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The Diary of a Witch


Registered User
Nov 2, 2010
Hi, everyone!

I'm new to posting stories - :blush or anything at all for that matter! But I've tried on creating my own story line written in the sense of a diary. I hope it won't be a boring series.

Chapter 1 & 2 are atm out on my (new) deviantArt page.
Chapter 1 is definately boring, but it would give a slightly better understanding to what's going on. There's no tickling here however.

Chapter 2 is "alot more interesting" as it suddenlty becomes very much tickle-fixated.. I mean... Ugh.. Gaah! Just read it! xD

Heres the link to my DeviantArt Page. Click on the Newest Deviations or Gallery to get to my written material.

I would also note that english is NOT my native language, so I use alot of time to check that my grammar is alright. I'm a perfectionist. So; if you see me doing wrong grammar, please point it out to me. Tell me how I wrote it wrong and say how it should've been written.

PS: It will mostly be stories for the upper body fans! :wub

PS2: Say so if you want me to pos the stories HERE or in a post for themselves or exactly how you want me to do that. I'm open for suggestions!

Edit: Forgot the link:
[My DeviantArt Page]
Last edited:
Chapter 1 - The Pilot

10th of February, 1503

Dear Diary,

my name is Sabrina Bellatrix and I am your new owner - whether you like it or not! I stole you because... well.. I get lonely sometimes, and I demand someone to talk to! Most of my friends are boring - they just run around complaining about my lack of morals. I don't know why they are being such turds because my ethical system functions perfectly! I never feel bad because of what I do and I have never reasoned my actions as negative, ergo I know what I do is right - all the time! You agree with me, right? ..Good! Oh, I almost forgot! How rude of me.. I haven't told you how I look! How can I tell you secrets and share stories with you if you don't know how I look!? Alright, calm down! I'll tell you how I look.. I'm now close to twenty one, but, as my mother, I'm rather short. I don't think I stand more than 5'5" above the ground! I have bright, blue eyes, white skin and loooong blonde hair that reaches all the way down to my bottoms! My body is also quite well-shaped. I'm thin, but don't look starved. I'm also quite curvy, as my mother used to call it. Some boys in town rather referred to me as buxom, but I don't really know what that means. Hmm.. I don't know where to start, so... I'll do as my mother always told me - I'll start at the beginning.
So.. I was conceived in the ashes of the first witch trials. My mother was a rather harmless young lady at the time, but was accused of witchcraft none the less. I don't understand how anyone could have a bad eye towards her. She had been a kind, beautiful young woman since the late 90's - the late 90's of the 13th century to be more specific. Who accused her still remains unknown - but she said that she would never forget the day they came for her. The deathly mist lied across the village that night, she said. As if the world suddenly exploded, they had stormed into her house, blindfolded her, bound her and brought her away.. It's fun to think about now - though! I mean.. my mother was famous! One of the first witches ever to stand trial! Anyhow.. She said she never proclaimed her innocence, but she didn't say she was guilty either. Her days of interrogation was not the worst, however. Do you know what the worst part was? I'll give you a hint; her inquisitor is my , ugh, father! That's just disgusting, right?! My father is a holy-man, eeeew! But she got back at him, though. Lucky, that was. The day of her would've-been execution was also the day of her escape! She had been sentenced to death by fire. She said that they believed the fire would cleanse her supposed corrupted soul . Tihi, they believed many strange things. She had waited until she was tied to the pole and the fire beneath her had devoured the wood around her. When the fires had burned out and the smoke was gone there were nothing but some human bones left. Not the bones of my mother, mind you, but the bones of my father! Yes, dear diary - I agree. The holy men can purge their own souls if they're so keen on keeping things clean. Revenge had been sweet, though! She always used to when telling me this story. Of course, her escape also forced her to flee from her home. Off she went to the city of London. There she worked as a maid in the months leading up to MY grand coming!
It had been a stormy night, she said. I came as lightning from a clear sky. She admitted that she had been surprised, but not as surprised as the family she worked for! ..Confused? I understand. Being a diary can't be easy - having no mind and all. I'll explain it to you, but only because I'm such a super person! You see, she wouldn't have gotten any kind of job if people knew she was pregnant. Being a lone woman is bad enough, but to be pregnant and without a man seems to be a pure disgrace! Because of this she had placed a spell upon herself. The illusion would make everyone believe that she looked as beautiful and un-pregnant as she had done for centuries! Being a witch has its privileges, you know! So, you can imagine it was quite the shock when this young lady suddenly gave birth to a child. This meant, of course, that we had to move again. As stories and rumors began to flow, some began to suspect that she was a witch. One thing lead to another and again we had to flee.
The childhood that followed was a childhood like any other. My mother and I lived in a cave outside of the city because of the witch-hunting (and smell)that roamed the streets. Sometimes, however, we used to disguise ourselves to walk the streets. I remember it being the most fun parts of my childhood. We could walk the streets of London without anyone recognizing us. Sometimes we stayed to watch as people convicted of witchcraft were burned, drowned or decapitated. What was the fun part, you ask? Almost none of the convicted were actual wizards or witches! Those silly gooses...
So, yes, my childhood was pretty ordinary. When we stayed in the cave, my mother used to teach me magic and spell-casting. There was so much to learn! The summoning of demons, the creation of pacts, the curses, the illusions, the seer-spells, the necromantic spells and the everything else! She used to say that I was good, that I was talented and that I would become a grand witch someday! And you know what? She was right.
So, dear diary, I hope we will become good friends. I have so many stories and so many secrets I wish to tell you! And I promise - they won't be about my mother!
Chapter 2 - The Pact of Gargalesis

10th of February, 1503

Dear Diary,

I was going to wait before sharing any stories - not know if I could trust you. Sadly, I am not of the patient type! The story I wish to share is my first and most important summoning ever! Now, I say first because I had never summoned something beforehand - and I say most important because, well, it will be the devil or demon my soul would attach to!

It was the day of my 18th birthday! I woke up late that morning, not something I usually do - mind you. Still, it wasn't the only thing unusual. It was quiet, far too quiet. Quickly I got dressed in my comfy, but not very descent gown. The gown was made of black wool, but it was rather tight around my skin. It was my favorite clothing, but also one of my oldest. I had grown out of it a long time ago. It hugged determined across my chest and because of my growth the gown had been cut in half. The lower gown sat by my waist and was used as a dress. The top of the gown covered my bosom and ribs. It was just not enough of it left to cover my belly or sides. It didn't matter, really. The lights throughout our cave-system was dimmed to a minimum, giving the dark stone a rather spooky aura to it. Oh, my beloved mother, she knew exactly how I preferred my environments. When I came into our so-called living room, the largest cave-room, I could see my mother sitting on her knees and chanting in front of a large pentagram. The walls of the room were covered in burning candles. The light danced slowly up and down the walls, almost in rhythm to her constant and highly disciplined chanting. Calmly and without a sound I went to sit down slightly behind my mother. I did not want to interrupt a spell in progress - I knew better. In a sudden flash I could feel the air getting filled with energy and, just as fast as it came, it calmed again.

My mother's chanting stopped as the flash of energy flowed through the cave-system. Slowly I felt her attention moving from the now slightly glowing pentagram and over to me. "Good morning, Sabrina," she said, "I presume you slept well?" I smiled and gave her a nod. "Yes, mam. What are you doing?" She smiled and looked back at the pentagram. "This, my dear, is your birthday present." Her fingers moved across a book that lied in front of her. "And this is the book of demons. It holds the names of many a demon and devil, their powers and their specialties." I felt a rush throughout my body as I understood what was going to happen. My smile cracked into a glee of unrestrained expectations. "Does this mean," I stuttered, halfway not understanding my own words, "that you believe I am ready!?" My mother nodded and pointed towards a name in the book. "I think this particular devil will be a perfect match with you, my dear." With the most dramatic head movement you can imagine she looked towards me, nodded and smiled confirmingly. "Yes, my daughter. I believe you are ready to fend for your own magic. You will no longer be an apprentice. No longer shall you feed of my powers. It is time you receive your own source of magic. I believe you are ready." As my heart skipped a beat, my mother took the book in her hands and stood up. "It's name is Gargaleiza. It's records are few, but from what information there is, it has never physically harmed any of its masters or mistresses, but it still holds an immense amount of power." She held her arm out to help me up. I barely noticed being lifted up and onto my feet before I was lead into a smaller pentagram close to the largest one. "You know the spell, Sabrina. Summon it to do your bidding!" Before I knew it, I had already begun.

I stood in the lesser pentagram with my legs spread to the sides, but without exiting the circle, and with my hands raised to the level of my head. Suddenly the words came flowing out of me. This was a spell I had practiced countless times before. It was to be performed only once, but if a mistake was made, it could be my doom! Luckily, I managed to end the spell without a single mistake made and in the end I called out the demons name seven times. Then I waited. I looked over my shoulder only to find out that my mother wasn't there anymore! Of course not.. She didn't have a third pentagram, hence she had to exit the room for her own safety. I was so nervous that I barely could breathe!

The grand pentagram began to beam again as green smoke came out of the stone ground. I bit my lip nervously, too excited to think! As if a new force of gravity suddenly interfered, the green smoke gathered into a strange humanoid shape and merely a few seconds later the demonic creature stood in front of me. I eyed the demon carefully. It was a succubus; a female demonic creature that managed to keep a very voluptuous shape despite her purple and red skin color and grand, black bat-wings. She had long, black hair, even longer than mine, red eyes glowing with dominance and tiny, black horns sticking out of her forehead. Still, the most shocking part was her clothing, if it at all could be called clothing! She wore a thin, golden chastity belt that was tightly secured around her hips and crotch. Her bosoms were covered by a pair of blue feathers that barely were able to cover her nipple. The feathers were barely held in place by a pair of threads that hung from her spiked, metallic collar. My jaw was down at the floor! The succubus grinned at me and folded her hands on her back before standing in a salute. "Greetings, mistress. My name is Gargaleiza, Succubus of the 13th degree. Servant of his majesty and lordship, Lucifer the devil. Are you ready to make the Pact of Gargalesis and in exchange be given controll of the magical energies in which I possess?" I cleared my throat and gave her a rather uncertain nod. She grinned and shook her head. "I'm afraid you need to utter the worlds, mistress. Such gests can be easily misunderstood." She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and rested a hand teasingly on her hip. She lifted an eyebrow. "Well?" I blinked and looked up at her. For a moment my eyes had been transfixed on her ample breasts, which seemed to jiggle unnaturally much compared to her movements. "Yes," I said. Gargaleiza pondered for a second, then smiled. "Excellent."

No books could ever have prepared anyone for what was to happen next. Gargaleiza took her first few steps out of the pentagram and walked towards me. In fright I began to walk backwards. "Hey," I yelped, "wait a minute! What are you doing?" She snapped her fingers and out of nowhere she conjured a black, metallic ball gag that flew straight towards me and locked around my mouth, interrupting the flow of protests coming from my mouth . "You should really learn to read a contract before you sign it, darling." She grinned even wider as she casually walked towards me. In my panic, I had walked backwards until I stood with my back against the wall. My hands had been busy in their attempt to remove the gag. "Oh, silly, don't worry about the gag," she chuckled with a dismissive wave of her hand, "right now it' the least of your problems." A cold chill ran down my back as the meaning of her words reached my mind. "Mmph! Mphmmffph" was all I could manage to utter. My right hand raised and pointed towards her. I was NOT going to let this fare unpunished! A green lightning bolt shot from my fingertips, aimed straight towards her. At impact, the bolt sent Gargaleiza flying to the other side of room! Hope again rose inside of me and I began my attempt at removing the gag. From the other side of the room I could hear an annoyed grunt and another snap of her fingertips. Iron shackles suddenly shot out from the ground and the roof. I was trapped long before I could react. My ankles were shackled and forced me to stand still. The shackles coming from the roof grabbed around my wrists and forced them above my head. In the blink of an eye I had been rendered helpless! "My, my.. What a predicament you're in.. You shouldn't have sent that bolt against me. I was going to go easy on you, but now.. I don't think so". Gargaleiza was already on her feet and walking towards me once again. My eyes flickered as my thoughts raced through my head searching for an escape. There was none. The succubus smiled the second she saw my last bit of resistance disappear. "Ooh, that's better. Good. Now, be a good girl and do as your told. If you do good, you'll be out in no time. If you don't comply.. well.. we'll wait with that for later." She stepped closer, still. She didn't stop before she was mere inches away from my face. "You don't know what I'm going to do to you," she said wickedly, "or do you?" I shook my head. I had no idea what she had in store for me. My answer only made her smile grow even wider. "Well, how much fun aren't we going to have?.. Hmm. Tell me, darling, are you ticklish?"

I had not fought the shackles before, but the word tickle truly gave me new motivation, but my struggles were in vein. I had rarely been tickled, but the few memories of it made my body cringe in fear. Gargaleiza merely stood and watched me. "Mm.. I'll take that as a yes, darling.. Where should we begin?" As she spoke, she lifter her left finger and traced one nail across the tender skin of my bare belly. Resistance was futile. The instant her nail touched, my belly began to quake and I could already feel a giggle building up in my throat. "Ooh, we have a winner," she excitedly cheered. Instinctively I had pulled my body backwards to avoid her finger for as long as possible. Now, I had nowhere to go except towards my attack. And that was not going to happen! The succubus grinned and begin to make crawling motions with her fingers, slowly, very slowly moving them towards my belly. She had not even touched it yet, but already by giggles jumped out of my mouth. "Mmph! Mhhmhhmhhmhhmhh! Nmoohoo," was the closest thing I got to a protest. "What's that, darling," she said, "aren't you having fun?" As she finished the word fun, she attacked my sides with both of her hands. Her nails were lightly being dragged up and down my sides, but the sensations were unbearable! My body shot forward, upwards and to the sides in panic-struck attempts to get away, but anywhere I moved - she followed. "Mphmmmmhmhhmmmm! Mmmmmhmhmmhmmm!" My desperate, giggling cries were effectively blocked by the gag. She grinned widely at me and took a step back. "Oh, my. You really are a ticklish one, aren't you?" I didn't need to answer. I turned my head away and tried to hide the crimson red blush that had conquered most of my face. "Aw. What a shy, little creature.. Alright, sweetie, listen carefully. I am going to take that thing out of your mouth now. If you try to do anything funny, I'll make sure you regret it!" I complied with an understanding nod. I hadn't noticed until now that there was a strip of drool hanging from the gag.

The gag disappeared with a snap of her fingers. I quickly used the opportunity to clear my throat and try to reinforce my dignity. "Demon! I did not sign up for this! I am your mistress and I demand that you let me go!" Gargaleiza chuckled! "Demand!? you have no idea what the Pact of Gargalesis does - do you?" She was right. I had only the most necessary knowledge of an ordinary demonic pact. The Pact of Gargalesis was entirely new to me. I closed my mouth and dropped my gaze to the ground. "There. That's better," she said with a smug smirk. "Now, because of your ignorance I believe I'll have to punish you just a bit more." Her words made my eyes widen! "M-more? No, please! You've surely had enough, haven't you!? Wait some other time, perhaps! Please, no more n-gheeeheeheheeeh! N-nohohoho!" My plea was interrupted as the two blue feathers came alive and started to move threateningly close to my belly - they didn't even have to touch it. Again my body was instinctively pulled backwards in fear of the incoming torture. "Gheheeeep! N-noho! S-stop it! I-I don't wahahan't to!" Sadly, my protest fell to deaf ears. In a flash the feathers began to circle around my bellybutton in a teasing manner. The light touches sent sensual, but torturous and completely unbearable pulses throughout my body. "T-teeheehee! Oh-EEEeeheheek! M-merceheaheaheaheaheah! EEeeeheheheeheheeeeee heee heeeaheaheah!" The light, tickly touches of the feathers destroyed every piece of resistance towards laughing within me. I sucked in my belly, but it didn't give half a seconds relief before the feathers had moved the tiny inch forward and continued their assault. My arms and legs pulled hard against the restraint, but to no avail. I remained immobile and helpless against her torturous assault. "Mmm," she purred, "I just think I got the most wonderful idea. Would you like to hear?" I nodded desperately! "YeheheHEHEEHEehees! Eeeheheek! T-theaheahah! Phlheheheehase tell mehehEHEHEHEHE!" Anything to stop the tickling. And the tickling stopped.

Gargaleiza pointed a finger towards my gown. A short beam of red light shot out of her finger and hit my gown. As an effect, the upper gown began to fall apart. "There," she smirked, "so much better". When the last piece of clothing hit the ground, I finally stood in front of her - bound and topless. My bosom jiggled in freedom as no piece of clothing covered or protected any of my ticklish skin above the waistline. "Ooh," she gasped in false surprise, "look at those! We could almost compare sizes, don't you think?" I stared wide-eyed at here and quivered in fright. Her two, blue feathers woke to life once again, but this time they pointed straight towards my nipples...

.. But that is a story for another time. Good night, dear diary!
Wow!!! excellent stories!!! REALLY like this concept 🙂 i could see a book deal in this for you. Good visual text. I like it! Keep up the good work! 🙂
Im on the egde of my seat!!! Keep this story going. Cant wait to see if you get zapped into any other posistions!

A rare post from me in this forum but I love the story 🙂

x Dazed (here TMF and UKTF and Wildwitch in 'fetlife')
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