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The Breeding Grounds - Chapter 1 (sci-fi, f/f, */f)


TMF Poster
May 18, 2006
Hi everyone! I'd like to share a new story I've been working on, a sci-fi piece that uses several of my favorite themes. Please feel free to tell me what you think of it. Enjoy!

The Breeding Grounds
Chapter 1: Planetfall

The air inside the canteen was stale and smoky, but it was breathable. Kara scanned the dimly lit interior through the narrow window of her envirosuit’s visor. Aside from the artificial atmosphere, no one had bothered to put much money into the place. A handful of age-tarnished metal tables and chairs were scattered haphazardly around the room, and against the bar were several thinly-spaced stools with tattered upholstery. The floor was covered in a layer of the reddish-orange dirt from the planet outside, tracked in over the years by countless weary patrons and never cleaned up. A few airtight windows provided a view of the barren, lifeless landscape of the planet outside, with its craggy vermilion mountains and plateaus, overcast with thick methane clouds. Nothing about this place was inviting, but it was the only place on this planet to get a drink.

Kara reached up and undid the latch on her helmet. She ran through the intricate process quickly, keying in a personalized sequence of buttons and undoing the series of latches that kept her helmet safely sealed. It was occasionally annoying, but in her line of work it was important to have a suit that couldn’t be unsealed by an angry attacker. There was a thin hiss as the vacuum seal was broken, and Kara lifted the helmet off her head.

After days of breathing recycled air, her first few breaths were harsh and unpleasant. As the canteen’s only patron, Kara took her pick of the seats and sat down in the least dusty one she could find. Right on cue, a small serving android rolled out from the back room, plowing a thin trail through the layer of dirt with its spinning treads. It skidded to a quick stop in front of Kara’s table, with an excited beep and a flashing of green buttons that indicated it was happy to serve.

“Can you speak?” asked Kara.

The android gave another series of high-pitched beeps, this time accompanied by an array of red flashes. The answer was apparently no.

“This place is too cheap to pay for a speech synthesizer, huh?” asked Kara idly. The android’s silence indicated that it did not recognize this as a question. “Never mind,” she said. “I’ll have a vodka and nutri-tonic.”

The android beeped accommodatingly, and a series of whirring and fizzing noises came from inside its rotund body. A moment later a hatch opened up in its chest, producing a slide-out tray holding a freshly-stirred glass of dark purple bubbling liquid. Kara took the glass and swiped her credit chip by the android’s sensor array.

Kara sipped from the glass as she watched the bleak planetscape outside, savoring its comfortingly bitter flavor. Somewhere out there, in the shantytown that passed for an outpost here, her partner Calysta was handling the final details of their latest bounty capture. This time it was Calysta’s turn to haggle with the local law enforcement, and make sure that they got something close to the reward they had been offered for this job.

Kara was only halfway through her drink when the communicator on her wrist began beeping. It was a simple but reliable signal that meant Calysta was finished with her business and ready to rendezvous. That was quick, Kara thought to herself as she downed the rest of her drink and stood up to leave the dusty canteen. The authorities must have been easy to convince this time. The android server beeped a pleasant goodbye as it saw her leave, and turned around to roll back behind the bar to await the next customer. It might be a while, thought Kara.

Kara re-sealed her helmet as she walked into the airlock leading outside into the unbreathable atmosphere. With her face now hidden except for the thin rectangle of her visor, she was an intimidating figure: cold and mechanical in a suit of nearly impenetrable armor. The airlock closed behind her, sealing off the canteen, and a moment later the exit opened, flooding the chamber with the thick methane gas of the planet’s surface. Kara stepped out into the vermilion soil, walking slowly towards the spot where her ship was docked nearby. Calysta would meet her there, and hopefully they could get off this lifeless rock as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Kara felt a sharp sensation that made her jump. It was not painful, but all of her muscles immediately tensed reflexively. It felt almost like…

Before she could finish the thought, she felt it again, and she knew what it was. It was a soft, tickling sensation, underneath her suit and all her clothes, directly between her firm asscheeks.

It was all Kara could do not to shriek with laughter immediately. This was one of several spots which Kara kept a closely guarded secret: a spot on which she was unutterably ticklish. After only seconds she could feel her knees begin to tremble, and she had to bite her lip to hold in the laughter. She prayed it would go away, but the sensation only became more pronounced, moving up and down the crack between her buns until her entire body was quivering. She tried to hold out, but it tickled so badly; forced giggles began to escape through her lips, and she knew it was only a matter of time…

In another second, the tickling of her ass became too much to bear. Kara exploded in laughter, falling to the ground in a cloud of red-orange dust and clutching her shapely butt. As she rolled around screaming in the alien soil, another figure walked up to her, wearing an identical envirosuit and holding a small electronic device. Kara looked up to see the face of Calysta above her, smiling knowingly through the visor window.

“Feel something?” came Calysta’s voice through the speakers in her helmet.

Kara could only shriek with laughter as Calysta held up a small remote control.

“I don’t think I told you about my most recent acquisition, captain,” said Calysta, her voice echoing with a tinny resonance inside the confines of Kara’s helmet. “A trader we ran into a while ago was helpful enough to supply me with a wonderful new device called the Infiltrator. A tiny microchip, nearly undetectable to the naked eye. But if you slip it inside a pair of panties and then trigger it, it produces a very mild electric current. A current which, amazingly, is perfectly calibrated to feel exactly like a soft, fluffy feather. Would you happen to be ticklish in there, captain?”

Kara clawed at her suit, trying to undo the countless latches and locks that kept it seamlessly in place. But she knew it was impossible: removing an envirosuit was a precision job, and in her current state of hysteria she had no coordination at all. It did feel exactly like a feather: gently sliding up and down with a hundred wispy filaments brushing against the ticklish flesh between her cheeks. Tears welled up in her eyes as the blurred image of Calysta began to speak again.

“Amusing, isn’t it?” asked Calysta. “That with all the protection your suit provides, the true threat was underneath it all along. I’m sure that if nothing else, this will teach you to put a lock on your panty drawer.” She chuckled.

Her transmitter off, Kara could not respond: she could only swear revenge to herself as the invisible feather tickled mercilessly between her well-toned buns. She would get back at her, Kara told herself. She would get back at her.

“I must say, I’m pleased to see it’s so effective,” said Calysta, looking unconcerned. “On a related note, I’ve decided to contemplate a change of jobs. You see, living paycheck to paycheck just doesn’t suit me. So as a retirement package, I’ll be taking 100% of the bounty this time. And the ship. If you have anything to say about that, well, I encourage you to stop me.”

Kara screamed vengeance through her laughter, but the tickling was so unbearable she could not even stand up. The soft feather inside her undies robbed her of all her strength, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. As she flailed helplessly on the ground, Calysta calmly bent over to remove the pilot’s key from Kara’s belt, pocketing it.

“I’m afraid we part ways here, captain,” said Calysta with a grin as she turned back towards the ship. “But if it’s any consolation, the power in that chip should give out after 6 hours. Or maybe 12, if you’re unlucky.”

Kara reached out with her hand towards her traitorous companion, but it was a futile gesture. A moment later her arm fell to the ground again, her muscles turned to jelly by the fiendish tickling. Her helmet filled with deafening laughter, a sound only she could hear; outside, only Calysta’s calm footfalls towards the ship broke the ghostly silence of the planet’s surface. Kara rolled on the ground, the invisible feather dancing between her firm cheeks as she watched Calysta step inside the ship and the door close behind her. Laughing helplessly, she could only watch as the engines began to turn on, and their tiny craft lifted off the planet’s surface and sailed high into the star-studded sky until it was no more than a speck of light…

* * * * *​

Kara bolted awake in a cold sweat. Immediately she saw the familiar metallic roof of her cabin above her, and felt the warm climate-controlled air around her. It was just a dream. She had relived that day over and over in her dreams for the last three years, ever since her escape from that hellish place. Countless hours had passed with her lying alone on that alien world, laughing helplessly and crying out for help that never came. Even after the chip had finally shorted out, it left her utterly exhausted, with muscles so weak she could not even stand. It took her half a day before she had recovered enough to walk, and longer than that to book passage on a transport ship off the planet. By that time, Calysta was long gone, with her ship and her money, to any one of hundreds of star systems. But Kara had sworn revenge, and it was a promise she meant to keep. For the last three years she had systematically followed the trail of her former partner, waiting for the moment when she could finally deliver long-delayed justice. And last week her patience had finally paid off. She had found a lead.

Kara stood up and walked to the bathroom. The dim, silvery light automatically turned on as she walked through the doorway, bathing her nearly nude body in a sheen of moonlight. She shook back her cascading raven hair, and the beads of sweat on her pale skin glistened in the soft light like pearls. In the warm climate-controlled atmosphere of her personal ship, all that covered her tall, muscular body was a skimpy pair of panties: white and low-cut, they revealed a tantalizing glimpse of curvaceous asscheeks that peeked over the tight waistband like the halves of a succulent peach. Her massive, naked, perfectly spherical breasts bounced with every step she took; even if she had worn a bra this would still be true. Her long, powerful legs, exposed up to her trim waist, took long confident strides across the warm deckplates, and her large bare feet made no sound as she walked.

Kara turned the chrome handle of the faucet and splashed cold water on her face to calm her nerves. She met eyes with her reflection in the mirror, and she felt her nerves calm slightly. Well, she was awake now, so she may as well not be the only one.

Without bothering to put on any other clothing, Kara walked out of her quarters and into the corridor. Her ship was very small, only meant to hold one person, but tonight she was not the only occupant. After a short walk, she arrived in the storage bay in the rear of the ship. It was for the most part empty, with one major exception: in the center of the room was a bondage chair made of gleaming titanium. And sitting in it was Kara’s lead.

Her name was Zoe, and she worked for Calysta. Kara had painstakingly tracked her across three star systems, finally catching up with her a week ago in a run-down bar inside a distended space station. Kara had bided her time: watching her from across the room as Zoe, celebrating a successful mission, raucously drank her reward money away. Once she stumbled outside for a change of locale, it had been easy for Kara to ambush her, and bring Zoe’s unconscious body back to her ship without anyone being the wiser.

And for the last week, Kara had spared no opportunity to interrogate her guest about Calysta. It appeared her ex-partner had been busy these last few years. After marooning Kara on the planet, Calysta had transitioned from bounty hunting to kidnapping for profit. She now ran a small syndicate of ex-bounty hunters, each of which were happy to switch to non-criminal targets in exchange for a larger paycheck. Calysta herself rarely got her hands dirty these days, preferring to oversee her miniature empire from an undisclosed planet. After Zoe had been helpful enough to supply her with the coordinates to Calysta’s stronghold, Kara had set a course for the planet, and they were due to arrive any time now.

Zoe awoke with a groan from her fitful, troubled sleep as her captor entered the storage bay. Her lustrous blonde hair was short-cut, falling just above her broad shoulders, gleaming in the dim light of the storage bay. As a fellow bounty hunter, her body was every bit as muscular and well-toned as Kara’s, with ample and perfectly-sculpted curves complementing a thin waist and long, luscious legs. Every bit of her body was on display, for Kara had left Zoe without a scrap of clothing. Zoe sat in the restraining chair, arms behind her head, with her feet elevated and her legs spread wide by individual leg restraints. It was a position that left very little to the imagination.

Zoe’s eyes widened as she saw Kara approaching. She knew what was going to happen next.

“Oh good, I see you’re awake,” said Kara with a smirk.

“Please! I’ve told you all I know!” pleaded Zoe.

“And I believe you,” smirked Kara. “This time, it’s just old-fashioned torture, from me to your employer.” And with that, Kara pressed her fingertips into the centers of Zoe’s smooth arches.

“YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NOT THE FEEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEETTT!!!” screamed Zoe, pulling at her metal restraints like a madwoman. Her feet were the same size as Kara’s: a tall and shapely size fifteen, with high curved arches and long, slender toes. And like Kara’s, they were off-the-charts ticklish. Simply touching them was enough to cause Zoe to scream and howl in ticklish agony. And for the last week, these deliciously ticklish tootsies had been Kara’s playthings, exposing them to every manner of devious tickle torture she could conceive of to get her guest to spill her secrets. It was from Zoe that Kara had learned where Calysta’s hiding place was: on a small, undeveloped planet far into the frontiers of unexplored space. Several sessions of prolonged foot-tickling had been sufficient to convince Zoe to give up the coordinates, and they were scheduled to arrive very soon. Of course, no one said Kara couldn’t entertain herself until they arrived.

“I GIVE UP!!! I GIVE UP!!! WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” pleaded Zoe, but even she knew it was futile. Kara moved in with more fingers now, pressing her rounded fingernails into the soft, pliant flesh of Zoe’s soles with glee. The ticklish expanses before her were huge, and every inch could be devastated by the slightest touch. The sense of power was overwhelming. Zoe shrieked and begged for mercy as the nails scribbled long, complex patterns over her helpless feet. The walls echoed with her laughter, becoming worse by the second as Kara used her accumulated knowledge to utterly destroy these poor, ticklish soles.

“Mmm, I just love how ticklish your lovely feet are,” taunted Kara. “I could just stay here for hours, tickling them and watching them dance for me.”

“MERCY!!! MERCEEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!!!” Zoe begged, even though she knew it would not come. Kara could be very dispassionate when the situation called for it, but when she took something personally, she became the kind of merciless, sadistic tickler that girls like Zoe had nightmares about.

“That’s it, beg for mercy,” said Kara, tracing long, complicated patterns over Zoe’s bright pink soles with her fingernails. “Tell me what a ticklish bitch you are.”


“Say it,” said Kara, continuing her merciless assault. “Say it, or I’ll tickle you to death.”

“I’M—I’M AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!” screamed Zoe, unable to finish the sentence. Kara smiled to herself as she put her captive through the test several more times. She knew a secret spot on Zoe’s arches that could reduce her to a babbling, speechless wreck with a touch. She didn’t have a chance.

And then, it was time for Kara to unveil her trump card. Before the eyes of the hysterically laughing woman, Kara produced the single most powerful weapon on the ship. She revealed a soft, white, fluffy feather, positioned directly between her captive’s spread legs.

“OH NOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! ANYTHING BUT THAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHATTT!!!” cried Zoe in abject terror. With every ounce of her vise-like strength she desperately tried to push her legs together, straining the titanium restraints with a force that could literally have bent a weaker metal. But her legs remained open, and Kara only smiled. She reached between the tall, muscular legs and ever so gently brushed the feather tip against the most devastating spot possible.

“YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” Zoe’s eyes flew open wide as the first gentle touch evoked an unbroken, bestial howl of laughter. The soft wisps of the plume danced across her creamy thighs and teased her swollen lips, imparting its sweet sensual torture with every flick of the wrist.

“Koochie koochie koo,” teased Kara, drinking in the anguished laughter. “You have such a ticklish pussy, don’t you, hmm?”

“OHHHOHOHOHOHOHOHO GAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHADDD!!!!!” screamed her captive, with streams of tears pouring down her face. The soft, tickly feather was having a very noticeable effect, as well: her moist lips began to part and a trickle of sweet nectar began to drip down her inner thighs. Her sex radiated arousal and warmth, becoming more intense with every wild scream.

“Mmmm, admit it, you want more of this, don’t you?” asked Kara devilishly, sliding the feather up and down lustily. What had once been a trickle was now a flowing stream of love juice, coaxed out by Kara’s masterful feathering.

“YEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHESSSSS!!!” cried Zoe, despite herself. For the last week, she had been subject to tickle tortures the likes of which she had never imagined. But the feather between her legs had been the worst. Not once in the hours upon hours of torture had Kara permitted Zoe release; always taking her to the brink of climax and backing away. More than anything, she desperately, furiously needed to cum, even if it meant paying for it with an eternity of tickling.

And Kara knew it, as well. “You need release so badly, don’t you?” Kara cooed with malicious delight. “But it’s not going to come. I’m going to keep you on the edge, teasing you until you can’t stand it anymore, hearing each and every scream for mercy and driving you to madness. What do you think of that?”

The answer never came. Suddenly the two of them were cut off by the sound of an alarm from the cockpit. It was the proximity alarm: they were finally within range of Calysta’s planet. The ship would be dropping out of autopilot now, and Kara was needed at the helm to manually bring it in for a landing. It looks like Zoe got lucky this time. In a way.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to continue this another time,” said Kara, dropping her feather as Zoe moaned with unfulfilled desire, her eyes shut tightly and grinding her legs against the hard metal in a hopeless attempt to relieve her sexual tension.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back very soon,” added Kara from the doorway. She was already thinking about it.

Sitting in the pilot’s seat in the cockpit, Kara had a full view of the planet before her. Just by looking at it through the main window she could tell it was nearly uninhabited: the continents were a vibrant green and completely unblemished by the gray of industrialized settlements. The sensor readings confirmed that assessment: no sentient life or buildings of any kind, with only one exception. A small facility on the southern continent was emitting powerful energy signals. That had to be what Kara was looking for. Satisfied, she entered the coordinates into the computer and prepared to break atmosphere.

But suddenly, her plan hit a snag. Out of nowhere, a satellite in low orbit appeared on her sensors, dropping out of stealth mode to scan the ship that was now trying to enter the atmosphere. And clearly, it did not like what it saw. After only a few seconds of collecting data on Kara’s ship, it reached the decision that she should not be here. Before Kara had a chance to react, the satellite discharged a massive bolt of energy that struck her ship with a thunderous crash!

Kara was nearly flung out of her pilot’s seat as the entire ship rocked like a sailing boat in a hurricane. Electrical surges blew out monitors all around her, and the lights went out, to be replaced seconds later by the dim red glow of the emergency lighting. Kara wrestled with the controls, trying to pull away before it was too late, but the ship would not respond. The navigation systems were fused, and nearly all the controls were unresponsive. She was dead in space. Caught in the drag of the planet’s gravity, the ship began to plummet into the atmosphere, barreling into free-fall with no way to slow the descent. Kara’s knuckles turned white as the clouds of the upper atmosphere screamed past, her ship tearing through the atmospheric friction with frightening speed. She was going down, and going down hard.
I love butt tickling.

But, really, this was a well written piece of literature, and I can't believe anyone just let it go unnoticed, in the few moments it's been out here.
Thank you, Journia! Coming from such a distinguished author as yourself, this means a lot to me. I hope the future chapters are just as enjoyable!
awesome story as always, kunzite. this one seems destined to be another instant classic. great work, as always. i can't wait to see what will happen next.

Well written - kudos! Too bad (for me) that your favorite tickle-themes don't match my own personal preferences.

Also, the world-building strikes me as a little flimsy in spots. But this only shows up because the writing is good enough not to obscure it.
Captain Bender: Thank you as always for your much-appreciated support! I'm very pleased to hear that you're enjoying this so far, my friend!

sablesword: I thank you for your fair and honest feedback! For what it's worth, on this story I wanted to maximize the tickling time, rather than lead the reader too far away from the eroticism (a decision which I think will become even more apparent in later chapters). But I certainly hope that this doesn't detract too much from the immersion. Also, out of curiosity, what are your favorite tickle-themes?
Maximizing the tickle time isn't a problem. The world-building flimsiness isn't that you don't devote space to it, but from the "that doesn't make sense" feeling I get from some of the few details that you do include.

As for my personal favorite tickle-themes, I think my biggest issue is that "hot girl girl action!" leaves me cold. I much prefer either M/f or F/m (or device/*). And while I can appreciate tickling of places other than the feet, I'm not a fan of butt-tickling. Finally, while I'm a fan of tickling, I'm not so much a fan of tickling as "TORTURE!!!" Especially in science fiction & fantasy, I prefer creative setups where Ler tickles for some purpose other than "make the Lee suffer" and so the Ler's purpose isn't foiled if the Lee turns out to enjoy the experience.
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