Second that. Does anyone remember when MTV actually played videos? Good ones? From music that you actually wanted to hear? Yeah, it stopped around 1986 or so, when the first of the original VJ's left. Now it's just game shows, reality shows, dance shows, fashion shows and fodder for a soft-porn lifestyle. (Not that there's anything wrong with that in itself, but stop marketing yourself as a "Music" station, at least.)
Here's some catagories for next year's "awards":
Best Performance by a Stripper in a Video
Most Pepsi Endorsements
Most Appearances in a Kevin Williamson Horror Movie
Best Attention-Grabbing Activity from Last Year's Show
Most Cross-Promoted Rap Star (Award given in the categories of Rap, R&B, Dance, Rock, Male/Female Performance, Country and Gospel simultaneously.)
Best Use of a Brick Wall
Best Performance in a Video Not Dealing with Sex or Violence (currently empty)
Best Video from a Movie that has Nothing to do with the Movie. (currently at 4,376 nominations)
Artist of Thier Own Life Award - Given humbly to someone who hasn't done jack in ten years, but still clings to a recognizable name.
Best Cesspool of Cultural Disintigration (an annual award given to MTV itself, but at least another excuse for half-naked dancers)
Fastest-Growing "Insta-Career" by one of Puff-P.-Diddy-Puffy-Piff-Pauly-Sean-Dr.-Poof-Puppy's ex-"bitches".
Best Album Written and Produced by a Team of 17 Writers and Twelve Producers that the ex-dancer had Nothing to Do With: Sample-Loop Rip-Off Category.