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The Breeding Grounds - Chapter 2 (sci-fi, f/f, */f)


TMF Poster
May 18, 2006
Here it is: the next chapter of The Breeding Grounds! Enjoy!

The Breeding Grounds
Chapter 2: Rude Awakening

Kara lay face-down on the deck, every muscle in her body aching. The ship stood motionless, and the faint acrid smell of electrical smoke hung in the air. Judging from the relentless pounding in her head, she was either still alive or in some particularly unpleasant afterlife. She chose to believe the former.

It was minutes before she could muster the strength to lift herself up and look at her surroundings. The first thing she saw was not encouraging. The cockpit was completely destroyed, with equipment shorted out and shattered by the force of the crash. The main window had been shattered, scattering poly-glass shards across the floor. A warm, humid breeze blew into the cockpit from outside; at least she had had the good fortune to crash on a planet with a breathable atmosphere, she thought.

Kara forced herself up off the floor, getting slowly to her knees and trying to steady herself enough to stand. But as it turned out, she didn’t need to try hard. The next moment, the entire ship shook with a massive tremor, accompanied by the screeching sound of twisting metal and cracking ceramics. The bow of the ship began to sink forwards, and that meant only one thing to Kara: they had landed on unstable ground. Whatever they were resting on now, it wasn’t strong enough to support the weight of a spacecraft, and it was going under. Motivated by a rush of adrenaline, Kara leapt to her feet and ran from the cockpit to make an escape before it was too late.

The ship shuddered ominously around her as Kara sprinted down the corridor, heading towards the exit. Snapped cables dangled from the ceiling, their wires exposed and spraying sparks across her path as she ran. She felt the ship sink with every passing second: for all she knew the exit could already be permanently blocked. There was no time to gather equipment or even put on any clothing: she had to get free of the ship before it went under. But her single-mindedness was interrupted as she passed by the storage bay.

Inside was Zoe, still bound to the restraining chair and apparently passed out from the impact of the crash. As much as Kara wanted to leave, and as much disdain as she still harbored towards Zoe’s employer, Kara knew she couldn’t leave her here to die. Kara sighed angrily as she ran into the storage bay. She hoped she wouldn’t regret this.

“Wake up!” cried Kara, slapping Zoe across the face as she entered her security code into the chair’s keypad. Immediately the padded restraints holding her captive in place snapped open, and Zoe slumped down to the floor. For a moment Kara was afraid Zoe was unconscious: she didn’t know if she could spare the time to carry a body out of here and still make it alive. But a moment later, Zoe began to stir, and groggily got to her feet.

“What…what’s happening?” Zoe asked, looking around.

“There’s no time to explain!” shouted Kara, pulling Zoe by the arm. “We need to get out of here or we’re both dead!”

To her credit, Zoe was in peak physical condition. From her previous state of near-unconsciousness, it only took her seconds to regain the use of her muscles. By the time they were out into the corridor, Zoe was already sprinting at full speed alongside Kara, and like her underclothed captor, Zoe was still naked from her trials the night before. But neither of them thought of anything except escape. The groaning sounds of the ship became louder and more violent, and they wondered if it was too late for them. But a moment later, they turned a corner, and there in front of them was the ship’s main exit, standing wide open with its doors wrenched open like a tin can. Through the doors streamed the bright sunshine of the planet outside.

“We’re almost there!” shouted Kara, with Zoe at her heels. The stifling heat of electrical fires made the corridor an inferno; worse, the shaking of the ship was wrenching the deckplates apart, creating chasms in the floor beneath them that appeared out of nowhere as they ran. But beyond this gauntlet of mechanical destruction was a portal leading out into a world of blue skies and green foliage: a light at the end of the tunnel. Beams collapsed from the ceiling behind them, blocking off the hallway, but they barely noticed. All they focused on was the exit, getting closer and closer…

“Jump!” cried Kara as they reached the exit at last. Without breaking stride, both girls flung themselves through the doorway, with an explosion of sparks and shrapnel behind them. Neither of them knew where they would land: it was a leap of faith, and for one terrifying moment in mid-air both of them wondered if they had cast themselves to their deaths. But an instant later, both of them landed with a soft thump onto a patch of green vegetation. They were safe.

Gasping, the girls looked up at the ship. It was indeed half-buried, nose-down and slowly sinking into oblivion. But what was unexpected was what it was sinking into. They might have guessed that she ship had landed in quicksand, or perhaps a body of water. But it was neither of these. The ship was slowly sinking into a lake of interwoven, tangled vines, closely knit to form a soft, porous surface that the girls were lying on now. It was apparently strong enough to support the weight of two women, but not a spacecraft.

“Where…where are we?” gasped Zoe, looking around after lifting up her face from the ground.

Kara, too, looked up at her new surroundings. Very rarely had she ever seen a planet with such pristine, unspoiled natural beauty. The skies above were a brilliant azure, with the air bracingly clean and pure. The sun shone down with a warm glow over all manner of plants, every color of the rainbow. There were tall trees with bright viridian leaves, hanging with fruits of fiery oranges and reds. The ground was carpeted in lush, jade-colored grass that rustled in the breeze, punctuated with beautiful flowers of vivid purple. Bright blue lakes dotted the rolling hills, reflecting the sunlight from their placid surfaces. The entire landscape was so stunning, it took Kara a moment to realize that something was missing. After a few seconds, she put her finger on it: there was no sign of animal life to be seen, not even any birds in the treetops. It was strange, but it added to the feeling that this was a truly untouched frontier.

Kara was about to stand up and explore these striking new surroundings. But unexpectedly, she found that she could not. Panicking, she tried harder to get to her feet, only to discover that she was being forcibly held down. It took her a moment to realize why: the vines she was lying on had wrapped around her waist, holding her down with the force of a steel clamp. Kara shouted aloud as she struggled for her freedom, and next to her she saw that Zoe was in the exact same position. What kind of vines could these be, thought Kara, to be holding them down like the tentacles of some enormous beast? What did they want?

But neither Kara nor Zoe had to wait long to find out. More vines came to hold down their ankles, and to pin their wrists above their heads, stretching them taut and motionless on the ground. Once they had rendered both of the girls immobile, more vines rose up from the tangled mass below them, moving as though they had a mind of their own. And these vines had a very clear agenda, one that made both girls gasp in terror. The vines gathered in an ominous, twitching mass directly in front of Kara and Zoe’s bare feet.

“What’s happening?!” demanded a panicked Zoe. “What have you gotten us into?!”

“T—this is all your fault!” shouted Kara, staring in terror as the tendrils crept closer to her helpless, squirming feet.

“Mine? You’re the reason we’re here, you bitch!” cried Zoe, her anger surpassed only by fear as she reflexively covered one ticklish bare sole with another.

“I saved you! Why you—“ began Kara. But there was no time for further recriminations. Vines darted towards them like a striking adder, wrapping around the girls’ big toes and binding them together like a cord. With a quick jerk they were pulled back, and now Kara and Zoe’s feet were completely immobilized: their soles stretched taut with every inch of the silky surfaces exposed. The girls had only an instant to register the full helplessness of their position before the vines pressed into their soft, ticklish soles.

“BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Only a single vine pressed gently into each of their soles, like the soft touch of a fingertip, but it was enough to make these insanely ticklish girls explode into hysterical laughter. From the centers of their smooth arches, the vines slid up and down slowly, causing instant ticklish devastation on the tender surfaces. Side by side, the two fearsome warrior women struggled for dear life amidst a storm of laughter while the vines gently stroked beneath the balls of their feet. Four towering, size 15 feet thrashed hopelessly as they were forced to endure torture beyond belief. Twenty long, shapely toes danced hysterically in all directions, in thrall to the movements of the tickling vines. There was no escape for the Amazonian beauties, all of their strength useless in the face of this unbearable foot-tickling.

And for them, the torture was just beginning. More vines came to join the assault now: dozens of arboreal tendrils that sunk their firm tips into the soft, pillowy flesh of the ticklish soles. Kara and Zoe howled together in anguished harmony as every soft spot on their feet was explored and ruthlessly exploited. Even worse, thin vines began to creep inside their splaying toes, tickling the sensitive webbed spaces in between. The girls tried to scrunch their toes together to protect themselves, but every time they tried the vines would press into another ticklish spot on their soles and destroy their self-control.

“OH GAAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHADDD!!! I CAAHAHAHAHAHAN’T TAKE IT!!!” screamed Zoe, her face red from laughter.

“IT’S TORTURE!!! YEEEEAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” laughed Kara: at least on this they could agree.

Each of their towering feet now faced a full tickling assault which was the stuff of nightmares. At that moment, each of these battle-hardened women would have given anything to protect their helpless feet. Their finely sculpted bodies, carefully toned for combat, were no match for this ordeal. Sweat poured over their rippling muscles, and streams of tears trickled down their cheeks and onto the dew-covered grass. Swarms of vines prodded everywhere over on those deliciously soft soles, touching them without mercy. Two pairs of powerful lungs blasted out booming laughter, and two pairs of huge, mountainous tits jiggled like mad alongside each other.

But as ticklish as their poor feet were, their tormentor had no intention of neglecting the rest of the girls’ bodies. They felt the vines creep up their legs, wrapping around their ankles, and slowly working their way up. Completely new bursts of laughter erupted as the vines discovered the backs of the girls’ knees: ticklish spots that even the girls themselves had not fully been aware of. But it was just starting. The vines crept further up until they reached the girls’ exposed, supple thighs, and a new level of torture began.

“OHHH NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!!!” Both girls cried out in terror as the sadistic vines discovered their ticklish thighs. Almost immediately they knew to stroke them gently, caressing the creamy, hidden flesh with a feather-light touch. Even worse, tiny soft bristles covered the vines, imbuing every touch with the maddening feel of a brushing feather. The vines hungrily coiled all around their satin thighs, tickling the captive flesh without mercy and driving the girls even deeper into the depths of insanity.

Neither Kara nor Zoe could even think straight, with their entire lower bodies in the clutches of the nightmare vines. Back down at their feet, the vines were learning the patterns of their ticklish soles better by the second. Every last one of their toes was held back by tiny vines as thin as twine, leaving their feet completely immobile while dozens of vines scribbled across their baby-soft soles. But even still there was more torture awaiting them. Kara felt the vines climb even further still, slithering from her thighs towards the small of her back. Kara heard an ear-piercing ticklish shriek come from Zoe next to her, and Kara thanked her lucky stars that she was still wearing panties.

But unfortunately, Kara’s skimpy panties were not providing much advantage over her companion in resisting the tickling onslaught. Her massive, ticklish body remained almost entirely on display, and all of her glistening, exposed flesh provided a wealth of ticklish weak spots. The vines reached their waists, and immediately wrapped around their bodies to begin tickling their belly buttons. The vines held firm and rigid as they traced tickling circles all around the girls’ tummies, causing hysterical belly laughs that drove the air right out of their lungs. The vine tips dipped into their belly buttons, pressing down into the ticklish crevasses and causing shrieks with every touch. Every second was more unbearable than the last, and the girls could barely see through rivers of tears.

But there was still one devastating spot remaining, and Kara knew it would not be long before it too was mercilessly exploited. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind, though, when more vines began to rear up like striking cobras, hovering above their prey. And in this case, their prey came in the form of some extremely ticklish underarms. Desperately Kara tried to lower her arms, but in the throes of laughter she was weaker than a baby. Oh no, her mind cried out in horror, oh please not there…

At the first touch, any last hope Kara might have had of fighting back was gone. They touched the exact centers of her underarms, pressing into the ticklish curvatures, and Kara suddenly found that it was possible to laugh even harder than before. The vines dug into the soft, tender hollows, and Kara could only scream louder and louder as she lost control. Clumps of vines ran up and down her underarms in tandem, like a soft-bristled brush: these terrifying plants were the most versatile ticklers Kara had ever seen. The world went blurry behind a veil of tears until she could not even see what was in front of her. She was certain this would be it, tickled to death by this ravenous plant on an unknown world.

And suddenly, chaos erupted around them. There was a monstrous crash, and the ground shook beneath them as though a massive earthquake had struck. Even through her blurred vision, Kara could see what had happened: the vines had dedicated themselves so much to tickling the two of them that there were no longer enough to support the weight of the spacecraft. With a massive roar, the spacecraft plunged below the surface of the vines, and the entire mass recoiled in pain like some wounded, tentacled beast. The vines flew up in the air in a spasm as the spacecraft wreckage buried itself beneath the surface, and like two rag dolls tossed aside, kara and Zoe went flying through the air!

They landed at least twenty feet away, the wind knocked out of them as they hit the grassy ground. They were utterly exhausted from their ordeal, their breathing belabored and their muscles practically too weak to support them. But they were safe. It was over.

“We…we made it,” gasped Kara, too tired to state much beyond the obvious.

Zoe struggled to catch her breath. “What…what was that thing?” she asked after a few moments of silence.

“Don’t you know?” asked Kara, irritably, getting to her feet. “This is your planet, after all! What did you lead me into?”

“I don’t know any more about this than you do!” insisted Zoe through gritted teeth, also standing and dusting herself off. “I just knew the coordinates! I’ve never even been here before, and if it hadn’t been for you, I never would have had to come in the first place!”

“And why should I believe you?” snarled Kara, especially ready to assert her dominance after her recent humiliation.

“You marooned us out here in the wilderness and you’re blaming me for this mess?” demanded Zoe angrily. Her fists clenched in barely suppressed rage.

“And what if I am?!” shouted Kara, her blood boiling with indignity. “What are you going to do about it?!”

The answer came in the blink of an eye. In fury, Zoe swung at Kara, launching a wild haymaker at her foe. But Kara reflexively ducked it, crouching as it sailed over her head. Kara sprung at Zoe, tackling her midsection and knocking her backwards with the full force of her weight. The two of them went tumbling down the hill behind them, grappling with each other as their glistening bodies intertwined in melee. They fought each other furiously as they rolled downhill: twisting limbs, butting heads, clawing at each other and raining down blows every time one of them had enough leverage to land a punch. In their fury neither of them even noticed where they were going, but neither of them cared. Snarling, Zoe grabbed Kara around the neck and tried to strangle her, while Kara wrapped her limber legs around Zoe’s waist like a vise and punched her repeatedly in the stomach and chest as hard as she could. They barely noticed that the further they went downhill, the taller the grass became, until it was several feet tall. The blades of grass themselves were extremely thin and wispy, not like any plant Kara had ever seen. But neither of them truly noticed it until suddenly, the wind began to blow.

It was only a gentle breeze, but its effects were immediate. Every blade of grass swayed in the wind, brushing against exposed skin of the two girls. And with Zoe naked and Kara in only her panties, they could feel it everywhere at once: it tickled furiously. Every blade of grass was like the touch of a down feather: impossibly soft and overwhelmingly ticklish. With millions of grass blades swaying together in the breeze, it was like fighting while being tickled with furs over every inch of their bodies.

“BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! STAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPP!!!” cried Zoe, her grip on Kara immediately loosening.

“NOT AGAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIN!!! WOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!!” screamed Kara, her nerveless arms no longer strong enough to launch a single punch.

The girls, once so focused on fighting each other, could now only think of escaping the tickling grass. But it surrounded them in every direction, and every movement they made only made the tickling worse. The grass brushed across their soft bare feet like the kiss of feathers, causing them both to kick wildly into the air. But this only let more wispy blades of grass slip between their ticklish toes. Every time they moved their long, muscular legs they could feel the blades of grass reaching up to tickle their unbearably soft thighs from a new angle. Over every inch of bare skin the windswept grass delivered its ticklish touch: across their stomachs, up their sides, and into their soft underarms every time they lifted their arms. Simply standing still was ticklish torture, but moving was even worse.

But the most vulnerable spot on their bodies to this feathery field was Kara and Zoe’s naked breasts. The bouncing gargantuan globes were beset upon from all sides by hundreds of tickling grass-tips, caressing them from the undersides to the tops, and all the way up to their rock hard nipples. Their howling laughter only caused their breasts to jiggle more furiously, and the ticklish teasing to become more unbearable. The girls clutched at their breasts, trying desperately to cover them, but both of them were cursed with a rack far too large to hold in two hands. They only succeeded in covering up the centers of their enormous assets, leaving the sides of their breasts open to more feathery tickling. And with their arms lifted up, this provided a new opportunity for blades of grass to slip into their exposed underarms and tickle the unprotected hollows.

“WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I’LL GEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHET YOU FOR THIS!!!” laughed Zoe, desperate to blame her ticklish torment on her enemy. But with tickly blades of grass brushing against every inch of her nude, helpless body, she had no strength to launch a blow. Instead, she did the most vengeful thing she could think of: she grabbed Kara’s panties by the waistband and yanked them off.

“YEEEEAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YOU BITCH!!!” howled Kara. Now her last protected area was exposed, and the grass tickling her private regions was ten times worse than she had imagined. The soft, erotic touch of the feathery grass was just enough to mix pleasure with unbelievable torment. She nearly collapsed with the intensity; meanwhile Zoe’s hysterical laughter took a triumphant note as she brandished her opponent’s captured panties in her hand. With a cry, she threw them as far as she could deep into the grass field.

“GOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO GET THEM!!! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Zoe taunted, as the wind picked up the thin, skimpy underwear and carried them away.

Only seconds without her panties, and the caress of the feather grass between her legs was causing Kara’s lips to swell and part from the blissfully sensual teasing. Drips of moisture began to emerge, and from what she could see between her opponent’s legs, Zoe was suffering the same fate. But despite her rising lust, the tickling was an indescribable, nightmarish torture. Kara had never been tickled like this before, and because of Zoe she was more vulnerable than ever. Summoning her last reserves of strength, she pounced on Zoe and dug her fingertips deep into Zoe’s ticklish ribs.

“BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Zoe screamed louder than ever at this new assault, but like her foe she too had hidden reserves of energy. Fueled by rivalry and mounting sexual tension, Zoe grabbed Kara’s shapely hips and tickled, while she plunged her face into Kara’s tummy and began licking her belly button.

“NOT THAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHTTT!!!” shrieked Kara, redoubling her own attempts to tickle her opponent into submission. The two of them grappled again, rolling along the grassy ground locked in a fighter’s embrace. Their legs were both wrapped around each other’s bodies, leaving their dripping sexes fully exposed to the erotic ravages of the feather grass. As they tumbled over each other, picking up speed, the grass whipped by them and tickled even more furiously, reducing both girls to laughing wrecks whose sole thought was to out-tickle her naked, writhing opponent. They rolled over each other like a whirling dervish, nails in each other’s underarms, dribbling a trail of warm, fresh love-juice in their wake.

“WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! CAN’T—TAKE IT—MUCH LONGER!!!” screamed Kara, wild-eyed with lust and tickle-madness.

“I’M—GOING TO—C—CUMM!!!” cried Zoe, her ticklish clit teased beyond endurance by the feather grass.

They could feel the floodgates begin to break down in both of them: climax was only seconds away. Face-to-face, breasts pressed against each other, both girls were close enough to feel each other’s wetness. With the grass gently tickling their completely naked bodies, it would not be long now…

And suddenly, they were safe. Rolling over the last hill, they fell into a small, sandy pit. They lay there exhausted for a minute before they could even stand up, but when they did, they could see what had happened: they had reached the edge of the vast field of feather grass at last. They had escaped.

The two of them stood nude on the ground looking at each other, their eyes meeting for a long, interminable second. And then, they did not even waste another moment to speak. Kara and Zoe leapt on each other, locking their bodies into a sixty-nine position, and simultaneously buried their long, wet tongues into their partner’s warm, dripping pussy.

Both of them licked up the sweet girl nectar ravenously as they felt their partner do the same. Gasping out loud in pleasure, with their faces buried between a pair of soft, creamy thighs, they slurped in the sweetest taste in the universe, caressing the soft flesh with their eager fingertips. Moans mixed with erotic giggles as ticklish spots were teased with a silken touch, turning these girls on more than they had ever thought possible. They were only seconds away from climax, but it felt like an eternity of pleasure. They felt it building deep within them, coming closer and closer, until finally…

“OHHHHHH!!! OHHH YESSSSSSS!!!” moaned Kara.

“I’M—I’M—!!!“ screamed Zoe.

In a single moment, time stood still for both girls as they reached the crescendo of a mind-shattering orgasm together in perfect, unparalleled harmony. All the sexual tension that had been tickled to the surface finally broke free and gushed out like a river of pure ecstasy. Together they kept cumming and cumming as if their two naked, entwined bodies formed a single perfect union. And then finally, their energy spent and their lust satisfied, both girls fell onto their backs in the rapture of afterglow, and fell asleep side by side with expressions of angelic satisfaction.
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Very nice, Kunzite. I love the use of the plant life to tickle the heck out of those two. Always love a good vine tickling, and the grass was creative but believable (as much as tickle grass can be). It was a good read. If I may make a suggestion or two: The tickling seemed to always be equally overwhelming, rather than a buildup. I feel like the story would have more direction if the tickling were to build, maybe both of them trying to struggle free and resist laughter, while it gets worse and worse. It also seemed like you were in a hurry to exploit every ticklish spot on their bodies. While the egalitarian effort is most welcome, I think I'd prefer more focus on each body part, even if it meant attacking less of them.

But seriously, thanks for the second chapter. I can't wait to see what type of tickly flora manages to get them next, and how they manage to get along in this seemingly uninhabited jungle!
Thanks, Carnivore, for both the positive feedback and the suggestions for the future! I definitely appreciate both, and I'll do my best to incorporate your constructive criticism into future writings 🙂
This reminds me of a poorly written story I wrote about eight years ago. But it is bigger, better and more organized.

I loved the vines and the tickle grass. But now, I am wondering, will there be ant lions or sand worms in this pit? Or...are those grains of sand, really, small bugs waiting to attack their prey?! Awesomeness!!!

My only quandary though is, Forty Toes? I'm assuming the ladies each have five toes o neach foot, right?
Thanks, Journia! I'm glad to see we think alike on the subject; I take it as a great compliment coming from an author such as you! And oh yes, thanks for the catch; I have no idea how I miscounted 🙂
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