they treated me with more respect than I treated them.
I am proud of the contributions that I have made to this forums content as well. I am proud of the fact that there are some who believe I wrote one of the greatest stories in the tk fiction section (The Death of Friendship). I am proud of the fact that I wrote what may be the most read story in the history of the tk fiction section (Amanda's Erotic Tickle Torture). I am proud of the fact that I wrote a full free novella to share with the entire community that didn't cost anyone a dime (The Perfect Monster). I am not only proud but humbled that my peers saw fit to nominate me twice for a Golden feather award in the area of fiction.
Writing has taught me two things: 1.) everything has an end, it's really only now or later. 2.) every character has an arc... People can say a lot of things about me, or call me what they like. One thing they CANNOT SAY, is that I am that same kid from so many years ago lurking, scarred to make his first post!
If anyone was ever offended or put off by anything that I wrote, I hope you understand it was not my intention.
To those who may have acted against me, for one reason or another, you can kick me, hit me, mock me, banish me, or anything of the like. No matter what you do, no matter the trial, not matter the indignity, I will never hate you back.
As I take my leave I do have to confess one thing. I have spent the first 32 years of my life as the nice guy who finished last... I gotta say, these last few days as the Bad Boy have been Cool as @#%^
There is an old saying, "that you don't miss what you have until it's gone." I stand in bold defiance of that old Axum. For nearly a decade I have treasured the ability to come and share my thoughts, beliefs, and opinions with those of like interest, if not like mind. Like most of you, finding this place made me feel normal, human, not the freak that our minds can sometimes make us out to be. In a lot of ways it became somewhat of a second home. Finding people who not only shared certain "proclivities" but also liked to talk about politics, philosophy, the world at large etc. reaffirmed the basic truth that we're just like everyone else, just WAY more fun. I never took that for granted.
As such, I will miss so many of those who I have interacted with over the years. I have learned so much from you. I have grown so much from our time together. I will keep it with me always. Redmage, the guy who started this all, strider, robace (actually conned me into doing a podcast so technically I am an F-list celebrity in some cultures) Wolf, Mitchell, Sensual Switch, Teanbre, Hannah Marie, & so many others. Thank you for taking the time to reply, or share your thoughts and opinions with me. It meant everything to me.
I am but a member of this forum. In that vein, I am not in a place to either agree or disagree with the findings of those in power. I think my posting history speaks for itself. Some sanctions are a result of carelessness, some are a result of insensitivity, I believe mine was EARNED through courage, persistence, intelligence and skill. I'll let others decide.
I will offer this: I am proud of the time that I have spent here. I have made over 5k posts to this forum. I am not only proud that of the posts themselves, but I am very proud of the thought, care, and research that went into so many of them. I am proud of the fact that I started over 80 threads, promoting responsible insightful discussion of serious issues. I am proud of the fact that in the face of insults, ridicule, etc. that there is no one in this forum or any other that can honestly say that they treated me with more respect than I treated them.
I am proud of the contributions that I have made to this forums content as well. I am proud of the fact that there are some who believe I wrote one of the greatest stories in the tk fiction section (The Death of Friendship). I am proud of the fact that I wrote what may be the most read story in the history of the tk fiction section (Amanda's Erotic Tickle Torture). I am proud of the fact that I wrote a full free novella to share with the entire community that didn't cost anyone a dime (The Perfect Monster). I am not only proud but humbled that my peers saw fit to nominate me twice for a Golden feather award in the area of fiction.
Writing has taught me two things: 1.) everything has an end, it's really only now or later. 2.) every character has an arc... People can say a lot of things about me, or call me what they like. One thing they CANNOT SAY, is that I am that same kid from so many years ago lurking, scarred to make his first post!
If anyone was ever offended or put off by anything that I wrote, I hope you understand it was not my intention.
To those who may have acted against me, for one reason or another, you can kick me, hit me, mock me, banish me, or anything of the like. No matter what you do, no matter the trial, not matter the indignity, I will never hate you back.
As I take my leave I do have to confess one thing. I have spent the first 32 years of my life as the nice guy who finished last... I gotta say, these last few days as the Bad Boy have been Cool as @#%^
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