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The Dark (Feather) Kingdom: Part 2


4th Level Red Feather
Jul 12, 2003
Part II- The Neflite Show

Neflite was in a good mood over his recent victory against the Sailor Scouts. Though they had managed to escape, he could still take advantage of their weakness. He had also gathered a great deal of energy from the brats. Since Queen Beryl had given him another chance, he intended to make the best use of it. This time, though, instead of just defeating the Sailor Scouts, he was going to humiliate them completely. Neflite grinned at the thought of it. He already had the next plan ready to go.
Zoycite walked into his mansion, interrupting his self-congratulation session.
“Why, hello there, Zoycite. What brings you here today?” Neflite asked. He had the upper hand against her with his recent collection of energy.
Zoycite sneered. “You think that you’ve beaten me. All you have is one insignificant little victory over that pest, Sailor Moon.”
“True, but I intend to make it two victories, then three, and so on. All I have to do is concentrate on the brats’ weakness.” Neflite smiled.
“That was nothing more than pure luck, and I doubt the Scouts will fall for the same trick twice.” Zoycite did not sound so sure of herself.
“Not only will they fall for it, they’ll be utterly destroyed by it.” Neflite laughed. “Go do something useful, Zoycite. Or maybe I’ll have to tell Queen Beryl that you’re interfering with my work. Maybe she’ll demote you to scullery maid if you’re lucky.” Zoycite glared, but vanished in her customary swirl of rose petals.

“Meatball Head is late again,” said Raye disgustedly. “Can she ever be here on time?”
“I’ll bet a dollar on fifteen minutes,” said Lita sarcastically.
“Taken,” replied Mina in a dry tone.
“I bet she’s afraid to come again,” Raye went on. The others nodded. Serena had lately become paranoid, thinking that everyone she met on the street was a Negaverse stooge come to tickle her to death. Out of sympathy, they had decided to stop instituting the lateness penalty, at least for the time being.
Raye turned her head at a shout and a thud from outside. Raye found Serena facedown on the step; she had tripped coming up the stairs.
“So there you are!” she growled, with her usual complete lack of sympathy. “What took you? Oh, well, I guess I should be thankful you’re only ten minutes late!”
“Shut up, Raye,” Serena muttered. “You’re so mean.” Serena pulled herself off the ground.
“I have an idea!” Raye grinned as she came in. “Next time you’re late, we’ll…”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Serena shrieked, leaping away from Raye. “You wouldn’t, Raye!” As an afterthought, she muttered, “Yes you would.”
“I was going to say that we should make you do the cleanup.” Raye half-grinned with the lie.
“That’s not what you were going to say!” wailed Serena.
“Oh do be quiet, Serena,” said Amy. “We’re not going to do anything to you. I already said that in light of the other day’s events, we wouldn’t punish you by tickling. Now sit down and stop crying!”
“Well… Oh! Cookies!” Serena happily began to munch on cookies. Sweat drops appeared on everyone’s heads.
“It’s useless,” sighed Mina.
“Like Meatball Head,” added Raye.
“Stop fighting,” said Luna sharply. “We have work to do. Amy?”
“Yes. Recently, after the…episode we just had, the Negaverse has been opening portals-“ Serena’s wail cut her off.
“NOOOO! They’re coming to get meeeeee!”
“Can it, Serena!” Raye shouted. “You’re such a wimp!”
“As I was saying, they have been opening portals again, but they are too small to get much of anything through. I can’t figure out what they are for. But… they all seem to be originating near the abandoned airport on the West Side of the city. It could be a trap. Another trap,” she warned.
“I’m not going!” Serena said flatly.
“Yes you are,” everyone said at once. Luna continued. “In fact, you’re all going.”
“Noooooo-!” Raye cut off when she realized that she sounded like Serena.
Serena rounded on her. “What’s the matter, is Sailor Mars… ticklish?” Serena knew that Raye hated admitting to that.
“No, I’m not!” Raye shouted. Everyone was looking at her, standing up with her mouth open. “Well, maybe a little…” she said as she sat down.
“I’m not scared,” said Lita confidently. “No Negaverse scum is going to keep me down!” Lita had not yet experienced the new brand of torture. Secretly, she didn’t think that tickle torture could really be as bad as they’d said it was.
“Sure, Lita,” said Amy dryly. “How about we send you to scout this place, then?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Um…” Lita was stuck. It was either look like a scaredy-cat and back down or quite stupidly march into enemy territory alone. “I’ll do it!” she said with false bravado.
“Great. Go to it,” said Luna.

“They fell for it,” said Neflite confidently as he watched Lita look around the airstrip. “You’d think after last time, they’d be more careful.”
“How stupid of them to only send one,” said his assistant. Vena looked like a twenty-one year old woman in general appearance. However, she also had blue skin, wide feathery wings and eight holes running up her sides. She wore a pink kimono with one modification; there were slits in the sides so that her vines could come out. Vena could command vines that sprouted from her sides and pluck “homing” feathers from her wings, but not both at once. She could use her power to immobilize and trap any fool Scouts stupid enough to wander by. Her large crystal earrings would store the energy of the brats.
Neflite nodded. “A scout, I think. (Author’s note: Pun intended.) When you take her, make sure she cannot call the others.”
“As you command.” She turned and vanished into thin air. Neflite returned to the window and continued observing from the control tower.

Lita walked around with great trepidation. She knew this was a bad idea, but pride kept her from calling for help. The hangar where the energy was coming from was right in front of her. Taking a deep breath, she pulled open the door, wincing at the screech of rusty hinges. The hangar was dark, and the clouds kept too much light from coming in through the windows. Cables were half-coiled and stacked sloppily on spools; some of them ran on the floor. Old lifting equipment swayed from the rafters. Crates were scattered all over the place, some with their contents spilling out. An oily smell permeated the air. Lita began to walk slowly across the floor.
Stepping lightly over the rubbish on the floor so as not to make a sound, Lita kept an eye out for anything suspicious. Tripping over a cable on the floor, she almost cried out. Muttering to herself, she got up and continued her search. Suddenly the cable coiled around her ankle and lifted her into the air with a yelp. Now Lita was dangling twenty feet off the floor by one foot, hanging upside down. Before she could move, another vine came in and took her communicator. The lights snapped on. Vena stood on the catwalk, one of the vines from the holes in her side holding Lita.
“You Nega-scum!” she shouted as she tried to pull her foot free.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Vena said mildly. “Falling on your head might hurt. I’m not going to hurt you…” Lita didn’t know enough to fill in the implication of the rest of that sentence. She still didn’t quite believe Serena’s story about the Negaverse using tickle torture. Besides, Lita wasn’t sure if she even was ticklish at all. No matter, even if they did try she could still beat them.
With a scowl Lita stopped trying to get free. She instead crossed her arms and began, “Jupiter Thunder-!” Vena grasped one of her wrists, breaking the attack. Now Lita hung with one foot and one wrist secured. She flailed her free foot and wrist wildly.
“Let me go, scum!” she cried as she flailed about.
“Umm, let me think about that…no.” Vena chuckled. She extended a third vine now, dancing sinuously like a snake. Lita stopped her struggles and settled for sneering contemptuously.
“And what do you think you can do with that?” she asked.
Vena smiled with anticipation. ”Surely you can figure it out.” The vine came closer.
Lita frowned. I wonder if I really am ticklish, she thought… Lita broke out into a nervous sweat, eyes now following every move of the vine. Now was not the time to find that out. Closer, ever closer…
“You seem to be nervous. I’ll take that as a yes.” Vena kept a neutral expression. Lita was almost hypnotized by the vine. It danced in front of her eyes tauntingly. Lita took hold of herself and clamped her mouth shut.
“Ah, it is so much more fun when you resist,” laughed Vena. The vine danced, slowly, softly, over her stomach.
Lita gave a great jump when the vine touched her. She tossed her head and smiled, but was determined not to give in. The vine twined about her stomach, the millions of bristles working together, battering at Lita’s will. Lita’s face went red but she still did not crack. She did not see the next pair of vines coming.
It was almost too easy, thought Vena. Next, the armpits, and in the unlikely event she resisted that, her feet, then up to her legs… and sides…
The vines slithered up Lita’s sleeves. They slowly made their presence known. Dancing over her sides and underarms, they quickly increased the torture beyond that Lita could take without laughing. They rubbed into her sides, tickling with their bristles, then quickly changed tack and scratched at her armpits. They began slowly, then began to move faster, so that the level of torture was always increasing. Lita’s face was a deep red, like a tomato. She knew she couldn’t keep this up.
“Come on,” soothed Vena. “Laugh. Don’t try to hold it in. Just let it out. Just laugh. You know it tickles,” she went on. “It tickles you so much. You can’t help but laugh. I know that; you know that. Surrender. Don’t make it harder on yourself. Just laugh…”
Slowly, unwillingly, Lita’s mouth began to give way to little chuckles and giggles. Then she exploded.
“My, it seems Miss Jupiter is quite ticklish,” said Vena. Another pair of vines came, these intended for Lita’s feet. Lita was kicking with her free foot and trying to pry the vines away with her hand, but the tickling had sapped so much of her strength that her struggles only served to amuse Vena further.
Then Vena heard Neflite’s voice echo through the hangar. “Get on with Phase II, Vena. Stop wasting time. You can have much more fun later.” Vena looked pouty, but she obeyed. Grabbing the communicator where she had dropped it, she flicked it on and pointed it at Lita. Letting the Scouts hear the shrieking laughter, she said into it, “Come to the hangar if you want to save your friend.”
“Forget it,” sneered Vena as she flicked it off and tossed it aside. “The goody-two-shoes Scouts won’t stay away. No, they’ll come, and fall into my trap as well.” Vena opened a portal to the Negaverse and threw Lita in. Lita was sobbing with relief from the stoppage of tickling, before she realized that she was in a room that was full of green gas… Lita fell asleep instantly.

“We have to go save Lita!” insisted Mina.
“Did you hear what they were doing?” asked Serena, wild-eyed.
“This is no time to chicken out, Meatball Head!” shouted Raye.
“Bad news, everyone!” said Artemis as he came through the door. “There’s a Negaverse monster in the park attacking people! It’s draining their energy!”
“They’re trying to split us up,” observed Amy.
“We’ll have to take that chance,” said Luna. “Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars, go check out the park. Sailor Moon, you take Sailor Venus and go help Sailor Jupiter. And be careful, all of you.”

Mina and Serena walked up the airstrip like Lita had. More accurately, Mina pushed Serena ahead of her as Serena tried to stay put.
“You don’t know what it’s like, Sailor Venus!” she wailed. “You don’t know what they do to people!”
“Serena, this is ridiculous,” Mina said, exasperated.
Serena stopped. “You don’t believe me?” she asked incredulously.
“Not really,” Mina admitted.
Serena looked at her with a fervent glare. She lowered her voice to a bare whisper. “Tickle torture, Venus, is like nothing else you’ve ever felt. It drains your strength… clouds your mind… there’s no escape…”
Mina stopped dead. Then she laughed. “Is that all?” she asked. “I can take that.”
Serena shook her head. “No you can’t. It’s not like we do. It is many times worse…”
Mina waved her away. “Sure, whatever. This will be a snap.”
Fools, thought Neflite. Sailor Moon, supposedly the stupidest, was showing the most sense. Not that it mattered any.
Mina walked towards the hangar, with Serena lagging behind. She opened the door, which squeaked with rust when it swung. The lights were on in the hangar.
“Venus, don’t go too fast-“ panted Serena when she caught up. “Oh my God! Sailor Jupiter!”
Lita was hanging by her wrists from the ceiling. Her face was puffed and red, and smudgy like she’d been crying. Her shoes were on the floor, and her outfit was messed up. Mina put two and two together.
“It’s that bad?” she asked nervously.
“Yes!” Serena whispered fiercely. “When you go to get her, watch out for traps! The person could still be here!”
Mina climbed the stairs to the catwalk, then hoisted herself up onto the framework of the roof. She inched along to the place where Lita was hanging. Serena was trying to watch everywhere at once and not succeeding.
“Come on, Jupiter, wake up,” she whispered urgently, gently shaking her. Lita stirred and groaned. “Don’t make any noise,” she added.
“Gotcha!” a voice echoed around the room. Mina jumped and almost fell, and Serena screamed. She ran for the door, but it slammed and locked.
“We’re goners!” whimpered Serena. Already she was dreading the coming torment.
“Calm down, Sailor Moon!” yelled Mina. To the mystery voice: “I’m not afraid of you! Show yourself!”
“Right here,” responded Vena. Mina gasped. Where Lita had been, Vena now hovered with an evil grin. Vena floated to the other side of the room. “Well, now it seems we have two Sailor Scouts ripe for the picking. Say,” she added with a glint in her eye, “you two wouldn’t be ticklish, would you?” Vena raised her arms. From the piles of junk around the room, feathers began to rise, floating menacingly.
“No…no, not the FEATHERS!” Serena screamed. She began to cry. “Please, please, please don’t tickle me! I’m super ticklish and I really can’t stand to be tickled at all!” Her voice rose with each word.
Idiot! snarled Mina to herself.
Vena regarded her with amusement. “I haven’t even begun, yet you are already pleading for mercy! Yes, I think this will be fun. For me.” Vena commanded the feathers to begin advancing on the Scouts. Slowly but inexorably they came; Vena liked to see the impending horror on the faces of her victims as they watched their doom approach. Serena backed up against the wall, whimpering. She swatted at the feathers as they approached. Her efforts were in vain; the feathers sneaked through her sleeves and went under her shirt, where their outlines were vaguely visible. More feathers stayed at her legs, where she was very vulnerable. They would prevent any movement from Serena; once tickled, her legs would collapse.
Serena had nowhere near enough willpower to consider resisting. She collapsed like a wet blanket when the first feather touched her. Rolling on the floor and slapping at herself, Serena screamed with laughter.
Vena coldly stared at her. “Fair? I don’t care about fair. And I won’t give mercy, either.” She turned her attention. Her earrings were pulsing white. “As for you, Sailor Venus…” Mina was still perched on the rafters. Feathers dove at her in a line. With nowhere else to go, Mina tried to duck. She lost her balance and ended up hanging from the girder.
Mina was all too aware of how vulnerable she was. She couldn’t pull herself up, and it was almost thirty feet to the ground. Vena stopped the mass assault, deciding to have some fun.
“My, my, my,” she chided mockingly. “What a mess you are in.” She sent two feathers to begin working at Mina’s underarms. The feathers wormed into her shirtsleeves and began their devilish work.
Mina tried to pull away but there was nowhere to go. “Heheheeh stop! I’m going to fall! Eeeehehehehehehe! No! No more! Please! Hahahaahahahaa!” she giggled. Mina’s laughter rang out in pleasantly sweet tones, as opposed to Serena’s discordant shrieks of tortured laughter. Vena shrugged.
“So what?” she sneered. Two more feathers swooped down Mina’s shirt neck and began to tickle her sides. The feathers already at her underarms moved faster, brushing her soft skin and drawing forth giggles that were rapidly becoming outright laughter. Two more feathers tracing teasingly along her ribs sapped at her concentration.
Vena wished she could use her vines, but settled for using her hands. She traced her nails along Mina’s taut tummy. The shirt might as well not have been there at all for all the protection it gave her. Mina was no longer able to try pulling herself up; she was barely capable of holding on now. Mina twisted and thrashed but the feathers were always there. The bow had fallen out of her hair and her clothes were in disarray. Still the feathers darted about, changing methods and places so fast that it seemed like there were more than just six. Sailor Venus was too busy hanging on to try resisting laughter any longer.
“I am quite aware you will fall,” said Vena evenly. “So go ahead. Fall. You know you can’t hold on. Not with all those feathers there. All of them, just tickling your underarms, and your sides, and your stomach. You can’t resist.” True enough, Mina’s grip was weakening under the relentless onslaught. With a shriek she fell, still laughing. Vena opened a portal hole under her and she vanished into the gas room.
“No, not yet,” Vena replied. She gestured, and Serena’s high-heeled boots came off and hit a crate with a thud.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT NOT THERE! PLEHEHEHEHEHEEASE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHHEHEH THERE!” Vena ignored Serena and sent a few more feathers at Serena’s feet. Her laughter doubled in volume.
Weakened as she was, Serena was easily thrown into a portal to the Negaverse.
“It’s done,” said Vena to Neflite.
“Good,” he replied. “You know what to do from here.”

Serena opened her eyes. It was pitch-black in here except for one small cone of light, where Neflite was standing at a podium. An invisible force stretched her arms over her head and bound her feet together. She was at an upward angle. She fidgeted, knowing she was totally exposed in this position. Fortunately, all of her clothes were still on, including her boots.
“You’re awake, Ms. Moon,” Neflite said almost cordially. He chuckled. “Forgive me for having you brought here, but we were uncertain if you’d accept an invitation.”
“Cut the small talk,” she spat. “What do you want with me?” Serena felt a little better; that thing was not to be seen. “You’re going to pay for having us tickled!”
“Oh, really?” he replied in a dry voice. “We’re waiting for your little Scout friends to wake up, if you’re wondering. As for the other part, I couldn’t help but notice that you seem to be quite defenseless when tickled.” Serena said nothing; she knew how vulnerable tickling made her.
Lita groaned. “Oh, my head…” She saw Neflite. “You jerk! Nobody gets away with something like this!”
Neflite shook his head. “Sorry to use the cliché, but I already have gotten away with it.”
Serena frowned. “What’s with this? Why are you at a podium? And why are you almost being nice?”
Neflite shrugged. “There will be no more ‘nice’ when Miss Venus wakes up. Think of it as the condemned’s last meal before execution.” On cue, Mina stirred. Neflite nodded. “If you ladies will excuse me, I have something to attend to.” He walked out through a door.
“What’s going on, guys?” Sailor Venus asked. Serena shook her head.
“We have no idea.” They fell silent, hearing noises from outside. They couldn’t quite make out the words. All they heard was someone say “And now…”
There was a shoof as a curtain was pulled back. Bright light flooded the room. They gasped and shut their eyes. When Serena opened hers, she wished she had not. Lita wished she could fall through a hole in the floor. Mina merely gaped.
There, stretched out in a large auditorium, was a crowd of Negaverse bad guys. Queen Beryl sat in a balcony seat, as did Zoycite and Malachite. Serena was aware of her face going red.
“Welcome to ‘Tickling Torture!’” shouted Neflite. “I’m your host, Neflite, with my assistant, Vena!” A floating sign with neon flashing letters proclaimed TICKLING TORTURE, along with an APPLAUSE sign, which was lit up. Sailor Venus groaned.
“Here are our contestants! Sailor Venus, Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter!” Cheering ensued from the crowd. Taking a mike - how did he get that? wondered Mina- he walked over to them.
“Did I get it right?” he asked almost eagerly. “I spent a long time studying human ‘television’ and ‘game shows’.” Without waiting for a response he went on.
“Now, let’s begin. I’ll ask you questions going down the line. Get it right, and you earn a break. Get it wrong, and pay the penalty!” Laughter came from the assembly. “Last one conscious wins.”
“All right! Our first category is… well, what do you know? It is ‘Sailor Scouts Trivia’,” he proclaimed. A derisive sniggering was heard from the crowd. “Sailor Venus!” he began. “Where is Sailor Moon most ticklish?”
Mina jumped. Serena groaned. If she answered the question, she’d be spared, but it would not be good for Serena. If she refused, she’d be tickled. Vena was standing to the side, an anticipatory grin on her face. Serena could almost feel the crowd leering at her.
“Five seconds,” said Neflite.
Mina burst out, “On her feet! I’m so sorry, Sailor Moon!”
A bell sounded. “That’s correct!” Boos from the crowd. Neflite raised a hand, and they quieted. Mina suspected he knew already, but she still felt bad.
“Don’t look so glum, Sailor Moon! You can still answer your question correctly.” He didn’t have to say ‘fat chance’ at the end. Serena prayed she’d not have to rat on one of her friends. “The next category is ‘General Knowledge’. Not that you have any knowledge at all of course.” More laughter from the crowd. Serena’s face went red. This was already quite possibly the most embarrassing thing to ever happen.
“Sailor Moon“ - dramatic pause – “how long was the Silver Millenium?” Even as he said it, Neflite knew Serena had no idea.
Come on, Serena! It’s a simple question, urged Lita mentally.
“Uh… a hundred years?”
A buzzer. “Wrong!” An anticipatory rumble came from the crowd. Serena screamed.
Vena’s vine twined around Serena’s left boot and slowly tugged it off. When the vine retracted, a feather danced near Serena’s sole. Neflite turned to the crowd and raised his hand.
“Pay the penalty!” he shouted.
“Pay the penalty!” the roar came back. The feather flickered and danced over Serena’s foot. It wormed between her toes and wiggled, curled around and tickled her soles. Serena went red again but managed to contain her laughter for the time being. She tossed her head, her hair whipping about. An ‘ooh’ came from the crowd, then more cheering.
“Ms. Moon must be having a lot of fun,” observed Neflite. “Look at the smile on her face!” A laugh from the crowd. “Sailor Jupiter, your question. Still ‘General Knowledge’.” Lita gulped and looked at Serena.
“Who is the mayor of Tokyo City?” Lita gasped. Such a dumb question, yet she didn’t know the answer!
“Five seconds,” called Neflite. Lita had absolutely no idea. (Author’s note: This is plausible, I have no idea who the mayor of my town is.)
Bzzzt! “Time’s up, Jupiter. Time to pay the penalty!”
Dignity, Lita, maintain your dignity, she thought as Vena plucked two feathers from her wings and flung them at Lita. They flew up her shirtsleeves and brushed at her armpits. Lita’s ponytail whipped as she tossed her head, as well. Still, neither she nor Serena laughed.
“All right, Ms. Venus, let’s see if you can remain the only girl untickled. Our new category is ‘Video Games’. Surely you can get this right,” he added sarcastically. Mina half-grinned. She actually had an even-odds chance of getting this right.
“Who,” he asked, “is the leader of the Celadon Gym?”
Mina gaped. “What kind of question is that?” she burst out.
Bzzzt! “’What kind of question is that’ is not the correct answer, sorry.” Neflite motioned to Vena.
With a gesture, she looped a feather in Mina’s direction, and the feather swooped down her neck. Mina screamed before clamping her mouth shut. This time, the laughter from the crowd had a nasty edge.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Venus, were we not supposed to go there?” Neflite chuckled. He moved to Serena, still trying not to laugh.
“Sailor Moon, who is the leader of the Sinistrals?”
Serena was in a pickle. If she opened her mouth to answer, she’d laugh. If she said nothing, she’d be tickled more. Serena opened her mouth - and giggles poured out.
“D- hehehahah D- hahaheheha D- aaahahahaa!” Serena couldn’t even make out the first word.
Bzzzt! “Sorry, that’s incorrect.”
“No! That’s – hehehahahehhahea unfair!” Serena protested.
Neflite shrugged. “Nobody said it was fair. Go ahead, Vena.” She tugged Sailor Moon’s other boot off.
Serena winced. Vena smiled. The second feather settled in on her other foot and began to brush softly at her soles. It was more than Serena could take.
Neflite shook his head. “My, it seems Ms. Moon is in a ticklish situation. Okay, Sailor Jupiter, you’re next. Our new category will be ‘Science’. What do the letters mean in E=MC^2?”
Lita congratulated herself for paying attention in class. “E-energy e-e-equals… energy… energhhaHAHAHAHHHAHAAH!” Lita couldn’t finish the sentence.
Bzzzt! “I’m sorry, you need to answer in complete sentences.” Neflite did not sound sorry at all.
“Hey! That’s-“ Lita protested.
“Jupiter, shut up!” put in Mina.
“You’re ch-ch-cheating!” Serena burst out.
Bzzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt! The buzzer overrode the Scouts’ objections. They all sat, dumbfounded, only now comprehending what they’d brought on themselves.
“It seems that we have twelve incorrect answers. Vena, that means four extra for each of them…” Neflite cut off hearing a chant from the crowd.
“Maximum! Maximum! Maximum!”
“Oh, what the hell. Vena, maximum torture!” Neflite proclaimed. Wild cheering burst forth from the crowd.
“As you wish.” Vena’s smile indicated it was her wish, as well. A flurry of feathers burst from her wings, and she removed all the Scouts’ shoes.
Serena wanted to cry. To be humiliated like this, and tickled on top of it? That was as far as she got before the tickling overtook her.
The feathers came like moths drawn to light. They covered each girl, some brushing against feet and others teasing with the points on ticklish ribs, sides and armpits. All three were shrieking with nonstop laughter, and only part of the redness in their faces was embarrassment.
Sailor Moon thrashed and bucked, arching her back in a vain attempt to free herself. The feathers were everywhere, brushing all over her ticklish points and never stopping, much less slowing down. Her laughter rose to a high-pitched constant shriek that rose and fell as Vena drew forth new levels of ticklishness from Serena. Her tears mixed with sweat, and she could no longer speak for laughing. Soon, her senses dulled; all she was aware of anymore was the feathers, darting about, brushing their soft sides against her, scratching with the tips, and always tickling her. Soon, mercifully, even that faded as her vision was enveloped in black, and she fell unconscious from lack of oxygen.
“Sailor Moon is out!” exulted Neflite to boisterous cheering from the crowd.
Sailor Venus was not quite as ticklish overall as Sailor Moon. However, her weak point happened to be every square inch of her skin; Mina was ticklish just about everywhere. Her laughter started slowly, and built to a crescendo as Vena massed the feathers on her sides and feet. She had always taken good care of her feet; they were smooth and soft. This was now coming to haunt her, amplifying the assault. The feathers came in with random patterns; first slow circles on her soles, then changing to sawing between her toes, then scratching at the balls of her feet. Tears squirted out of her eyes, and her hair was damp with sweat. When unconsciousness claimed her, it was a blessing.
Sailor Jupiter fought with every fiber of her being against the torture. The feathers sweeping at her underarms soon dispelled any illusions of resisting the assault. She did not burst out in laughter all at once; it was more like a slow leak in a balloon. First, the added feathers on her stomach prompted girlish giggles, followed by steady laughter from the feathers tickling her legs, and this gave way to shrieking laughter when the gaps between her long toes were exploited. She threw everything she had into staying conscious; not for the sake of winning, but for defying the Nega-creeps as long as possible. An unexpected turn came when feathers tickled under her neck; they surprised her enough that she lost her breathing rhythm and began to slip away. Before she went under, she heard a voice, Neflite’s voice.
“Congratulations, Sailor Jupiter. You win. Hahahahahahaha!”

“Well, Neflite,” said Queen Beryl.
It was a day after the event, and Neflite was basking in the glow of Beryl’s good graces. He knelt before her throne, as did Vena. The amount of energy that Vena had collected was astounding. The Queen placed Neflite on a lesser probation, with the privilege of planning his own missions again. Though he kept a straight face, inwardly he was grinning. After seeing how Beryl had congratulated Neflite, Zoycite had stormed off in a huff. Probably to cry on Malachite’s shoulder. It made no difference.
“Neflite, you have managed to redeem yourself. You have collected much energy from Sailor Moon, and this time you managed to keep the brats. Your… what do the humans call that ritual you performed?”
“A game show, Your Highness,” he responded.
“Ah. Yes, a ‘game show’. I found it quite entertaining. I want you to keep the Sailor brats alive a while longer. Seeing Sailor Moon humiliated so is most delicious,” she cackled. “Continue to extract energy from the brats. And see if you can snare the other two.”
“Of course, my Queen. I have already begun to formulate another plan to bring the remaining Sailor Scouts here. Jelex!” he called.
“Yes, Master,” Jelex hissed as she rose from the floor. She was smaller than Vena, looking like a short teenaged girl. Her long blond hair hung down her back, braided. Pointed ears poked out from under her hair. A crystal bracelet adorned her left wrist. She wore a black tank top that showed her stomach, snug breeches that stopped short of her knees, fingerless gloves, and boots. She moved with a swaying motion, almost seductive. Her mouth seemed to wear a permanent mischievous grin. In contrast to Vena, her skin was a deep, shiny red, almost like jelly but firmer. Her entire outfit was a contrast, as well: Vena’s elegant pink robes and proper appearance to Jelex’s looser, informal clothing. She bowed with a grace that spoke of great agility.
“I am training Jelex in the method of weakening the Sailor Scouts,” Neflite said. “She can disguise herself to walk in the world of humans.”
“Neflite, what is this odd weakness all of the human girls seem to have? You have done well exploiting it, but what exactly is it?” Beryl asked.
“Ah. Well, it is called ‘tickling’,” Neflite explained. “When the human girls are touched in a certain way, it causes interesting effects. First, they begin to laugh. Some are more susceptible than others, but the Scouts are especially vulnerable. Second, their energy output goes way up. It is very useful to us because this energy does not help them in any way. It will dissipate quickly, but it is very powerful energy. Third, victims often are unable to protect themselves. I decided to bind the Scouts for convenience, but the truth is they probably could not have moved anyway when they were tickled. This creates a feeling of helplessness, which in turn causes anger,” he warned. “If the ‘tickling’ is stopped before the victim loses most of their energy, the victim often attacks the tormentor with great force,” concluded Neflite.
“Hmm…” mused Beryl. “That will be all from you for now. I think I will make it required study, this human weakness.”
“As you command.” Neflite and his assistants rose smoothly and disappeared.

“Stupid Neflite.”
Zoycite was off by herself sulking. Everything had been going so well! Neflite was failing, the Queen had been losing patience, soon to remove him… and then he got lucky. With two major deposits of energy, as well as the capture of three Sailor Scouts, Neflite had been moved back onto the Queen’s good list. How would she proceed now? Veiled insults to his credibility were out, as were insinuations that he had failed to neutralize Sailor Moon, and…
Zoycite’s train of thought was jolted to a halt. An excellent idea had just struck her. One that would shame Neflite while leaving no trail to her. Giggling softly, Zoycite trotted over to the prison section.

The Sailor Scouts were in miserable shape, both physically and mentally. Serena’s cheeks still burned at the humiliation Neflite had given them. They still had not fully recovered from the tickling torture session, and Neflite had come by to remind them that their next appearance was in two days. Locked in a small, dark, and cold room, each Scout sat silently with their thoughts. Time had no meaning in the small dungeon.
The lock on their door rattled. Their heads jerked up as one, yet each knew there was no hope of resistance if they had come for them. Had two days passed already?
The door swung open to reveal Zoycite, wearing a mischievous grin.
“What do you want?” asked Lita, putting as much scorn as possible in her voice.
Zoycite’s smiled broadened. “To get you out, of course.”
Mina blinked. “What?”
“You heard me. Out. Get out.” Strangely, she was still smiling.
Sailor Moon staggered to her feet. “This is a trick, right?” she said, laughing weakly. Zoycite shook her head.
“You’re letting us go?” Lita was caught between the suspicion that it was a trick and the almost painfully eager hope that it wasn’t.
Zoycite backed away and gestured to the hall. Staggering slowly, each Scout filed out the door, giving Zoycite a look asking if she had lost her mind. Zoycite opened a portal.
“There it is. You’re free to go. Now leave, before I change my mind.”
They ran.
As the portal closed, Zoycite laughed.

In a flash, Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus were standing in the aircraft hangar. Sailor Moon walked two steps and slapped herself.
“Am I dreaming…?” Realization swept over her, and she laughed.

Neflite ran to Beryl’s audience room. What could have happened? The Queen had been so pleased just an hour ago…
“Yes, My Queen,” he panted, kneeling.
“Neflite-!“ Beryl stopped, realizing how hysterical she sounded. “Neflite,” she continued in a deadly calm tone, “the Scouts have escaped.”
Neflite wore open shock on his face. “How?” was all he managed. Right behind that came the thought ‘Zoycite!’ But he kept that to himself.
“I don’t know,” she went on icily. “Be that as it may, remember you are still on a short leash. You are hereby assigned to bring Sailor Moon here, or drain every last drop of her energy.” Beryl recomposed herself. “Neflite, you have come too far in the past few days. I don’t want to have to terminate you. See that I don’t have to.”
“Yes, My Queen,” croaked Neflite. He turned to go. Idly, he wondered if Zoycite was ticklish…

Serena, Lita and Mina staggered back to the temple, still exhausted. Amy rushed out to greet them.
“Where have you been?” she asked frantically. “What happened to you?”
Serena gave her a sideways look. “We took a trip to the Negaverse,” she said flatly. Then she fell asleep.

Serena reluctantly opened her eyes. Raye sat next to her, wearing a smile of relief that she quickly hid.
“Thank goodness! We didn’t know what happened to you three!” she said in her normal tone.
“Gee, thanks for the sympathy,” grunted Serena. She sat up and yawned. “Boy, do I feel better. That was quite possibly the worst thing I have ever gone through.”
“Come out,” commanded Raye, completely back to her old self. “We’ve been waiting for you.”
Serena, Mina and Lita explained to Amy, Luna, Artemis and Raye their ordeal. Amy was horrified and very understanding. Raye kept demanding to hear minor details again, trying to glean something of significance from their brief glimpse of the Negaverse. Luna mulled over what could be done, while Artemis had a glum expression on his face.
“The monster in the park turned out to be a decoy, by the way,” he put in. “The thing bolted as soon as we got there.”
“We need to think of some countermeasures,” replied Luna. “What if the Negaverse tries this again?”
“If they try tickle torture again, I’ll handle it for you,” Raye suggested condescendingly.
“Oh shut up, Raye, you’re as ticklish as the rest of us,” commented Serena.
Raye put an edge into her voice. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” Serena shot back.
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Shut up!” growled Lita. “Raye, you know you are ticklish. You don’t have to be macho and deny it.”
“I am not ticklish!” Raye insisted.
“That’s it!” Lita got to her feet. “There’s only one way to settle this.”
Mina caught on instantly. “Yes, I quite agree. Are you in, Serena?”
“Oh yes.” Serena smiled.
“W-what are you talking about?” Raye quavered. “Stop looking at me like that! Hey! If you try to tickle me, I’ll…”
“You’ll what?” asked Serena. Lita lunged and tackled Raye. Mina and Serena sat back-to-back on her legs while Lita held her arms.
“Let me go!” cried Raye as she tried to pull free. Panic entered her voice. “All right! I-I admit it! I’m ticklish! Please let me go!”
“Not good enough, Raye,” cackled Serena. “It’s payback time!”
Serena pulled Raye’s T-shirt up, exposing her stomach. She then proceeded to teasingly dance her nails with one hand on Raye’s ribs. Raye fought the laughter on general principle.
“No… you… won’t… make… me… laugh!” Raye huffed out.
“Sure about that?” Serena laughed. She brought her other hand into play. Raye was turning red, small puffs of breath escaping her. Serena figured that she was actually holding her breath.
Meanwhile, Mina had unlaced Raye’s shoes and pulled off her socks, but she couldn’t keep Raye from crunching her toes and tickle her at the same time. “Hey, Amy!” she called. “Give me a hand!”
“Well, I don’t know…”
“Come on!”
“Here, I’ll help!” said Artemis.
“Artemis!” reprimanded Luna. “Do you really think this is a good idea?”
“Look, they’re having fun. Lighten up, Luna. Besides, if it gets her to take the threat seriously, it’ll be worth it.”
Artemis jumped down and strode over to Raye’s bare feet. Mina had pulled back her toes and was wiggling her fingers in the gaps. Raye giggled.
“Heehehehehe… no! I won’t… heheheheheheh… hahahahahahaha… laugh…. Or… hehehehahahahah… beg!”
“Give it up, Raye.” Serena was having the time of her life, laughing as she tortured Raye’s sensitive ribs.
Artemis leaned over to Raye’s feet and began to lick her soles. Raye couldn’t fight anymore.
“See? You’re ticklish, Raye,” teased Lita.
“Let’s see where else I can try…” giggled Serena. She marched her nails down to Raye’s sides and began to dig in to the soft flesh. Raye shrieked and bucked so hard she almost threw Serena and Mina clear across the room.
“Ooh! Looks like I found a good spot!” Serena attacked her again and held on for dear life.
Finally they let Raye up, though she giggled and twitched for a few seconds after they stopped. She was sweaty and red, and fell three times before she could stand up.
“You see, Raye? We’re all at risk. The Nega-dweebs are experts, and they won’t stop until you fall unconscious,” Lita reasoned.
“Hmph. I suppose you’re right,” Raye admitted grudgingly. “But this doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten this. I’ll have my revenge. Just you wait.”
“Please, can we stop this childishness?” asked Amy. “The Negaverse is going to be back soon.”
The Scouts fell silent. Vena was still out there…
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