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The Cave (*f/f) part one


Registered User
Jul 19, 2006
"Watch for that rock on the left," Stacy told her friend as they traversed down the trail. The friends had been hiking for nearly 4 hours now and had come to the conclusion that they must have taken the wrong path. The trail should have taken them to the water fall and back in under two hours but they hadn't even arrived at the waterfall yet. They had gone up to the boundary waters which runs along the nothern boundry of the U.S. and the southern boundary of Canada. It was the third day of their trip so far and they had decided to go look at a scenic waterfall a little off the beaten path.
"This is crazy, we should have been there and back already," whined Mandy as they started up another hill. It was beggining to get dark now and forest around them was becoming darker by the moment. The heat of the day early on had been too much and forced the girls to travel in small low cut jean shorts and bikini tops after they had removed their t-shirts.
"I think its about time that we try and find somewhere to stay for the night," Stacy said, stopping their hike momentarily. The two had met in law school and had instantly become friends. Both of them were good looking and very fit being that they all had developed hiking and jogging as hobbies. Mandy was a tall blonde and Stacy was a shorter brunette. They had both just graduated from the program and decided to celebrate by going on a camping trip.
"I think I see a cave up ahead, we could stay there," Stacy offered. With Mandy not having any other ideas they continued down the barely noticeable trail until they came to the opening of the cave.
"What is on the side of the cave?" Asked Stacy, pointing at some weird words carved right into the rock.
"Who knows but we need to set up camp before it gets too dark," said Mandy. With that the girls headed into the cave and were delighted to see a small sparkling pool located just inside of the pool.
"I could so use a dip right now," Mandy said happily and without wasting a second they both removed their boots and socks and stripped to just their swim suits and waded into the pool. It was rather shallow, only about 3 feet deep, but the water was cool and felt amazing. The girls surveyed the surrounding walls of the cave and found that the main tunnel extended much farther then they could see. Playfully mandy splashed her friend and got a splash back in return and was about to splash again when they both heard a soft thump in the darkness.
"What was that," Mandy asked softly, a trace of fright in her voice. The girls scanned the rest of the cave down as far as they could but the depleting darkness gave them very limited visibility. Suddenly a splash in the water behind them caused them to scramble out of the water and to the other side of the cave. The looked in the water and saw what looked like a short man covered with hair.
"What the hell is that!?" cried Stacy as the strange creature began to approach them. They turned to find the exit of the cave but found three more of the creatures standing there. With only one more option they turned and fled down the tunnel into the cave. They had gotten no more than 10 feet when four more of the creatures appeared in front of them. The girls tried to turn around but the creatures were too fast and were on them in a sec. The eight odd looking beings were suprisingly strong and more than a match for the two girls. With four of them per girl the creatures took them down seperate hallways and off into the darkness.
Mandy struggled as hard as she could but to no avail as the things carrying her wer far too strong. She was carried to some kind of stone table and gently placed on it. She tried to escape but her arms were softly forced above her head and strapped into leather cuffs that were tightened and then pulled taunt high above her head. Her bare feet were likewise strapped into leather cuffs and then pulled taunt into the table, with her feet hanging off the edge. As suddenly as the creatures had appeared they were then gone, leaving her alone in a small room lit with candles surrounding the room. She frantically tugged at her bonds but they held her firm. She lay her head back with a desperate sigh and it was then that she noticed the person standing in the corner. It was a tall woman, or what appeared to be a woman as the creature approached the table. The woman was strikingly beautiful, she had very sharp features and and slenderness about her whole appearance. She was clad in some type of garmet made out of leaves that hung loosely around her. Her silver hair was tied into a pony tail with the same leafy material. Mandy realized that she was looking at what appeared to be an elf.
"Let me go!" Mandy said to the woman who just looked at her.
"What are you doing! Let me go!" Demanded mandy. The woman seemed to softly smile at this and set her hands up on the side of the table as she reached it. Mandy noticed she had unnaturally long fingers, very slender and each had a long well trimmed nail at the end.
"You humans have long enough destoryed my forests and now I will not allow it," the words came out almost as more of a haunting wisper.
"Wha-what do you mean?" stammered Mandy as she became more frightened. The woman gave no reply as she moved beside Mandy's scantily clad body. Suddeny Mandy felt very exposed in her small outfit. She usually had no problem showing off her fit, curvy body but this was different. She figited nervously as the woman reached out. She closed her eyes and the womans fingers neared her slender sides and waited for whatever the woman was planning to do to her. She jumped and giggled in suprise when the womans long fingers softly dragged up her side.
"Whaheheh what are yohhehehehe doing hehehe?" Mandy tried to ask through sporadic giggles as the woman continued dragging her long fingers up and down Mandy's sides. Each trip up the girls side triggered a twitching spasm from Mandy. The womans fingers were driving her crazy, barely brushing the skin as she ran them up and down Mandy's exposed sides.
"Staahahap ithehehe!" cried Mandy not knowing what was going on. The woman moved to her toned tummy and contined the soft tracing of her curvy features as Mandy twitched and giggled at every slight scratch. She tried desperately to pull her hands down to protect her sensative midriff but she could barely find any slack. She arched her back and shifted her body to excape the tickling fingers and was able to slightly get away from the womans fingers but then the woman nimbly lept on the table and straddled Mandy's waist. Now with no extra movement she was forced to lay and giggle uncontrollably as the woman explored her ticklish tummy. The woman moved to her ribs and then back down to her abs as Mandy's toned Tummy muscles flexed involutarily in response to the torture. Unexpectedly the woman then dug her nails into Mandy's sides and got a squeal followed by a line of laughter.
"Pleeeehehehehahahas Stahahahahahap!" Mandy pleaded desperately as the woman contined to move up and down her curvey sides squeezing. Each squeeze triggerd a blast of laughter and a helpless jerk from Mandy as she was tortured relentlessly. The woman then moved back to Mandy's tummy and began to spider her fingers up and down and across her helpless abs. Mandy could only lay there in desperation laughing sillily as the woman went to work. She softly massaged the toned muscles of Mandy's tummy as her midriff wriggled around helplessly in reaction to each touch. The womans tickling fingers worked there way slowly up Mandy's sides as she laughed and jerked helplessly until they rested in the girls soft armpits. This cause another flurry of desperate attempts to pull her arms down as her underarms were assaulted. The woman ran all her fingers up and down her soft underarms and then circled them with a single finger as Mandy shook with laughter. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore The woman moved back down to Mandy's abs, triggering another bucking spasm from the poor girl, and then slid down the straps to her bikini bottom and settled on her slender hips. There she proceeded to wiggle her fingers into the soft flesh of the girls waistline and hips as she continued to laugh and spasm at each tough. Mandy was having a tough time, sweating heavily and beginning to breath in heavy gasps through the gails of laughter. The womens wiggling fingers traveled her thin waist as Mandy breathed in gasps and howled with laughter. Suddenly as the woman stroked her bellybutton Mandy let out one exausted breath and with a final scrunching in attempt to block the finger she fell back to the table and blacked out. A faint smile once again appeared on the elf womans face as she climbed off of her victim and made her way to the room where the other victim was being kept.......

If you like this please let me know and I'll finish the story, otherwise I won't bother.
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