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The Dentist


TMF Master
Apr 18, 2001
The Dentist

Calista Flockhart drove into the empty parking lot of her dentist. She always appreciated how Dr. Kyle Smith would stay after hours when she had an appointment. It was Dr. Smith who suggested it so Calista would have a pleasant and peaceful visit to the dentist.
As she walked to the door, Dr. Smith opened it.
“Hello, Calista.” Greeted Dr. Smith with his familiar smile. “How are you doing today?”
“Hello, Kyle.” Replied Calista. “I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking.”
Kyle closed and locked the door when Calista entered. He led the way his office.
Calista sat in the dentist chair and watched as Kyle got into position for Calista’s six-month check up.
Following the checkup, Kyle informed Calista, “Good report except for one thing.”
“What is it, Kyle?” inquired Calista.
“I see a cavity. I can fix it now if you would like me to.”
“Sure go ahead.”
Kyle grabbed the gas mask and turned the knob so the gas would begin to flow. He placed the mask over Calista’s nose and mouth. Within a matter of seconds, Calista went into a deep sleep.
Hours later Calista woke up in a pitch black room. She could not even see two inched in front of her. She also noticed that she was unable to move.
“Help! Somebody help me!” she hollered.
Moments later the door opened and someone entered the room. The lights came on, and Calista squinted her eyes till they got adjusted to the lights.
Calista was shocked to see what had happened to her. She was in a modified dentist chair. The arm rests had manacles, which held her wrists in place and at the foot of the chair she saw that her feet were in, padded metal stocks. Calista struggled once more to get freed, but it was totally useless.
The other shock Calista received was the person who entered in room was her dentist, Dr. Kyle Smith.
“What is the meaning of this, Kyle? Let me go.”
“No. I do not think I will let you go.”
“W-What are you going to do to me?” she nervously asked.
Kyle took a seat next to Calista.
“You are such an incredibly beautiful, beautiful woman, Calista. I often fantasize what I’d love to do to you if I had my way with you. Now I can make that fantasy come true.”
Calista started to get a bit fearful of her situation.
Kyle adjusted the chair and leaned Calista back so the soles of her feet would be facing the opposite wall. Kyle then slid himself into position in front of Calista’s feet. When he did this, Calista’s eyes grew big with fear, as she now knew what was in store for her.
“Oh, no Kyle. Y-You would do that? Y-You wouldn’t tickle my feet? Would you?”
With a big shark’s grin Kyle easily slipped off Calista’s shoes one by one revealing her nylon-clad feet.
With wiggling fingers Kyle began to tickle Calista’s feet.
He never realized just how insanely ticklish her feet were. Calista bounced in the chair and threw her head back in total hysterics as Kyle methodically tickled her feet. His fingers were more like tickle spiders as he wiggled his fingers up and down Calista’s helpless feet. Kyle relished every second while Calista was in stitches. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her face became flush, and her lovely face soon became contorted in agony.
After about an hour of the inhumane tickling, Calista mercifully passed out. Her head fell down into her chest.
Kyle went and gently lifted Calista’s head. She was a sweaty mess. Her hair matted to her head, eyes still moist with tears, her blouse clinging to her sweaty body.
While Calista was unconscious, Kyle took a pair of small scissors and clipped the nylons around her ankles and peeled them off. He took some string and securely tied Calista’s toes back.
For the next few moments Kyle just sat in front of her naked feet and simply admired them. He never fully grasped just how incredible beautiful her feet are. He carefully studied every aspect of Calista’s feet from her heels to her toes.
Kyle left the room to get the tickle machine he had been working for this special occasion.
He returned and set the machine in place. Next he got some smelling salts and waved them underneath Calista’s nose.
She awoke with a jerk.
“Did we have a nice nap?” asked Kyle.
“Please let me go.”
“Not yet. I’m not finished having my fun with you.”
Calista noticed that her toes were tied back thus rendering her feet completely immobile. She also felt a number of soft bristle clumps all over the soles of her feet including her toes and arches.
“You notice the bristles on the bottoms of your feet, Calista?”
She said nothing.
“This is an invention of mine. I turn on the machine, and the bristle heads begin to rotate which tickles the sole of your feet.”
“No, Kyle!” Calista begged. “I-I’ll go insane!! Please! I’m begging you! Have mercy!!”
“How about a test run?”
Before Calista could say anything, Kyle punched the ‘ON’ button.
The initial reaction was so explosive for Calista that if she were not tied down, she would have stood straight up and jumped clean out of her own skin.
It was worse than any tickling Calista had ever gone through in her entire life. She felt every bristle rotating on the bottoms of her feet. Some were rotating clock-wise while others were rotating counter clock-wise. There was nothing she could do to stop it.
Kyle looked on in absolute amazement as Calista was bucking and thrashing about in her seat. For a moment he thought that she would up root the chair from the floor.
Calista screamed and hollered as the bristles did a job on her feet. She felt the tickling sensation run up her legs and through her body like electricity and detonate in her brain.
After about a minute, Kyle turned the machine off.
Calista was totally exhausted and panting for air.
“Never thought that a minute could last so long.” He sarcastically asked.
“No more, please.” Begged a tired Ms. Flockhart still panting. “I’ll do anything. I’ll give you money. I won’t tell anybody about this.”
Without saying a word Kyle slid the bristles a few inches away from Calista’s feet, and he rubbed her feet with baby oil. Next, he replaced the bristles.
“You see this weight?” Kyle said as he pointed to a five-pound weight. ‘It is attached to a bag of sand.”
He placed the control on the floor so the ‘ON’ button would be directly underneath the weight. Next he pulls out a small knife.
“This is what I’m going to do. I’ll cut a hole in the bag. As the sand pour out, the weight will slowly descend and land on the control thus turning the machine on. With no one here to turn the machine off you will be reduced to nothing more than a ball of hysterically tickled pink flesh.”
Kyle made a small cut in the bag. The sand began to steadily spill out of the bag, and the weight began its downward trek.
Calista began to beg and plead, as she has never done so in all her years. Her groveling soon became incoherent babbling. She watched in horror as the bag drew closer to the button. Her heart began to beat harder and harder. Before long Calista was panicking as she tried in sheer desperation to get herself freed.
“Well it is time for me to go.”
Kyle turned and headed for the door.
“No, Please. Don’t leave me.” Calista imploded with tears streaming down her face.
As Kyle was leaving the room, he turned the lights off, closed and locked the door leaving Calista Flockhart to a ticklish fate in complete darkness.
Now she had no idea how much more the weight had till it landed on the control. She did not know what was more unbearable: waiting for the weight to turn the machine on, or knowing that at any moment she was going to experience such tickling the likes of which that perhaps no one has ever endured.
Suddenly Calista heard the weight land on the control. As nanosecond later the machine turned on.
Calista found out why Kyle rubbed her feet with baby oil. The oil made the tickling sensation infinitely worse.
She sat in the chair violently shaking her head back and forth and screaming in absolute silent laughter.
With no one in the room to turn off the machine Calista Flockhart was left in an excruciatingly and horribly ticklish predicament.

We Have A Winner!! This is one of the best stories I have ever read! This captures the true essence of tickle torture! Brilliant!
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