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The Deputy and The Outlaw: Retribution Part 17 (F/F)


Nov 28, 2001
Ok fans, time for the next chapter! First, I do want to let people know that this specific chapter is very story heavy. There is some tickling, but it is primarily story driven as everything is being set up for the conclusion. If you have noticed my style by now, I want to show all the details and have a smooth flow to how events unfold. This series is about a story and how we end up on all the tickling scenes. This chapter sets up the conclusion, which is only 5 chapters left! Crazy how fast time flies. In fact, it was a year ago (8/26) that Phase 3 debut, and this series is the culmination of that phase. Yeah, I have written a lot of material that will last over a year! It was my true pleasure to bring you this saga and i hope you have enjoyed the ride so far. Now, let's get to this next chapter and I hope you enjoy it! Your comments are most welcomed!


Thalia continued to speak with Priscilla as they consumed their breakfast. She was getting used to this woman being in her presence and found her to be evil and manipulative, but it wouldn’t matter. She just had to be cordial with this woman and then she would go back home in a few hours. She did think about Priscilla’s request to work with Christos. She didn’t care how he did his business; she just had a duty to work with the man and make sure everything was smooth. She then heard the door open, and she smiled when she saw who had entered. It was Babs who made her way to the breakfast table. She knew that Sabrina was probably not too far behind. As Priscilla was speaking about some crime she and her husband were recently committing, she thought about the previous night. She remembered just how much fun she had playing with the outlaw. She loved how ticklish she was, and how soft her skin was. She really did enjoy forcing that woman to orgasm and then made her perform oral sex, so she could have her release. It was such a great relief to finally have that orgasm after a day filled with sexual tension. She hoped Sabrina remembered what happened as well, and that their friendly little competition was over. She smiled knowing that it was her that proved she was the alpha female, and no one was equal to her.

Sabrina walked through the corridor, headed for the dining room. She woke up early in the morning and just laid in bed. She needed to gather her thoughts as the events that took place the previous night dominated her mind. Everything was going great with the destruction of Darby and La Diabla, but it ended with a humiliating sexual experience for her. She thought about how Thalia tickle dominated her and even got her completely naked. She wasn’t a prisoner to the Greek bounty hunter, but she still succumbed to her sexual advances. She didn’t know what to think about it. It seemed like a mutual sexual experience as she got to pleasure a naked Thalia. But it was the way it happened that concerned her. The way she was dominated and made to feel completely submissive to her. She even remembered being called names as though she really was inferior. That was such a jolting experience and even though her orgasm felt absolutely amazing, she still felt strange knowing that she was not the dominant woman in this fort. She spent the last few years building up her reputation as a force to be reckoned with and yet, she felt like a helpless sexual kitten to a much more powerful woman. She wondered how she would focus going forward knowing that Thalia ended up getting the best of her. Sabrina walked into the dining room and saw the others sitting there. She noticed a beautiful, tall blond woman sitting next to Thalia and she looked familiar. She then went to Babs and saw her partner smiling as she was eating some bacon. “Good morning, Babs.” she whispered.

Babs was chowing down her bacon and was in a great mood. Today was the day they would go back to their home in New Mexico and celebrate their great success. She absolutely loved the events that took place and watching both Darby and La Diabla suffer had to be the greatest joy she felt in her criminal life. She went to bed last night and masturbated a few orgasms out of her body as she was so sexually riled up. That made her sleep very well and she was anxious to have this mission end. She saw Sabrina approaching her and noticed that something seemed off. Her partner was usually walking full of confidence and had a pep in her step. She seemed distracted and not in full concentration. She wondered if it was because of the emotional toll it took when La Diabla was being tortured by her and also what Thalia did. She knew Sabrina still had some unresolved feelings for the outlaw and she hoped she would get over it. “Good morning! Hey, you ok? You seem, distracted.” she asked her.

Sabrina heard the question, and she nodded her head affirmatively. She didn’t want to tell Babs what happened to her the previous night because it could start a fight in this dining room. She knew Babs was very loyal to her and would protect her. She loved that about her friend and had to at least reassure her that she was ok, even if she didn’t know it herself. “Yeah, I am fine. Just a long night, that’s all. I am looking forward to going back home.” she responded, then gave Babs a gentle pat on her shoulder.

“Ok, let me know if there is anything you need. Sit down, have some breakfast. This bacon is so yummy!! Hehe” Babs told her as she started to chow down on more strips of the delicious pork.

“Hehehe I am sure it is. Let me talk to Thalia for a moment. I also want to know who the blond woman is. She looks very familiar.” Sabrina told her, then started to walk over towards where Thalia sat, which was the head of the table. As she got closer, she noticed Thalia making eye contact with her. She felt her pulse quicken and her body temperature rising. It was the look on Thalia’s face that concerned her. The woman looked like she was in control and knew she had conquered her. Then she noticed the blond woman stopped speaking and then she turned and looked at her. “Good morning, Thalia. And good morning to you, Miss……” she said, now looking at Priscilla.

“Priscilla. Priscilla Montenegro. Nice to meet you.” Priscilla responded, then reached out her hand for a handshake. She felt Sabrina’s hand and smiled. She wondered who she was but could tell she was not part of this Greek army.

“Nice to meet you as well. My name is Sabrina, a business partner of Thalia. I am sure she told you about our activities?” Sabrina told her. She then remembered where she had heard Priscilla’s name before. She was the woman that Darby defeated back in Santa Selena and ruined her sex trafficking ring along with Gloria Wellington. She read about her escape, and it seemed surreal she was now face to face with this woman.

“Ah yes, she has. I love the fact that you both destroyed that nitwit Darby, and the evil bitch, La Diabla. Oh, it warms my heart to no end to see them suffer.” Priscilla said to her with a huge smile on her face.

“Haha yeah, we enjoyed destroying them. It was an experience I will never forget. You were the one they arrested back in Santa Selena, right? Then I know you love the fact that they are being shipped off to Greece and live out the rest of their days as sex slaves.” Sabrina told her. She could tell how excited Priscilla was about what happened, and it amused her.

“Sabrina was a big part of the reason we were able to destroy those women. I can’t thank her enough for her contributions to our mission, and I also want to thank you Priscilla for telling me about this fort. It worked out wonderfully….” Thalia interjected. She liked how both women were smiling over the destruction of Darby and the others. She took another strawberry and popped it into her mouth.

“I am glad I was able to help. If it meant destroying that rotten tramp, La Diabla, then all the more better. I look forward to doing business with the two of you again. I have some ideas and I think we could all make a lot of money!” Priscilla told the two women. She really wanted to be back into her criminal activities and now she found two potential women to help her. She loved the services of Helga and Svetlana, but they were in prison, so she needed replacements. Both women were very tough looking, and she needed that muscle.

“Perhaps that could happen.” Sabrina mused as she saw the gleam in Priscilla’s eyes. She then figured she would have some breakfast and began to turn around.

“Sabrina, we will be continuing our fun with the remaining two whores. I hope you would like to take part in it. I like having you around. Last night was a great night and we should continue our festivities.” Thalia told the outlaw. She stared at her and started to think that after torturing Kylie and Veronica, she would probably try to have sex with Sabrina one last time before she went back to Greece. She wanted to make sure she got her sexual urges out as the voyage was a very long one.

Sabrina felt her heart skip a beat as she heard Thalia’s words. She knew exactly what she was referring to and the memories of what happened the previous night filled her mind. She did not want to get dominated again and she felt nervous. It was as though Thalia was reminding her of her alpha status. She did a small smile and then started to head back to the end of the table where Babs was sitting. She wanted to get away from that situation as Thalia was still subtly intimidating her. She made it to Babs and sat down. It was time for her to eat and distract her mind. She glanced down towards Thalia again and saw the woman was still staring at her, even with Priscilla speaking with her. She really wished time would fly faster, so Thalia would be gone, and she wouldn’t have to deal with her probably ever again.

Thalia stared at Sabrina and felt her sexual desires growing. She then heard Priscilla babbling about some sex trafficking business and she really did not care. She just wanted to finish her mission, have a passionate sexual interaction and the finally go back home to Greece. She then looked at Priscilla and figured she should interact with her. “I am glad you came. La Diabla is destroyed. Darby is a broken mess. We have plenty of sex slaves. Would you like to see us have some fun with the remaining women? We will torture them in about an hour.” she offered.

“I would love too! Haha I think we are going to be great partners in the future! I can feel it. I will give you my contact information so you can give it to Christos Andino. I am feeling really good!” Priscilla said with glee. She was getting really excited and wanted to see firsthand how Thalia destroyed women. She had a hunch they used the same methods Helga used and that would be a lot of fun. She then looked around the room and noticed Francine still hadn’t returned yet. “I wonder where my bitch servant is. Probably taking forever to do a simple task like always! It is so hard to find good help these days!” she said in an annoyed voice.

Becky slowly made her way into the corridor. She could feel how cool the temperature was, then it started to get a little warmer the more she walked down into the hallway. She could see the torches on the walls illuminating the hallway and she felt nervous. It seemed like she was in such a haunted place that she read in books. She loved stories about adventures in dungeons and that’s what this area reminded her of. She then approached the areas where she could see the cells. That made her pause for a moment because this was the moment of truth for her. She was going to rescue Darby and La Diabla and set them free! She remembered when she tried to rescue Darby before. She snuck into that barn and watched as Sabrina and Babs tortured her friend and mentor. She ended up being too clumsy and got herself in trouble. That led to such a humiliating moment in her life as she was tied up and tortured all over her body. Then she was sexually conquered and even had Darby perform oral sex on her forcefully. It was such a harrowing experience, and it was something she never forgot. This was her moment of redemption. This was her moment to prove she could handle the duties of a deputy and save others. She did not want to fail and was determined to complete this mission. Armed with her gun and a hairpin, she carefully walked through the hallway. Becky started to look inside the cells and hoped to find Darby! She found a few empty cells and then she came upon one and saw a boot inside! There was someone in that cell! She then got to the cell and looked inside, hoping to see either La Diabla or Darby! Once she looked, her heart started to race. She was absolutely stunned by what she saw! It wasn’t Darby or La Diabla! It was Kylie! She was sitting down on the ground, her legs outstretched, which enabled her to see that right boot when she got close to the cell. ”Kylie???? is that ya sitting there???” she called out.

Kylie was sitting in her cell, trying to contemplate her situation. She remembered when she was supposed to be set up on the side of the wooden fence and then she was taken down by a massive looking woman. She didn’t stand a chance and was knocked out. She had no idea what happened after that as when she woke up, she was inside this cage. It was horrible to her that she did not know what happened in that battle. She did get to see who Thalia was and she looked intimidating. She realized that because she was in this jail cell, Darby and La Diabla must have been defeated. She had no idea what became of them as she sat in this cell for hours, even spending the night inside. She did learn that Veronica was in the next cell to her, and they both tried to keep each other company. Kylie sensed that it was morning, but she was still trapped in here. She wondered if she would ever get out, or was she destined to be a prisoner of Thalia and her gang forever. She then heard a noise and thought she heard a voice. She turned her head and saw a very familiar face. She could see a woman standing right outside her cell and saw the red pigtails, the freckled face and that gap toothed smile. She was completely stunned, and her eyes went very wide. “Becky???!!! Is that you??? How are you on the outside of the cell???” she asked in complete shock.

“I can’t believe I found ya here! I am glad to see ya! Where is Darby and La Diabla?” Becky asked. She remembered what Francine told her. There were two women in this wing and everyone else was in the other. That surprised her that Kylie was here, and she wondered who else would be in this wing.

“I don’t know!!! I have been trapped inside this cell since yesterday. I remember confronting that massive woman and next thing I know I am knocked out. I woke up and here I am. Veronica is in the next cell.” Kylie told her. She felt very happy to see the apprentice at this moment. She also wondered how she escaped.

Becky gasped as she heard that Veronica was in the next cell. She then moved over to that cell and looked inside. Inside the cell was Veronica lying down on the ground and she appeared to be asleep. Even though she expected to see Darby and La Diabla, she was still happy to find Kylie and Veronica. Now, she could have some others to help her in her quest to free everyone. “Veronica! Are ya awake? Can ya hear me?” she called out.

Veronica started to stir as she heard someone calling her name. She slowly opened her eyes and started to look around. She finally managed to fall into a deep sleep after a terrible evening and into the deep night the previous night. She remembered how easily she was taken down from her post and then ended up in this cell. It was such a horrible moment for her as she cried the previous night knowing that the mission had appeared to fail. She thought about how her life would unfold going into the future as she was surely a new prisoner for Thalia and her gang. She didn’t even know if Darby and La Diabla were still alive. She was happy when she discovered Kylie was in the next cell, so she wasn’t alone, but it was still tough to know that she could not rescue her girlfriend, Gabby. She then looked over at her cell door and saw a very pretty woman standing there. She looked at that pretty face with those freckles and those red pigtails. “Becky????!!! Is that you??” she asked.

“Yeah, it is me! I am glad ya are ok!” Becky told her. She was really excited about discovering both women and her confidence grew. She then stepped back and right at the wall where the two cells were connected, so she could see both women. She saw them both get to their feet, and they had a look of shock on their faces. “I bet ya are wondering what happened, right?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes!!! Of course!!! How did you escape???” Kylie called out. She felt very hopeful at this moment as she saw that Becky had escaped somehow. She had no idea how she did, but now there was a chance for them to succeed!

“Yes, tell us! How did you escape?” Veronica called out. Much like Kylie, she started to feel very confident that they were going to be out of this prison and could perhaps find out what happened to the others and potentially rescue them.

“I was never captured! I managed to get away and go back to the hotel. Now, I am back, and I want to set ya free!” Becky told them. She then started to go to the lock on Kylie’s cage. It was time for her to set her two new friends free.

“You saw what happened to us? What happened with Darby and La Diabla?” Kylie asked. She was curious as to why Becky was not captured and if she saw everything, why did she wait so long to get some help.

Becky started to blush as she heard that question. She didn’t know if she should tell them what happened to her as it would be a really embarrassing story. But, she also understood why they were asking because if they were captured and she wasn’t, she didn’t want them to think she was some kind of coward. She looked at Kylie and took a deep breath. “Well, I will tell ya what happened to me. When I was getting into position, I kinda….well….I kinda fell down. Then, I kinda…..well sorta….got knocked out for a few hours…” she mumbled.

Kylie was stunned upon hearing Becky’s explanation. Somehow Becky managed to knock her own self out and that was how she was not captured. It seemed almost comical, but then she saw the brilliance in all of it. Somehow, fate intervened, and Becky managed to avoid this entire situation. Had she not fallen, she may have been captured as well and then they would have had no chance at all of rescue. “Really? Wow, well I guess I am glad you are ok. Come on, get us out of here!” she told her.

Veronica heard the story, and she was amazed as well. Somehow Becky avoided the entire battle because she got knocked out somehow. She wondered how that could possibly happen, but much like Kylie, she didn’t care. Becky was here now, and she was about to free them. This got her really excited because it meant she still had a chance to rescue Gabby and all of their friends. “Yes, come on Becky! Get us out of here!” she cheered.

Becky stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth as she started to work the hairpin into the padlock. The padlocks were old and were a bit rusty. Still stable enough to hold firm, but definitely not a new lock. She loved hearing these two women cheer her on as it meant they believed in her. That started to build her confidence that she was doing something right and perhaps everything could finally go their way. She twisted the hairpin to the left and jiggled it, and then she heard a click! Her eyes went wide with surprise as she managed to pick the lock! She looked at Kylie and had such a huge smile. “I got it!! I picked the lock!” she said with excitement.

“Yes! You did! Come on, get the lock off and I will be free!” Kylie cheered. She watched as Becky started to unlock the padlock and finally it came off! She watched with great joy as Becky opened her cell door. She was finally free! She walked out of the cage and immediately hugged Becky tight. “THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much!” she said with great happiness.

Becky felt that hug and she felt really good inside. She managed to free a friend from her prison. That feeling gave her more confidence that she could in fact succeed. She then felt Kylie releasing the hug and saw the look on her face. It was one of pure joy. “Glad I could help ya!” she beamed.

“Hey ladies, could you get me free too?” Veronica asked as she saw Kylie leave her cell. She also felt very excited as she was so close to being free. She thought about Gabby and was anxious to go find her and get her free. She watched as Becky came over to her cell door and started to work on the lock with the hairpin. “Come on, you can do it Becky!” she shouted.

Becky bit her bottom lip softly as she started to work with the hairpin in the lock. This padlock was very similar to the one she worked on with Kylie. She jiggled the hairpin a few times, but nothing was working. She felt the pressure building and kept hearing Veronica and Kylie cheering her on. She knew she had to get this done. She thought to herself with these two ladies, she did not have to worry about being alone in this quest. She then moved the hairpin down and then to the left and she heard a click! “I got it! I got it! Ya will be set free!” she said with excitement.

Veronica was very excited as she saw Becky getting the padlock removed. She was so grateful for this moment, and she knew it was time for her to get her revenge. The lock was now fully removed, and she opened her cell door. She felt freedom and it really got her excited. She walked up to Becky and gave the young apprentice a deep hug. She started to get emotional as she remembered how crushed she felt the previous night. She thought she may never see Gabby again, or even live the life of some kind of prisoner. She then looked over at Kylie and saw her approaching. She couldn’t help but smile as the three women were now doing a group hug. “We are all free!” she said with joy in her voice.

Becky felt the group hug and she loved it. She loved the fact that she was bonding with these women, and it seemed to be bringing them closer together. She liked having friends and she was happy some of them were now free. The group hug broke and could see how each of them were so elated to be free. She had no idea what they went through, but she also realized they had no time to talk. She remembered what Francine told her and she had to know figure out a new plan. “I am glad ya both are free! Now, we have to free the others.” she told them.

“Is everyone ok? Is anyone hurt?” Veronica asked. She had great concern as since now that they were free, it was time to focus on the others.

“How did you even know where we were, and do you know where the others are?” Kylie asked as a follow up question.

Becky looked at both women and understood their questions. She also knew she didn’t have a full game plan and figured it was something all three could work together on. “There was a woman that helped me. She works for Priscilla Montenegro and…..” she tried to say when she was interrupted.

“Priscilla Montenegro is here?????!!!! Oh, this just got even worse!!” Veronica told the group. She knew who Priscilla was and when she met La Diabla, she heard about that entire rivalry. It seemed surreal that Priscilla would be here, and she wondered if she was behind Thalia invading this area and kidnapping all these women. She wouldn’t put it past her as she knew how evil the woman was.

“Yeah, she is here, but I don’t think she sent Thalia. Her servant made it seem like she was invited to witness our friends being sent to Greece to be sex slaves.” Becky told them as she remembered her meeting with Francine.

“Sex slaves????!!! Oh no, that is not going to happen!! We have to do something fast!!” Veronica responded. She realized that if she remained in that cell, she could have been sent to Greece as well. It also made her think about Gabby and how her lover would be a slave as well.

Kylie was feeling anxious as she continued to understand the gravity of the moment. She had been freed, as had Veronica and now Becky was there with her. She knew what this mission was about and even with the events that led up to this moment, she felt even more nervous now. She had a clear understanding of the power of the Greeks and their abilities, and she had to forge forward in order to save others. She felt the butterflies building up and fear started to rise. She took a deep breath to calm herself because she knew what had to be done. “Yes, we have to do something. But what? I mean, Thalia and her goons are so strong. Can we just go to where everyone else is and free them? There would be a major confrontation!” she told them.

Becky heard both women and the emotion in their voices. She knew how risky the next steps were going to be, whatever they were going to be. She suddenly felt really nervous, but she had to try and focus. Her heart started to beat faster, and she figured it was time for her to get these two women to be ready for physical action. “Hey, we got to do something. Muh friend told me that our friends will be moved to the nearby harbor and placed on a ship. I wonder if we could free them there. That way we are no longer in this fort.” she mentioned.

Veronica thought about what Becky said and it made her mind start to spin. She knew of the harbor that Becky mentioned as she was familiar with the area of Ciudad Del Reina. She knew the layout of the harbor and remembered there were buildings near the docks. She wondered if an ambush style would be better than trying to fight here at the fort. Thalia and her gang were in control of this fort, so they knew how to operate within it to defend and stop them. That was what happened to them earlier. She started to nod her head and then a smile came to her face. She looked over at Becky and knew that woman may have just come up with the best plan to help their friends. “You know, I like that idea. I think we should meet them at the docks. Think about it, the Greeks, they know this fort. That’s how we were defeated. They knew the layout and were prepared for a confrontation. But if we go to the docks, they are out of their element. They would not expect an attack there! We can make our move and get our friends and loved ones back!” she said with excitement in her voice.

Kylie started to feel confident as she heard what Becky said and then what Veronica said. She liked that idea of going after Thalia and her friends at a different location. She remembered stories from her grandfather that when he robbed certain people, he would go after them when they least expected it, and in places where they did not have the advantage. She loved his words about stealth was the greatest advantage you could have over an opponent and armies would try to get the advantage of stealth. Her eyes went wide, and she started to feel better about their chances. “I like that! Yes, we could go to the docks, and hide in strategic places. I am sure they will not expect us there. We could hide and then attack them from different angles. Maybe even pick them off one by one. All we need to do is cause enough chaos for our friends to be free. If we get Darby and La Diabla free, then we have two great fighters as well. We just have to hold our own.” she told them.

Becky smiled as she heard these two women take her idea and now developing a plan. She felt good inside that she was coming up with ideas for them to take the advantage back. She did like the idea of being hidden and attacking. That was part of their goal when they approached the fort to being with, but Thalia and crew had the advantage of knowing the layout. Now, they could try and have the advantage. She still did not know exactly how they were going to pull it off, but loved the fact the further she went along, the plan seemed to be working. “I love it! Ok ladies, let’s get out of this place and get set up! I am sure Thalia will notice we are gone, and then she might panic. We will have the advantage!” she beamed.

“Yes, she will be more in a panic than normal because things are happening without her knowledge. We just have to be careful. This is our last chance. If we do not succeed in this, then our friends, and even us will be lost forever. I want to get my love Gabby free, and she can fight too. We can do this!” Veronica said. She felt another wave of nervousness flow through her as it was time to fight.

“I am ready! Let’s go! We can do this!” Kylie told them as her own confidence grew. The idea of setting everyone free seemed more realistic as she was eventually freed. Now, she was going to have a story for her grandfather to enjoy and perhaps be really proud of her.

“Ok, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Becky told the group. She started to walk, then stopped. She turned and faced Veronica and Kylie once more. “Thank ya for fightin’ with me. This is gonna be dangerous for all of us, but I want ya to know I appreciate ya and admire ya for fightin’.” she said with sincerity in her voice.

“I wouldn’t rather be anywhere else but here right now and getting this done. Come on, let’s go!” Veronica said and then the group started to walk out of the corridor.

Becky led the group out into one of the main entrance ways and found the back way she entered. She looked around and now her nerves were on such high alert. If they were caught, they would be in deep trouble. She noticed no one was around and then poked her head outside. The sun was out and blinding, but the back of the fort was clear. She then motioned her hand to the other women, and they decided to run like the wind towards the fence. Once they got there, she saw Veronica and Kylie each climb it as fast as they could and make it to the other side! She tried to get over the top of the fence, but her knee clipped the top and she suddenly fell over! “AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” she screamed as she fell to the ground in a heap.

Kylie was shocked as she saw Becky falling from the top of the fence and crashing onto the grass. She was also very concerned that scream did not alert the women inside the fort. Their entire plan could go up in smoke before they even got started. She saw Becky slowly getting up from the grass and she wondered if she hurt herself as the fall looked really bad. “Becky! Are you ok??” she asked.

Becky felt pain in her body as she landed on her side. She was fortunate she landed on a patch of grass, but the pain still rocked her. She staggered to her feet and saw both Veronica and Kylie looking at her. “Yeah….I’m ok…..just….a little pain, but I’m ready to go…..ow.” she moaned as she tried to recover.

“You have to be careful! Ok, let’s go before we are discovered.” Veronica said and then they started to move towards the hills. She was really concerned about their chances after she saw how clumsy Becky was. It was still surprising to her that this woman was a deputy’s apprentice, could come up with good ideas, knew how to pick locks, yet was very clumsy. She just hoped she did not foil their own plans by her physical awkwardness!

Becky limped in pain, but she fought through it as she wanted to get ready for the big battle. She felt really embarrassed as well. She really hoped her clumsiness would not foil this plan, much like it did when she was in that barn trying to rescue Darby when Sabrina and Babs kidnapped her. That lead to her humiliation, and she prayed it wouldn’t happen in this moment. “Come on Becky, ya can’t be clumsy! Too many people are depending on ya!” she thought to herself as they made their way over the hill and towards her horse.

Thalia finished the remaining fruits she had been picking at and wanted to finally get away from Priscilla for a moment. She figured torturing the other two women would be a nice distraction as the woman kept talking about Montenegro glory in their town. She started to see how Priscilla failed in Santa Selena as she was very self-absorbed, and her ego was too large. “Ok, I think it is time for us to have some fun! Amalia? Peta? Can you bring the remaining two prisoners to the interrogation room? Let’s enjoy ourselves as we prepare to go home.” she requested.

“Yes, Thalia. We will bring them in.” Peta said with a grin, then stood up. She was looking forward to another round of humiliating torture for the remaining women and hoped she could perform the torture. She hoped that since Thalia got what she wanted from Darby and La Diabla, the remaining women were just dessert, and she could tickle them like she got to tickled helpless Gertrude. She then left the room with Amalia with a smile.

“It’s torture time? Hahaha I love watching these slaves suffer! Oh, the fun I had back in Santa Selena. It was a lot of fun breaking them! My operation was very well run, and we were so dominant! I am telling you, Thalia. Getting into business with me will be VERY lucrative for Christos!” Priscilla boasted as she wanted to keep trying to get an audience with Christos Andino.

Thalia wanted to retort the obvious failure of that operation that caused her friends Helga and Svetlana to be captured, but having an argument with Priscilla was not going to be fruitful in this moment. She smiled at her to make it seem like she was listening and admiring her. But inside, she couldn’t wait to get onto her boat and hopefully never see this woman again. “Like I said, I will tell him. Christos is a businessman. He is all about making profit and having his sexual desires fulfilled. He was the one who purchased many farms around Ciudad de Serpientes, so he is always looking to make more money.” she told her.

“I heard about that! Making moves to control agriculture is always lucrative. Thalia, we are going to be such great business partners. I know my husband Julio and Christos will get along wonderfully. If we can cinch this deal, then me and you can work together more often. You are truly impressive.” Priscilla told her, hoping to flatter the Greek bounty hunter with compliments to get her to really go along with her. She sensed Thalia was not too much into her at the moment, but she did not want to let that deter her. She just had to convince her, and she was always confident in her ability to persuade and even seduce, if necessary, others into working with her. It was her persuasion skills that got the owner of the largest cattle company in Texas to work with her. Gloria wellington was a great partner, but it took some convincing to get her to go along with the sex trafficking ring. Once she discovered Gloria’s penchant for wanting to have some sexual interactions with women when they were both drinking a lot on a fateful night, that allowed her to eventually persuade Gloria to finance the entire operation. She just had to figure out a way to find Thalia’s weak spot, so she could get her employer to finance a new trafficking ring.

“Maybe we will work together. Oh, here comes Amalia! Let’s see if we are ready for some playtime.” Thalia told her as she noticed Amalia coming into the dining room. She noticed she had a look of surprise on her face and that concerned her.

“Thalia!!!! They’re gone!!!” Amalia shouted as she entered the dining room. She was feeling really anxious as she came back with the news. It was something she did not like to do. Giving Thalia bad news was always difficult.

“What do you mean they are gone?” Thalia asked. She wondered what happened and could feel her emotions getting stronger.

“The remaining two prisoners! They are gone! They are not in their cells anymore!” Amalia told her. She then felt Peta walk in behind her and now they were watching Thalia stand up from her chair.

“How can they be gone? You both put them in there AND locked the cages, right? Tell me.” Thalia said, her anger starting to rise. She always wanted precision and execution in her plans. She never liked it when things went wrong, and she was surprised by it. If things went wrong, she did not want it to be because of carelessness.

“Thalia, we promise! Those cages were locked! I even checked last night when I went to see the prisoners to make sure they were still alive. They were sad and crushed. I have no idea how they might have escaped!” Peta responded. She knew the price of failure to Thalia, and she wanted to make sure she did her job very well.

Sabrina was stunned to hear the other prisoners were free. She did not like that as it now caused a hole in their plans. She stood up and felt her own anxiety growing. “Well, we got to find them! Hey, what if they are trying to free the others?!” she shouted.

Thalia could feel the panic inside the room starting to grow and she had to remain calm. She knew that by getting too emotional, events would be in total chaos. She looked over at Carissa and nodded her head. “Carissa, go with Peta and Amalia to check on the others. Make sure they are still there!” she commanded.

“Yes, Thalia! Right away!” Carissa said as she quickly stood up from her seat and then left the dining room with Peta and Amalia. She understood the gravity of the moment and had to hope the other prisoners were still there.

“Is there a problem?” Priscilla asked. She grew very concerned as she remembered that fateful day in the Wellington mansion in Santa Selena. She never forgot that moment when one of the caretakers of the sex slaves came running into the living room where she and Gloria were and told them that the sex slaves were free. That was the beginning of the end of her trafficking ring, and they had to make a hasty escape. That was what led her to the secret house Gloria had and the eventual moment she was apprehended by Darby and tortured by La Diabla. Now she was watching it happen again and her own fear grew exponentially.

Thalia could hear the concern in Priscilla’s voice, and she had to calm everyone down. She needed things to get back under control. “I am sure we will be ok. Everyone calm down. If they escaped, they may still be in this fort. We have to confirm the others are still there. I do not want my greatest prizes on the loose. The others were weak, so we can dispatch them quickly and trust me…..they will be severely punished for this.” she told the group with a very determined tone in her voice.

Sabrina wondered what was happening and figured she better get prepared for a fight. If those women were loose, it would only spell trouble for them. She truly admired Thalia for the plan she had to capture them in the first place, but now she wanted to see how things would flow now that unplanned things took place. Her own freedom was on the line as well. “We better find these women. They could cause us trouble if we are not careful.” she told the group.

Priscilla really started to get concerned as she could feel the tension building up in the room. She felt the need to leave before any uprising happened and she would be put in danger. She turned towards Thalia and even though the woman still had a stoic appearance, she still looked a little concerned. “Is everything ok? Do I need to leave???” she asked.

Thalia heard Priscilla’s voice and could hear that fear. She still wanted to make sure the others were still in their cages. If they were, then she could still maintain some kind of control of the situation. She also heard what Sabrina said and knew she was right. Having women running loose and not knowing where they were could be a major problem. “Everything will be. Let’s just wait for Carissa to return to give us a status report.” she told them.

Sabrina checked the gun on her gun belt and wondered if she would have to use it soon. She looked at Babs who also stood up and was checking her weapons. This situation was becoming very tense and there may have to be combat. She then saw the door open again and wondered who was coming into this room. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Carissa walk in. She had a stoic look on her face and she could not tell what she could have seen. She then saw Peta and Amalia also enter, along with Priscilla’s servant, Francine. “Well, is everything ok?” she asked.

Carissa turned towards Sabrina as she heard the question. She knew she had to give her report and hoped that the tension could lessen. Her face turned towards Thalia and now it was time to let her know what she saw. “The other prisoners are still there, Thalia. They are all still in their cages, eating their oatmeal. I only found this woman in the corridor. No sign of the others.” she reported.

“Thank you for that report, Carissa.” Thalia acknowledged. She then looked at Francine and could see she still had two bowls of oatmeal on a tray. She wondered if she knew anything about the other prisoners. “You! Did you see the other prisoners? The ones in the other wing of this fort.” she asked her.

Francine felt incredibly nervous as she heard that question. She could feel her heartbeat in her throat as she knew what took place and prayed she would not give away Becky’s infiltration. She felt her hands starting to tremble and had to hold the tray firm. She knowingly kept the two bowls on the tray because she could then say she never saw the others and be honest with it. She had a feeling Thalia would be able to tell if she was lying. “No, I-I did not. I-I was going to go over there to give them their bowls. Is everything ok?” she responded.

“NO!!! Everything is not ok! We have women on the loose and we might be in danger!” Priscilla yelled at Francine. She felt that fear and that anger and wanted to start ordering everyone around as flashbacks of her defeat in Santa Selena were at the front of her mind.

Thalia could hear Priscilla’s fear and started to feel a little annoyed with her at the moment. She could tell the blond woman was starting to lose control of herself and it confirmed her thoughts on how Priscilla eventually got apprehended. But she was not going to lose control on her watch. She also had to set the tone for the rest of the day with this development. “Ok, listen up. Change of plans. I am sure those two tramps are around her somewhere. But we do not have time to go look for them. It is also possible they may not even be here and may have alerted Mexican officials. If that is the case, then we could have a lot of company here really soon. Get the prisoners their clothes and let’s get them down to the docks. We are leaving for Greece immediately. Let’s get to it.” she commanded and then watched as Peta, Amalia and Carissa left the room.

Sabrina was surprised by Thalia’s plan, and it became apparent that there was real concern over what may be happening with the two women that were freed. It made sense that more help could be on the way and even though they were all very skilled fighters, if the Mexican army showed up, there was no way they would win that battle. She also became aware that her time with these Greek warriors was coming to a close. It had been a major adventure and now her opportunity to go home finally arrived. She looked towards Thalia and figured it was time to figure out her role at this moment. “Thalia, did you need me and Babs to do anything?” she asked.

Thalia heard Sabrina’s question and nodded her head. She was still grateful that Sabrina was here, and she could use some extra help, especially since they had to transport seven women to the docks. She also wanted to at least say goodbye properly to her business partners before she set sail. “Yes, I could still use the two of you. You can help us escort these ladies to the docks and then onto my ship. Then, you and Babs are free to do whatever you like after that. Thank you for your assistance.” she told her.

Rose stood there in complete awe of the moment and felt a great deal of fear. She had a desire to leave this place and go back to the home she had here in Mexico. Even though the two women escaped, the others were still under capture and the mission would still be a success. “What about me? Is there anything I can do?” she asked.

Thalia looked over at Rose and saw the look of concern on her face. She wanted to reassure her, but she also wondered if she should sail back to Greece to make sure she would be safe. If she remained in Mexico, then there could be revenge against her. She also remembered that she had to leave Bella Toscano behind, or the Mexican authorities might get really suspicious if she disappeared completely. The other farmers were still around in the country somewhere, but if Bella was gone, they would further investigate. “I would tell you to remain here in Mexico, but it is too dangerous right now. You are coming back to Greece with us. Let’s wait till the heat dies down a little, then you can return. Plus, you can see Christos again.” she instructed.

Priscilla still felt her nerves being frazzled, but she also felt herself calming down a little since Thalia remained calm and still had a plan. She really admired her for her calm demeanor. “I am glad you are still able to salvage this mission of yours. I think I will leave shortly. I can’t afford to have any Mexican authorities coming after me. They don’t touch me and my husband, but over here, all bets are off. I look forward to meeting you again, Thalia Laskaris.” she told her.

“Nice to meet you too. We will be in contact, and I will let you know what Christos has to say about your offer.” Thalia told her. She then faced Sabrina, Babs, and Rose. She could see how ready they were and now it was time to leave this fort. She walked over to them and smiled. “See? Everything is under control. Now, let’s get out of this place, so we can all go home.” she told them, then exited the room.

Francine watched as Thalia, Rose, Sabrina and Babs all left the room and now she was in the room with her employer, Priscilla. She really hoped that Becky’s plan would work, and she also hoped she would stick around so that she could be free. She looked over at Priscilla and she had a smirk on her face. She knew that look like Priscilla had to be thinking of a plan. “Madam Priscilla, are we going back home?” she asked.

“Not yet. I want to see La Diabla and Darby board that ship. This time, I want to see them actually leave and become sex slaves. We will go to the docks and hide there. I just have to see those two bitches leave forever….” Priscilla responded, then motioned her hand for Francine to leave with her. She wanted to make sure she followed these Greeks to make sure she got that one final look at La Diabla and Darby before they left to become sex slaves.

“Yes Ma’am….” Francine acknowledged. She felt excitement in her body because they were going to go to the docks. That still gave her a chance to finally be free and hoped Becky and her friends would be able to escape! She then followed Priscilla out of the room and headed back towards their carriage. For the first time in a very long time, she felt excited that her long nightmare may finally be over.

Becky finally arrived at the shipping docks of Ciudad del Reina and looked around. She could see the buildings around and now she wondered where Thalia’s ship would be located. After escaping away from the fort, she and her new friends had to go to the docks to prepare to ambush the Greeks. They all discussed as a group that once Thalia found out Veronica and Kylie escaped, they might try to leave earlier than normal. She also felt very nervous. This was their last opportunity to save their friends. If they failed, they may never see their friends again or possibly see them again by joining them in sex slavery. She looked around at all the ships and she wondered how they would ever figure out which one was Thalia’s. She could see large shipping vessels and even some private ones. She looked over at Kylie and Veronica and hoped they had some ideas. “Do ya know what kind of boat she would have? I see they all look the same.” she asked.

Kylie took a deep breath and she also wondered what Thalia’s ship would look like. She hasn’t been around too many ships, so she looked back at her team and shrugged. “I don’t have the foggiest idea. I mean, she could go in any one of these boats. How are we going to figure this out?” she asked.

Veronica could hear the concern in her friends’ voices and knew this was going to be tough. She had been around these docks before, but not to fight an army of skilled Greek women. She thought about the types of people that would be in this area. Ciudad de Serpientes wasn’t too far from this place and those docks were filled with criminals as well as legitimate ships for commerce. She tried to think where Thalia would dock her boat. She then remembered something. She had a feeling that Thalia would not want to let it be obvious that she has a new set of sex slaves out in the open. Which meant she would dock her ship somewhere a little more private. Right now, she was in an area of the docks that was quite public. But there were some docks on the other side of this harbor that were far more private. “Hey, I think she may have docked her ship on the other side of the harbor. That’s where most of the private boats are. She probably wants to keep things secret because if she is trafficking, the authorities would arrest her.” she told them.

“That’s a good point. I know when my grandfather would tell me stories, he would tell me that most criminals wanted to avoid being out in the open. So, let’s get to the other side. Perhaps we will be able to tell which boat is hers!” Kylie told them.

“Yeah, let’s go! The other side of the harbor also has those buildings over there. Perhaps we can use them to our advantage.” Becky added. She then saw her friends nod their heads and they began to go in that direction. It still seemed surreal to her that this plan was actually taking place. If they could pull this off, then she would save her friend Darby and the others. She felt good about what she was trying to do because she always wanted to help others. That was one of the reasons she wanted to become a deputy. The adventure was fun and a lot of hard work, but to help others was something she wanted to do, and it was what her mentor kept preaching to her about. As she followed Kylie and Veronica, she looked out into the water. Everything seemed so peaceful. The waves were softly flowing, and she could hear the birds flying through the air. She could also smell that saltwater smell. It was her first time at the Gulf of Mexico, and she felt excited. Being in Sticksville her whole life, she never had the opportunity to travel around. She did feel great about moving to Plotsville to become a deputy. She had now traveled to Mexico and looking at the Gulf of Mexico. If it wasn’t for the stress and danger of this mission, she might have really enjoyed being in this place. She continued to keep her eyes peeled and looked around. She stared at the buildings, and they looked like they were for boat repairs. They were two stories high, but that was because they had very high ceilings. She could see some boats inside being repaired and no one was around at the moment. Becky then found herself turning a corner of the building and the dock continued to stretch out into the Gulf. She saw a boat by itself docked and it was a large boat, but not big enough for commerce. “Hey, that boat seems lonely. Hehehe” she joked.

Veronica looked at the boat and it was peculiar that it was all by itself on this part of the dock. There were a few boats on the other side of the building they just went around, but this one was all by itself. She wondered if that boat could be the one they were looking for. It was a standard sailboat with two large masts, and a large hull. The deck of the boat appeared to be quite large. She couldn’t see the full deck as she did not want to board the boat. It could belong to someone else, and she didn’t want to draw unwanted attention. Right when she was about to turn around, her eyes caught something. She looked at the maritime flags that were hanging on the largest sailing mast. She recognized the flag as it was a Greek flag! Her nerves started to run wild as she might have found Thalia’s ship. She turned towards the others and smiled. “Ladies, I think I just found the ship!” she said with excitement in her voice.

Becky looked at the ship and she felt excited that they may have found the correct boat. It made sense because it was so isolated in an area of the harbor that did not have a lot of foot traffic. It appeared as though no dock workers were around this part of the harbor right now. She looked across the harbor and could see a lot of men walking around, working on the ships. “I think ya are right! This is the boat!” she said with a smile.

Kylie nodded her head as she felt confident that they may have found the ship. She then realized they still hadn’t come up with a solid plan to rescue their friends. If this was the ship, then they needed to be ready and have an idea of what they needed to do since they were still very outnumbered. “If it is, what is our plan?” she asked.

Becky’s smile disappeared as she remembered they did not have a plan yet, and Thalia might be arriving soon enough. She looked around the area and started to get worried. How else were they going to ambush Thalia and her large contingent of fighters? She rubbed her hands together and thought about what they could do. “Um, how ‘bout we get into hiding places and just try to distract them? Since there are so many of them, they will be more in a line than spread out. Perhaps we could throw things or make noises. Something to get them to separate. I really believe we will need to free Darby and La Diabla first. One of us can cause some kind of a distraction, while we free those two. Then we will at least have some more bodies to help us.” she offered as an idea.

“I like that idea. We don’t have weapons except for Becky. But, if we were to cause some chaos to them, it might distract them enough to make our moves. I feel that if we can lure some of them into this empty building, the other two of us can try to free some of our friends. Not only should we free La Diabla and Darby, but I think we need to free my love, Gabby. She is also a skilled outlaw, and we need all the help we can get.” Veronica responded. She thought of Gabby and now her heart got excited. Seeing her again would surely be emotional for her, but it would also give them someone else that could help fight these Greek bounty hunters and their outlaw friends. They needed all the help they could get.

“Ok, so where do we set up? Maybe we should find good hiding spots. We don’t even know when they are coming here. Also, who will do the distraction and who will try to free the others?” Kylie asked. She liked their ideas, but it still seemed shaky and very risky.

“Well, I could help free our friends as I am good at pickin’ locks.” Becky offered. She also wanted to be part of the action on the docks. This was such a pivotal moment in her life, and she wanted to be much involved as possible.

“I think I should help too. Kylie, you can be the distraction. Hey, as a matter of fact, why don’t we use this building as a tool? If we can set up some kind of traps inside the building, we can lure them in and trap them! There are lots of ropes and fishing nets. We could really be effective against them.” Veronica suggested. She started to think that a fight on the open docks would probably not be the best strategy as the Greeks were a very strong unit.

“Yeah, I like that idea. If we use some nets on them, then perhaps we can incapacitate them! Start to isolate them and get the women free! Come with me!” Kylie said, feeling more confident. She then turned and started to head back around the corner and into the large door. She saw that both Becky and Veronica followed her inside the building. She looked around and saw how large it was inside, but also saw a lot of ladders and also some large wooden beams above with hooks and chains. At the far end of the building, she saw there were some offices and even had a second floor with some rooms. This building was very similar to a warehouse, but it was more of a boat repair shop. She saw various fishing nets hanging on the walls and looked up at those beams again. They were wide enough for someone to stand on and even potentially hide if they were small enough. “There go the nets, and we can set it up on top of those beams!” she said with excitement.

“I like that idea! We could make some kind of noise which will make them investigate. Then we drop the net on them!” Veronica said as she agreed with Kylie’s ideas.

“I like that! Hey, we can also set some traps by the offices over there. Because we may not get them all in one attempt. They would probably go to investigate the offices and that is where we can set up more net traps! I will go take a look!” Becky said, then began walking towards the offices. She started to get excited as a plan was starting to come together. She saw Veronica and Kylie go over to the walls to start taking down the nets. She started to go back to the offices and saw there were two offices next to each other. However, there was a hallway between them which led to a staircase. The staircase was dark, and she carefully started to walk up those stairs. The more she walked, the lighter it started to appear as there was a large window with the sun beaming inside. She made it to the second floor, and it was the same design. The hallway had some crates and other things in there, and she looked at the offices. The doors were not locked, and she peeked inside. It was a standard office style, with a desk, several chairs and a lot of room inside. She wondered if she could set a trap in here. If some of the women were trapped, they might go investigate inside these offices as well. She then went back out into the hallway and saw that it led towards the vast openness of the barn below. She made it to the handrail of the balcony and looked down. It was a good height and she saw both Veronica and Kylie working together with a fishing net and then finding a ladder so they could scale to the top of a long beam that stretched across the width of the building and was by the entrance they came through. “Hey muh friends, I found some more areas we can trap them in! This is gonna work!” she shouted.

Veronica smiled at Becky as she saw her standing up on the second level and looking down. She felt the confidence growing and now they just had to get everything ready to make their stand. She scaled a ladder along with Kylie on another ladder and made it to the top of the beam. It was quite a wide beam, and she could easily walk on it. She did not want to look down as it would probably disorient her. Now was not the time to be afraid. They had to set it up and be ready for the biggest confrontation in their young lives. She saw Kylie make it to the beam as well and they started to hoist the net and set it up to drop. It became apparent that in order to drop the net, two of them were going to have to be up here. One person wouldn’t be able to drop it effectively. She looked at Kylie who had the same look on her face. “Looks like we will need two of us up here.” she told her.

“Yeah, we will.” Kylie grimaced. Their plan was a good idea, now they had to tweak it. She looked over at Becky and figured that she would have to be the one to cause the distraction and also start to free the women once they trapped some of them in the nets. She also saw ropes hanging down from the ceiling and wondered if they should swing down from them to join the fray below. “Hey, maybe we can use some of these ropes to get down from here after we drop the net. That way, we can join the fight.” she told her.

“Good idea. Wow, we are actually doing this. I hope they arrive soon. I want to get our friends free. This needs to end.” Veronica replied. She then turned towards Becky. “Hey Becky! Looks like we are both going to have to be up here to throw down the net. So, it is up to you to do the distraction and free the women. Think you can handle it?” she asked.

Becky saw the two friends getting the net ready and she gulped when she heard Veronica’s words. The entire plan was to begin with her causing a distraction of some kind. In order to win this confrontation, it depended on her being able to execute everything. She would probably have to be the one to not only get them inside the building, but to also lure whoever was remaining after the initial net drop to come to these offices. There was a great chance she was going to confront some of them. The most important battle of her life and the fate of so many people were now up to her. She felt butterflies in her stomach and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I can handle it. It is something’ we have to do to help our friends. I believe in us. Come on, let’s finish setting up and then we wait for them to arrive. I know we will never forget this day….” she told them, then went back to getting any traps ready for a confrontation on the second floor and possibly the staircase.

The wagon slowed down as it approached the docks. It was a large horse drawn wagon and there were seven women in the back who had their wrists tied behind their backs, along with five women sitting in the wagon with them and two steering the horses. It came to a stop and Peta and Amalia jumped out of the driver’s seat and patted the horses. They had finally arrived at the docks and made it to the more private side of the harbor. They were very careful in not going by the main part of the harbor, otherwise they would have drawn a lot of attention. They saw that there was little activity happening over this part of the harbor as it was still the morning time. This section of the harbor was for more discreet boats, so many of the dock workers would not be around unless they were repairing any private vessels. Peta then went to the back of the wagon and opened up the hatch. It was time for the prisoners to get out and head onto the docks and then onto their ship.

Thalia hopped over the side of the wagon and stood there as she watched the prisoners start to come out of the wagon. She would never admit it, but she felt a little nervous as she did not like two women escaping from her clutches. That great unknown of their whereabouts really irritated her, and she knew that could be a major problem later. She was determined to get these women on her boat so they could sail away. She knew once they set sail, her mission was complete. She watched as she saw Bessie, Mia, Gertrude, Bella, Gabby, Darby and La Diabla finally step out of the wagon and stand there on the entranceway of the dock that lead to her boat. She could see they were all dressed in their original clothing, but their faces looked worse for wear. It didn’t take much effort to get them to get dressed as all of them were broken and defeated women. Her eyes then looked at the large building near her vessel that was a boat repair shop. Thalia looked around to see if any dock workers were around. She did not want any witnesses to what they were doing. Because if any dock worker notified any Mexican naval or law enforcement vessels, she did not stand a chance against their firepower. Her boat was not a warship. She then looked back at the ladies and smiled. “Ok you sluts, start walking.” she commanded.

La Diabla looked up at Thalia and she could still feel that pain in her body. She hated the fact she was a prisoner and couldn’t even fight back at the moment. It was humiliating when her clothes were thrown to her in that cell, and she was even kicked by Peta. That reminded her that she was trapped and still a little weak from what happened to her body the previous day. She slowly put on her clothes, along with her socks and boots and then led out of the fort and onto the wagon. She knew Thalia was in a rush and she wondered what happened. The Greeks seemed to be really nervous all of the sudden and it made her think something went wrong. It gave her a little hope because Thalia’s plan went awry somewhere. She was happy to a degree that Darby was next to her, and she wondered if they could think of a way to get out of this mess. She was also thrilled to see Bella, Gabby, and Bessie. They looked like they went through hell, and she knew they were tortured by Thalia and her cohorts. She then looked over at Darby and saw that she was very stoic but also had a look of fear and sadness on her face.

Darby stood there next to La Diabla and she looked at the other ladies in this prisoner group. She was elated inside to see Bessie again. Even though she was happy to see her being ok, she felt horrible for her and imagined the sheer nightmare she must have gone through. She saw the word “slut” written on her forehead and knew that had to be so humiliating. She wanted to cry when she first saw her as her dear friend seemed like an empty shell. Even when they made eye contact, Bessie would soon turn away and let tears fall out. She knew her friend must have been really traumatized by what happened, and that made her feel even worse. Darby felt guilty that Bessie and all these women suffered all because of her. She had no idea who some of them were, such as Bella and Gabby, but she also saw the looks of sadness on Gertrude and Mia’s faces. Her heart went out to them because they were swept up in this madness and were tortured as well. She really felt bad for Gertrude because she was an older woman and had one of the liveliest spirits anyone could ever have. Now, she was terrified and even when they first made eye contact, she saw her light up for a moment, then close her eyes in shame. The same happened with Mia who really looked hurt. She wondered what they all went through, but figured it had to be very similar to what she endured. The women were forbidden from speaking to one another and she really wanted to express to them how sorry she was. She really felt like she failed everyone here and now they were going to go onto a boat and sail away. During the ride to these docks, she did notice that Becky was not part of this group, as well as Kylie or Gabby. She wondered if they had somehow escaped which could be the reason Thalia seemed to be in quite the rush as they got everyone dressed and loaded into the wagon. It made her wonder if something was happening and that gave her a spark of hope. However, they were now on the docks and unless something happened immediately, they were about to set sail.

Sabrina continued to look around as she was starting to feel anxious. This mission was almost over, and she didn’t know how to feel at the moment. It was a very emotional time in Ciudad Del Reina with the capture and torture of these women walking, but one in particular really stirred all of her emotions. That was La Diabla. She still thought about their confrontation and how much she tortured her. She still thought about how horrible her screaming was when that cream was put inside her. She saw her walking and knew this was going to be the last time she would ever see her. It was such an amazing coincidence she saw her here in Mexico after so many years of not seeing her. She did win their meeting, but she still felt those terrible, painful moments of the past. She also thought about how this would end with Thalia. As much as she enjoyed being a partner in all of this, and Deputy Darby was going to finally suffer for the rest of her life, she still remembered the sexual encounter she had with the Greek bounty hunter. She was so submissive to her and that threw her for a loop after she was a dominant for several years. It was something she would never forget. Thalia had even been somewhat nice to her and thanking her for helping. Sabrina watched as they finally approached the boat and felt her adrenaline spiking. They had finally made it to the end of the mission.

Thalia looked at each woman and smiled. It was now time for them to board the vessel and she could finally go back home. She was very pleased with how this mission was ending, even if there were some women that escaped. She looked over at Bella Toscano and even though she was going to release her, she still loved seeing her look so broken. She walked over to her and smiled. “Well Bella, now you see the fate of everyone. I told you I was going to set you free, and I am a woman of my word. You will then turn over your farm to Rose, and you can live the rest of your life in misery for all I care.” she told her.

Rose was surprised as she heard she was going to stay in Mexico. Earlier, she was told she was going back to Greece for her own safety, but now she was going to stay. She approached Thalia and had a look of confusion on her face. “Thalia? I am not going back to Greece?” she asked.

“Yes, you will remain in Mexico. You still have business to attend to, and in my haste as we were leaving, I didn’t think about what you still had to do. So, finish what Christos instructed you to do and finish up with these farms. You can even take Bella here back with you and take her to her farm. She has some packing to do. I will have Amalia remain here in Mexico with you to ensure someone doesn’t get any bright ideas and attack you. Is that clear?” Thalia told her. She then looked at Amalia and nodded her head.

“Yes, yes Thalia. Well, I wish you a safe return and please let Christos know his wishes are taken care of.” Rose responded. She then turned towards Bella, who still had her arms tied behind her back and her face was still a mess from all the crying she did. “Ok Bella, time to finish our business! Let’s go!” she told her.

Thalia smiled as she saw Bella’s head drop and then saw her being escorted away. She saw Peta and Carissa hug Amalia and then she left with Rose back towards the top of the docks. It was now time to get the women on board, and she knew that she and her other Greeks could handle that. She then turned towards Sabrina and Babs. This was the moment she would wish her goodbye. She felt proud of what they all accomplished as a group, and she did hope to one day work with the outlaws again. She also hoped she could have another sexual encounter with Sabrina because the previous night was such an intense, erotic moment for her. She then reached out her right hand for a handshake towards Sabrina. “Well, once we get these women on board, the mission is over. I want to thank both of you for your part in this mission. In fact, once I return to Greece, I will have Christos give you a substantial monetary payment. Rose will give you the money once approved, and you can enjoy the rest of your lives. You have done me and him a great service. It really was nice working with you both and I hope we work together again one day.” she told her.

Sabrina was surprised by the cordial nature of Thalia and figured it was probably because the mission was over, and she won. Thalia must have had a razor-sharp focus during the mission in order to complete it. She was impressed with her and figured she could use that same type of focus and determination in her future criminal capers. She stuck out her right hand and grasped Thalia’s. It was a firm handshake as she had one last chance to show how strong she was, even though she submitted sexually to her. She was very thrilled to learn they were going to get paid for this mission as well. “Thank you, Thalia, I can definitely say it was a very interesting experience. Hehehe I hope we do work together in the future. You and your team are the most dominant women I have ever seen.” she responded.

Thalia smiled as she felt that soft hand in hers and nodded her head. She then released the handshake and looked at both Peta and Carissa. It was now time to get the prisoners on board. The moment of truth had finally arrived. “Ok ladies, let’s get these whores onto the boat….” she instructed.

Priscilla had Francine slow her carriage down as they approached the dock area. She had followed Thalia and her crew towards the far end of the harbor, where the private vessels would be located. She had a lot of excitement in her body as her long-standing rival, La Diabla and the woman who arrested her in Santa Selena were finally going to be sold off as sex slaves. She felt as though life came full circle for her. It was in Santa Selena were both La Diabla and Darby were defeated, and they were going to be sold as sex slaves. There was a high chance they would be sold to the same person who they were being sent off to today, Christos Andino. It felt really sweet to her that in the end, she won the battle. She was a free woman in Mexico, and her two greatest enemies were off to Greece in moments. She even thought about Gloria and wondered how she was doing in prison. Priscilla did enjoy her partnership with her and wanted to figure out a way to let her know that in the end, they had won over those two women. She was so enamored by the skill and brutality of Thalia. She was excited about the opportunity to restart her sex trafficking business and hoped an alliance with Christos would bring her lots of money. She then saw Francine sitting there in the driver’s seat of the carriage and smiled. She liked having such an obedient servant and figured she would have some fun with her as she felt like a queen. “Francine? Could you come inside the carriage for a moment?” she requested.

Francine felt nervous as she was instructed to go inside the carriage. She had parked the vehicle near the top of the docks and by a gray building to avoid being out in the open. She knew Priscilla wanted to not be seen necessarily but be in position to watch the prisoners board the ship. She wondered if Becky would be able to succeed at her mission to get everyone free. She had no idea where she was, but she did know she got some of the prisoners out. That gave her hope that she could possibly get free herself. She hated Priscilla and if there was a chance for her to escape, she would take it. But for now, she had to work for the woman, and she got out of the driver’s seat and then stepped into the carriage. She sat directly across from Priscilla and could tell the woman was very happy. “Yes, Madam Montenegro?” she asked.

“Today is a great day! I am finally, FINALLY going to watch a woman I hate get sent off as a sex slave. You have no idea how good it feels to finally get rid of that woman. You should be happy as well! Didn’t she bring you to Mexico and make you serve her?” Priscilla asked, remembering how Francine was in Mexico. After El Guapo’s villa was raided, her husband’s gang captured a lot of the women and the children and brought them back to Ciudad Zopilote. She took a liking to Francine, and she appeared to be a broken down woman who would make an excellent personal servant. She was looking for someone to berate ever since Cheyenne escaped her. Now, she wanted to have some fun with her servant and bask in the glory of the events to come.

“Yes Ma’am. She brought me here. She made me serve her. I hated my life.” Francine responded, remembering all the sexual favors she had to do for La Diabla. She didn’t like the outlaw, but compared to Priscilla, life seemed better. There were times La Diabla treated her very nice and even gave her some memorable orgasms. With Priscilla, it was all about cruelty to her mentally and emotionally.

“Hahaha Yes, she has that way with people. I hated my life too whenever she was around. Well, she will be gone along with that idiotic deputy friend of hers. Good riddance!” Priscilla told her then wiped her hands. She continued to feel excitement in her body as she thought about the entire situation. She was also feeling a little frisky as the happiness really permeated throughout her body. She thought about how she defeated La Diabla in that cavern along with Helga, but also how she tormented Darby as well. It was such a glorious feeling tickle torturing her and that got her even more excited in the moment as she learned that La Diabla endured that tickle torture once again and had the cream applied inside her body. She really loved the fact that Thalia used the same torture methods, and it got her body tingling. She wished it was her that got to tickle La Diabla again. She remembered that tortured laughter and the agony she put her through. She even remembered touching those high arched feet of the outlaw. Her eyes then looked down at Francine’s shoes. She could see those leather boots under that dress and felt an urge building up. The excitement of this day and the knowledge that La Diabla and Darby were tormented was really starting to turn her on. She tickled both of their feet before and now she had a craving for it. Priscilla figured that since she was here, she could have a little fun because she didn’t want to wait until she returned home to have some fun. She never tickled Francine before, but now the idea sounded amazing. “Francine, can you remove your boots please?” she requested.

Francine was stunned when she heard that request. She looked at Priscilla’s face and could tell she had a look of excitement in her eyes. She had no idea what she wanted, and the fact she wanted her to remove her boots made her really nervous. “My boots? You want me to take off my boots?” she asked in response.

“Yes!!! Take them off. NOW!” Priscilla demanded. She started to feel that sexual urge to dominate and wanted to get some of her excitement out. She hoped Francine had really ticklish feet, so she could savor that laugh and imagine it was La Diabla.

“Ok…I will take off my boots.” Francine responded meekly as she started to unlace the front of her boots. She had no idea what Priscilla was up to, and she knew she had to obey. The laces came undone and once they were, they then slowly removed the right boot, then took off the left. She then placed her boots next to her on the carriage seat and wiggled her toes inside her gray socks. “Ok, they are off Ma’am.” she said sheepishly.

Priscilla looked at the socked feet and her excitement continued to grow. She could see the toes wiggling inside those socks and she licked her lips. She figured removing those socks herself would be the best moment. She then closed her legs together tightly and then patted her knees. “Ok, now place your feet on my lap. Come on, get to it!” she instructed.

Francine was really confused as she heard that command to place her feet on Priscilla’s lap. She had no idea what was happening or why her feet were going to be observed. This was a new twist in her “relationship” with Priscilla and wondered where it was all going to lead. She lifted her feet up into the air, and then placed them right on the lap. She could see Priscilla staring at the bottom of her feet and now her own nerves got intense. She started to remember what La Diabla would do to her feet, as well as the rest of her body and she really prayed that Priscilla was not going to do the same thing. She knew her feet felt very warm after being inside her boots all day so far, and whenever she removed her footwear, her feet were really sensitive. “Ok, my feet are on your lap. Did you want something with my feet?” she asked nervously.

“As a matter of fact, I do want something from your feet. After being around Thalia and her group, I realized I have been missing out on something for over half a year. I had a lot of fun back in Santa Selena and now I want to have some fun now. Today is such a great day! So, I want to see the bottoms of your feet.” Priscilla told her as she placed her fingers at the top of the right sock.

Francine felt nervous as she had never seen Priscilla act this way. The woman had never referred to her feet before and she wondered what she was up to. She wondered why there was a sudden interest in her feet and wished she could put them back onto the carriage floor. She felt the sock sliding down her leg and off her ankle. Her eyes looked at the hem of her dress being pulled upwards, and she started to get really nervous. She then gasped as she felt the sock coming off her heel, exposing her flesh. “Madam Montenegro, why do you want to take my socks off? I am confused.” she asked.

“Hehehe Francine, will you relax?! You should be happy that I am not making you clean this carriage, or cleaning horse shit. So sit back, shut your mouth and let me have some fun!” Priscilla ordered. She loved the control she had over Francine. She loved bossing her around and loved trying to make her feel ridiculously inferior. She used to do that to Cheyenne, but the Native America woman was long gone, and she never wanted to see her ever again. Her eyes then looked downwards, and she could see the naked right heel. The skin was a pinkish tan color, and the heel was narrowly rounded. She then slid the sock up further and now she saw the arch of the foot. She could feel her excitement growing as she was so close to exposing this foot. The width of the foot was starting to get wider as the sock now revealed the ball of the foot. She licked her lips and then plucked the sock off the helpless foot. Priscilla’s eyes stared at those toes, and she liked what she saw. The big toe was quite thick, with the index toe slightly longer than the big one. The rest of the toes descended in length, and the skin looked very soft. She liked how it looked and thought that her servant had a very pretty foot. “Oooh! You have nice feet. I like it!” she said with a smile.

Francine’s mind continued to spin around as she could not believe Priscilla had just stripped her foot naked. It still blew her mind that this was even happening. She wondered why Priscilla was so interested in her feet all of the sudden and hoped something bad was not about to happen to them. She remembered what it was like to have her feet stripped naked when she was La Diabla’s sex slave. She remembered the horrific tickle torture and the humiliation she experienced. She also remembered how much she suffered from the tickle torture she got from the outlaw at that Mission near Frankstown. She had been captured by La Diabla and the outlaw tortured her all over her tied up body. She remembered how her feet were tormented, even her breasts. It was such a humiliating moment, and it was during that time, she became a sex slave. She then wiggled her toes reflexively. “Madam, why did you take off my sock?” she asked.

“*Sigh* you do not follow instructions very well, do you? Didn’t I tell you to shut your mouth? Do as I told you to do and don’t worry about what I am about to do to your feet.” Priscilla barked. She then looked at those wiggling toes, which only gave her more excitement. She then moved her hands over to the left sock and started to peel down that one from the foot.

Francine started to get really nervous as the left sock started to come down her leg. She looked at her right bare foot and knew both feet were soon going to be exposed. Her nervousness only increased and when she felt the sock come off her left heel, she really grew concerned. Her mind started to wonder if Priscilla would do what La Diabla did to her feet very often when she lived in that villa. Priscilla didn’t seem like that type of woman to do that kind of torture, but she also knew that her boss was capable of a lot of things. She appeared to be similar to Madam Olivia, but there was something more twisted about her. She stared at Priscilla’s face and then felt her sock come off her arch, then the ball of her foot. She could see the delight in her eyes and that really bothered her. Then, the sock came off her toes and she saw it fall to the carriage floor. She felt her face turning red as now both of her feet were exposed, and Priscilla stared at them. Francine felt self-conscious about her feet, and she hoped her feet looked nice enough. She knew Priscilla may look at her feet and think they were ugly so she could insult and berate her once again.

Priscilla smiled as she looked at both of the naked feet before her. She could see those toes, and that soft looking skin. The feet were narrow and had a good shape to them. She then planted her fingers at the tips of both big toes and pulled them back, so she could make the soles taut. Her eyes scanned up and down the foot and saw that the skin overall looked tender. There were a few callouses on the sides of the outside edges of the feet and very slight around the heels and she chuckled under her breath. “Hmmm….nice feet you have here, Francine. I see some callouses here, but overall, very nice-looking skin. I guess I am not working you hard enough. Haha” she joked.

Francine started to blush as she heard those observations about her feet. She wanted to take better care of her feet since she was used to some men playing with them when she worked at Madam Olivia’s brothel. She liked having soft feet and hearing about those callouses embarrassed her. “I’m sorry Madam. I will try to take better care of my feet.” she said in a very shy voice.

“Hehehe Yes, you must take better care of these feet. I want you to work extra hard in your job, but you must keep your feet soft. I think I should inspect them once a week to make sure! Now, let’s test how soft the rest of your skin is…..” Priscilla teased. She found herself getting really excited as she was about to have some fun with Francine’s feet. Her mind went back to tickling Darby and La Diabla’s feet and how much fun it was listening to them scream. She did get to tickle Cheyenne, but never touched her feet. Now she was going to do that to Francine. She still held onto the tip of the right big toe with her left fingers, then slowly stroked the tip of her right index finger, using the nail to scrape right underneath the big toe and across the ball of the foot and into the arch area. The foot jerked out of her hand, and she laughed. “Hahahahaha hmmmmm…..something the matter Francine?” she teased.

Francine was shocked when that finger went down her foot. She could feel that nail tickling her skin and the intensity tore right through her. She was surprised Priscilla tickled her! The woman never touched her this way and fear started to grow. It was the first time she had been tickled since that one day when La Diabla tickled her before she went on some mission to Ciudad Zopilote. She never saw the outlaw again until this day, and memories of her tickle torture came flooding back. She really hoped Priscilla was not going to tickle her! “N-Nothing’s wrong, Madam Montenegro. I was just surprised by your touch.” she responded.

“What was wrong with my touch? You didn’t like it?” Priscilla teased. Her adrenaline started to flow, and she wanted to keep having some fun with poor Francine’s feet. She then grabbed the right ankle with her left hand and wiggled her finger near the bottom of that foot. She could feel Francine trying to move her foot away and saw it started to sway and tremble.

Francine watched in horror as the finger got closer to her foot. She couldn’t believe that Priscilla was trying to purposely tickle her! She placed her hands over her mouth as the finger got closer as she did not want to scream in ticklish agony. Then she felt the nail swipe in the middle of her arch, and she let out a very ticklish squeal. Her foot jerked around and now the ticklish tremors started to get more intense for her. She looked at Priscilla’s face and could see just how excited she was. It seemed like she was trying to tickle her on purpose and that really worried her. She did not want to be humiliated by laughing and squirming around, but that nail tickling her drove her wild. She tried to suppress her laughter, but the way the nail was swirling inside her arch drove her wild. “Hehehehehehe Madam!!! Madam!!!” she squealed.

Priscilla felt absolute delight as she heard those ticklish squeals coming from her servant. She loved the way her hands covered her mouth, and she could see her eyes closing as she continued to squeal under her touch. This moment felt amazing for her since it was so long since she tickled anyone. It also started to motivate her to get back in the trafficking game, and she could tickle a few of the captured women. She imagined them squealing under her touch. She knew she had to get that deal done, and hopefully hire Thalia to help her run the ring. She wondered if there was a way to free Helga as well. Ideas of a large trafficking ring that could be run out of Mexico filled her mind and that made her very thrilled. Her finger started to move faster as she wanted to push Francine into ticklish delirium. “What’s the matter, Francine? You sound like you have ticklish feet or something. Do you have ticklish feet? Huh? Do you? Hehehe” she taunted as her finger continued to scrape all through the arch.

Hearing those taunts really got to Francine and she lost it. Her head snapped back, and her hands fell from her mouth, and she tried to move her foot away as that nail was devastating her. “HAHAHA YES!!! YES!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM TICKLISH MADAM!!!” she laughed.

“Good! You better keep your feet on my lap while I play with them! If you take them off my lap, then when we get back home, I am going to tie you up and tickle you all over! You will be naked too! So, right now I want you to beg me to tickle your feet! DO IT!!!” Priscilla demanded as the tickle lust was now roaring in her body. The sound of that laughter and the way Francine was shaking around really got to her and she felt that excitement all throughout her body. She wanted to push this woman into ticklish insanity!

Francine was in total shock as she heard what Priscilla told her. That nail was driving her wild and now she was ordered to beg for more! She also heard that threat of being tied down naked and that immediately made her flashback to when she was La Diabla’s sex slave. She remembered how badly she was tickled, and this was driving her wild. She did not want to return to that life as she really did not like Priscilla at all. She knew she had to do everything she could do to keep her feet on that lap, even though the tickling was driving her wild. She also knew she had to beg for this to happen to her or she was going to suffer that humiliation of being naked in front of Priscilla. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA TICKLE MY FEET!!! TICKLE MY FEET!!! YOU HAVE TO TICKLE MY FEET!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES MADAM, IT TICKLES!!!” she screamed as the nail now touched the instep of her foot.

Priscilla flashed a wicked grin as she heard that begging happen. That gave her a sense of power and it only gave her more confidence. She was in control once again with a sex slave and it felt amazing. She figured she would tickle Francine once a week going forward to keep her in constant fear and for her to have some fun. She then moved her nail towards the ball of the foot and near the base of the toes. That really seemed to drive her servant wild, so she continued to dig in. The toes started to curl, and she giggled to herself. There was something about a ticklish foot in her hand that really hit the spot for her. “Hahahaha I love your laughter! I wish I had thought of this before! I didn’t realize how ticklish you are, Francine. In fact, when we get back home, I think I will get you naked and I will see where else you are ticklish. Sounds good?” she threatened.

Francine felt another strong surge of ticklishness in her body as she heard that threat. This situation was getting worse as now she was going to be naked when she returned to the Montenegro home. It felt humiliating as she was once again going to be a play toy for a vicious woman. The nail by her toes were really starting to break her down and then her eyes popped wide open when she felt the finger now invading the undersides of her toes. It took everything she had to not move her feet off the lap as the intensity overwhelmed her. She shut her eyes and felt every single nerve in her body being tickle stimulated. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MY TOES!!!” she screamed in ticklish agony.

Priscilla now felt her nipples getting hard as she heard that hysterical laughter. She was surprised that Francine somehow kept her feet on her lap. She figured with all this screaming; she surely would move them off of her. She wanted to keep playing with her as her own tickle lust grew. She looked at the sole of the left foot and figured it was time to go play with that foot as well. She let go of the right ankle, then grabbed the left one. She did not waste any time and started to run her nails up and down that sole as well. “Is this foot ticklish too? Huh? You got two ticklish feet???” she teased.

Francine exploded into laughter and nearly pulled her feet off the lap as she felt the nails go up and down her left foot. It wasn’t a single finger stroking that sole, it was all of Priscilla’s nails scraping up and down the bottom of her foot. That sent a tidal wave of ticklish sensations all over her body and she felt so helpless. This was her worst nightmare as she was going to be tickle tortured once again and even possibly sexually tickled as well. The way those fingers were scraping up and down her sole really got to her. She felt a panic building and then she felt a nail scrape along her instep. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOO!!! IT TICKLES SO MUCH!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” she laughed.

“I can see….hehehehe” Priscilla teased. She loved how her nails would sink into the flesh and the way Francine was screaming, she wondered if anyone else on the docks could hear them. They were inside the carriage, but Francine’s voice got louder. She the slowed down her tickling and let the poor woman breath for a moment. She saw the feet trembling on her lap and she took a moment to just gaze at both soles. She really did like how these feet looked and she couldn’t wait to play with them a lot more often. She saw the toes wiggling a little and she knew she had to at least touch them to gauge how bad they were. “Hey Francine, I think I am really going to enjoy this next part. Hehehe You will too!” she told her.

Francine was happy she wasn’t being tickled at the moment and wanted to catch her breath. She could feel sweat forming on her forehead. She was getting really nervous as her feet were still on the lap in ticklish danger. She was not told this was over yet and it sounded like Priscilla was about to do something worse to them. She looked over at her boss and saw a very sadistic smile on her face and that chilled her to the bone. “W-What are you going to do to me?” she asked with fear.

Priscilla had a very large grin on her face as she saw the fear in Francine’s eyes. This was the moment she was going to really push this woman if in fact her toes were ticklish. She remembered how sensitive La Diabla’s toes were, and she really hoped Francine would be the same. She then reached both hands down and placed her fingers between the toes on each foot and started to squeeze them. “Are your toes ticklish, you little bitch?” she asked with sadistic glee in her voice.

Francine felt those fingers between her toes and then felt the squeezing. That sent a tidal wave of intense sensations into her body, and she lost it. Her toes were very ticklish, and it overwhelmed her completely. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAH MADAM NOT MY TOES!!!!” she screamed to the top of her lungs and then she moved her feet right off of the lap.

Priscilla felt both feet leave her lap, and her fingers were separated from the toe crevices. That surprised her, and also delighted her. Those toes seemed horrifically ticklish, and she just had to play with them. Then she remembered what she told Francine and now her servant disobeyed her. That gave her another thrill because now she had an excuse to really torture Francine. She leaned back in her seat and folded her arms as she looked at Francine disappointingly. “Francine, you stupid bitch! Didn’t I tell you to keep your feet on my lap???!!! DIDN’T I???!!!” she barked.

Francine continued to feel ticklish shockwaves in her body as she pulled her feet free from that evil woman’s grasp. It was a reflexive action since her toes were so ticklish. She then heard Priscilla’s voice and she realized that she moved her feet off the lap! She just disobeyed Priscilla and she knew there would be ramifications for that. She knew just how cruel Priscilla could be whenever she made any kind of a mistake. Now that she moved her feet, she knew her punishment was going to be really cruel. She sat back up and tried to put her feet back on the lap, but she felt her feet being pushed away. She tried again, and Priscilla batted them away.

“I don’t want your feet right now. You ruined my fun, you pathetic tramp! You are VERY bad, Francine. I am very upset with you right now. I was having fun listening to you scream and now you disobeyed me. You are truly pathetic. Maybe I should have let you be a whore to Julio’s men, but I allowed you to work with me as my personal servant. You know I have to punish you now. When we get back home, you will go into my room and strip yourself completely naked. There, I will tie you down and I will tickle you all over your body until you pass out. Then I will wake you up and then I will have some sexual fun with you. I bet you have a really pretty pussy and I want to tease it. You really messed up this time, you idiot. I want to tickle you and I swear, I will get what I want.” Priscilla told her. She thought about all the cruel ways she could play with Francine’s body later on. She could see the emotion on Francine’s face, and it gave her chills. She loved hurting other women and destroying their emotions.

Francine dropped her head in shame as she heard Priscilla’s plans for her. The nightmares of her past started to come back and now she was going to be tickle humiliated once more. She wanted to cry, but she held back because it would only delight and motivate Priscilla to demean her even more. “Yes, Madam. I understand….” she said in a meek voice.

“Now, I will be right back. I want to take a closer look at the docks. I have to see those bitches leave on the boat, going to their new lives as sex slaves. Today is a GLORIOUS DAY! I got to see two women I hate leave, and I found a tickle toy! Hehehee I want you to clean this carriage and it better be spotless when I come back, or you will clean up missing spots with your tongue. Then I will spank that ass of yours. Do you understand me?” Priscilla ordered.

“Yes Madam, I understand.” Francine said in a low voice as she saw Priscilla getting out of the carriage. She felt so many emotions in her body as the woman left. She started to let the tears fall as she knew her life had just got even worse. She didn’t want to be tortured again, but it was now a part of her life. In her mind, she truly regretted getting involved with the torture of La Diabla in that brothel of Madam Olivia. Had she not tortured the outlaw, she probably would be free and back at home. She slowly got her socks and started to put them back on, as well as her boots. As she started to lace her boots back up, she thought about her fate. “What am I going to do?” she asked herself as another tear came down her cheek.

Becky was poking her head around the corner of the building and watched as Thalia started to give commands. She had seen Rose and another Greek soldier walking away with Bella and she wondered who that was and why she was not being taken on the ship. She had no time to investigate that as she could see Darby and the others standing there on the docks and looking at some other women starting to get the boat ready for boarding. She knew this was the moment. This was now or never, and she got excited. She then went back inside the building and looked up. She could see Veronica and Kylie up on that beam, holding a massive fishing net. She grinned at them and knew it was time to cause some kind of distraction. She figured she would throw something inside this building to cause a noise. She then started to move forward, and she didn’t notice a small slick of oil on the ground. Her right boot slipped, and she went crashing backwards and into a stack of metal pans! CRASH!!!! “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH DAMMIT!!!!!” she yelled out as she hit the floor in pain.

Thalia heard that noise and she looked back towards the building. She had no idea what that was and that concerned her. Everyone else turned around as they heard someone yelling and there was a lot of noise. She looked at Peta and Carissa and nodded her head for them to go look. They quickly got back off the boat and started to make their way towards the building. She wondered what was happening and she hoped that someone wasn’t in there. That would hinder her plans. If there was someone in there, then they had to take them out quickly.

“I will go! Let me take a look! You can all remain here and get those women on board.” Babs shouted as she was itching to do something. She was enjoying watching the prisoners walk on the docks and about to board the vessel, but she wanted to do something instead of just standing there. She then walked towards the building entrance.

Darby heard that noise and it made her jump. She had no idea what it was, and she wondered what was happening. She knew it couldn’t have been part of Thalia because now her captors seemed nervous. She started to think about the sound of that noise, and it was someone screaming. She then thought about the sound of the screaming voice, and it sounded feminine. It also sounded familiar, and it made her mind reflect on what the noise was. She just hoped that person would not get injured.

Becky slowly got back up and could see both Kylie and Veronica looking at her and they had looks of horror on their faces. She slowly stood back up and knew she had to go hide or she would be caught. She was angry at herself for being clumsy once again at the wrong time. “I got to hide!” she told herself as she got to her feet.

Babs went towards the building and then saw Amalia approach her. She figured the woman must have turned around once she heard the scream as it was very loud and probably echoed across the entire harbor. She gave her a knowing look and then entered the building. She was then shocked to see someone she was very familiar with. A woman who she encountered months ago and even got to torture. However, that same red haired, pigtailed woman managed to capture her and even got to tickle the soles of her feet. That was the most embarrassing moment in her criminal life and now she was right there. She could see the surprised look on Becky’s face, and she wanted to destroy her! “YOU???!!!! Oh, I am really going to get you, you stupid idiot!!!” she growled as she started to head towards her with Amalia.

Becky saw Babs approaching her and she felt really nervous. She had been caught and now she was under attack. It was the same outlaw that absolutely humiliated her in that barn near Plotsville, but she managed to get her own revenge. She also saw the Greek soldier with her, and she knew she couldn’t beat them both. “Um, hi Babs….” she said, and tried to smile as she realized where Babs and Amalia were standing.

Babs was taken aback at Becky’s calm demeanor and figured she better pull out her gun and take care of this problem once and for all. “You are going to pay you moron!” she yelled.

“Now!” Becky shouted as she wanted to give the signal to her friends. She saw the surprised looks on both Babs and Amalia’s faces, then suddenly a large, brown fishing net landed on top of both women and knocked them to the ground. Her eyes went wide as she saw them yelling and screaming and getting their bodies trapped inside that heavy net as they struggled to get themselves free. A smile formed on her face as the plan was working! They had managed to subdue some of the women and now it was time to continue with the plan. She looked up at both Veronica and Kylie and gave them a salute. She then looked down at the net and saw Babs’ face. She could see the struggle on it, and she winked at her. “Looks like I caught me some fish! Hehehehe Hi Babs!” she taunted as she waved at her.

“YOU BITCH!!! YOU WILL PAY!!!” Babs screamed as she saw Becky looking down at her. She continued to struggle in the net, desperately trying to get herself free, but it only made her get more entangled. This was an absolutely embarrassing moment for her and seeing that young woman grinning at her only fueled her rage. She and Amalia continued to struggle and the more tangled they got in the net.

Thalia heard the yelling from inside the building and now she knew something was wrong. She was not going to let her plan blow up and she motioned her arm towards the building and looked at Peta and Carissa. “Find out what is happening in there and take care of it!” she commanded.

La Diabla heard all the commotion, and she wondered what could be happening inside of that building. She could hear the yells and the noises, and she started to think that perhaps someone was trying to help them. She had no idea who, but it caused Thalia for the first time to show some concern. When she confronted her at the fort, the woman was all business and was very calm. Now, she was showing some fear and that let her know if she could be freed, perhaps they could finally turn the tide against Thalia and her gang. She looked over at Darby who was looking back at her. It seemed to be an understanding between the two of them that this might be a chance for them to escape after all! Her confidence started to grow, and she had the same feeling she had when Bessie had found them in that cell inside the cavern in Santa Selena. The thought of being free started to motivate her and get her out of her sadness about her recent defeat. If there was a chance for them to be free, this was it!

Carissa charged towards the entrance of the building and had Peta next to her. She was very concerned about the noises they were hearing and because Babs hadn’t returned yet and heard her scream, there was a lot of concern. When she entered the building, her eyes went very wide as she saw Babs and Amalia on the ground under a fishing net and struggling. She looked around and didn’t see anyone else and wondered what happened. She quickly approached them and knelt down. “What the hell happened?” she asked.

Veronica looked down from her perch on the beam. She could see both Peta and Carissa attending to the struggling Babs and Amalia. This was now her moment. This was the moment for them to participate further and take out the Greeks one by one. She looked up at Kylie and could see how nervous she was. This was something they both had never done before, but it had to be done. Their friends needed their help and they needed to do their part. “You ready?” she whispered.

Kylie’s heart was beating a thousand beats per second as she was about to get into physical confrontations with women much larger and more skilled than she was. The only thing she and Veronica had over them was the element of surprise. She took a deep breath and nodded her head. Then she stood up and grabbed the rope that she placed for this moment. She saw Veronica grab hers and then on the count of three, she then dropped down off the beam and headed downwards to the unsuspecting women below. She could feel the air flowing over her body and felt her stomach going to her throat as she was picking up speed. Her eyes were wide with excitement and then she saw Peta’s body approaching and she stuck out her legs. In her peripheral vision, she could see Veronica also swinging downwards and was headed towards Carissa. Then, the soles of her boots connected into Peta’s left arm and the force of her momentum sent the woman flying across the floor! She made it to the ground and watched as Veronica sent Carissa flying in the opposite direction onto the floor as her feet made contact with the right shoulder of Carissa. “I can’t believe we just did that!” she told her.

Veronica felt that surge of adrenaline in her body as she knocked Carissa to the ground after swinging down from the rope and using the soles of her boots to contact the bounty hunter. She saw Kylie and they both had shock on their faces that this actually worked. She then realized that they had to capitalize on this moment, or they would be in trouble. “Ok, let’s get them quick! Get the nets!” she called out.

Becky watched with great delight as she came from her hiding place behind a crate full of boat parts. She watched as Veronica grabbed a net and was approaching Peta, while Kylie had another net and was approaching Carissa. It looked like their plan was working and now it was time for her to go outside and try to free the prisoners. Because they were still outnumbered, and these attacks were only meant to delay them long enough so they could get more women to help. “Good job ladies! I will be back!” she yelled out.

Carissa gathered her wits and realized she was knocked to the ground. She then got to her feet and saw a charging Kylie holding a net. She knew she had to get in position quickly or she was going to be subdued as well. She then pulled out her wooden stuff and when Kylie got close, she swung it! “Come here you bitch!!” she screamed.

Kylie saw that wooden staff headed her way and she quickly ducked. She had to duck so low she ended up on the ground and dropped her net. She quickly got back to her feet and now she had a very angry looking woman staring right back at her. She was completely unarmed and now she had to confront a woman much bigger than her. She gulped and dodged another swing of that staff. She knew she had better get away from this, or she was going to be a victim!

Thalia heard the commotion and now her curiosity was getting the better of her. She heard a lot of noises and screaming and just had to figure out what was happening. If it was a minor threat, Peta, Babs and Carissa would have subdued it by now. She wondered if it were dock workers confronting her women. She then looked at the prisoners and they were all facing the building. Their arms were still tied behind their backs, so they weren’t a threat at the moment. She had to go look inside and find out what was happening. She turned towards Sabrina to let her know she was going inside the building. “Stay here. Let me find out what is happening. I will be back quickly.” she told her.

Sabrina nodded her head and then realized it was just her with the prisoners. She saw Thalia walking away and saw her take out her wooden staff from the strap on her back. She smiled as she knew that woman was about to start knocking heads around. She then turned towards the prisoners, and they all had looks of curiosity and concern. She could see Gertrude looking around, and Mia staring straight ahead. She could see Bessie’s head was still looking down, and then she saw Darby. Darby was looking straight ahead, trying to see what the noise was all about, then she locked eyes on her. She also saw La Diabla looking right at her, and it was a little unnerving having them stare at her. She could see Darby’s curious face, but she saw the determined look on La Diabla’s. She knew that look very well. It was the look of a woman that wanted to be set free and willing to do anything to achieve it. “What are you looking at?” she told her.

La Diabla could hear the nervousness in Sabrina’s voice. She knew her former lover realized she was now alone with all these other women and the Greeks were not there. Even though their arms were behind their backs, they still had freedom of their legs and the outlaw was outnumbered. The only thing stopping her from trying to do something physical was that Sabrina still had a gun on her. She figured she would try to reason with her one last time. “Sabrina, it looks like there is trouble happening. Why don’t you let us all go and stop going along with Thalia? Just judging how she talks to you, you are not an equal partner, you are just another one of her lackeys. Someone to boss around.” she told her.

Sabrina had a sly grin on her face as she knew what La Diabla was up to. She knew her former lover was a master at mind games, and she was not going to fall for it. Although she knew what La Diabla said was true. Thalia was in full command, and she was treated like a subordinate. The way she was dominated sexually also reinforced that notion. She swallowed hard but managed to maintain her control. “Nice try, Salem. We both know that I am equal partners with her. She needed me to help with this entire plan, which worked very well by the way. So, I hope you enjoy your long voyage to Greece and live the rest of your life being a slave to that woman. I will be enjoying the riches and assuming the role you ONCE had. The most dangerous woman in these parts. Hehehe” she quipped.

Darby heard the conversation, and she wondered if she could also try to get Sabrina to get lax, so she and La Diabla could strike. She knew that those two were once lovers and she could sense that La Diabla was trying to appeal to that history and perhaps gain control of the situation. “She’s right, Sabrina. Thalia is using you. We all know that. Your part of the mission is over. How about you just leave us? You can leave and Thalia will have to deal with the consequences all by herself. You are a wanted criminal. Now is your chance to escape!” she told her.

“You both need to shut your mouths! I know what I am doing. The fact of the matter is that both of you are going to live the rest of your miserable lives in Greece as sex slaves. I will be back home and making my legend grow. You see Salem, perhaps you should have stuck around. We would have made an excellent team! Now, you will be gone, and I will take your place!” Sabrina yelled as she did not like the way they were speaking to her. She was getting anxious to see this ship sail. She wanted to leave as soon as possible as her emotions started to rise again.

Veronica started to see Peta get back to her feet and she knew she had to act fast! If that woman got back to her vertical base, she would a such a formidable opponent. She saw a heavy brick on the floor next to her, probably used to help as a foundation for boats to rest on when they were being serviced. She bent down and lifted it up. It was heavy but not too heavy for her to pick up. She then ran forward, and once Peta got to her knees and was getting up, she managed to ram the brick into the side of her head and the momentum carried her forward. She fell to the ground and rolled over onto her back. She then got to her feet and saw a writhing Peta on the ground, holding her head. She connected with the shot! Her adrenaline was really flowing as everything happened so quickly. Once Peta hit the ground, she managed to get to her before she could recover from that surprise move. She then looked around and found the net she had once she finished kicking a Greek soldier. She then grabbed it and dropped it onto the stunned Greek warrior. She had to make sure she was subdued, or she would recover and attack! Her eyes then looked over towards Kylie and her jaw dropped. Carissa was back on her feet and started swinging her wooden staff. Veronica started to run over there to help the young woman. Once she arrived, she immediately ducked under a swing from that staff.

“I will get you too, bitch!!!” Carissa yelled as she pushed forward in her assault. She was really angry at what happened, and she managed to get to her feet before Kylie could put a net on her. Her eyes then looked over and she saw that Peta was lying on the ground and covered with a net and barely moving. She had no idea what happened to her, but she knew Veronica had something to do with it. She then felt a surge of anger and she prepared for battle against two women.

“We got you surrounded you tramp! Surrender now, or you will pay a price! If I find out you hurt my girl, I will make you suffer! Just like that bitch, Rose!” Veronica called out. Her heart was beating so much faster as she recognized Carissa. She remembered she had to be the “muscle” that was protecting Rose. She also remembered that it had to be Carissa that attacked Gabby and Bella and kidnapped them. Now it was her turn for revenge!

Carissa cocked her head to the side, trying to determine what Veronica was talking about. Then she started to think about what Rose had told her. There were three women that had attacked Rose in the past. She had gotten Gabby and she saw the leader La Diabla suffer, so this woman before her must have been the third. Now a sinister smile formed on her face as she really wanted to make this one suffers even more. “Oh, you are that bitch that attacked my friend, Rose. Well, this is interesting that I finally have you. When we captured you earlier, I didn’t recognize you. Now that I know who you are, I am really going to enjoy torturing you. Just like I did to that fat bitch friend of yours…..” she told her.

Veronica felt her anger rising as she heard those words. She knew who Carissa was referring to as she remembered the insults given to Gabby her whole life. That really struck a chord with her because she loved Gabby with everything she had and found her to be the most beautiful woman she ever seen. She hated those insults to her lover and now she was going to make Carissa pay! “You hurt her? Oh, then I will truly enjoy watching you suffer….” she said calmly in her voice.

Kylie listened to this exchange, and she started to get excited. Her nerves were on edge, and she was ready for a fight. She figured with the two of them, they could probably take her even though it would be very tough. She then saw something behind Carissa. She got excited as it was Becky!! She was sneaking up behind Carissa and that would make this battle much easier.

Carissa heard Veronica’s words and it sounded like such a challenge to her. She knew she wasn’t as skilled in fighting as Thalia, but she was definitely the second best and now it was time to make these women pay. She then looked over at Kylie and knew she wasn’t a trained warrior. Neither was Veronica, and she figured they were probably small-time criminals. Then she noticed something. There was a gleam in Kylie’s eyes, and it appeared she was looking beyond her. That meant only one thing! She quickly turned around and was surprised to see this tall red headed pig tailed woman approaching her. She originally thought it was Darby, but then realized it was someone she had never seen before. “Who the hell are you???!!!” she yelled.

Becky stopped in her tracks as she saw Carissa now looking at her. She thought she would be able to sneak up on her and attack from behind. She saw how Amalia, Babs and Peta were subdued. If they managed to get Carissa down, then that just left Thalia and Sabrina. It was a chance she had to take. Now her heart was beating faster as she was caught! “Um, hello. Muh name is Becky Lockhart. Please to meet ya! What is your name?” she asked on instinct and held out her hand for a handshake.

Carissa shook her head as she saw Becky smiling at her and extending her hand. It stunned her because she was in the middle of a battle and this unknown woman was having a “meet and greet attitude”. She wondered if this woman was some kind of tourist that stumbled upon this entire battle, maybe even a boat owner. She looked at her from head to toe and now wanted to just beat her down. “Are you serious? Get the hell out of here!” she barked.

Veronica looked over at Kylie as she just realized something. Becky caused enough of a distraction, and she knew this could be their opportunity. She then nodded her head and then looked back at Carissa who now had her back turned as she appeared to want to strike at Becky! “NOW!!!!” she yelled.

Kylie saw that same opportunity and when she heard Veronica scream “Now”, she immediately went low and leapt towards the backs of Carissa’s legs. She made contact right on the back of the knees, which made the Greek bounty hunter bend her legs. She wrapped her arms around the legs and knew she had to hold on for dear life!

Veronica saw that Kylie went for the legs and she went for the back. She leapt forward and did a form tackle right into the small of Carissa’s back. That bent the Greek warrior in half and then managed to get her to the ground on her belly. She then felt the body struggling beneath her and she had to get the flailing arms, or Carissa would manage to fight her way out of it.

Carissa felt the shot behind her knees and her back and she was completely stunned. She suddenly found herself lying on her stomach and started to struggle. She was a little disoriented from the hits from behind and she felt something wrapped around her legs and now someone was grabbing her arms. “LET ME GO!!! WHAT THE HELL??!!!” she yelled out.

“BECKY!!! GET SOME ROPE!! FAST!!!!” Veronica yelled out as she managed to grab Carissa’s left arm and twisted it behind the back. She was trying to get to the right arm which was now moving around. If she could get that arm, they could finally subdue this very strong woman.

Becky shook her head and then looked around. She saw some rope hanging on the wall and quickly ran over there to get it. Then she stopped dead in her tracks as she saw an ominous figure walking towards her. She could see that auburn colored hair that looked like a lion’s mane, that black military style uniform and a look on the face that would paralyze anyone. She recognized her and her heart stopped. It was Thalia!!!

Thalia entered the building and she saw these women on top of Carissa, and she tried to make sense of what was happening. She pulled out her wooden staff and started to approach those women as they were attacking her friend. Then she saw Becky going towards some rope on the wall and moved towards her. She didn’t recognize her, and she looked really similar to Darby. She recognized the women on top of Carissa as they were the ones who managed to escape the fort. But this gap toothed, freckled face, pigtail wearing woman was someone she did not know. She did know she was going to break her skull for interfering in her business! “Who are you?!” she called out.

Becky felt flush as she saw this intimidating woman headed towards her. She managed to grab the rope and then started to move backwards towards where the others were. She could see that look of anger on Thalia’s face and she wondered if she could do the same trick to her. “Hi! Muh name is Becky Lockhart! Pleased to meet ya! What is your name?” she asked as she threw the rope towards Veronica.

Thalia was taken aback a little as she saw the goofy grin on Becky’s face and heard her introducing herself. It was the strangest thing, but she was not going to play any games and she wanted to destroy this woman. She looked so much like Darby, she figured she should torture her as though she was the famous deputy. “My name is Thalia and now you are going to be hurt. Badly…” she replied as she pressed forward.

Veronica could barely get one end of the rope on Carisa’s wrist, and she saw Thalia approaching. She knew Becky would not be able to withstand an attack by a woman so fearsome. She then decided she had to sacrifice fully binding Carissa in order to help Becky at this moment. She gave the rope to Kylie. “Tie her legs, do something to stall her. We have to stop Thalia!” she told her.

Becky also froze in place when she heard Thalia’s threat. She could tell this woman was very serious and now could see why everyone feared her. She then saw that wooden staff swing towards her head and she ducked quickly, but another swing came very quickly. She managed to duck that one, but she lost her balance and started to stumble backwards. “Hey!!! Why are ya attacking me???!!” she yelled out as she tried to regain her balance.

Thalia was surprised that Becky dodged her two quick strikes with the staff but moved forward as she saw Becky stumbling backwards. She had to finish her quickly and then set her friends free. She then saw Veronica stand up and she looked ready to fight. That made her smile a little as she wanted to destroy that woman. She had escaped her clutches and was part of the reason she was leaving now instead of her scheduled time. “Oh, there you are. You escaped from the fort, but now I have you. You are going to pay a severe price.” she told her.

Kylie wrapped the ropes around Carissa’s legs and managed to tie the ankles together in a knot as fast as she could. She knew that wouldn’t hold Carissa too long, but it would buy time for them to try and confront Thalia. She couldn’t let this woman defeat them, or they would be on that boat as well. She stood up and then stood next to Veronica. She could see the intimidating pose of Thalia and she gulped. She remembered when Thalia came to the Wellington mansion and scared everyone in the room. She was still mad at herself for not stopping Thalia and Carissa from kidnapping Bessie and even knocking her out. She got some revenge on Carissa, but it was Thalia she wanted to get at. “Now there are two of us bitch! Remember me?!” she challenged.

Thalia looked at the young blond haired woman and then smiled. She remembered her from the Wellington mansion the night they kidnapped Bessie. “Ah yes, I remember you. Did you sleep well when Carissa knocked you out? Hehe” she mocked.

Kylie’s blood pressure started to rise. She then started to ball up her fists and she was ready to fight this woman. She knew Thalia had that staff so she couldn’t just charge in. She looked over at Veronica and they both nodded. They then started to separate and try to go on the opposite sides of the Greek bounty hunter. They had to attack her from both sides to even have a chance. “I will NEVER forgive you for kidnapping Bessie! NEVER!!! I am going to make you pay for everything you have done! For all the pain you have caused us!” she threatened.

“Then come get me….” Thalia simply replied. She looked at both women and knew they were not going to be as skilled as Darby and La Diabla. She decided she was going to make a game out of this. She put the staff back into its holding spot on her back and figured beating them both down with her bare hands would be a lot more entertaining. She then smirked at both of them and then stood straight up. “I will give you both a fighting chance. Come get me…..” she grinned.

Becky managed to avoid falling, but she stumbled backwards enough to get away from the immediate fighting area. She saw that both Kylie and Veronica had captured Thalia’s attention. She figured this was her chance to get out of this building and try to free some of the prisoners. She knew they needed numbers fast as the Greeks would eventually get out of their bonds. She started to sneak away and needed Kylie and Veronica to start fighting, so Thalia wouldn’t see her sneak out.

Veronica saw Thalia put her weapon away and saw how her demeanor changed. She started to find it insulting because it appeared the Greek warrior didn’t think much of them. She also saw Carissa starting to get onto her rear end so she could undo the ropes around her ankles. If there were two of them, she knew they were “outnumbered” from a pure fighting skill level. It was now or never. “YOU BITCH!!!” she screamed as she went charging in.

Thalia saw Veronica charging and stood there casually as she ducked and dodged her punches. She then did a very quick punch to Veronica’s midsection and felt the air go out of her. She then turned her head and saw Kylie charging at her. She then took a swing at the young blond woman and even though she missed, it forced Kylie to stumble backwards. She pushed Veronica away and then started to go right after Kylie. As she was swinging, she stuck out her leg as Veronica recovered and tried to strike her from behind. She got really excited as she was now in combat. She also loved fighting and these two women were going to be really easy to take care of. All she had to do was connect with one punch to knock out one of them, and the other would also get broken. “You both are so cute! Trying to fight me? Do your best! Hehe” she taunted.

Becky watched the battle as she quietly tried to sneak around the battle and get to the entrance of the building. She was amazed at the speed of Thalia and saw how she dodged any punches thrown her way and how she was striking back at both Veronica and Kylie. She had the urge to go help them, but she knew that this was her chance to get the prisoners freed. If she got Darby and La Diabla freed at least, then they would have a fighting chance against Thalia and now Carissa who was almost out of her bonds. She made it to the building entrance and took one last look. She felt bad when she saw Kylie take a very strong kick to her stomach. She could feel her pain from this distance, and she knew she had to be quick! She then got outside the building and quickly made it over to the corner of it. She paused for a moment and then took a peek around the corner. Her eyes grew big as she saw the prisoners! She could see Darby who had her hair completely down, standing next to La Diabla. She could see others in the group, and she spotted Gertrude. The poor woman looked so sad and broken in her eyes. She also saw Mia who still had her hair down as well. She did not recognize the other three women, but she had a feeling the African American woman was Bessie, and the other lady was a friend of La Diabla. Becky then stared at the person facing Darby and La Diabla. It was Sabrina! She felt a surge of excitement in her body as she remembered that outlaw vividly. She confronted her before, and she was there when they arrested her and sent her to prison. Now, she was watching over friends and had her back turned towards her. She wondered if she could sneak up behind her and subdue her. She had to act quick because Veronica and Kylie were not going to last much longer. She swallowed hard and then stepped from the corner of the building and tried her best to sneak up closer to the women. “You can do this Becky!” she told herself.

Darby was looking at Sabrina and tried her best to talk to her to let her go. She knew it was a longshot, but it had to be tried. If she stepped foot on that boat, she knew her life was over. Then she heard La Diabla trying to plead with her one more time and then out of her peripheral, she saw Becky! She tried to maintain her composure so she couldn’t give away Becky’s apprentice. She was so happy to see her and wondered if she was captured, but somehow escaped. That was something she noticed on their way to these docks. The three women that were supposed to be in “sniper position” were not part of this group of prisoners. She wondered what happened to them, but at this moment she did not care. She saw her apprentice coming and now hope filled her body. She also thought that perhaps it was Becky that helped caused the Greek bounty hunters to go investigate inside that building. Darby found Becky’s efforts impressive and was so grateful she was approaching. The only thing that worried her was Becky’s clumsiness. The last thing she needed was for her to make a mistake due to her clumsiness, just like it was when she and Becky were captured in the barn. She then looked at Sabrina directly so that the outlaw would not catch her staring at her friend.

“Sabrina, you were always a loving person. Yes, you committed crimes, but you had a heart. How could you do this to me? How could you let this happen to all of us?” La Diabla tried to reason. She had to try something to avoid being put on that ship. She still remembered the confrontation and the torture inside that fort, but she was desperate to get free. She then noticed Becky sneaking up behind Sabrina. She was stunned to see her and quicky moved her eyes to focus directly on Sabrina’s. She could not give away Becky’s position or their final chance at rescue might be gone. She then saw beyond Sabrina and now Becky was directly behind her!

“Salem, I already told you. You are DONE FOR! Stop talking to me, or do I have to put that cream on you?” Sabrina told her. She started to get frustrated by the begging of La Diabla and Darby. The more they talked to her, the more she wanted to see them suffer. They were trying to appeal to whatever goodness she had in her heart, and she had to get rid of that feeling. She then thought about that cream when it was applied inside of La Diabla’s body and remembered the screams. They were so terrible that she eventually relented. She was fighting her emotions as she wanted to see La Diabla leave, but she still felt some love for her. She then noticed Gertrude’s eyes and she was looking behind her. She wondered if Thalia had returned. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Excuse me miss, do ya have the time?” Becky asked.

Sabrina turned around and wondered who this was asking for the time, and she saw a woman with those red pigtails and that goofy smile. Before she could react, she felt a sharp pain in her right jaw as she felt a fist connect with it. She stumbled backwards, and then felt another shot to her left jaw. She hit the ground and hit her head through her hat and laid there for a moment.

“I hit her. I really hit her???” Becky said as she was stunned to see Sabrina down on the ground. She then looked up and saw the surprised look on Darby and La Diabla’s faces. A smile came to her face as she realized she had just taken out Sabrina! “I did it!” she said with glee.

Darby was absolutely stunned as she saw Becky hit Sabrina with those two strikes. She was very impressed as she had never witnessed Becky being able to perform something like that. She then looked at her apprentice and smiled. “Yes, YOU DID!!! GREAT JOB!!!” she shouted.

La Diabla was stunned as she saw Sabrina hit the ground. She was surprised at how Becky executed the move and then she realized this was their chance at escape! “Wow, great shot! Now, get us free!” she told her.

Becky snapped out of her happy gaze and then realized she still had to set the prisoners free! “Ok, turn around. Let me untie those ropes! We have to hurry as Veronica and Kylie are fighting Thalia!” she told them.

Darby’s heart nearly stopped when she heard that. She knew it wasn’t going to take long for Thalia to subdue the others and then come back out here to probably torture the rest of them. When she heard the names, she also recognized that it was the three women who were “snipers” that were leading this rescue. She felt so proud and now very hopeful. She could feel the ropes starting to come undone and she felt anxious. She was going to be free soon, but she also knew she had to confront Thalia once again. That was going to be a major confrontation because her freedom would be on the line. The first time she faced her, it was about a rescue. Now it was about freedom for her and everyone else. The ropes finally came undone, and she started to rub her wrists. She was free! “Good job, muh apprentice. Now, get the other ladies untied, I will free La Diabla.” she told her.

La Diabla was anxious as she was so close to being freed. She was surprised and happy that this moment was happening. She still felt some pain in her body between her legs, but her adrenaline was flowing, and she was very anxious to confront Thalia. She knew that confrontation was going to happen again, and this time, she wanted to defeat her. She felt the ropes coming loose and now her feet shifted her weight back and forth. “Come on Darby, hurry up. We got to stop Thalia!” she said with anxiousness.

Darby continued to work the ropes and finally the knot came free! She then loosened the ropes and the outlaw she cared so much for was finally free. When La Diabla turned around, they hugged each other! “We are free! We did it!” she said in excitement.

La Diabla felt Darby’s hug and it felt incredible. After what they endured inside the fort, this moment meant the world to her. They had a chance to fight back. They had another chance to fight Thalia and this time, they had to win it. Even though she wanted to stay in Darby’s arms, it was time to fight. “Ok, let’s go get her! But first, I need to get Gabby free! We need everyone we can get.” she told her.

Gabby witnessed the entire event and was shocked. She felt so sad and crushed as she stood on the docks, preparing to get on that ship and live the rest of her life as a sex slave. The torture she endured at the hands of Carissa and Rose, then had an orgasm ripped from her from Thalia broke her spirit. She felt absolutely miserable inside that cell as she was completely naked and only ate some oatmeal. She was stunned when she had her clothes given back to her and when she got onto the wagon, she was even more surprised when she saw La Diabla boarding the wagon. It was the first time she had seen the outlaw since she left Ciudad De Serpientes. Both of them gave each other sad looks when they boarded the wagon, and they couldn’t even really acknowledged one another. She knew life was going to be very tough if the infamous outlaw was defeated and going to be a sex slave. She had no idea how bad the torture had been on La Diabla, because she was so quiet and seemed very emotional. Now there was hope. She saw Becky approaching and she had no idea who that was. She didn’t know any of these other women except Bella in this group and La Diabla. She figured she would learn who they are once they got to Greece. Now, La Diabla approached her, and she started to get emotional. The outlaw was free and now her own freedom was about to take place! “La Diabla! I am so glad to see you. I missed you.” she told her.

“I missed you too, Gabby. I would like to chat, but we have some fighting to do. These Greek bitches need to suffer. Right now, Thalia is fighting Veronica. Let’s show them what we got!” La Diabla told her, then went behind her to work on the ropes. She felt more confident with Gabby being free. She was a fighter, and they needed every fighter possible for this moment. It was a matter of their own lives, and she needed women she could trust in battle. The knot finally came loose, and she loosened the ropes. Now it was time to free her! Once she got the ropes free and Gabby moved her arms, the larger woman turned around and gave her the biggest hug. That hug felt good, and she understood why it was being given. She understood the emotion and figured Gabby was tortured too.

Gabby released her hug and smiled. Her adrenaline started to spike as she was preparing to fight. Hearing that Veronica was fighting Thalia got her angry and she had to go save her. “Let’s go kick that bitch’s ass!!!” she shouted.

Darby went to Bessie and saw her looking back at her. This was the moment she truly waited for. She saw Bessie on the wagon and saw the broken look in her eyes. She knew her friend must have gone through terrible torture. The fact she had the word “slut” painted on her forehead let her know she must have been through the worst and most humiliating torture ever. She wanted to hug her so badly. “Bessie, I am here. Let me get you loose.” she said softly.

Bessie lifted her head and saw Darby’s beautiful face. She could see that look of hope and it overwhelmed her. She had been so demoralized and hurt that her mind was gone. Now with that smile, there was some hope in her. She was still broken from her own torture, but at least she was with Darby. When she saw her on the wagon and looking broken, that only made her even more sad. She felt her eyes starting to water as she felt the ropes being undone from her wrists and arms. After such great humiliation, this was a moment for her to believe she was going to be free. Once her arms were free, she started to shake. She lifted her hands to her face and started to cry. Then she felt Darby hugging her and she just let it all go. She started to cry heavily as she wanted to let all of her emotions go.

Darby hugged Bessie tightly and could hear her crying. She started to get emotional as she knew her friend must have been horribly tortured. Those sobs weighed heavily on her soul, and she wanted to hold Bessie forever. She knew she couldn’t stay with her because there was a battle she had to go win. She let go of the hug and put her face near Bessie’s. “My friend, I love you. I came here to rescue you. We are so close to freedom. I just need you to hold it together for me for just a little while longer. Get these other two women free for me. I have to go fight Thalia now. Once you free them, run as fast as you can to the top of the docks and hide. Wait for me there and then we can go home. You can do this Bessie. I love you so much. I need you. Those two ladies are muh friends from Plotsville. Can you do it?” she asked her.

Bessie looked up at Darby’s face with tears in her eyes and she shook her head affirmatively. She understood that she had to hold her emotions for the moment and get these other women free as well. This was their best chance to escape, and she had to be brave. “I…I will do it. Please be careful Darby, Thalia is strong…” she whimpered.

Darby felt so much love for her friend right now as she knew she was trying to be brave. She then looked over at La Diabla, Gabby and Becky. She knew what this moment meant. It was finally time to fight these Greeks and defeat them. “Ok ladies, these bitches won the first fight, now it is our time to finish it! We know what they can do, so let’s be smart. We will win the day and get ourselves home. Once we defeat them, we will take them back to the Texas border and then we can send them away forever. Let’s go!” she told them.

La Diabla nodded her head as she was now ready for a fight. She looked down at Sabrina who was still dazed from those punches she took and banging her head on the ground. She knew they should tie her up, but they couldn’t waste any more time. The most dangerous woman they ever faced was surely defeating Kylie and Veronica at this time. She also wondered what happened to the other Greeks and Babs. She knew Thalia could handle herself, but it was strange the others weren’t around. She figured they must have been stopped by Becky, Kylie and Veronica which was very impressive. Now it was time to fight! “Yes, let’s go kick her ass. We all got scores to settle….” she told them as she gritted her teeth.

Characters featured in this series:

02. Becky - WEB FRIENDLY.png 03. Thalia - WEB FRIENDLY.jpg 04. Sabrina - WEB FRIENDLY.png 01.-DARBY--LOW-RES[8260].png 02. Veronica - LOW RES[9192].png 02.-LA-DIABLA-LOW-RES[8264].png 03. Barbara - LOW RES[9247].png 06.-PRISCILLA-LOW-RES[8265].png

UP NEXT: Darby and La Diabla face off with Thalia once again!

Ok fans, I hope you enjoyed this story heavy chapter, but you can see how everything is all set up. Now, the second confrontation is about to happen with the main characters. To quote Dr. Strange in Avengers: Infinity War, "We are in the endgame now.....". The final chapters are very action packed and I hope it brings all of you a conclusion that you will enjoy. Thank you for all of your support and your comments are most welcomed.
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