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The Continued Adventures of Sahyu – Part 36 (bird/F Feet)


Dec 21, 2007
So I am an addict to the MMO, FFXI, and have wanted to do something with this one monster’s ability for quite some time. Really quickly, though: Mithra are a cat-like race that the player can choose at the start (female only), Colibri are just a bird monster that use an attack called Feather Tickle (in game effect sets TP (points used for weapon abilities) to 0), and Blue Mages are hybrid Melee/Mages (like in other FF) that learn abilities from monsters by having said abilities used upon them (like other FF’s). If you complete a quest, you obtain an adventuring companion NPC, and mine is named Sahyu (big surprise). So yeah. Etc.

The Continued Adventures of Sahyu – Part 36 (bird/F Feet)

It was one of those sunny days, the kind which exhumes happiness with every blasted ray of warm, cell destroying radiation. Well, happy cell destroying radiation, from a smiling and gleeful, albeit oblivious celestial ball of fire (not a great one, mind you. Mediocre at best, and yellow at worst; yellow is so ugly and tacky). The birds were chirping (though they would always chirp regardless of the weather, the infernal things), the bees were buzzing (if you were a jerk, you’d point out that the rapid movement of their tiny wings created a buzz like sound, rather than the bees themselves buzzing. Good thing you aren’t), but more importantly, the adventurers were adventuring (as opposed to journeying).

Sahyu’s tail flicked as she set her hand upon the hilt of her sword, its blade glinting dully in the morning sun. Today’s target – the Colibri – was plentiful just outside of Al Zahbi’s gates. The bird itself resembled a very large parrot, and acted like one, often mimicking the incantations required for arcane magic that other adventurers would foolishly cast upon them without hesitation. Her Mithran cat like instincts burned from the anticipation of battle; nose afire with the scent of earth and vegetation, she carefully stepped forward through the tall grass that played with her toes inside of their fortified sandals.

After ascending a small hill, she drew her sword quickly, seeing many Colibri fluttering about in the field in front of her. The life of a Blue Mage was not an easy one, but it was well worth it to be able use the abilities of her enemies on a whim. Colibri in particular did not use an incredibly strong ability, but Sahyu had plans for how she would make use of it. Finally catching sight of a Colibri to the south, by a ridge, she ran forward, blade in hand.

It noticed her before she had a chance to attack, slapping at her with its tail. Because of her forward momentum, she could only half dodge, forcing her to knock the arm length scaly tail aside with her sword. This however left her defenseless to the bird’s main means of defense - it’s colossal beak, which it used to shatter the skulls of it’s opponents. With a quick dive, the bird pecked at her rib cage, but Sahyu managed to avoid it. Rather, the mix of momentums from earlier caused her to slip in the slightly wet mud, so she fell backwards at such an opportune time that the bird missed entirely.

Again the bird attacked, this time lunging for her chest with enough speed to pierce both her blue armor and her body. Due to its distance, she had enough time to anticipate the attack and rolled quickly, leaving the bird to become stuck in the mud as it flailed its wings furiously. Quickly jumping to her feet with the grace bestowed to her by her ancestors, she raised her sword to swing. The blade met naught but air as the bird managed to free itself and flutter away. It faced her with such a gleam in its eyes, speaking untold rage to her.

Once more it charged at her; this time she was ready, though. She held her blade in front of her, tip to the ground, ready to parry the bird’s beak and slay it; it had not used the ability she had hoped to steal, but the fight proved too difficult to prolong. However, it stopped short with a suddenness that caught her off guard before flapping its wings rapidly. Shit, she thought, not now!

It turned its back to her and used its signature move, Feather Tickle, harassing her underarms – which were left bare in order to move more freely - with its stiff feathers. Of course she laughed; it tickled, after all. But she also dropped her sword when she shut her arms to protect herself from the attack, quickly realizing the fatalness of what she had done. The bird spun about quickly and pecked furiously several times at her midriff. She fell onto her stomach, incapacitated and unable to move.

While waiting for another adventurer to run by, see her and cast a healing spell upon her, she felt a slight movement on her right foot, then the lack of any pressure at all as the soft wind danced over her bare sole. From the corner of her eye, she could see the bird she had fought as it threw her now empty sandal into a nearby bush before disappearing from her sight as she felt her left foot become bare.

Quite suddenly, she was forced to laugh as she felt a flurry of feathers assault her bare feet. For long minutes she laughed, the damned birds feathers dancing across her soles and toes in an unbearable fashion as she lay immobile, gripping at the grass in an attempt to bear the sensations. At least her laughter alerted a fellow adventurer of her need, she thought begin flurries of giggles when she saw a white clad man walk by, his staff in hand.

“Help. Pleahehease.” She asked through her assassin like Keffiyeh that muffled her speech and laughter, using what energy she could muster to do so. He smiled and walked behind her, near her feet, before sitting down.

“I will. Eventually. I want to watch for a while, first.” Were she able to, she would have struck down the pretentious mage; however, all she was able to do for the moment was giggle and laugh to the birds whims.
Nicely done. Now I just need parts 1-35 ; P.

Can't wait for FFXIV BTW.
Oh. 1-35 were intended to be her normal adventures, with this one particularly being about tickling. They wouldn't be very interesting anyway.

As for 14. Hm. I've played 11 for a considerable amount of time, and after watching how SE has handled updates and treated the community, I don't feel that ff14 will be that great. But I'll still check out the demo, we'll see.

And thankee for your kind words, good sir knight.

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