This woman is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. She's absolutely gorgeous. If someone has ANYTHING of her, please share. Unfortunately I've heard she's not modeling anymore. 🙁
These pics are from silvercherryproductions' old page.
Aside from her gorgeous self, she also has a great laugh and she performed wonderfully at Silvercherry's hands, she can very well be his top model!
Smashing pics Trent, i hadn't seen any of those yet, boy does she look ravishing!
Yeah Dario...I'm kinda obsessed with her (in a healthy kind of way of course). She's probably the best looking woman I've seen (besides my fiancee of course). 😉
Actually I've probably seen the clip you're talking about. But these are the ONLY non-tk pics I've ever seen of her. If anyone has ANY more it would be greatly appreciated.